We tether oursevles to those we trust, emotions become our bridge, and what we feel they feel too, so what was to happen, if that tether no longer existed, and emotions dim out and die.
I showered at a leisurely pace, not wanting to draw attention since Tori was now up or back in the house, I knew there was someone else in the house, I just didn't know who and honestly I was too preoccupied with what to wear, so I decided on combat boots, black jeans, loose navy top and a denim jacket, ofcourse I wasn't going to leave my cross body bag, I had to be flexible, so I took the things I needed and put them in there, with a dash of cherry red lipstick, natural makeup and my hair in a messy pony tail, I was ready to face Kholis bay. Walking downstairs wasn't the problem, the problem was realizing that everyone would stare once I stood by the kitchen doorway and that the mighty alpha Enzo would be here, great.
"Whoa, you look positively delicious." Tai commented as he hid himself behind his cup of what I assumed was coffee. "Yeah, you look gorgeous cherry." Tori added as she did a three sixty on me. "Thank you, I aim to please." I retorted placing my body bag next to Tai, away from Enzo. "Good—." He cleared his throat. "Morning, Carter." He finally added and I simply nodded with a smile his way. "Tai I owe you breakfast." I mumbled and he chimed up whilst nodding. So I began the task I was used to everyday, I made two stacks of blue berry pancakes, four omelettes, a pan of breakfast sausages and reheated muffins I knew Enzo had come with, it also made sense why he was here, it was some what planned. As Tai came down the stairs from his shower, I was ready to serve him and Tori by default, she was lucky that way.
"Did you make all this in what, fifteen minutes." Tori was stunned, who wouldn't be, except the alpha who was watching me like a creep. "Yeah, its easy, now come, things to do." I hurried them and served, Tai dug into it immediately. "Carter, this is so good." He moaned whilst his mate stuffed himself. "Am I too good for your food Carter?" Enzo grumbled as I turned to face him. "I promised Tai breakfast not you or her, but she's just lucky to be my cousin, and I'm not petty, so—here." I replied the alpha whilst pushing a plate full of food and three glasses of juice toward him, Tai snickered inbetween bites then whimpered, I knew Enzo had done something to him. He ate watching me like a hawk but I knew my food, I was proud of it, and soon enough, he was inhaling it. Tori looked at the beta and his alpha shove food down their throats, I was highly amused.
"You should really give me your recipes, I've never gotten Tai to eat like this." Tori exclaimed making me chuckle, but I had no secret recipe to give, it was all me, with that, I ate my pancakes, chugged down my juice, and grabbed my water. "I will see you later, I have exploring to do." I told Tori, hugging her and patting Tai on the back, my courtesy was just that, they were people I knew, and the actions of others had turned them against me, I blamed them for not standing with me, but I was at a point of not caring as to what happened to them, we were nolonger who we were before, just hollow shells of broken tethers. "Wait, I can drop you off in town." Enzo offered after chugging down his third glass of juice, of course I ignored him and kept walking, he out of everyone, didn't deserve anything that had to do with me.
"Carter." He forced out grabbing my arm, in a knee jerk reaction, I pulled him toward me, kicked his ankle and landed an upper cut on him which had him stumbling back, I crouched down in an instant and took him off his feet. Breathing hard I stood upright. "Alpha or not you have no right to touch me, you're not my alpha anymore, remember that, I don't need your help." I spat and twirled around to leave, my rental car was there, so I clicked on the keys and unlocked it. "Damn, that was—." Tai spoke helping his alpha up whilst I got into the car, I didnt want to hear the rest of it so I revved the engine and sped down the road towards the library, I had things to do, once I found a parking spot, I paid for a few hours, then walked toward the library, the building was old, but it seemed in the time I was gone, it had been refurbished to look a bit more modern, a good looking modern.
As I got in, the inside was just as different as the outside, computers had overtaken where most of the bookshelves had been, but it was a large place so there was still a large area with bookshelves, and a reading area. "Good morning young m— wo—." Her emotions hit me like an ocean wave, her disgust and judgement laid bare, I wasn't in the mood for it though, I had already gotten enough of a mood killer from the idiotic alpha. "Carter Lynn, and I would like a weekly pass." I responded and the woman with oversized cat eyed shaped glasses scrutinized me. "Hmm, no respect at all, what are you even?" She hissed back lowly making my temper flare. "Lady I swear to the Goddess I will shove your foot down that judgemental throat so fast you wont even know what happened to you, what am I, I'm me, I'm expressive, I am male and I look pretty fucking good, and please hold off on the judgement, I've had it my whole life, just because I chose to be the person I am, inside and out." I blew up on her, I know I shouldn't have but having felt her emotions toward me, how she thought that I was what's wrong with the world, it made me feel some type of way.
"Now you have your answer, can I have my pass please." I hissed and she nodded typing fast on her computer, and soon she was handing me my pass card. "And lady, you're what's wrong with the world, your judgement, and your high, almighty stance that people like me destroy other people's lives, I'm just living my life, expressing myself in the most comfortable of ways, maybe you should've tried it not become so bitter and resentful." I gave her my parting words as I left her desk, I shut out her emotions because they truly did make me feel a myriad of emotions on my own, and I didn't want to deep dive into that, I had a drive to find. I walked to the back of the library keeping myself small and hidden, the cameras I had already spotted, I couldn't be seen by those too. Alpha Harrison's memories were clear as I remembered where he hid the drive, I crouched down on the spot and like I expected, it was there, I slipped it into my bag without getting suspicious eyes on me but as I turned to walk away, I knew I was being watched, I could feel a tinge of their focus on me, plus werewolf instincts.
I kept walking, I needed to find the second clue that led to what my grandmother had said, the cobalt veins, I made my way to the old, not frequently cleaned section of the library and on the floor to the wall if I concentrated enough with my wolf's eyes, I could see it, dim luminescent lines that crawled from one particular bookshelf to the floor, then the wall, I knew I had found it but I was also becoming increasingly aware that I was being watched, by a pack wolf, they always had a different vibe from rogue packs, I had to come back later in the night, that was the only option I had. So I turned back like a distraught maiden and sped walk out of the library, once on the walkway my wolf screamed that I wasn't safe and in that moment as if in slow motion I could see the SUV headed straight for me.
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