Part 7
'I forgot much, Cynara! gone with the wind,
Flung roses, roses, riotously, with the throng,
Dancing, to put thy pale, lost lilies out of mind.'
- Ernest Dowson, Cynara
Courtney Estate;
Eleanor's face lit up as she read the words of the letter.
Across the hall, Hugh glanced with curiosity at the object of his mother's delight, trying to decipher its contents.
He knew that a letter from his grandmother usually had this effect on her; it was their only means of knowing about each other's wellbeing, besides a handful of meetings each year.
But he had a feeling that this particular letter conveyed much more than general health of their family.
"What is written there, Mother?"
Eleanor looked at her son with a start.
She had almost forgotten about his presence.
"Oh, son! It is the most wonderful news.
Maya has been betrothed to Prince Edward!"
Hugh found it hard to believe his mother's words.
Maya- his little sister, was getting married already?
"What? When did it happen?"
He could not keep the displeasure out of his voice.
Eleanor smiled in understanding as she grasped his disappointment.
All her sons were specially close to Maya.
She was the only girl in the family.
Hugh feeling upset by the news was understandable.
She herself was filled with a sense of loss; but they could not let their emotions get in the way of Maya's future.
"Just last week.
Do not worry, my son.
This will be a royal wedding. The preparations are going to take a lot of time.
We do not have to worry about parting with Maya too soon."
Eleanor spoke softly.
Hugh nodded before beginning with in a hesitant tone,
"But, Mother, she is just sixteen. Is it not too soon?"
Eleanor chuckled as she shook her head.
"Of course not, Hugh.
You forget that you yourself got married at seventeen and are a proud father now.
Don't you want the same happiness for your sister?"
Hugh sighed as he reluctantly agreed with her.
"You are right. Of course, I am happy for her. It is just that-"
Eleanor interrupted his words with a sympathetic smile.
"I know, son. I know exactly how you feel."
Palace Library;
"You seem happy."
Queen Catherine spoke with a mischievous smile on her face, as she entered the library.
Prince Edward stood up from his desk with a start, his face flushed, as he rushed to shield the letter lying in front of him.
The ink was still wet, making it impossible for him to be able to hide it with something.
He cursed himself for not having the foresight to lock the doors.
Catherine saw the abashed look on her son's face and decided to ignore the piece of parchment lying on the desk; one that he was evidently failing to hide from her.
She had a pretty fair idea of whom it was addressed to.
Edward gave a sigh of relief when she went to sit on the settee instead of approaching the desk.
He would certainly not have preferred her to know that her son- a grown man of four and twenty and the Prince of this Kingdom- had been acting as a love-sick romantic, writing letters to his betrothed.
Edward went to sit next to her, composing himself to certain extent.
"Maya is a wonderful girl, isn't she?"
Catherine spoke with a soft smile, gazing at her son with affectionate eyes.
Edward was filled with the usual sense of adoration that he had begun to feel each time he heard her name.
"She is perfect."
Catherine sighed contently.
She knew that Maya had been the perfect choice for her son; and seeing him this happy, she was even more at ease with her decision.
Hayworth Estate;
'...I spend each moment dreaming of your eyes and wondering when this eternal wait of making you mine, would end.
- Yours in earnestness, Edward'
Maya felt her face flush as she finished reading the letter.
She took a last note of the neat handwriting and arranged it over the bundle of similar letters kept in an intricately carved wooden chest.
It had been almost a month since she was betrothed to Edward.
In the start, his letters were mostly cordial, inquiring about the wellness of her family; she replied in kind.
Neither of them realised when they turned to something much more than just a formality.
Edward spoke of his adoration and love for her in a manner that always sent her heart racing.
Emma had made sure to receive the letters from the Palace messenger and bring them straight to Maya.
She was also the one who delivered them back to the Palace.
Maya was grateful enough to not mind her consistent teasing regarding their rendezvous.
She had just secured the lock of the chest when there came a soft knock at the door.
Maya knew it could not be Emma as she had just gone back home for the day.
Her face stiffened when Lady Scarlet Hayworth made her way inside the chambers.
She stood up from her place and glanced stoically at the woman in front of her.
They seldom conversed with each other.
Her grandmother had made sure to keep her away from the company of her father's wife for as long as Maya could recall.
She did not understand the reason while she was just a child; but as soon as she could begin to, she felt grateful towards her grandmother.
Lady Scarlet was a presence that Maya tried hard to ignore.
She wanted to hate the woman responsible for her mother's misery but knew that it was not her fault alone.
If she was to hate her, she would have to treat her father the same way, and she had vowed not to let the hatred consume her.
But as she saw her standing in front of her, Maya wondered how long she could avoid her resentment.
Scarlet looked ill at ease as she stood facing Maya.
She knew that coming to her chambers had been a bad idea but her need to have a final conversation with the girl that she considered her daughter, overpowered her sense of reason.
She knew that Maya would be married in less than a month now.
And as much as she hated it, they would have to send her away.
"Lady Hayworth, was there something you needed?"
Scarlet felt her heart plummet upon hearing the usual indifference in Maya's voice.
