Chapter 5
Have no words to share with you guys so just hello and hope you like this chapter! Vote or comment to make my day if you have the time.
Shona <3
Love and hate have a magical transforming power. They are the great soul changers. We grow through their exercise into the likeness of what we contemplate.
George William Russell
Sahir can't help to notice Sias wide almond shaped eyes staring at him. "You got to be kidding me." Sia stands in the drug store beside the shelves in surprise for a moment and let Sahirs rude remark sink in to her system.
Sahir shakes his head slowly as if giving his statement that this is not a joke. As you may have noticed Sia and Sahir aren't quite fond of each other. Suddenly seeing Sahir at her workplace have taken Sia by surprise.
Realizing that Sia is staring at Sahir as if seeing a ghost she quickly puts on a fake smile. Her sudden pale skin now shows a hint of red on her cheeks. Sahir looks at her amused with a smirk.
Sia tries to not snap at him and continues to smile. "What may I help you with?" She inquires professionally and blink a few times to ensure herself that she isn't hallucinating.
Sahir chuckles amused while Sia looks on emotionless. She just wants to get rid of him. Even though Sahir is not interested in wasting his precious time on Sia, he still feel the need to get on her nerves when he knows he clearly have the upper hand. The customer is always right, right?
Sia stare perplexed at a daydreaming Sahir who is tugging a small smile. "What may I help you with?" She asks again with her signature smile plastered on but he seem lost.
Sia furrows her eyebrows while analyzing Sahir. She look at her right and left as if someone will jump out from behind the shelves with drugs to help her out with this strange man in front of her.
Sia tilt her head to her right and waves her hand slowly in front of Sahir which clearly snaps him out of from the planet he just visited. His dark eyes meet Sias honey brown orbs and she is visibly confused.
Sahir clears his throat feeling a bit dazed. "Well, I need some aspirin and something for a sore throat." He says and doesn't reveal what he is actually there for. If you look closely he actually seem a bit uncomfortable.
Sia raises an eyebrow. "Your throat seem fine." She points out. "All the negativity that comes out of it indicates that." She mutters for herself under her breath.
Sahir narrows his eyes. "Pardon me?" He asks and Sia smiles again putting her hands in the pockets of her white coat. "It is not for me." He briefly informs her and Sia walks over to the shelves with aspirins.
Sia looks up at Sahir. "Here's the aspirins. How old is the patient?" She asks and Sahir looks at her smirking.
Sia continues smiling and clenches her jaw. Her hands turns to fists which is itching to hit of the smirk from Sahirs face. She wish that another customer walks in as a savior so she can busy herself with someone else.
Sahir holds back a chuckle seeing Sias expression. "Well, I don't know. How old are you?" He asks and Sia can't help furrow her eyebrows now. "The aspirin is a gift to you as you seem to need it." Sahir exclaims leaving Sia startled.
Obviously I need it when you're around, Sia think for herself. "No, but thanks." She smiles politely with her dimples slightly appearing.
Sahir chuckles. "Well you will be needing it soon." He says leaving Sia confused.
Sia brushes it off. "I thought you were in a hurry?" She stress and Sahir remembers that he's being late for a meeting.
He frowns. "Yeah thanks to you." He states and Sia shakes her head at the arrogant man.
She hands him a bottle of aspirin for adults and walks over to another shelf with Sahir close behind her. Obvious to Sia, he can't get enough of her scent which perfectly lingers in his nostrils as he feels euphoria. He keep wondering what brand she must be using.
Sia tosses him some cough lozenge not knowing the exact symptom of the patient but at the same time doesn't want to find out. She has had enough with his sneer remarks. Sahir doesn't protest so it seem fine. They walk over to the counter and Sahir takes out his wallet from his black slim fit coat. Black seem to be his favorite color.
He pays with card and they stand there awkwardly. Sia can feel her heartbeat increase without any subtle reason and she fumbles to get in the drugs in the plastic bag. Sahir notices her discomfort and let her work in peace.
Sia finally hands him the small orange bag with the drugs and when their hands meet they both feel an electricity through them. Sia gives out a small gasp and pull back her hand quickly while her cheeks turns red. Sahir just look at her distracted analyzing her flushed cheeks.
