Chapter 17
Hello lovelies!
So here's another chapter, I am sorry but I have written this rather quickly so not as nice as I would want it to be. Might even call it boring lol, let us see what you guys think :)
I am going away tomorrow so next chapter will be uploaded 18th of June. Hope you guys are with me then too, I just love all of you for making me feel on top of the world. You guys are just awesome and deserves a hug each :) !
By the way, any guess where I am going? It is actually rather easy to tell if I give you guys a hint lol, I am going to Sahir and Sias country ;)
Shona <3
I would prefer a marriage more beautiful than my wedding, and if I can get both then I don't have anything more to ask for.
Sahir stares awkwardly at the decorated bed and takes even more awkward glances at Sia, now his wife. Wife, he can't believe it. Sahir Khan has a wife. Sahir Khan is married to Sia Malik. A surreal feeling washes over him. His speech at the wedding wasn't a lie, he do have feelings for her or more like a attraction. Whatever it is he won't let his guard down. He want to save her from getting hurt and at the same time save himself from not getting betrayed. What if she leaves him?
Love and betrayal comes hand in hand, he has seen it himself. Bearing in mind his and Sias encounters in the past he knows that she is too stubborn for his type and too much to handle. Then why can't he control his somersaulting heart or his gaze or his possessiveness?
Sahirs gaze pricks Sias skin, she can literally feel her heart drumming hard against her chest, this isn't a normal wedding night where couples just fall into each other's arms or get to know their spouse. This is a awkward night where she doesn't even know how to behave. "If you even try to touch me, you're dead." Sia sternly warns Sahir.
Sahir furrows his eyebrows feeling insulted. "Yeah because I am dying to touch you." With a sarcastic tone he tries to imply that he isn't lying. "You're the one thinking those thoughts, so maybe I should be the one saying that to you for my safety?" Sia rolls her eyes at Sahirs lame humor and Sahir sighs. "Look." He starts and pinches the bridge of his nose. "We are married now and before we start our life together I want everything to be clear between us."
Sia raises an eyebrow annoyed, the bitterness he has planted in her is pumping through every vain in her body and won't go away this easily. "Sure go on, tell me all the rules and regulations for having to be your bride." She takes a seat on the corner of the bed exhausted by the heavy dress and adjusts the dress.
Sahir takes a seat beside her and analyze her. Sias perfectly pouted red lips makes him shake his head slightly amused. "Sia stop acting childish and cooperate." Sia blinks her eyes rapidly as if to comprehend Sahirs words.
Sia bores her eyes into his to challenge him. "I am childish what are you going to do about it?" His dark eyes holds her perfectly long eye-lashed rimmed eyes and he finds a burning sensation in the pit of his stomach.
Sias heart picks up its rate and heat spreads to her cheeks while trying really hard to not lose the staring competition. "Don't tempt me to do something I'll regret." Sahirs eyes turns a shade darker making Sia look away, his intense gaze is too much for her to handle.
With a uneven pulse her lips twitches into a small bitter smile upon hearing Sahirs words, she classifies him as insane. "What do you want from me Sahir?" She questions tired of this back and forth game. "Let us end this ones and for all, and settle down the way you want." Sahir heads snaps up surprised. "And for that I need to know what you actually want." Sia takes a sideway glance at him. "That is if you even know what you want?" She asks as she has had enough of his drama and bipolar attitude.
Sahir ponders for a moment, what do he actually want? "I want peace." He simply states and Sia starts to chuckle bitterly. "Seriously, even if we can't love each other we can at least be civil." Who is he kidding?
Sia recalls all of their recent encounters and Sahirs behavior. "And why can't you love me Sahir?" She questions instead, his words doesn't match his actions. "Am I that bad?" She says miserably.
That question throws Sahir off guard and his dark eyes takes in her expression. The only sounds surrounding them is their breathings and the soothing humming of the wind. He does his best to analyze her but he can't figure her out. Sahir knows he has hurt her badly and to be honest he is surprised that she is even talking to him.
Sahir clears his throat. "That sounds more like you have feelings for me." Sahir claims softly after pondering with raised eyebrows. "Are you in love with me Sia Malik Khan?" He questions with a bit of anticipation stinging his heart and Sia chuckles amused.
Amused at his theory and also amused at the way his name is now attached to hers. Sia Malik Khan, it sounds so different.
Sia shakes her head with a sigh. "Actually no, I am not the girl who falls in love with a jerk." she smiles still bitter and her words hits him like bullets. "It is your feelings I am unsure of, acting all possessive when you feel like and then use me as a punching bag when you can't handle the pressure." She doesn't want to play around with words and is straight forwarded. "To be honest, just get your act together." She bores her eyes ones again in to Sahirs dark ones. "After all you have made me go through, I don't think one life time is enough for you to evoke any kind of romantic feelings from me." She offers him a small smile while he returns it with a blank expression.
