A Procession of Debauchery
Author's note: Eeeey, I've made a new draw the squad meme. Lololol I added Aubin and Sullivan just cause I find it hilarious that they're Kingsmen and at the same time have been so completely irrelevant to the story. Maybe their roles will increase someday.
Nicky's PoV
Hours had passed. I had safely escorted Aasiya to her room and I was currently lying in my bed staring straight up at the ceiling, the worrying beginning to slowly smother me. How long should it be taking them to get ready? It had been hours.The festivities would be starting soon, maybe I should go check on them? That sounded like a good plan...check to make sure Jaasim hadn't decided to try and murder Mikhos. I was able to slip through the palace halls fairly unnoticed by the servants who were too busy rushing back and forth in preparation for the party tonight. Finally I made it to throne room which was completely empty. There was the little door that Jaasim had led Mikhos through hours ago. There was now currently two guards posted at the door. I would need to get through them. I approached the guards with confidence, I had no idea if this would work but...
"I need to pass through." One of the guards shook his head.
"The sultan instructed us that no one enters but himself and the crown prince Mikhos."
"I have an urgent message for the prince. Your kingdom needs this union far more than us, imagine if you lose this opportunity because you wouldn't let your visiting prince's guard through." They glanced at eachother once then slowly stepped aside. And just like that I was making my way along a long narrow hallway. There was only one door at the end of it and as I approached I could hear their voices. Jaasim's was much louder than Mikhos's but it was obvious they were both there.
"I already said I'm not going to do it. I'm not wearing them."
"C'mon Mikhos. Just let me pierce your ears. You'll look magnificent."
"I said no." There was silence for a moment.
"Remember Mikhos. You and I don't have to follow the rules of others. We're above them. Hell we're above any men. You and I, we're Gods. That's right...just sit down like that. Good boy. Let me get the needle." There was another bout of silence. I wished I knew what was happening in there and for some reason listening to this conversation made me feel a slight prick of anger. Finally Jaasim spoke again.
"Alright, now try these on. I had them made specifically for you. Ah...see. I told you, you would look magnificent. Let me see that face of yours...mnn perfect. Just like a porcelain doll. You really are so pretty...it makes me wonder if you really are a boy at all. Maybe someone should check." There was silence and then a crash. "I'm joking, I'm joking. No need to back away so suddenly." The anger was back and this time it hit me like a wave...this time it was seething. Part of me wanted to just kick down the door and drag Jaasim away from him. I took a deep breathe. I obviously couldn't do that. I just needed to...leave and pretend I hadn't heard anything. With that I slipped out of the hallway almost as quickly as I could. The guards didn't say anything to me when I exited and I made it back to my room easily, collapsing back onto the same bed I had started. How much fucking longer till this goddamn party was supposed to begin anyways? As if fate herself had heard me in that moment Munny dashed into our room.
"Nicky! It's starting!!!! Everyone's starting to gather outside." He grabbed me by the arm and pulled me up. "Come on! We don't want to be late!"
The street was packed with people. I had never seen anything like this before. There was a stand specifically set up for the Kingsmen and some of Jaasim's royal guards. Sabri and Aasiya stood there too and she gave me a little wave when she saw me. She had changed clothes and now wore a beautiful silver dress and had large white flowers made of clusters of pearls braided into her hair. I went to stand up next beside her. From high on the platform I could see even more people. The Kingsmen clearly hadn't gotten the memo on how we were supposed to dress for this event. Everyone in the surging street were dressed in bright colors, their full faces decked with makeup. Bells on clothes jingled, voices and laughter rose up from the street. There had been a road cleared for the procession which was to come to start off the festivities and guards lined the paths to make sure no citizens crossed into it. There was a sudden swell of some kind of...trumpets and the crowd suddenly grew silent. Aasiya smiled, grabbing me by the arm excitedly.
"It's starting," she whispered. I could suddenly hear the sound of drums in the distances and as they grew nearer the sound of other instruments as well. There were a line of musicians coming forwards, behind them a group of scantily clad dancers followed by another line of musicians. The crowd cheered as the procession came by. Following the musicians were flame throwers and sword eaters then a group of beautiful women on camels, each carrying a different colored variation of the Idorian flag who were followed by two women with large tigers on chains. Following that there was another line of drummers and finally at the end of procession was a large white elephant and at the top...well there they were. If Jaasim really believed he and Mikhos to be Gods they certainly looked the part here. Jaasim was dressed even more extravagantly than before if that we even possible. His face had been painted blue with a line of silver dots down his forehead and under his eyes. Large sapphires hung from his ears and he was smiling as if he were on top of the world. No matter how dazzling the sultan looked the figure beside him outshone him. Mikhos had been dressed in black. A golden necklace collar like looking thing hung around his neck and golden strands with diamonds had been woven into his blonde hair. He was staring straight ahead his expression blank. Gold had been painted under his eyes as if he had been weeping golden tears and from his ears hung two golden earrings. A slight swell of anger rose up in me again when I saw them. People were throwing flowers at the sultan and the prince now. Jaasim's smile grew even wider at that though it was clear he was expecting it. He caught a rose thrown by a women midair and blew a kiss at her. The women in return appeared to almost faint. Mikhos's gaze swept over the crowd until it eventually fell to me or rather...both Aasiya and I. His gaze was ice cold and suddenly the realization hit me that Mikhos probably didn't want me hooking arms with his very possibly soon to be fiancee. Swallowing hard I drew away from her almost as quickly as I could. Mikhos's glare lingered on me a few more passing seconds before his gaze finally fell straight ahead once more, his expression becoming blank.
