Author's note: If anyone was curious about Mikhos and Nicky's new Idorian outfits, here they are. Lololol I was too lazy to draw the blue face paint on Jaasim but at least the gold under Mikhos's eyes are there in this (though I forgot his necklace).
I exited, my heart threatening to jump out of my chest. What was going on? Why would Mikhos have wanted me of all people in his chambers? I finally arrived at the room I was instructed he would be in. The door was shut and two guards stood at the front. I opened my mouth to explain myself but they just bowed their head and stepped aside. I gave them a quick nod before slipping inside. The room was large, curtains of translucent silk were draped over a large bed. Mikhos sat there, a cup of wine in his hand, watching me from half closed eyes.
"Hello Nicky." I took a deep breath.
"You wanted to...uh..."
"Don't fucking flatter yourself. I don't want to sleep with you. Just sit down." A wave of relief swept over me and I went to sit beside him on the bed. Mikhos smirked slightly and took another sip of wine. "I knew I shouldn't be without a Kingsmen and that the fucking sultan wouldn't leave me alone unless I 'went off with someone'. I figured you wouldn't mind missing out on these kinds of festivities. Or am I wrong?" He arched a brow and I just nodded.
"Uh yeah...prostitutes and orgys aren't really my thing." Mikhos chuckled before gesturing to the bottle of wine and a second glass that rested on a small crystal table. "You want any? I thought this might help us pass the time." I shook my head.
"No thank you. I've had enough to drink for one night, you on the other hand...I think this is the most I have ever seen you drink."
"It's Idorian custom. I need to make a good impression. They measure a man by how much wine he can stomach and I'm pretty sure the sultan already thinks I'm a girl heh." He giggled, something I had never seen him do and honestly the laugh was slightly unnerving. For the first time I noticed the slight slur to his words. "I totally called it you know."
"Called what?"
"That Sabri and the sultan were sleeping together." I was reminded of that look he had given me when they embraced earlier and the light finally clicked.
"Oooooh!" Mikhos let out a little snort.
"Seriously, you never cease to amaze me with how dense you are. I could tell that Sabri was clearly in love with him the second we stepped into the room."
"Hard to imagine anyone being able to fall in love with someone like that."
"For once you make an accurate observation. I just assume that he pretends to be so powerful and perfect all the time that everyone just buys into it...that or they're too afraid to speak out against him." I leaned back on the bed slightly.
"Aasiya told me he's unstable."
"Obviously. You seriously needed the princess to point that out to you? Speaking of two have seemed to be getting along well."
"Yeah. She's nice." Mikhos suddenly stood up and moved to pour himself another glass of wine.
"She's also not your fiancee." He said the words coldly. I just shrugged.
"She's also not yours." I expected him to say something snarky back but instead he just brought the glass to his lips. "You really shouldn't drink this much. We're alone. There's no one you need to impress."
"I'm bored. There's nothing to do." His tone was flat.
"Maybe you really should have gone with one of those girls then."
"Shut up."
"Fine." I retorted.
"Fine." I could see his hold on his wine glass tightening.
"What if we actually did it?" He spoke abruptly, not even looking up from his goblet when he said it. I was too stunned to speak for a moment before I finally managed to stammer out a faint,
"W-What?" He turned around slowly, still not looking at me. "What if we...actually" I arched a brow trying to put together whatever the hell he was trying to say.
"By it do you"
"Yes." If I had agreed to that glass of wine I would probably have been spitting it out by now.
"Are you crazy? Mikhos you're drunk. I think we should just go to sleep and-" he was looking at me now, his gaze intense.
"I said I wanted to find a way to make everything up to you. Making you 'cat guardian' didn't work so how about this?" He began to unbutton the black jacket he wore revealing the loose white undershirt beneath. My heart was beginning to pound in my chest.
"Woah...Emery slow down..." damn it the old name just slipped out. Mikhos just gave me a little shrug. The undershirt was baggy and one sleeve slipped down revealing a pale shoulder.
"It wouldn't be a big deal honestly. I can't think of a more exclusive thing to offer you. Think about how many people want this." With a click he took off the golden collar like necklace and placed it carefully on the side table. He then turned away from me to slip his shirt up over his shoulders revealing the curve of his back. I could make out the beginning of the tattoos there. I stood up suddenly.
"No Mikhos. We shouldn't." His back was still to me. "You're in no position to be making these kinds of decisions-"
"You understand what I'm offering right? You get to fuck the bloody prince. More than that...Nicky I'm offering you the chance to fuck me. It won't mean anything. Hell nothing that's going on tonight means anything and it's not like we haven't done stuff like this before. It's just for fuuuun." He dragged the word out. The realization suddenly occurred to me that maybe the only reason he wanted to do this was because I looked like my sister. The thought turned my stomach to ice. I looked back to Mikhos now who had finally turned to face me. His shirt was completely off revealing the lily white skin covered in those awful tattoos. He didn't currently seem as shy about them now as he had that night when I first saw them. Perhaps it was because I had already seen them or maybe it was the drunkenness, who knew. The site of him like that brought back a whirl of memories of that night during training when I had him laid out on the bed, his entire body flushed. "You're staring at me." His words made me look up startled to meet his gaze. A small smirk rested on his lips.