Sia has had enough while Sahir can feel his heart drumming. "I am sorry." Sahir whispers barely audible and Sia shakes her head with a bitter smile at hearing his lame attempt to apologize.
Sahirs heart pains, it is a different kind of emotion he is feeling. It is more like a piercing kind of pain, seeing Sia depressed makes him feel more guilty than ever.
Sia is not going to be toyed around by Sahir. "Really Sahir? You're sorry? Thanks, that makes me feel so much better." She retorts sarcastically. "I don't think I can forgive you so easily, you ruined my wedding day." She rethinks for a second and adds. "Actually you ruined my life." Those words slaps Sahir hard but he knows it is true.
Sahir clears his throat to find his voice again. "So what do you want from me? How can I make it up to you?" He inquires with tight jaws.
Sia shrugs. "Nothing, you let me live my life and I let you live yours" her words and thoughts are simple.
That doesn't go down well with Sahir. "We are married Sia." Sia chuckles at that.
"Really Sahir? I must have forgotten while still being in my bridal getup, thanks for reminding me." He rolls his eyes at her sarcasm.
Sahir tries to speak his mind. "What I mean is." Sia interrupts him before he can even start.
"I don't care what you mean." She says tiredly. "You live your life and I live mine. Yes, we will have to show up at places together and for that need to compromise and I am willing to do that. I'll give my hundred percent to make this marriage work for the sake of our sanity and for our families." Sia is clear with her intentions, she doesn't want anything from Sahir.
"So we will live as?" Sahir is puzzled, he doesn't know what kind of a relationship they are getting into.
"We will live as acquaintances for the being." she catches his eyes again and this time if her mind isn't playing games with her, his eyes are flashing some kind of a hurt. "Is this ok with you?" she inquires as if sealing a deal.
Sahir nods shortly and Sia goes to change into her night gown. Sahir walks over to his closet and takes out a white t-shirt and black sweatpants. He changes in his walk in closet as usual and ponders over Sias words.
She doesn't want to have anything to do with him and his behavior has been horrible. The memory of Sameer Jay and Sia makes Sahirs jaw clench. He knows that he was being harsh and should have given Sia a chance to clarify but the way she had to ponder over her decision made him feel insulted. He thought she knew him well enough to stand up for him.
For Gods sake she married him for her family, why would she stand up for him? Obviously she wouldn't run away with Sameer either as she is too smart for that. She wouldn't abandon her family to fight with him. Even though he knows the truth he can't get rid of the feeling of possessiveness and jealousy.
He gulps hard and promises himself to make it up to Sia one day, he has to change his behavior. Obviously they can't spend the rest of their life together with their claws around each others throats, civil it is.
Sahir snaps out of his thoughts when Sia walks out from the attached washroom frustrated and flushed. "What's wrong?" Sahir questions confused seeing Sias state.
Her maroon scarf is hanging weirdly on her head and her neckless is still on her while the rest of her jewelries are gone, he suppresses a chuckle as the sight is more than comic. "What's wrong?" Sia wants to scream that everything is wrong but refrains from it, taking a deep breath she calm herself down. "The stupid scarf is stuck on my head with thousands of pins and I can't get it off of me and then the stupid necklace is stuck to my blouse or something." She heaves out frustrated and Sahir tries really hard to hold back a fit of laughter.
Sia just want to slap her dresser for making it so hard for her to get out of the heavy outfit. Sahir walks over to her and that's when Sias attention shifts to his muscular frame. Isn't that shirt a bit too clingy? Sia snaps out of her thoughts when Sahirs hands reaches her head to take out the hairpins. The pins are hard to get out with all the hair stuck to them but Sahir does his best and tries to not hurt Sia. When finally the last pin is out he puts the scarf on the table beside them.
Sahirs eyes roams down Sias curvy body but ones realizing what he is doing he snaps them up to her eye level and tries to keep it that way. He turns her around and this time when his cold hands meets her bare skin a shiver runs down her spine and she gasps. Sahir gulps seeing Sia in the state she is in and tries his best to just get done with the task. He unlocks the necklace and pulls it away from Sias neck and Sia tries to not give her stupid tingling feelings any kind of attention.
"Here you go." Sahir says and hands her the necklace.
"Thanks." She murmurs and walks back to the washroom.
After fifteen minutes she is out of the washroom again and is at the verge of crying. Sahir looks at her amused again. "What now?" He questions seeing her in the same state that she left in. Not just crying, in any second she might just rip of her wedding dress.
Sia inhales a sharp breath and her heart is hammering in embarrassment. "The freaking zip is stuck!" She snaps out of frustration.
Sahir seem totally lost now. "Which zip?"
