Chapter 2
Roman sat in his bedroom at his oak desk, working on some blasted Latin homework that he had been assigned. He wasn't the best at paying attention to his tutors, only ever aching to learn hands-on with as few books as possible. Just his sword and him. His advisor, Logan, always expressed that Roman was smart, but in a way that was unique to him, and him only. Roman appreciated that his advisor was blunt about this to his father, King Hewlett. He didn't think he would be able to get away with nearly the amount of stuff he did, especially with how the King valued his family's education.
Roman sighed, pushing himself away from his desk and walking over to his balcony to get some fresh air. Studying all day tended to make his head pound, so he frequented hourly breaks. The young heir wanted to go out on an adventure like he used to, but, alas, his life was 'too important' to the crown. The prince was to be crowned king soon after he found someone, of his advisors' choosing, of course, to be his Queen, or another man of equally high status that could fill the same title. It had happened before, in fact, his father was a son of that breed of Kingship. However, he was still of royal blood, his father taking a female and having her birth his child.
Roman then had a brilliant idea, possibly one of his best. How about going out to the village near the capital, what was its name... Oh right, Karolus! It had the famous blacksmith, if his memory served him correctly. Speaking of which, his favorite sword could use a polish. Roman headed towards his door, excited for this new adventure that he was going to set upon. He called his personal butler to get his horse, Cornelius, ready for his ride to the small town and pulled on his gilded riding boots.
Roman smiled, waving to the maids and butlers that bowed respectfully towards him, heading on to the stables lodged at the back of the castle. Roman hummed to himself as he hopped onto the back of his white stallion, waving the stable-boy off with an 'I'll be back by sundown' and shouting off an excitable "Hyah!" snapping the reins and squeezing his horses' side a bit to get going. He loved riding on his horse when he had free time or just wanted some time to de-stress; the feeling of wind against his face always calmed him.
It was only half an hour later when he finally arrived at the small village, handing his horse off to the field hand who bowed to him with a small smile on his face. He headed further into town, unaware that his father's knight was also out and about Karolus. Loping down the pebble path to the town square, he waved to the flustered village folk as they gawked, surprised to see that the prince of Goffridus was just casually in their small village.
That's when he heard a shout of pain.
He jogged over to the source, seeing one Sir Heral on the ground next to a man with unnaturally purple hair standing over him, panting, a sword in his hand. The stranger put back his sword, lifting the knight up to his feet, speaking lowly to him before looking towards Roman, immediately bowing the moment he saw him.
Sir Heral turned around, smiling a wide smile and giving a small bow. "Prince Roman! What a coincidence to see you here today! What sort of duty did you come to attend to?" The knight said, standing up straight and sheathing the black Castillon sword he was holding. Roman looked back to the man that had purple hair, giving a soft grin as he watched him put away the training equipment.
"I actually came to sightsee. I was wondering where I could find the famous metalworker. I want to see his work," Roman said, having a feeling that the sword Sir Heral has against his hip is one of his works. "Ah, the young man teaching me how to use this sword is actually the blacksmith. Apparently his father just passed, some nasty something-or-other, and he's taken over both the training and blacksmith facilities," Sir Heral said confidently, unsheathing the blacksmith's handmade sword, presenting it to the prince.
Roman picked it up from the handle, examining the precise work. Bronze wrapped around iron with gold detailing melded in intricate patterns, fused in an eternal marriage. Roman hummed, taking a step back and swinging the sword a little bit haphazardly, liking how light the sword itself was.
That's when he spotted the almost-familiar runes on the side of the sword.
"What is the blacksmith's name? I want to have a word with him," Roman said, still bewildered by the fact that such ancient writing still existed, especially in a poor village such as this one. "His name is Virgil, your Highness. Virgil Black. Would you like me to retrieve him from his stand?" Sir Heral questioned, cautious about the Prince's sudden interest in a peasant. "No, I will go to him myself. Make sure to ride back to the kingdom by tonight, my father is growing anxious of that dragon," Roman replied, handing off the sword to the knight again and heading to the blacksmith shop across from the training grounds.
Roman stopped in front of the stand, staring in awe at the sheer amount of weapons and armor hanging in the doorway, some of them in sheaths, others in the open air, all looking like they would still be hot to the touch. Roman wandered in, avoiding one particularly monstrous piece, hearing the loud clanging of metal on metal the further in he went. The little hut smelled like sulfur and hot iron. It was really rather pleasant, and when he really thought about it, Roman loved the hot air that surrounded him. It was such a new environment to him that he felt that he should just sit in the back of the shop and watch, who was it, Virgil? Yes, Virgil. Watch Virgil work, stay out of the way as he brought a hammer down against his anvil.
Roman was snapped out of his day-dreaming, which happened quite often, when a hand was waving in his peripheral vision. "Prince Roman? Do you need something from the shop? Our training field is back there, I can just grab my rapier-?" Virgil questioned, standing in the doorway that led to his workshop. "Ah, I actually wanted to speak with you. Can you spare a few moments with me?" Roman asked, flustered that he was caught in his day-dream state of mind. He sawt Virgil's eyes widen a touch as he cleared his throat.
"O-Of course, Your Highness. What is it that you wish to discuss?" Virgil accepted Roman's offer, sounding too polite for what he looked like. Roman chuckled at his nervousness., "No need for the formality, you can just call me Roman." Virgil nodded, pivoting, and walking into the back room, silently pointing for Roman to follow. Roman's eyes sparkled as he looked around the room of the workshop, wondering why so many spellbooks were scattered around the work areas.
Roman heard an angry hissing, quickly turning his head towards the sound, and was relieved to see it was just more red-hot metal being shoved into a large cauldron of cold water. Roman looked up to find a laughing Virgil. "What, have you never seen a blacksmith at work? You look like a brat asking for a new toy," Virgil commented, shooting a smirk his way with amused eyes. "A-Actually, no, I have not, if I am being completely honest. This is the first time I've been to a blacksmith's shop," Roman replied, noting the many half-finished swords next to a pile of leather-bound daggers that looked ready enough to be at market the very next day.
Virgil nodded, gesturing towards a stool that was a bit away from the smoldering fire. "So, what did you want to speak about?" Virgil questioned, picking up an ingot of some sort and setting it next to the daggers, along with a stone and a handful of rough-hewn sponges. "Well, I have seen your work, and possibly your father's, in the castle. My father, the King, was always fond of a well-made sword, especially for his competitions." He stared at the boy in front of him, gaging his minimal reactions. "And so I have a request..."
Roman breathed in as he stated his last question towards the boy.
"How would you like it if we cast you as our personal blacksmith?"
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