Chapter 12
Hello lovelies, I don't know what to say or not to say but thanks for reading and making my day! Btw sorry for updating so many times the last time, I was editing and adding small things not relevant for old readers though. Thanks for sticking by!
Shona <3
P.S. Thanks a ton to this amazing girl -> afglovers96 for the cover photos, she is really skilled! Go and check out her work! :D
I'm not the jealous type, but what's mine is mine. End of story.
Standing in a compromising position Sia tries her best to compose her heart. She clears her voice. "Is it a habit of yours to corner girls?" She asks intruded by his closeness.
Sahir gives a light teasing smile. "Wouldn't you like to know that?" Sia glares at him.
"Arrogant jerk." She mutters under her breath still leaned against his wall of glass with his arms around her, the view of London behind her is dreamy.
Sahir chuckles being inches away from her. He leans in and caresses Sias cheek teasingly with the tip of his nose which leaves Sia petrified. Her hearts starts to beat furiously and she tries to push him away by his chest in vain as he quickly grabs her wrists. "It is a habit of mine to corner you." He whispers and leans back with a smirk leaving her hands.
Sia snaps at him. "It's a nasty habit of yours so please stop and please back off! I haven't given you the permission to touch me!" Sahir continues to smirk which leaves Sia even more frustrated. "Sahir I am serious, don't ever touch me." Sia warns pointing with her index finger.
Sahir drops her hands and challenges her. "Or else?" Sahir chuckles and puts his one hand below his chin while resting his elbow in his other hand.
Sia flares at him. "Next time I won't be warning you verbally." Sahir smirks at that which makes Sia glare at him.
Sahir is having fun at the cost of Sia. He loves seeing her all worked up, if this is the state now then what will happen to her later on? He thinks for himself and smirks.
Sahir walks a few steps back to get a better picture of Sia, he leans against his fancy chaise lounge, crossing his arms over his chest. "Propose to me or the deal is over." He says firmly to her.
Sia looks at him with a raised eyebrow and imitates him by crossing her own arms. "What deal? You're just making me dance to your tunes. I am not even sure about what you're blackmailing me over, how will I know that you're not faking it?" Sia whisper yells at him.
Sahir smirks at that while looking intensely at her, it crosses his mind that she actually is beautiful. "Try me." He challenges and Sia feel torn. "Just propose to me and get it all over with. Right now I am being nice and letting you propose to me without any audience." Sahir shrugs.
Inhaling a deep breath she calms herself down. "And why do you want me to propose to you?" She inquires with her hands clenched to fists by her sides.
Sahir looks into her eyes with a grin. "To satisfy my ego." Sahir enlightens Sia shamelessly.
Sia feel like slapping him. "I have already agreed to marry you, God knows for what reason. You should be satisfied with having the upper hand in ruining my life." Sia snaps.
Her small speech hits a nerve in Sahir. "You should have thought about that before crossing me over and over again. You have made my life to a spectacle." He utters bitterly.
"And I apologized explaining that I wasn't thinking straight. How can my punishment be a forceful marriage? For Gods sake we live in the 21st century!" Sia tries to knock some sense in him.
She has been thinking for long and the marriage won't fix his reputation, it might cause media to throw more dirt on him but who till explain that to Sahir?
"Well, your punishment can get worse. You decide what's more beneficial. Marrying me and agreeing upon my every word to live like a queen or to disobeying me and see your family bankrupt." Sahir asks nonchalantly.
"Wow, so pleasant options I have. Why do you even want to have me as your wife? Trust me I am just a pain." Sia tries to negotiate.
"You don't say?" He sarcastically says upon hearing her last sentence. "I have already told you, so stop pressing the same topic." Sahir says annoyed now. "So will you propose today or should I approach the subject in a different way?" He asks with a hidden statement.
Sia takes a deep breath. "Sahir Khan, will you marry me?" She spits out with crossed arms.
Sahir shakes his head disapprovingly. "That's not a proposal, more like barking. Give more feelings into it." Sahir pushes with swift moves with his hand.
Sia tries to hold back a fit and with all the energy she can gain she tries to keep herself calm. She realizes something and looks in to a smirking Sahirs eyes.
She moves towards him with a confident which wasn't there before. Sahir notices the difference and his smirk falls off and etches on Sias lips instead.
She stands inches away from Sahir giving his heart a run for his money, her divine odor makes him lightheaded. "Sahir Khan." Sia says softly looking straight in to a mesmerized Sahir. "Will you do the honor of marrying me?" She tilts her head slightly and waits for his reply with a cocky smile.
Sahir stares confused at Sias sudden attitude. "What are you up to?" He asks her suspiciously.
Sia chuckes at that. "Obeying you my future hubby." She grins and this make Sahir fall from the sky.
Hypnotized under her honey brown eyes he clears his throat."You're acting weird. You're not having a attack or something are you?" He asks worried.
