The next morning Sydney woke up to an empty room. David had left the window open so she could enjoy some fresh air, which she gladly did. She picked a corner in the aquarium that was basked in the sun so it should be nice and warm.
Laying in the sun's warmth made her dose off. After a few minutes she woke up to something poking at her. Sydney opened her eyes and immediately tried to scurry backwards only to get reminded she was in a corner and she couldn't get away. She screamed in horror.
In front was a giant spider, that when it saw her awake, attacked. Not a moment later a giant hand slammed down on the spider and removed it. ( Thanks to a hidden listening device, David had heard Sydney scream and had ran upstairs as fast as he could)
A couple seconds later Davids face hovered over the aquarium, his eyes filled with genuine concern.
D: You okay?
Sy: I am going to lay down a little bit.
D: I will stay in the room for now.
Sy: Whatever. As if you really care.
David sighed, turned around, picked up a book and laid down on his bed. About an hour later he got up to check on Sydney.
Looking at her he got worried because she looked as pale as a ghost and the cloth he had given her as a bed was wet. After touching her with his pinkie, he noticed she felt warm.
David carefully picked Sydney up and took her to his lab because there he had the proper tools to tend to her needs.
At his lab he took a magnifying glass, tweezers and a little scissor. Looking through the magnifying glass David saw a rip in her blouse. With the tweezers he lifted her blouse up gently and carefully cut open the blouse.
The wound was already infected because Sydney being so tiny the spiders venom was much more effective then it would be on him.
David rubbed some anti inflammatory creme on the wound and put a bandage on it. He then took Sydney back to his room and laid her down on a pillow on his bed.
An hour later the fever set in and Sydney started to toss and turn.
Sy: Please, no!
Sydney yelled sounding as she was in pain
D: Sydney?
Maybe she was dreaming about the spider
Sy: I didn't do it, Daddy. I swear! Please don't hit me anymore.
Okay, definitely not the spider. What was going on?
D: Shh, Sydney.
He gently tried to sooth her, rubbing her little hand softly.
Sy: Why do you never believe me, Mommy? Please don't hate me!
D: What the...?
David mumbled to himself
Sy: I did it, please stop hurting me?!
After hearing that, David sat down beside her. The rantings continued for over an hour and at the end David was sick to his stomach of the things he heard.
D: Shh Sydney, nobody is going to hurt you anymore, not on my watch. And that includes me!
From this day onward he would do anything in his power to make Sydney happy.
// Sorry it took so long to update but I had to work extra hours and was to tired to write anything decent. I hope I didn't disappoint anyone. Next I will be updating Her giant boss, already working on it but I hope you will have a little patience because I will not post it today.//
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