She had always spoken to her like that- without any hate but with a cutting disdain.
Her indifference hurt Scarlet the most.
She had loved Maya ever since she was a baby.
She had been the daughter Scarlet had always wanted, but never had; and the constant reminder of Saya- innocent and accepting.
"I-I came to talk to you, Maya."
Scarlet's voice was soft and hopeful as she spoke.
Maya frowned as she struggled to avoid her increasing distress.
She could not bring herself to speak, no matter how hard she tried.
Scarlet had anticipated her silence.
She continued in the same tone as before,
"I wanted to tell you how much I would miss you...I do love you, Maya. I hope you know that."
Maya felt her throat clog with a myriad of emotions- hurt being the at the top of them.
Had she said the same sweet things to her mother?
They were know to be good friends before her affair came to light.
Scarlet sensed Maya's growing discomfort and decided to take her leave.
She concluded that it probably had not been a wise decision to come and speak with her.
She had only managed to distress her.
She had just opened her mouth, with the intention of taking her leave when an angry voice sounded from the doorway-
"Maya, Grandma is calling for you."
Scarlet turned to face Brandon at the same moment as Maya.
She almost shivered at the sheer anger radiating from him.
Maya looked at her brother with the combination of relief and uneasiness.
She knew he was highly troubled upon seeing Lady Scarlet here.
While a part of her was glad for the rescue that he offered to her, another part was wary of his actions if she left him alone with the other woman.
Maya decided to take the easy way out as she saw the determined glance that her brother threw at her.
She nodded her head curtly and quickly made her way out of the chambers, leaving the other two people in each other's company.
Brandon slowly made his way to the chair next to the fireplace and sat down, not bothering to glance at Scarlet.
"Why are you here?"
Scarlet flinched at his cold tone. She looked at where he sat and met his fiery eyes.
"What do you mean, Brandon?"
"I mean exactly what you heard."
Brandon spoke with a hard face.
"I came to see my daughter."
Scarlet knew she was treading on a risky path as she answered his question.
"Maya is no daughter of yours.
Do not, even for a second, mistaken yourself as our mother."
Brandon was seething with fury by now, as he gazed at her with animosity.
Scarlet was too stunned to reply, allowing him to continue,
"Your company upsets my sister. She is too kind to refuse you. But don't ever take that kindness for granted. "
"Brandon, I-"
Scarlet was forced to stop abruptly when Brandon suddenly stood up from his position and strode to her with assured steps.
"I am not as patient as my sister. Stay away from her and we can avoid such unpleasant scenarios."
His face was composed this time.
In another moment, he was out of the door, leaving Scarlet alone with her humiliation.
Panyer Lane;
"His Highness- the Prince, is here, Lady Barlow."
Cecilia felt a rush of pleasure upon hearing the words.
It had been more than two months since the last time the Prince had visited her.
She had almost given up on waiting for him.
Hence, hearing the news of his arrival brought forth a surge of hope- maybe all was not lost.
She arranged her dress- straightening out the non-existent creases and hoped she looked presentable enough.
Edward entered a moment after.
Her breath hitched as she savored the sight before her.
He was magnificent.
She was still in awe of the fact that though temporarily, he had chosen her to be with him.
She bent down in a curtsy, trying to compose her racing heart.
"Your Highness, it is a pleasure to have you back here."
Edward smiled softly as he looked at her.
She had been a good friend to him in all these years and he knew that she would be hurt with what he had come here to say; though, it could not be helped.
"Cecilia, I hope you are well."
Cecilia was filled with foreboding as she glanced at his face.
There was a strange look in his eyes.
She knew at that moment that he was lost to her.
She smiled wistfully as she handed him a chalice of wine.
"I congratulate you on your impending wedding, Your Highness."
She had heard the news from her maids a week ago and could not help but feel envious of Lady Maya Hayworth- the woman who was fortunate enough to be chosen as his bride.
Cecilia knew it was hopeless.
She had never even stood a chance to be in the other woman's place, for she did not carry Noble blood in her veins.
Edward did not miss the hurt in her voice.
He sighed before speaking in a reluctant tone,
"Cecilia...I am sorry. But this was bound to happen; you already knew that."
Cecilia could not deny that.
The first time they met, he had been thoughtful enough to remind her that she should not expect much from his company; they were only meant to be lovers.
He would have to leave her someday.
She was not pressured to agree to him just because he was the Prince, Edward had made sure to assert that.
But she hardly needed to ponder on a decision.
No woman, in her right mind, could have refused Edward.
He was a gentle lover and a generous man.
And despite his caution, she found herself cherishing their nights together; revering the feel of his taut body against hers.
It had been too easy to fall in love with him.
"How is she?
Is she more beautiful than me?"
She spoke in a nonchalant manner, trying to conceal her anguish.
Her eyes were focussed on the chalice in her hand.
Edward replied in a hesitant tone,
"It does not matter; you know that."
Cecilia smiled ruefully and continued as if she hadn't heard him,
"Do you love her?"
Edward sighed in frustration. This was not going like he had expected.