Sia rolls her eyes. "Whatever, I just proposed the way you wanted too. Too bad that you're not even good at handling that." She snickers and Sahir furrows his eyebrows.
"Excuse me?" Sahir says now full confused.
Closing the distance between them Sia puts her hands on Sahirs chest, which makes him afraid that she'll be able to hear his racing heart. "Oh darling, isn't this precisely what you wanted? A good obeying wifey?" In Sias mind she is vomiting, Sia pushes herself away from Sahir and gets back to her normal behavior. "I am not going to sit back and cry Sahir, if you're my punishment so be it." Sia isn't going to runaway from her destiny anymore.
Sahir smirk is back. "This is going to be fun, I didn't think we would end up being two players in this game but you just made it more interesting. Lets see if you can handle the pressure." Sahir eyes Sia and gets lost in deep thoughts.
Will he be able to finish what he started? He was adamant on marrying Sia but in real he is not even angry anymore. It is just that he likes to rile up Sia. Even though he doesn't even believe in marriages he wants to go on with the wedding, the thought of other men proposing Sia makes his gut clench in disgust.
To be honest, he knows that this is not the solution to the problem, the media will find a way to twist the news of the wedding and make sure to make his life a bigger scandal then it has already turned into.
Oh well maybe all publicity is good publicity?
Sia takes this chance and starts to leave from there. "One second." She hears Sahir and as a reflect she halts. "We are a couple even though a fake couple, the rest of the world should not know about that." He says and with a playful smile playing on his lips he strides to Sia.
He takes her soft hands in his warm one which makes Sias heart beat unevenly. What surprises both of them is that Sahir slowly brings her hand to his lips and places a tender kiss on it, making the skin on her hand tingle. Sia masks her surprise with a glare while Sahir chuckles. "This is going to be so much fun." Sahir smiles widely at his own words.
The fierce couple walks hand in hand to the living room portraying the lovey dovey couple they're actually not. Sias parents and Sahirs mother seem happy with the affection they're radiating. "Great work jerk, because of you my parents will have the illusion that we're happy." Sia whisper with a fake smile.
Sahir grins. "That's what we want, right? Or do you want them to know how miserable their daughter is going to soon be? By the way, call me names one more time and I'll make sure you can't even utter my name again." Sia frowns disgusted.
Her eyebrows shoots up. "You will stop so low to hit a woman?" She asks appalled.
Sahir shakes his head at her assumption, he will never raise his hand on a woman. "Why would I need to hit you when I can do worse?" He smirks and Sia looks at him confused. "I can for example kiss you till your lips bleed." Sia gasps while her eyes widens in shock.
She hits his arm with her other free hand while her cheeks turns crimson. "You're so disgusting! I'll kick your nuts if I sense any stupidity from you!" She warns through gritted teethes.
"Is there any problem?" A worried Mr. Malik asks them who's sensing discomfort from his daughter.
Sahir takes the opportunity. "No sir, actually I want a huge spectacular wedding." He adds extra weight to the word spectacular. "While the princess wants a small get together with friends and family." Sia raises her eyebrow, one he ironically called her princess when he is in for making her his slave and second she thought he dislikes spectacles.
"Well Sia has never been into the idea of getting married anytime soon. So we are quite pleasantly surprised with her change of mind." Her mother enlightens.
"I thought you believed in fairytale love and all." Sahir questions Sia who stands there unbothered.
"Actually, I don't believe in it. However I respect marriages and agree upon that it should be based on love, honesty and mutual understanding." Sia explains. "How would I know that I would be proven partly right. Fairytales doesn't exist but their villains surely do." She fake smiles.
"Glad to know that I have been to your aid to figure that one out." Sahir boosts while Sia glares at him.
The wedding preparation starts in full swing and as Sia has nothing to say in it she goes with the flow. Following around Sahirs orders makes her feel like she is the groom while he is the bride as he is the ultimate definition of bridezilla.
It took time for Sia to convince her siblings that she is actually getting married to Sahir due to her own will. However they're still skeptical over the one year dating fact thrown at them, who wouldn't be?
Sahir has chosen the wedding attire, jewelries and matching accessories for Sia which Sia hasn't bothered to look at yet. She actually is craving to but as he keeps calling her to know her opinion she hasn't bothered to give it a glance.
Before the wedding there's going to be an engagement day, so on Friday they will have their engagement together in a banquet hall as Sahirs guest list is longer than Sias height. And mind you, Sia is tall.
Sia and Sahir slurping on each soft drink is in a famous Indian store right now with Manish Malhotra collection as the stores most prestigious collection. "Thanks for being so merciful and letting me pick our dresses for the engagement." Sia acts grateful blinking her eyes like a drama queen.
He raises an eyebrow in amusement. Sahir wants to be fair and is going to let Sia choose everything for their engagement. The next destination is the banquette hall.