He catches her honey brown eyes with his dark ones. "Have a good evening." She says giving her best to sound professional and tries to bid him goodbye as fast as possible.
Sahir smirks after giving a quick nod and start to walk towards the exit. Sia stares at the screen of the cashier and just wait for Sahir to go away. Whenever he is around she always seem to be on edge and his cold eyes manages to burn her skin.
A loud crash snaps Sia out of her thoughts and she looks at her right where the sound came from. Her eyes widens at the sight in front of her and her jaw falls. She gives away a loud gasp with disbelief written all over her face. Her right hand reach her heart as if in being in immense pain.
Sahir smirks devilishly from the mess he is standing between and he shrugs his shoulders innocently. "It was an accident." He lies while looking down around him at the black and white chess patterned floor.
Sia walks over to the shelves that have been tilted over and feel like crying. They had just fixed the shelves and all kinds of nasal sprays are lying on the ground now. Mind you, there are more then 20 brands and different nasal sprays. If it is a minimum of 100 of each, than how many are they? I'll help you, it is a minimum of 2000. Sia sighs heavily while Sahir holds back a devilish chuckle.
He glances at a devastated Sia and tries to shut out the heavy guilt forming in his chest. Sia just stands there like a statue hoping that the cases will fly back. She run her hand in her hair.
Sahir shoves the aspirin bottle in Sias hands and she stare at him puzzled. "I told you that you'll need it." Sias eyes widens at the words that leaves Sahirs mouth.
The words slaps her across the face and she comprehend what just happened. She starts to tremble in rage while Sahir fakes a smile and walks out of the store as nothing. Sia breathes heavily and had Sahir not been quick enough to leave he might have been strangled by Sia.
She breathe heavily with fisted hands and closed eyes. Trying to compose herself she heaves a sigh and with glossy eyes she starts to pick up the cases to put them back to their original places. She is rather grateful that it wasn't glass bottles that fell down as that would have created a even messier mess.
Sahirs guilt pricks him and he kicks a brick wall in anger. "Ouch." He ignores the questioning glances he receive. "I shouldn't have done that." He mumbles while crossing the road while he runs a hand through his hair. Sias devastated eyes haunts him.
He has a meeting in the building in front and he'll visit another drugstore tomorrow as it will be too late today. Shaking off the guilt and the encounter with Sia he walks into the building to attend his meeting.
Sia stands up with sore legs. "Finally" She mumbles while putting the last case back on the top shelf almost two hours later. Her brown wavy hair is now up in a messy but classy bun.
Mia had come back from her break and helped Sia a bit but then from nowhere customers started to pour in. Sia let Mia take care of the customers while she fixed the shelves. Now when done Sia goes back to help some customers. When the last one leaves she sigh in relief while sitting down on a chair beside the cashier.
Mia looks at Sia with an sympathetic smile. "Rough day?" She smiles and Sia nods. "That guy really annoys you?" Mia remarks now and push back her red hair.
Sia had been cursing him under her breath and told Mia about the incident. "How did you notice?" Sia says sarcastically and shakes her head at the remembrance of Sahir.
Mia chuckles and hugs Sia which makes Sia relax a bit. They close the drug store sharp at nine.
Mia looks beyond happy. "Good night honey and try to rest." Mia says. "See you next week." She smiles as they're going separate ways.
Sia smiles at her sweet coworker. "Good night and have a nice weekend." Sia walks towards her silver colored BMW which was a gift from her parents.
She opens it by pushing a button on her key and sits down closing the door smoothly. She shivers a bit due to the cold and her breath forms mist. She ignites the car but it halts with a weird sound.
She furrows her eyebrows. "What now?" Sia tries to start the car again but it's not working.
The car halts each time she tries to start it and she feel frustrated. "Can this day get any worse?" She questions frustrated with a heavy sigh.
She gets out of the car and looks around for help while crossing her arms in front of her chest. There's no one to be seen around the area and she sighs. "Just my luck." She leans against the car with her back and looks up at the night sky. "Why are you doing this to me?" She questions and shakes her head frustrated while a cold breeze swirls around her.
Shivering she pulls up her phone and dials a number. When her Dad picks up from the other end she tries to sound fine.
