Who is He?
The demigods watched in amazement as the giant hellhound bellow them ran with her tongue hanging out with glee in her eyes. She didn't look all that bad from up here, but then again, from way up here on the backs of pegasi she looked like a miniature poodle. Not a dog the size of a dumpster truck. They moved their amazement to the 68 year old man riding the black pegasus i front of them. The agent they just thought was quiet because he wanted to stay in the field, but no. He had the best moves in battle they had ever seen, he was terrifying even to monsters, he was a demigod protecting mortals under the alias of a federal agent. The agent that was training them to be agents. But who really is this man? This was the only demigod they had met that was this old, they had just assumed it was because they got out of the life completely and didn't want to stir up trouble. Until of course that empousai mentioned all of them being taken. What the Hades did that mean?
"We're almost there. I just need to take a quick pit stop."
They thought it was because he was older and needed to go to the bathroom. Instead they landed outside the bunker that Chiron had taught them about. The one that no one could even get into unless the were a fire user child of Hephaestus. So why would Peter Johnson walk up to it looking like he knew exactly what to do? They watched as the man put his hand on what looked like a hand print and rested his forehead against the stone. Then he pushed off of the wall and walked to the side of the stone and pressed his hand down on what looked like a hand shaped button.
"Leo McShizzle Supreme Commander of the Argo II here. I'm just gonna be plain and simple about this because Annie's being really scary right now. What's the password to my secret lair?"
Once again they watched as the man seemed to laugh and cry at the same time, "Leo Bad Boy Supreme Super-Sized Supreme McShizzle Flaming Valdez is in fact a latino elf."
"Hey! Who changed the password? Beauty Queen was this you? Fine, fine. Come on in my friend, my opposite, PJ let's goooooo. And don't spill water on my dragon again. Got it?"
Agent Johnson allowed a few more tears to slip past his eyes before he entered the bunker, lightly beckoning the younger demigods to follow him. Entering took their breaths away. Filling the bunker was a giant ship suspended in the air with cables, as well as a bronze dragon sitting on a pedestal in the bag. The entire front of the bunker was covered head to toe with pictures, many of them included the same 7 people, while others had what looked like to them a few gods and Chiron. Agent Johnson hadn't said another word as he walked up to the photo wall. He grabbed a picture of a girl that looked like a child of Athena with a giant grin on her face, next to her was a boy with untamed raven black hair and sea green eyes.
"Who are they?"
Kyle finally spoke up and he really wished he hadn't. The old man's head whipped around so fast it looked like he was going to get whiplash. He gifted the three of them with a glare that was more terrifying then Hades himself. Behind his eyes they could see the depths of hell, they could feel all of the pain he had ever experienced. The watched fast moving pictures as all hope he had was lost, all behind one pair of eyes.
"Whatever happens don't do anything stupid. He's going to be angry."
Lana was about to speak again, but Steve shoved his hand over her mouth. The continued to watch the man, afraid of what else he could terrify them with.
He walked over to a giant thing of oil and picked it up. The tub would have felt heavy to all three of them carrying it, but he lifted it with ease. He carried it to the back by the bronze dragon, they watched as he poured it into a tube underneath the dragon then watched as the oil magically floated around the dragon. Being absorbed into his metallic skin and down his throat. The dragon began to creak and whir and his eyes began to glow a bright ruby red. And then he charged to the defenseless demigods.
The dragon stopped and slowly turned his head to the man. He whirred his teeth and cocked his head.
"Yeah buddy, it's me. Thank god Annabeth and Leo taught me morse code."
The dragon and man looked down in grief at the same time. And the three demigods let out a sigh of release they hadn't realized they were holding.
"These three are fine. How 'bout we head to camp? I think I've finally got a lead on them. We might actually have a chance of seeing them again. Especially if this new camper is who I think he is."
The dragon roared in what sounded like joy, then they watched as he spread the wings they hadn't realized he had and flew upwards. It looked as thought he was going to crash into the boat, but it opened a hatch in the bottom and seemed to open itself around the dragon until a streak of sunlight splashed onto the cold stone floor and then it was all gone again.
"Let's move. You three are going to stay with me and won't say a word until I get to Chiron."
Since the empousi the three had learned to do as they were told, they followed in silence.
__________________________TiMe SkIp____At CaMp__________________________________
All of the campers were still whispering about the appearance of one of the gods, especially the fact that she basically dragged a demigod here herself. They were so focused on the new boy they barely acknowledged the hellhound happily trotting into the borders. The three pegasi and bronze dragon slowly descending on the camp. Until of course oil poured out of the dragons ear and onto many of the younger campers.
"Sorry! I'm not the owner or creator of him I don't know how to fix the kinks."
Now they certainly noticed the oldest what had to be a demigod they had ever seen in their lives.
"Alright let's all calm down a little bit. Why in Hades would I invade my own...home."
The oldest demigods stopped in their tracks and looked at him in confusion. The clopping og hooves was heard, signalling the arrival of Chiron. By his side was the new kid, Charlie, he hadn't left the trainer's side.
"What is going on he-" Chiron's jaw went slack when he met the eyes of the man sitting atop the black pegasus. "It can't be. Is that you, my boy?"
The man grinned and tears seemed to fill his eyes. He got off of the pegasus and quickly embraced the centaur, "I've missed you Chiron. I don't know how I survived without my favorite old horse."
The two smiled fondly at each other as the black pegasus reared up and neighed quietly. The man smiled lightly at the horse.
"Wait a minute. I know that pegasus. You're the one that saved me from the minotaur."
Blackjack straightened himself proudly.
"Hold up a minute. Blackjack, you knew? You knew about him and you didn't tell me? And to think I got you a donut today."
The demigod camp leader was the next to speak, she was a daughter of Athena, and her name was Allison. "Before we continue this absolutely thrilling conversation I would love to have one question of mine answered. Who the actual HELL are you?"
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