Sahir sits down on the round beige furniture in the middle of the store and eyes Sia through the mirror she is standing in front of looking at a golden dress. Slurping on his soda he leans forward resting his elbows on his knees. The golden dress makes her skin glow, her hair in a messy bun with a few strands caressing her cheeks makes Sahir unfocused. Sia is trying to see herself in the elegant dress and Sahir is quite positive that this is the ultimate dress she will wear for the engagement ceremony.
"Hello!" A man in his thirties interrupts Sahirs thoughts.
The man who seem to work here walks up to Sia and smiles warmly. "Hi." Sia smiles back at the handsome man with brown hair and blue eyes.
"Wow you're beautiful!" The man compliments Sia which automatically hardens Sahirs grip on the soda bottle.
Sia chuckles. "Thanks and you have beautiful eyes." She compliments back leaving Sahir dumbstruck.
Sia has a weakness for blue eyes. "I am Josh and will guide you today." He eyes the dress in her hand. "I guess we won't have a problem in finding the perfect dress for you."
Sia agrees. "I guess not, I am actually in love with this one." She brings the dress up in front of her again.
"To be honest it seems to be made for you. You try it on and we'll see how it fits you." She nods and he guides her into a dressing room.
Sahir is annoyed as the man doesn't even acknowledge Sahir and have all his attention on Sia. The times ticks and Sahir shakes his legs in annoyance. The curtains slides to the sides and Sahir holds his breath seeing Sia in the dress, hugging every curve of her to enhance her beauty. "Wow! Gorgeous!" Josh says exalted and makes Sia spin around, Sahirs eyes doesn't leave her for a second.
Sia giggles delighted. "Josh, I love it! But I think it needs a bit of altering at the sides up here." She embarrassedly points at the sides of her chest area. "It's too tight here. I can barely breath." Josh snickers.
"That's actually the point dear but don't worry there's enough fabric to make it a bit more comfortable. I'll just measure your size and change after that." He assures her which Sia nods to.
Josh goes to bring a measuring tape while Sia turns to the mirror. She looks behind her through it and gives a questioning look to Sahir. "What do you say future hubby?" She inquires toning on the word hubby.
Sahir clears his throat and looks away realizing that he has been starring at her, his neck is burning due to the depriving emotions he is feeling. Shrugging he acts casual. "The dress is beautiful, so sad that you can't carry it off." Sia raises an eyebrow while Sahir smirks meeting her eyes.
He bruises her ego and makes her a bit self conscious but doesn't let it show. "Yeah I am sure you would have rocked in it, princess." She smiles at him, emphasizes on the word princess, just as Josh comes back.
Sahir rolls his eyes. "Let us see now." Josh takes his arms around Sia to encircle the measuring tape around her chest which makes Sia chuckle lightly as it tickles her.
Sahir suddenly can't take it anymore. "Enough!" Sahir thunders and stands up. Josh and Sia stares at Sahir startled. "What's your problem? Isn't there any females around here who can take the measurements?" Sia and Josh exchanges a glance. "You're flirting with my fiancé in front of me! And then you have the audacity to touch her inappropriately?!"
Sia cringe at his words. "Sahir what are you talking about? He didn't." Sia embarrassed tries to defend but Sahir cuts her off.
"I know what I saw! You would also have noticed if you weren't too busy giggling and flirting back!" Sia gasps, what just happened?
He walks over to Josh and snatches the measurement tape from his hand. "Hold this!" He says to an amused Josh while Sahir shoves his soda in Joshs hands.
Thank God there's not many people in this store right now to witness the drama, Sia mentally notes.
Sahir pulls Sia to himself surprising her, Sias hands automatically finds their way to his arms as she tries to steady herself. She tries to not give a second thought to his muscular arms beneath her hands but her heart doesn't play along. He encircles the measuring tape around her chest area the same way as Josh had done but he is standing a few inches away from her and is quite embarrassed. Sia gulps turning crimson at the closeness and Sahirs sudden behavior.
He tries to read the measurement but isn't sure how lose or tight he should hold the band around her. Josh and Sia exchange another glance much to Sias embarrassment Josh starts to laugh. "Let me help you Mr. Gentleman." Josh says ones composing himself.
Sahir stands rigid as he let Josh help him. "By the way." Josh whispers to Sahir while helping him. "It is true that you have a beautiful fiancé and any man would love to compete with you to get her." Sahir clenches his jaw and his blood heats up ready to kill. "But I am unfortunately or fortunately attracted to the opposite gender and I am married." Sahirs expression are as if someone has poured cold water on him.
Josh nods to his hand with his wedding band evident on it while Sahir gape at it. Sia tries to hold back a fit of laughter but ends up laughing anyway with her hands covering her mouth. Sahir sighs heavily, rubbing his face with his hands as he knows Sia won't let this one go that easily.
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