Chapter 8
Hello lovely people! All new readers and golden readers I just want to thank you all so much. I never thought I would even have genuine readers being the amateur writer that I am. I hope to give you enjoyable chapters because you deserve it!
This is just the beginning of the journey and I hope you stick with me to the end. I am having a hard time visiting Wattpad nowadays as I have a lot of things going on in my university life so bear with me for not being so active. My updates might not be as frequent either but I am doing my best to write/read during any spare time I am getting for example in the bus.
Much love
Jealousy is just love and hate at the same time.
Sanaya giggles amused seeing her friend in safe arms. "So my beautiful lady? How have you been?" Sia is asked while she is in a almost falling position.
Sia rolls her eyes as she is in his arms and he doesn't seem to let her go. "Will you help me up now?" She asks a bit embarrassed as she was clumsy enough to almost fall and the house is crowded due to Sanayas house warming party.
The music suddenly shifts to a soft song. "Yeah of course my lady." He says with a grin and pulls her up so she can stand.
Sia gives a small smile before hugging Ahmed. "Thank you for saving me from breaking bones." She says with a huge grin.
Thankfully Ahmed, Sanayas handsome cousin, caught her at the right time. He is a few years older than Sanaya but have always been close to her and Sia.
"Anytime beautiful!" Ahmed chuckles with his dimples showing and hugs her back.
Sia pulls away. "And how have you been?" Ahmed always treats Sia like a darling.
Ahmed smirks. "Missed me much?" He chuckles and Sia giggles.
"Yes, I have missed you! We have a lot of catching up to do!" Sia says with a smile. "Why did you arrive so late?" She asks with a innocent face.
"I came with the gentleman over here." He says and points at Sahir whom Sia hadn't notice.
He is wearing a nice black traditional shirt looking good. She give him a small smile and he replies with a small blank nod.
"Our companies had a business meeting together." Ahmed continues to inform and Sanaya, standing beside Sahir, rolls her eyes.
Sanaya looks really cute with her pout. "These guys and their work." Sanaya mutters making Sia and Ahmed chuckle.
"So let's catch up?" Ahmed says and gives Sia his arm.
"Yes just a second." Sia says and walks over to Sanaya with a rasied eyebrow who seem confused. "I'll get you back for this." Sia snatched the photo away from Sanaya before she can react.
Sanaya giggles. "Won't you show it to Sahir?" She teases and Sia give her a baffled expression while Sahir looks at them curiously hearing his name.
Sia walks over to Ahmed after throwing daggers at Sanaya with her eyes. Sahir has been looking on with a bored expression. From Sia bumping in to Ahmed and to, in his view, Ahmed's tacky flirting. He must admit though that Sia is looking radiantly beautiful in her red and golden dress. Sia slides her hand under his arm and laughing they walk away in to the crowded living room.
"What was that about?" Sahir asks Sanaya narrowing his eyes in suspicion.
Sanayas eyes widen slightly and she seem blank. Not one single excuse pop up in her head. Perfectly timed Arnav comes from behind and embrace Sanaya. "Why are you standing here without your battalion?" Arnav asks referring to her friends.
Sanaya points towards Sia and Ahmed. "They always forget me when having each other." She giggles knowing the two chatter boxes.
Sahir frowns with distaste in his mouth and excuses himself upon receiving a call.
"After Samira I don't want to see myself with anyone else. It's hard enough to know that I'll never get her back but it is harder to move on." Ahmed says worn out while they sit beside each other on two chairs at a corner of the room excluded from everyone else.
Even though he seem like a happy go lucky guy with no tension at all he has his troubles. If you look at him close enough you'll notice how empty and tired he is.
That's the thing, you can never know for sure if everything that your eyes register is an act or not. Everyone tries to hide their deepest fears, thoughts or pains from the world as to not be judged or not to turn into the talk of the town. Even though in reality everyone crave for a friend or someone to share those exact feelings with just to slightly reduce the burden.
