Justice is not an attachment to our emotions, what causes us to execute what is justice, it is emotion, the need to free those who have been wronged, without it, the dead would turn in their graves.
Carter Defray Lynn.
Something about watching your life flash before your eyes is so captivating, it keeps you in position, making you ready for the universe to accept yet another death, I was watching what was supposed to be the cause of my death, in the most non discrete of ways, ran over by a car, a hit and run, it seemed overkill but worked, as the car neared me I double flipped back, using my unnatural speed and strength I got out of the way completely, not a stray hair out of place. Running a wolf over with a car was primitive at best, it could work just not on this particular wolf. Everyone around me stood still, some in amazement and others in horror, I had just completely evaded being hit by a large SUV, now I knew someone was out to get me and someone was following me, luckily I had a good memory, whoever was driving that car was stupid enough to leave traceable plates on it, but I'd deal with it later, I had to lay low.
Walking away and disappearing in crowds was something I was good at and I did, thoughts of why someone would want to kill me all over again churned in my head, the rogues had no need I was useless to them, then who would want me dead, and why now. As I walked the feeling of being watched had now disappeared, I was given reprieve from my stalker, my wolf was more relieved than I was. Looking around me I found a nice restaurant to order an early lunch, I had nothing to do for a while, I'd go back to the library later when it was closed, I knew ways to sneak in, the perks of having lived in Kholis and wanting my own space to just be myself without being deemed a freak. Finding a table was easy, ordering would take a while, the Bay as always was beautiful and flourishing, as watching the people go about their days reading them randomly gave me a view of who they were, an occasional masochist and sadist weren't a surprise, what was a surprise was the scent of a wolf in front of me.
"My, my, if it isn't Carter Defray, you look lovely." She bit out and even though the last part she meant, I didn't care. She was the woman who stood over my grandma, her lifeless body lingering between her and her mate. "Hello Irina." I mumbled in response and I believe she gave me the fakest smile possible. "I heard from Tai that you're back in town, I just didn't expect you'd make an impact." She chuckled callously and I knew there was something she knew, I didn't. "What do you mean Irina?" I demanded and she feigned ignorance. "Oh it's not important honey, but what is, is how you have such long lovely hair, no split ends, what's your secret." She changed the subject but her emotions told a different tale, she knew she had slipped up and was trying to cover it up with vanity, I wasn't that stupid though.
So I stood up, connections were formed even through a fleeting touch, it could reveal a world of emotions, bare to me. So as I played to vanity and ran gentle fingers through her hair, I dove into her being. "She's dead, finally she's dead, she was a nuisance." Irina hissed looking at my grandmother on the floor, her mate equally if not more relieved by her death. "She knew too much and was a liability." That voice again, that feminine voice I could feel in alpha Harrison, it was present in her memories too. "Yeah, but what do we do about her now, we need to find a scapegoat." The beta asserted as the quivering and cries of children began to infiltrate the woman's being. "Shut up!" Irina snapped and the children did. "We just need to frame the rogues, once everyone thinks they did it, the pack will never deal with rogues again." That voice again, it spoke and the more it did, the more I recognized it.
"The rogues loved her, it's a pity I poisoned their only source of healing." Those words alone were enough to make my heart break, so Irina had poisoned her, she had struck her own blow. "Yes, but that would've taken a while to completely kill her, this was faster." The beta stated nonchalantly and it hurt to hear, she had never been a bad person, why would they do this to her. "Get rid of her body, better yet, place her in her office, make it seem like rogues broke in and killed her, make sure its done right, Irina I need you to find out whatever that idiotic Torrez has been up to and tell him we need more children." Finally I was close to knowing her, I knew thay voice, and the name Torrez, I could never forget it.
"I don't know, you'll need a lot more than what I can offer you." I exclaimed as I slowly let go of my hold on her emotions and her wolf, she knew I had seen it all, I could see it in her eyes, the fear, the panic, the need to run but as time sped back up I grabbed both her arms and in my rage I inflicted the most dangerous of emotions, crippling depression, the kind that haunts even those around you, the kind that calls for one to kill themselves, I let waves of depressive emotion crash into her being, cripple her wolf into hiding away. "Please!" She screamed as everyone finally began taking note of us, but being emotionally connected to anything around me I also led them away, made them ignore us and continue with their agendas, it was stressful to maintain and straining on my wolf but he knew, we had to do it. "Go, take the knife—" I whispered in her ear and she quivered, as if her actions weren't her own and they weren't. "Please, don't make me— ah." I inflicted more pain than before and I knew it was lethal.
"Carve your own heart out, free yourself of the guilt, the pain." I added as she took the closest knife she could find, it shook in her hands but it moved toward her heart, I stood up and moved away from her. "When you're left with just one pull, you'll go outside and let the world watch you pay for your sins." I stated my last instruction, blending into the crowd who I still had influence over, my anger hadn't subsided, I was furious, why would anyone do that to her, they all knew she was innocent, why make her suffer so much, why kill her, so I watched as Irina plunged the knife into her own heart, blood splattered everywhere as if a mad butcher had taken her over, she kept stabbing, over and over again, blood gushing out, with limited connection to her wolf, she wasn't healing all that well, my last instruction came into play, as she staggered over the pool of her own blood, made her way outside only for people to scream in horror at the continued stabs she was inflicting on herself.
Then just like how I wanted to be killed by a moving car, a truck came out of nowhere and rammed into her, leg torn off and body mangled into a position not even an alpha could recover from. My hold over the patrons in the restaurant subsided and I made sure none of them had a recollection of me with Irina and luckily there were no cameras to film anything, I slipped out as the crowd gathered, my anger simmered, but this was the beginning, I knew the people responsible for my grandmother's death, and I had also promised that if anyone stood in the way of my revenge I'd kill them, until I killed the ones who made her suffer, I didn't care who it was I'd hurt in the process, when I suffered they never cared who was hurt in turn. I still had time before going back to the library so I was off to find an underground map of Kholis bay, wherever the children were it was underground.
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