Swara gets shattered when Sanskar screams : Don't worry, Swara once I go back to Kolkata, I'll apply for divorce and asks for custody of my sons in court. I'll see whose stubbornness gets win this time. You've done whatever you've thought to be right but now it'll be my turn. For fucking six years, I've been unaware of my sons..heck! Even I've no knowledge of my younger son. How could you be so heartless to seperate the kids from their father! May be I'm not an ideal human being like you but I am always ready to make myself perfect for my sons. So this time when I've got them near me, I'll not leave them alone. Just trust me, Swara.
Swara gets numb while kids are silent and shivering in fear to see Sanskar in such miserable state. Neela and Subhas - the star couple of the night has come to call everyone inside but seeing Sanskar swearing before the kids and behaving reckless, they quickly come inside. Neela takes the kids with her while Subhas turns to Sanskar : I could understand your pain, Sanskar because I'm also a father. But atleast give Swara a chance to tell her point of view. If she has done something like this, then it must be very critical issue. I know her very well that she has done everything due to some reason. So for your kids, you should clarify your mistakes and the hidden truths and then come to a conclusion..I am sure you'll be like before a loving and perfect couple....
Without giving him a chance to complete his speech, Sanskar screams : No..I'll never accept any sweet words from this woman's mouth. She has dared to seperate myself from my sons so there is no chance of forgiveness. I'll take my son's with me and apply on court for their custody. I don't want to give any heed to this woman's talk anymore because it's sweet to listen but at last it is much more painful to bear in heart. I don't want to go through the same process anymore.
Subhas has been going to say something but Swara eyes him to stop and says sarcastically : And why do you think I will accept you to take my kids with you to your home? If I can leave you in that damn mansion then how could you believe I'll agree with your this nonsense idea? Never, I'm never going to bend myself before your illogical demand.
Sanskar laughs ironically : And who is asking your acceptance? I'm their father so it's my right to think for my children. And moreover, I don't believe you as if I turn other side, you'll hide my kids from me and wipe down your existence. So this time I'm not going to trap myself on your lies!
Before the couple starts another round of debate, Doctor Subhas interrupts : Listen people, just be calm as this scream will not help you in this grave problem. So think with calm brain! If you both file for divorce then court will ask you to stay with each other for atleast six months and then after divorce, the children will be given custody under seperate parent. Do you guys want this thing or will try to maintain this indifference calmly? Just remember one thing whatever you'll decide will imprint your children's growing age.
Listening him, SwaSan get into thought and by looking at each other they know they can sacrifice their ego and self respect just for the kids. And both nod their head at a single time and pronounce in chorus : I'm ready to do anything for my children!
This confession makes LavYa and Dr Subhas happy. But next second only, they face palm as Sanskar starts again : But you(to Swara), do quick to pack the things .. just take the important things only as later I can buy everything. But I'm feeling excited to go to Kolkata as soon as possible. My family is waiting for my Sanskrit..they will be happy to know about Swastik too. And the happiest person will be MY MOM.
As he completes, he gets a call and goes outside to pick it up while Swara gets afraid with the mention of Mrs Sujata Maheswari. Kavya has noticed and wonders what is it. Swara quickly jerks off from her thinking when Kavya places her hand upon her shoulder. With a forced smile, she goes to inform to Sanskrit's school authority for transfer from Mumbai and apply for resignation in her school too. Her last month's salary gets wasted and she decides to search for a new job after reaching kolkata. But her fear is not subsided yet. What if Sujata does something with her kids in her absence. Naah..she can't take any risk. Even seeing Sanskar, she knows talking with him will give her a solution but he is not ready to listen anything from her. She might be telling him later and will come out from Maheswari Mansion with the kids.
Meanwhile, Sanskar gets back and informs all that he has already talked to his family about Swara and HIS KIDS. They are too happy to listen the news. Kavya is looking at Swara attentively because she doubts there is something in Maheswari Mansion only to force her to take such drastic decision. She comes to feel the same knowing Dr Subhas's point of view.
However, the transfer is done from Mumbai branch to Kolkata as who will say no to SM and it's about his sons. And it's late night when SwaSan enter inside Maheswari's royal palace with others. Sanskar has asked some employees of his to take all the things of Swara and the kids and come in some other vehicle and they personally have come with a chopper.
Opening the door, Uttara founds her bhai and bhabhi standing before the door while both have two sleeping figures in their arms. She realises they must be her nephews. And then only AP comes with aarti plate. With teary eyes, she does their aarti and asks all to come inside. After meeting with all, Swara feels broken and nostalgic because for one person, she has to leave this lovely family and her husband who has now turned into a big arrogant fool, more than before.
But her emotions get changed when she meets Sujata before her. She feels a shiver runs through her whole body before all only ; as all are busy to give comfort to the the heirs of next generation but Kavya has been noticing Swara's body moves. She is now damn sured it's none other than but Sujata Maheswari behind Swara's this state today.