Sia takes hold of Ahmed's hand which is resting on the arm of the chair and squeezes it slightly for comfort. "I am sure you'll find a way to move on in life which will give you peace with Samiras support. As much as she loved you I am sure she wants you to be happy." Sia tries and her voice breaks.
Ahmed slightly smiles and Sia tries her best to not cry. Life has been cruel to Ahmed. Samira, his wife, were childhood sweethearts. They went to the same school, college and university. Not being able to wait a day longer they married as soon as they turned eighteen.
Their finest wedding photo is still etched on Sias mind. Samira was glowing radiantly with her soft green eyes beaming. Her perfectly waved black hair framing her heart shaped face. Their happiness didn't last long as after two years of matrimony Samira lost her life in a brutal car accident. The other driver was texting drunk. Samira took her last breath in Ahmeds arms.
Even though it has been four year since the dreaded accident, Ahmed loves his late wife more than life. He doesn't want to move on and he lives by all her memories. He hasn't even thrown away one single thing of hers, everything is treasured and at the same way she left it. He is involved in spreading awareness about safe driving and been a guest speaker at all kind of events. He rather live to work than the other way around.
Sanaya and Arnav joins them which make Sia snap out of her thoughts. "Have you found someone?" Ahmed asks Sia with a teasing smile which makes Sanaya giggle.
Sia rolls her eyes. "Sahir!" Arnav suddenly exclaims making Sanaya and Sias eyes snap towards him. "Come over here!" Arnav waves seeing Sahir at the entrance to the living room while the girls let go of a breath they were holding.
He starts to walk over to them while Sanaya giggles more earning herself glares from Sia. "No." She says giving Sanaya a warning look.
Ahmed smiles with a scrutinizing look. "Well, whatever you two are hiding won't be hidden for long." He winks at Sia and Sia rolls her eyes.
Sahir sits down between Ahmed and Arnav and closes the small circle they are sitting in. "What took you so long?" Arnav asks with a worried expression.
Sahir shruggs. "Just work related." He informs briefly with his dark eyes exploring Sia and Ahmed.
What can they possibly talk about? He thinks for himself and looks at the two chatter boxes. His eyes shifts to the center of the living room that has turned into a club. People are dancing with loud music vibrating the floor. Suddenly Ahmed puts out his hand for Sia. "Would you like to join me in a dance?" Ahmed asks and Sia smiles widely.
She gives her hand which fits Ahmeds perfectly and they stroll into the crowded dance floor. Sahir eyes follows them and his jaw tightens. He distracts himself with his mobile and shifts between his gadget not to find anything distracting enough to not let his eyes wander to the dance floor. Sia is laughing radiantly while dancing with Ahmed. He spins her around and they dance around to the fast beats with her hands on his shoulders then and now.
Ahmed leans so Sia can hear him. "Why do I sense a gravity between you and Sahir?"
She furrows her eyebrows. "What?" Sia screams as she can't hear him because of the loud music.
Ahmed repeats. "Why do I sense a gravity between you and Sahir?!" He shouts and this time Sia shakes her head at the statement while she hits his arm.
"There's no such thing!" She screams back while swaying her hips.
"Liar!" Myra puts in from nowhere and the girls are all dancing around them now.
Sia glares at them. "Easy there." Ahmed chuckles seeing Sias expression and everyone starts to laugh.
"You guys are horrible friends." Sia retorts and halt in her movement. "I am going now." She says annoyed and they all start to block her way.
"Ok, ok, we're sorry." Ahmed says and takes Sias hand to spin her around.
Sia tries hard not to smile and keeps acting irritated. Biting her lips she enjoys her friends pleads but runs away from there. The main reason is that she is sweating and needs to put on some deodorant. Walking upstairs her ears finds peace as nor the loud crowd or the music reaches her.
Walking into the elegant silver themed bathroom she study herself in the mirror. Her cheeks are crimsoned and a bit of mascara has smudged. Fixing her appearance she quickly apply some deodorant, she actually borrows Sanayas spray deodorant. Giving herself a last glance she walks out of the bathroom and heads downstairs but faint noise make her stop. She looks at her left where the noise is coming from and walks to the door which is slightly opened.