Sia gulps. "The zip chain of my stupid blouse." Her words comes out barely audible.
Sahir feels out of place and has a puzzled look on his way, she can't be meaning? "You want me to?" He doesn't know what words to continue with.
Sia tries to breathe calmly and her hands clenches to fists. "Does it look like I have any other choise?" She questions trying to keep herself sane, it has been a very long and very tiring day but she isn't going to lose it. "Should I call my mother to come over?" She questions when Sahir just stares at her. "Or do you prefer disturbing yours?" She rolls her eyes at his stupid hesitation, it is not like he doesn't have experience, or so she guesses.
Sahir walks up to her with nervousness, with each step he feels his heart hammer harder, he has never felt so weak in the presence of a woman. Inhaling a deep breath he sneaks behind Sia and gently take hold of her hair to push it aside, that makes Sias whole body react and her eyes widens. She tries to act calm. He tries his best to unzip her but the stupid thing is stuck. He pulls a bit harder but it isn't working. "I need to check the other side to know what's actually stuck." He articulates nervously and Sia goes stiff, making the whole room fall into a awkward silence. "Is it ok for you?" He inquires when she doesn't say anything, Sia quickly nods not knowing what to do.
There's a thick fog of awkward tension in the room. He takes a hold of the corner of her blouse and slightly fold it to get a look. He notices that a piece of the garment is stuck and gently pulls it away from the zip. Then he tries to unzip it again and it slides down smoothly, when he catches the sight of her bare back he stiffens. "It's done." He quickly verbalize and turns around from there before he does something wrong, he can feel his neck heat up.
Sia thanks him again and finally goes back to the washroom to change in to her soft black night gown. Letting her hair cascade down her back, removing her makeup and brushing her teeth she walks back to the bed where Sahir is already laying, his eyes following her every move. Sahirs gaze is pricking Sias skin and she avoids looking at him, she knows the gown is complementing her body enough to show off her curves. She places herself on the empty side of the bed and without any hesitance pulls the heavenly soft cover over her to sleep.
Sahir raises an eyebrow questioningly. "No tantrum on who's sleeping on the bed?" To say that he is surprised is a understatement.
To his amusement Sia rolls her eyes. "I don't have time for that, I am sleepy and we're going to spend the rest of our lives together by hock or crock so why wasting time on fighting over a bed when there's enough space for us both?" Sahir smirks.
"Enough space to do what?" He questions amused.
"Sleep together." She says and realizes the double meaning of the simple words when Sahir chuckles. "Don't get any ideas." She warns him with a sigh while her cheeks heats up.
Sahir chuckles and turns the lights off giving the moonlight permission to sip in to the room. Suddenly Sias mind starts to rant and she opens her eyes to see Sahirs silhouette beside her, his arm on his forehead and the other hand on his stomach. "Sahir." Sia whispers and Sahir turns his head to meet her eyes.
"Hmm?" He murmurs with tinkling eyes.
"Why did you let me win the game? Why did you push the ring into my finger?" She questions sleepily.
Sahir smiles, not that Sia can see. "You should be happy, I gave you the right to be the dominant one in our relationship." He smirks and Sia rolls her eyes.
"Whatever, good night." She murmurs as slumber takes over.
Sahir can't sleep, he toss and turns. Ending up with staring at Sia when the moonlight perfectly caresses her soft features, he smiles. "Perfect." His hands traces down her cheek.
Flashes of her hurt big honey brown eyes makes his heart clench, he had hurt her badly. She was standing there as a angel in her wedding gown and he had ruined it all. Not being able to see her tears he had ran away from the spot leaving her alone, he needed to venture out his tangled thoughts and calm down before he did something wrong. He really is in need of controlling himself and his anger around Sia, the poor girl has suffered enough due to him.
The media has already gotten a slap on their faces while attending their weeding, same goes with Sameer Jay. Sahirs eyes goes dark at the thought of Sameer. Still staring at a sleeping Sia he knows that now the most important thing to do is to nurture this relationship so it does work out and not create any other fuss or mess.
One reason for that is that he can't afford to lose his image as it might make his business suffer and he won't ever allow that to happen, there's just too much invested into it. Another reason is that Sia deserves to be happy, she deserves a husband and even if he can't be a good enough husband he will try to be her well-wisher.
To make Sia happy he needs to let her live the way she prefers but will he be able to do that? Just seeing her with someone else makes every bit of logic fly out of the window. He will give her freedom but she is his wife and he won't let any male with the wrong intention get close to her.
Sahir sighs at his overthinking and Sia suddenly smiles in her sleep making Sahirs heart skip a beat. "I am really sorry." Leaning in he plants a gentle kiss beside the small dimple of hers. "Good night wifey." He whispers and with that he falls asleep.
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