"So, take responsibility Nicky." He began to grab for his shirt as if he planned on putting it back on and leaving. "Are we doing this or not. Honestly I don't care much either way-"
"Okay." he stopped, a look of surprise on his face as though maybe he had actually expected me to say no.
"I said okay." This was a bad idea...a horrible idea. "I're right. We have nothing better to do with our time. And you and I...I mean we have done this kind of thing before. It really doesn't mean a thing so-"
"For god sake Nicky shut up." And then he grabbed me by the collar and kissed me. It wasn't like the last time we kissed all those months ago during pleasure training. It was deep and hot and I found some part of myself aching for more. My hands found their way to his hair which still had those little diamonds braided into it. Mikhos pushed me onto the bed, his expression unreadable. He then straddled me leaning forward, pressing his mouth to mine in another breath stealing kiss. Once he was on top of me I had no idea how I had resisted doing this for so long. My hands knotted in his hair for a moment before they slowly drifted down his body, feeling the muscles of his back. His body was hot beneath my touch and when I looked up again his expression was least as soft as Mikhos could be. His mouth moved to my neck now, gentle kisses turning harsher as he moved down. Mikhos liked being in charge...he liked to pretend he was in control of everything, especially himself, even if he wasn't. That gave me an idea, an idea for something I would probably never be able to do except in this moment. He kissed me again, this time deepening it and my grip on his back tightened, my nails nipping into his skin. He had undone the buttons of my jacket now and his hands had slid up under my undershirt causing me to shiver. When our mouths finally parted we were both breathing heavily. I lifted a hand to brush some of the hair that had fallen in front of his eyes and whispered softly,
"Hey, I have an idea."
"Nicky, didn't you hear what I said about shutting up."
"Yeah, though that doesn't mean I have to listen." Mikhos rolled his eyes.
"Really, you're impossible. You know you're going to make it hard for me to get it up with that kind of attitude."
"I never said I wouldn't comply. I think it would be a lot more fun if you were the one who couldn't keep silent for once." Mikhos practically sneered.
"The hell does that even mean-" he was cut off as I grabbed him by the waist and flipped him over onto his back reversing our positions. "What the fuck do you think you're doing-" he was cut off as I pressed my mouth to his and I watched his eyelids flutter and then slowly close. I wrapped my arms around him now, he suddenly felt so small.
"What am I doing? I'm going to make you loud Mikhos. I'm going to make you cry out until you're practically begging for me." He went to roll his eyes again.
"As if...ah..." a small sigh escaped his lips as my fingers slowly dipped under the line of his pants. "Fucking Christ Nicky...ah Nicky!" His breath hitched as my hands curled around his length. I began to kiss him now, this time as the one in control and his head fell back against the silk pillows on the bed, little whimpers escaping him at my touch. Watching him like this was probably the most arousing thing I had ever seen in my life. I could feel my own arousal painfully well and Mikhos obviously noticed. He grabbed at my shirt now, yanking it off and throwing it to the floor beside us before he began to reach for the first few buttons of my pants. Something caught my gaze then, those goddamn gold earrings Jaasim had made him wear. I hated them. With Mikhos still squirming beneath my touch I leaned forward and touched them with my free hand, gently taking them out. Mikhos didn't object and I could see a slight red ring around the newly formed holes in his ears. Suddenly Mikhos wrapped his arms over my shoulders and sat up on the bed, planting his mouth hard against my neck and latching on. After a moment he finally drew back, a thin string of saliva dripping from his mouth.
"Ugh disgusting," He whispered softly under his breath, rubbing a hand over his mouth. I retracted back from him for a moment in surprised.
"Mikhos what the fuck was that?" He just laughed, his voice breathless.
"I'm marking you." I stared down at him, a brow raised.
"You're...marking me?" Mikhos nodded, smirking slightly.
"That's what I just said idiot."
"Because I can."
"Asshole," I murmured before slowly leaning in till my mouth caught onto the soft skin beneath his throat. Mikhos's grip on me tightened and I could feel his breathing quicken. Finally I drew back to examine the dark purple mark I had left there.
"Now you have one too."
"Good. At least now Jaasim can't give me a hard time if he thinks I didn't actually get any."
"Fuck Jaasim-" before I could finish Mikhos grabbed my face in his hands pulling me into a heated bruising kiss. I deepened it, my tongue slipping into his mouth. When I finally drew back Mikhos fell back against the bed and just stared up at me a moment, his dark gaze intense. Then finally he spoke.
"What are you waiting for? Fuck me." He looked so beautiful there on the bed, his light hair tousled and his body flushed. I smiled at him slightly, knowing in every part of me how much I would regret this tomorrow because I couldn't deny this desperate ache for him now.
"As you wish my prince."
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