Sia hears a clear voice now. "I know what I am doing. Just do as I say." Sia knows who the voice belongs to even though she haven't even seen him.
Sahir stands beside the window with a hand down his pocket. With a rigid and straight posture his eyes are fixed on his own faint reflection while he negotiate through the phone. Sia knows that eavesdropping is bad and bites her lips in anxiousness as she isn't being able to walk away due to curiosity.
Sahir continues. "Burn it down." And Sia furrows her eyebrows in confusion. "Just do as I say. Every inch should be turned into coil." He says firmly as if it is normal to order people to burn things down.
Frozen to her spot for a second not making sense of the mystifying conversation she turns around to just walk away. "How come Sia Malik is having the time to sneak around leaving her boyfriends arms?" Sahirs loud and clear voice makes Sia startled.
She turns around in a second and is met by Sahirs cold eyes. "Excuse me?" Sia asks furrowing her eyebrows.
Sahir just holds her eyes with a blank expression. "What made me so privileged to earn your precious time? Oh, right. Eavesdropping is maybe not a waste of time for you?" He says instead to provoke her.
She wants to snap at him but tries to hold her cool as she knows she has wronged by eavesdropping. "I am sorry I didn't mean to pry." She says sternly and turns around to walk away but turns back again. "What did you mean by boyfriend?" She asks carefully and search for an answer in his eyes.
Sahir frowns with a bitter smile plastered to his face. "I assume you don't dance around with any random guy." he states harshly.
Sia gives away an amused chuckle. "You're kidding right?" Sahirs lips are pressed to a thin line. "No?" Sias eyes widen. "Ok, get one thing clear. Ahmed is my friend and I don't think anyone should have a problem with me dancing with my friend." She emphasizes the word friend and examines Sahir for a brief second. "Wait, why should you care if I dance with a friend or my boyfriend?" Sia asks with a smirk playing on her lips.
Sahir furrows his eyebrows. "I don't care." He retorts a bit too fast.
Sia etches a hundred volt smile with her dimples showing. "Am I smelling jealousy from the Sahir Khan?" She inquires amused with a playful smile.
Sahir gives her a baffled expression. "Are you out of your mind?" He snaps at her and Sia stiffens her chuckles."I don't care what you do. I might care about your parents reputation. How will they react knowing their daughter dances around with random guys?" He asks her and Sia looks at him perplexed.
Is this guy for real? "Do you really think my parents are so outdated? And hello, I danced with him. You're talking as if I did something malicious. I don't mind dancing with anyone and let alone my friend." She clarifies with crossed arms.
Sahir raises an eyebrow. "So you don't mind dancing with anyone?" Sia shakes her head. "And your parents won't have any sayings in whom you dance with or not?" Sia raise her eyebrow and shakes her head again. "Prove it." Sahir smirks which makes Sia frown.
"If you think I am going to make myself seem desperate by asking random guys to dance with me just to prove my point to you, forget it." Sia retorts disgusted at the thought.
Sahir look intensely at Sia. "No need to." He says calmly which make Sia turn around to leave with a victorious smile. "Dance with me." Sia turns around perplexed to find Sahirs intense gaze.
"Come again?" Sia asks doubting her ears.
"Dance with me." He says casually. "You don't want to dance with a stranger as you have to ask one but to prove your point you can dance with me." He says mockingly and wait for Sias reply.
Sia stares at him detached for a brief moment. Thinking about the way the girls and Ahmed will make fun of her for the rest of her life if showing up on the dance floor with Sahir makes her think twice. On the other hand she can't wait to prove him wrong and actually check out if the handsome hunk aka business tycoon aka Sahir Khan can dance.
Sahir clears his throat which snaps Sia back. "Sure." Sia says with a shrug trying to appear unaffected but inside her heart goes frantic.
Sahir gives a satisfied smirk which makes Sia a bit perplexed but manages to give him a small smile. They walk down the stairs with Sia first and walks side by side towards the living room.