After the procession the kingsmen were given Idorian robes to change into before we were all brought into the great hall for a giant feast. Mikhos and Jaasim sat at the end of the table with the Kingsmen beside Mikhos and Aasiya, Sabri and the head of the royal guard at Jaasim's. The table was steaming with food, peacocks and roasted pigs, trays of fruits and creams. Golden plates had been laid out for each of us and servants wearing little else but translucent fabric ran back and forth pouring wine. It became clear almost immediately that Jaasim was a heavy drinker. Within the first hour of the feast he had already downed at least four glasses and was soon calling for a fifth. Mikhos had been completely silent for most of the feast until Jaasim gave him a little shove urging him to drink another cup of wine which he complied with. Aasiya and I chatted through most of it. She told me about the customs, about how these kinds of feasts were custom for royal marriages and how if Jaasim got married it might just be the biggest event of the last hundred years. I asked her how their country could afford these kinds of extravagant parties and she told me somberly that they couldn't. I caught a glimpse of Mikhos looking our way every now and then, offering up that same ice cold glare as he had given me at the procession. I chose to ignore it this time, it's not like I was doing any harm talking to her. Finally Jaasim stood up, clinking his spoon on one of the goblets.
"Attention, attention everyone. It's the moment you've all been waiting for. Now it's time for the real dessert." He gave a little wink and then suddenly a swarm of beautiful women wearing next to nothing appeared, entering from the great golden arched doorway that led into the banquet hall. "My friends, you may choose any of these lovely ladies that you wish. They're the best the country has to offer." He smirked slightly as one of them lowered herself into his lap and he ran a ringed hand through her long black hair. Once you see one you like there are special rooms set up along this hall. Then again, if you wish to share you may feel free to do so as well." He laughed again glancing specifically at Mikhos when he said this which made my blood boil. "Those of you with more...meaty tastes...hehehe...any member of my royal guard is at your disposal along with any of my servants. As is custom the royalty always picks first. Let's see." He laughed. "I won't be too selfish." He pointed to three beautiful women. "You, you, you and..." his gaze fell to Sabri who smiled at him. He smiled back as well. "And Sabri, of course. You're with me." He looked back to Mikhos now who sat tensed. He clearly hadn't been informed about any of this. "And how about you my sweet pretty prince. Who will you pick? If you would like to join us...that of course it all right as well." Mikhos stood up now and whispered something to Jaasim. There was confusion in the sultan's expression for a moment which was then quickly replaced by a look of glee. "The lovely prince has made his decision though he wishes his chosen person be sent in separately and privately for...privacy matters. Go ahead my prince there's a room set up especially for you. I'll send them over shortly." Mikhos got up silently and left. I was filled with questions but I chose to ignore them as Munny gave me a little tap.
"Man, I wish Gerner were here. He would be all over this."
"You don't think this is a little...weird." Gani whispered from beside us. "I mean...just sleeping with people like this?"
"I guess." Men had begun going off with women one after the other. I saw Sullivan and Aubin fighting over one pretty blonde girl. Munny clearly noticed as well and shouted to them,
"Hey asswipes? You seriously are planning to do this?" They both turned, arms crossed.
"Why not?" Sullivan asked, arching a brow. "We spent four months in training and we've been watching the prince 24/7 the rest of the time. My balls are so fucking blue right now."
"Yeah, why can't we have a little fun?" I wasn't listening at this point. Fuck, Mikhos! No one was with him. If someone was trying to assassinate him this would be the perfect time. Hell, maybe the woman he picked was planning on assassinating him. I turned quickly moving over to Jaasim.
"Um...excuse me your majesty." Jaasim stopped whatever the fuck he had been doing, I noted grimly that his hand was halfway up the skirt of the girl in his lap, to look at me. I expected him to be rude to me after our little interaction earlier but instead he just smiled.
"Ahhhh, you're that red headed one. My I'm suuure glad you came to me before I had to go get yoooou." He was drunk, really...really drunk and I had absolutely no idea what he was talking about. "I'm honestly surprised he wanted you out of all people really. I mean don't get me wrong you are cute but sooo very very rude. Anyway, I was going to tell you privately to head over to the chambers assigned for him but since you're already over here now you might as well go there right off the bat." The look of confusion on my face must have been clear enough even through his drunken haze because he snorted. "Don't keep prince Mikhos waiting." Mikhos...wanted me in his chambers? But that meant....my face practically flushed. Jaasim gave me a little shove. "What are you waiting for? Go before someone notices? His chambers are in the second hall from the left."
Author's note continued: Yeahh...sooo this chapter ended being waaay longer then anticipated so I ended up splitting it into 2. Thus, the super NSFW will be coming next week ;) get pumped.
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