Cecilia finally turned her fervent gaze to him and cried in a pleading voice-
"I need to know this, Your Highness.
If I am going to lose you to another regardless of anything, I would like her to be someone whom you love and who is better than me."
Edward saw the pleading look on her face and spoke sympathetically,
"Yes, Cecilia- I love her. She is wonderful."
Cecilia blinked back her tears before they had a chance to trail a path down her face.
She was not going to lose her composure.
She would act like the woman he thought her to be.
"Then, I am satisfied.
I will pray for your happiness."
Her voice was complacent.
Edward nodded shortly.
He was relieved to see her so composed.
"I would like for you to continue living here.
Consider it a debt on me- to ease me of my guilt."
Cecilia acknowledged his words with a wistful smile.
He was generous till the end.
She would not be disappointing him by refusing this gift.
She would accept it, even if it meant reliving the memories they made together in the nooks and corners of the manor.
She would accept it as a means to carry on, for she knew that she could never love another; no one could match up to him.
"Yes, Your Highness. I am grateful for your gift."
She saw his relieved face and felt strangely at ease.
She was going to spend her life knowing that he was with someone he loved and cared for, and that was enough for her...
Palace Arena;
"Did you ever love someone, Lord Berkeley?"
Geoffrey frowned at the unexpected question.
He sheathed his sword and looked at Prince Edward.
He had been distracted through the entire practice and Geoffrey had a pretty good inkling of the reason behind his strange behavior.
"Yes. I have, Your Highness."
Edward was bewildered by his response.
The question had escaped him unintentionally.
He had never expected the answer to be in affirmative.
Lord Berkeley- the fearsome Knight- had been in love?
The idea was almost preposterous.
"You were? What happened?"
Edward couldn't keep the incredulity out of his voice as he looked at Geoffrey intently.
Geoffrey smiled ruefully before replying in a sombre tone,
"I lost her to the cruel hands of fate."
A tensed silence stretched between them, neither of them saying a word.
Edward could see the stark pain of Geoffrey's face and was resigned to muteness.
"Once you find the one you love, be wise and cherish her, Your Highness. Do not be a fool like me."
Geoffrey knew he had already met that woman in Maya and he was delightful by the fact.
Edward would know better than to take her live for granted; he had to; for his own sake.
"He better do that, Uncle Geoffrey."
Geoffrey's face brightened when he saw Brandon entering the arena.
The last time they had met had been almost a month ago.
The only places they usually met at were either the Bradford Estate or the manor assigned to Geoffrey by the King, near the Palace.
"Brandon, my son!
What could be the purpose of your surprise visit?"
Geoffrey spoke in a pleasant tone as he engulfed him in a strong embrace.
Prince Edward looked at the sight before him with astonishment.
Never once, in the entire time he had spent with Lord Berkeley, had he ever seen him so happy.
Brandon grinned, feeling the usual adoration for his idol.
"I would have loved to say that the sole purpose of my visit was to meet you, Uncle Geoffrey; but that would be a lie."
He cast his eyes towards Prince Edward and continued,
"I simply wanted to assure my sister's safety."
Edward almost scoffed at his words.
"I suppose you do not understand the implication of your words, Brandon.
This is the Royal Palace. There is no other place safer than this, in the entire Kingdom."
Brandon clenched his jaw upon hearing the condescending tone of his voice.
He had come here to have a decent conversation with Prince Edward.
He knew they had started on the wrong terms and since his sister had already decided to give her heart to this man, the least he could do was to assure that he could take care of her.
But hearing his words, he soon lost his cool.
"Then I am sure that you would not mind having a duel with me; it will rest my worries if I could affirm your courage by my own hands, Your Highness."
Edward raised his eyebrows at the boy's brashness.
He certainly had some gall to challenge the Prince to a duel.
Geoffrey tried not to smile as he took in Brandon's stance.
He was challenging a man who was almost a decade older- and much more experienced- than him; not to mention the fact that he was the Prince. Nonetheless, he decided not to interfere and let them solve this amongst themselves.
That was the only means to end their animosity.
He knew Brandon was being stupid; but could not help feeling proud of his spirit.
"I do not fight with boys, Brandon."
Edward decided to overlook his pertinence for Maya's sake.
Brandon's gaze hardened at his words.
"Do you always confirm the age of your enemy before sparring with him on the battlefield, Your Highness?"
Edward realised that he was not going to let it go.
"Alright, then. But I would not be going easy on you just because of your age, my friend."
"Did I ask you to?"
Geoffrey looked on with amusement as two of his finest pupils faced one another, their swords drawn and glinting in the sun...
Author's Note-
Hello to all my wonderful readers!
So, I had updated a notification on His Undesirable Wife this week, deliberating whether I should change its title or not.
And since so many people chose to let it remain same- I will not be changing it anytime soon.
Thank you for your inputs. 😊
As you must have noticed, this book doesn't have a particular protagonist.
I had decided to follow many parallel storylines simultaneously.
Let me know which storyline is your favourite and whom you would love to see more in the coming updates-
Stay safe everyone!
Till the next time!👋
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