Sahir puts his hand forward and Sia stares at it confused for a second. Her heart starts to beat furiously as she take his hand. Looking around to see if any of the girls or Ahmeds attention is on them Sahir pulls her towards the dark and crowded dance floor.
As they enter the dance floor Sahir gets annoyed seeing Sias attention divided. Everyone around knowing Sahir gives a bit of space to the newly entered dance couple. He takes hold of her soft hands which gains her attention. She stares at their hands while the music switches to a slow one and Sahir puts her hands on his shoulders with a smirk. Putting his own hands on her hips Sia gawks at him stiffly with her beautiful almond brown eyes.
Sahir locks eye with her and raises his eyebrow questioningly. "I thought you said that you can dance with anyone without a care." He says leaning in to her right ear and they start to sway together in sync.
For Sia it is actually not about her reputation but it is about Sahirs approximate. "If you wanted to dance with me you could just have asked." Sia points out to him.
Now it is Sahirs turn to stiffen while Sia entwines her hands behind his neck coming even closer to him. "I was just giving you a chance to prove your point. Your boyfriend seem rather happy to have gotten rid of you." He says and entwines his hands behind her back making her uneasy.
She clears her throat. "The point of this dance was to show you that I can dance with anyone I want and that I don't have a boyfriend." Sia reminds him carefully. "And please stop acting like a jealous lover, it is out of your character." Sia smirks.
Sahir look at her intensely. "And why is that?" He asks making Sia feel out of place.
Sia clears her throat while her heart does somersaults. "Maybe, just maybe because you aren't my boyfriend." She says raising an eyebrow.
They both actually continues to dance in silence with locked eyes. A warm unfamiliar feeling surrounds them. Suddenly Sahir spins her around and pulls her to his chest with her back to him. Sahirs stubble brushes Sia on her cheek and a tingling sensation spreads through her which makes her shiver. Sahir feel euphoria by Sias scent while her hair tickles him. He spins her around again and position themselves as before.
When the song ends Sahir surprises Sia by dipping her. She holds on to his shirt as if her life depends on it while her soft eyes meets his mischievous one. The girls starts to clap which gives Sia a heart attack. While the crowed mimic the girls Sanaya, Ahmed and Arnav whistles. Sahir pulls her up again and they both step away from each other awkwardly.
The rest of the event Sia avoids Sahir as she feel quite embarrassed with all the teasing around them. Sahir on the other hand does his best to approach her as he seem to love getting a reaction out of her.
Laying in the guest room worn out she thinks of the event and grins for herself. Opening the drawer next to the bed she takes out the picture she had snatched from Sanaya. Sahir and she looks like a lovey dovey couple on the picture which is far from the actual bipolar relationship they share.
Knocks on her door startles her and she swiftly puts back the picture. "Who is it?" Sia asks casually with her heart in her throat.
"Darling it is me." Sanaya says and Sia opens the door. "I am sleeping with you tonight as it is your last night." Sanaya says and jumps on the bed while Sia closes the door behind her with a grin.
She sneaks into the blanket beside Sanaya who hugs her tightly. "I already miss you." Sia says with a bitter smile.
"Same here." Sanaya sighs. "So want to enlighten me about price Charming?" Sia slaps Sanayas arm hearing that while blushing.
The two ladies falls asleep after the first rays of sunshine peeks through the covered windows as they chat through the whole night.
Sia is on her way to London by train after having lunch at an Italian restaurant with Sanaya, Arnav and Sahir. The three dropped her off at the Piccadilly station. Sahir would be back in London after a few days as he had work in Manchester which he didn't seem much happy about.
Sia was quite happy with her journey back alone as she needed some peace of mind. Around Sahir she would only be stiff and awkward. Now she could rest a bit and appreciate the chanted nature.
Receiving a message from her brother Sagar she browses the morning news, after replying, while waiting for his response. The news that flashes in front of her eyes makes her gasp. It can't be, can it?
'Business tycoon Sameer Jays factory burned down to ashes.'
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