"Dad, I need help." She informs her dad about her car and he calls for help while she calls her mother to tell her that she'll be late.
Her mom wants her older brother or dad to pick her up. Sia don't want her already tired brother or dad to have to leave their work to just pick her up.
"Mom, they're at work. I'll be fine don't worry. You'll see that I'll be home sooner than you expect." She ensure her mom and drops the idea to bother her dad or brother.
She waits for help in her car and when they finally arrive she hands them over her car key. "Be careful! It's my precious." She request them and the two men around their thirties chuckles.
"We promise." One of them says with a cute smile and his brown eyes twinkles in the streetlight.
Once they leave with her car she let out a frustrated sigh and start to walk towards the bus stop. While walking on the deserted area she listens to music through her headphones. She feel cold and her red coat isn't helping a bit in warming her. Walking to the beat of the song she all of a sudden feel uneasy. She senses someones presence and glances back with scrutinizing eyes to find no one.
Her heart is drumming inside her chest. "Must be my imagination." She tries to convince herself.
She starts to walk again but strangely she feel uncomfortable as if someone is watching her or following her. Her pulse is high and she is sweating even though feeling cold. She looks back for the second time and can now make out a figure far behind at a shadowed spot where the streetlight don't reach. She can sense eyes on her and she swallow hard as she notices steps towards her.
Turning back she quickens her steps and her heart starts to drum frantically in her chest while cold sweat forms on her back and neckline. She puts her headphones in her pocket and stops the music while keeping her phone in her hand.
She walks normally but then hear steps right behind her. With heavy breaths she quickens her steps and hear the steps behind her quicken. This is freaking her out beyond understanding. Not knowing what to do she make a run for it. The steps behind her starts to run in sync with her and she doesn't even halt beside the bus stop.
Panting for breath while running, suddenly a hand from behind catches her left arm and turns her around. She gives out a startled scream and the man in front of her gives her chills down her spine. The man with blue eyes and sharp features makes her feel intimidated.
She is frozen to the spot while his grip on her arm tightens while she looks on with wide scared eyes. He smell of alcohol which makes her feel nauseated while his lustful disgusting eyes checks her out.
What's going on? She thinks for herself. Common Sia fight back, her subconscious mind tries to get a reaction from her. Sia have always prepared herself mentally for such a encounter. She knew exactly how and where to hit a man. Now when she's in the situation where her fighting spirit is required she just can't seem to move. Her body feels detached from her.
The man looks at her with a creepy smile. "You're looking fine." He says and that snaps Sia back to her senses.
She breathes heavily while her head is drumming. "Get of me!" She screams at him warningly.
Sia tries to jerk of his hand from hers but the man is strong enough to not let go even though being intoxicated. The man pulls her into him with a jerk and puts his arms around her which makes Sia disgusted.
"Let go of me! Help!" She screams at the top of her lungs.
The man digs his nail in her back. "It is ok. Calm down, no one will hear you. This place is deserted as it is a industrial area." He whispers into her ears sharply.
For a moment she loses her senses to panic and stand there beyond scared while trying to get enough oxygen to her system. Letting his nail out of her flesh she feel a bit relived. She swallows hard and thinks of her next step when she feel his hand caresses her spine which makes her inner twitch in disgust. That makes her push him hard with tears burning her eyelids but he doesn't move an inch.
Sia frowns frustrated while hitting him and she fight back with all the force she can gather. She tries to kick him but he just hold her in his arms as if she is a feather. Sia barely manages to hold back her tears and she closes her eyes continuing to hit the man.
She tries to pull away from his grip. "It is ok girl, I am not going to hurt you." He whisper into her ears which makes her eyes snap open.
Her whole body trembles in horror and she feel devastated. She can't comprehend that this is happening. How can someone drop so low? Why isn't she being able to free herself? She can't hold it back anymore and breaks down. Tears start to stream down her cheeks as she feel his disgusting hands on her back.
The man suddenly gives out a scream and falls to the ground which makes Sia look at him with surprise. However, no emotion is visible on her blank face while she tilt her head and stares down at the man. Tear streams still evident on her cheeks. How did he end up there?
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