To give little comfort to her didi, Kavya hugs Swara tightly and Swara in return clutches Kavya in fear and Kavya realises the thing.
However, all disperse in their room when Sanskar informs they've already done their dinner in some hotel. Now the problem begins when the couple enter into the room. Swara founds the room is not the same as she has left..how could it be same when she is the one to leave him alone before six years. But what attracts her more is the situation of the room. The Sanskar who never likes untidy or uncleaned things is living amidst such heaps of unwashed clothes. There are so dirty clothes all around the room whether it's on floor, couch or bed. Even the bed sheet is not changed for few days. So at first she opens the cupboard and brings out a washed bedcover to change it.
With a sigh, she starts clean the bed when Sanskar enters inside with Lakshya .. both are carrying two sons of SwaSan. Sanskar founds Swara to clean the bed and feels nostalgic but when she calls Lakshya's name to place the kids on bed, he comes to reality. He founds the bed is now clean like before.
As Lakshya goes out wishing them good night, Sanskar closes the door and holds Swara in tight hold and says with clenched jaws : What is this? With coming only, you're trying to show goodness to me so that my heart melts again by your innocent act! Now you don't have to do these, maid will do later.
Swara comes out from his hold with difficulty and says in a low voice so that kids don't get up front their sleep : If maid could do then why this room is like this as if from years none has entered into this room or even dusted it! And I'm doing this for my kids so that they don't fall by strapping their legs with your branded clothes.
Sanskar without saying a thing goes to washroom while Swara chuckles at his childish behaviour. Swara starts working because she knows tonight she will not get sleep in tension and fear..what if her fear gets true!
So when it's midnight, her work gets completed and she goes to have a shower. Meanwhile, Sanskar is too awake. How could he sleep when his jaan is working at late night!
Soon the door of washroom gets opened and Swara comes out with wet hairs and light nighty. Sanskar feels the fragrance of her body and it's arising the hormones in him after so long years. But he controls his emotions to save his heart from breaking more.
Swara comes out to found Sanskar is sleeping as his eyes are closed. Actually seeing Swara coming out, Sanskar has closed his eyelids to save himself from the gaze of Sherlock Holmes. She founds their kids are in the middle of bed while Sanskar is on the exact right side of the bed so she takes the extreme left.
Other side, evil is busy to trap the innocent in her web..again this time! So she is speaking on call at this late night when the partner of his is sleeping in extreme tiredness.
She goes to the attached balcony and dials someone's number and after sometime starts speaking in hush tone when the person from other side picks up the call with a yawn : Listen, SHE HAS COME BACK..but this time not only with one kid but MY FERTILE SON HAS TO IMPREGNATE HER TWICE so this time she has come back with two thorns in our target. Remember one thing, this time I'll not spare you if something goes wrong with my plan.
After finishing her talk, SUJATA MAHESWARI turns front and smirks. She loves to trap Swara and then push her into trouble because her son needs no cursed material like her, rather someone stylish and fashionable.
At morning, all are in breakfast table and are found busy in pampering the boys. All are happy, except the extrema fashionable lady! The boys are happy to get attention from so many people and even, they are being treated like kings here. But the most happiest thing is they have got back their papa. Their wish is now fulfilled to have their both parents.
However after breakfast, Sujata orders Uttara to go to the garden with the kids. After their leave, Sujata starts : Swara, how could I accept you again in my son's life when he has suffered so badly in his life..just for you! If you are mother of my son's kids that doesn't mean we will forgive you. You have dared to take away my grandkids from their father. It's not apologetic.
AP says : What are you saying Sujata? How could you talk in between a couple's relationship? It's their thing to discuss. So just leave it.
Sanskar says with a sarcastic smile : Badi maa, mom is correct and moreover, I'm thinking to divorce Swara and marry someone else as per her wish. What's say Swara, in this way my kids will get a new mother too so you don't have to think much. Even I'll get the custody without any great effort!
Swara couldn't meet his gaze ; even she feels embarassed when before all he says this to humiliate her. Though Sanskar is sad to say like this but his ego dominates his heart to speak like that. And Sujata acts as ghee in fire. She screams to marry Sanskar with some girl of her choice. All are astonished at the turning of events. But most puzzled among all is Kavya..she thinks why Swara is behaving so afraid before Sujata? It's so unlike of her, not to fight with someone for her kids.
Sanskar looks at Swara and demands : mom, I have no issue so choose any girl you like because I want a mother at first in place of Mrs Swara.
All feel bad for Swara but SUJATA smirks knowing her plan is going well. And Sujata thinks : I'll also see how far you can go to save your kids, Swara! Last time you've been successful but not this time. I'll finish those kids of yours and marry Sanskar with RAGINI.
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