How Many People Can I Piss Off?
Percy's POV
I could already feel the potion working its way through my body, as the minutes passed by on our flight to Olympus I watched as my wrinkles slowly but surely started to fade.
After a little while, the Empire State Building came into view and my breath caught. Even from this far away I could see her designs breaking through the clouds making Olympus even more breathtaking then it was before.
"It's more beautiful than Chiron described!"
"First time, Lana?"
"Yeah, we've had no reason to go to Olympus for a while."
"We used to go every Solstice and when Zeus was being overdramatic and threatening to kill me, or if the world was ending. Y'know, the usual."
Lana let out a long whistle, her entire generation of demigods needs to get used to world-ending scenarios. With me back they'll be sure to attack us with force.
"Blackjack right outside of the throne room."
"You got it, boss."
As soon as we got off the pegasi flew to the water trough and we walked through the arches that led into the throne room. The first foot that stepped into the room sent 14 heads whipping around in our direction.
"Who dares interrupt me!"
"Easy there Zeus-y boy, no one was paying attention to you."
Apollo and Hermes began rolling on the ground with laughter. "Ha! Who are you?! You are the best demigod that's stepped in here since-"
They cut themselves off when their eyes landed on Poseidon. My father didn't look well, he was a little green and his hair had begun to turn grey even though he's immortal, his eyes had dulled considerably, and his usual Hawaiian attire was switched with an all-black outfit. If I didn't know what he usually looked like I would call him Hades.
The entire mood in the room changed after they almost mentioned my name. Except for Hestia, she was still glowing with a grin aimed directly at Charlie and me.
"Lana! My fierce daughter why are you here?"
"As if you care Ares! The second you meet one of your children face to face you're mildly nice. But as soon as you see Clarisse, the best daughter of Ares I have ever met, you yell at her and tell her she isn't doing good enough! Clarisse is a hero and she deserves a better father than you!"
I may think she's annoying but that doesn't mean the pig face isn't my friend. Although, because I said her name more questions were rising within the gods. No one alive knew Clarisse's name unless they were immortal, and I certainly wasn't.
"Who the hell do you think you are, punk?"
I may as well give it up now.
"Exactly that. The same punk that beat you when he was 12. The same punk that had almost no training and still crushed you like a bug. The same punk that could tear you to shreds here and now if he wanted to."
"That's impossible! He went missing along with everyone else!"
"What? I've always been here. Some of you helped me for a few years before my hope flickered out. How could you think I was gone, too?"
Poseidon groaned loudly as he stood up. "Pery? Is that really you, my son?"
I watched my father, a god, lean on a trident to support himself. "Hey, Dad."
"Where have you been? I thought you were gone."
The despair in his voice broke my heart. I knew Poseidon cared more about his kids than most gods, but I didn't realize it went this far.
"Dad, I swear I thought you knew. I-I had to get away from everything. I-I had to get away from her! I thought she was dead."
"I understand, son. But why hide from Sally?"
"The only thing that would have broken Mom's heart more than me leaving would be her seeing 'her baby' broken. I put her through that once, I couldn't do it again."
Tears fell from both of our faces, and all of a sudden I was engulfed in a bear hug from the God of the Seas. As soon as we broke apart I saw the light return to my father's eyes and seemed to grow young again. I smiled.
"Anyways! Before I was rudely interrupted by the Drama Queen and Big Baby over there I just wanted to let the council know that Tartarus has them. He has all of them. We finally have a chance to get them back after 50 years. And I don't care if you all have another vote on whether or not to kill me, because I will rip you apart if you keep me from seeing my Wise Girl again. Understood?"
I used Lupa's training to glare at each and every one of them, I felt their blood vibrate as they shivered with fear. It would be so easy to take everything away from the-NO! Never again, Percy, you promised her.
"If you fail to get my daughter back, you will wish that I was merciful enough to smite you. Now, Perseus who is the child behind you?"
I straightened my back and stared my almost mother-in-law with a stern face, but my heart jumped a bit.
"Lady Athena, um, this is my son. Charlie."
"I know what you're going to say and don't bother. He is mine and Annabeth's child. My mother has been raising him until she died. You of all people should know that I would never do that to your daughter even if she was d-um-gone. Loyalty is my Fatal Flaw after all. Charlie, this is your grandmother, the goddess Athena of Wisdom and Battle Strategy. And Athena, he's mainly brains so you should be happy."
Athena gave Charlie a once-over, nodded her head, and finally returned to her throne.
"Hades, is there any way I could grab a few souls in Esylium to help in this battle? I will return them immediately, but I will need a lot of help. And access to your entrance into his domain."
He simply nodded his head and a staircase appeared in the ground, I could already hear Cerberus's barking.
"As much as I hate a lot of you, I hope to see you soon. If not, well, peace out losers."
I then grabbed Lana and Charlie's hands and ran into the hole before Zeus struck me with his Master Bolt.
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