Part 5
'And such is your definition of matrimony and dancing.
Taken in that light, certainly their resemblance is not striking; but I think I could place them in such a view.
You will allow that in both man has the advantage of choice, woman only the power of refusal; that in both it is an engagement between man and woman, formed for the advantage of each; and that when once entered into, they belong exclusively to each other till the moment of its dissolution; that it is their duty each to endeavor to give the other no cause for wishing that he or she had bestowed themselves elsewhere, and their best interest to keep their own imaginations from wandering towards the perfections of their neighbors, or fancying that they should have been better off with any one else.'
-Jane Austen, Northanger Abbey
Hayworth Estate;
Emma could not stop the smile that made it's way on her face as she arranged Maya's hair, opting to let it lose around her- causing it to encase her like a veil.
Maya looked ethereal- the white of her gown was simple but it complemented her features in a way that no other colour could.
She knew that the Prince was going to be smitten- he did not stand a chance to be immune to her friend's beauty.
What worried her was whether Maya would like him just as much or not.
When she heard the news of her friend's impending marriage, she was filled with conflicted emotions.
She knew Maya would never want to leave her family. But considering that this was an inevitable development, she hardly had a choice.
She also knew that she was going to support her friend in whatever decision she decided to take but knowing that Maya's agreement would rob Emma of the only friend she had known since she was born, was something that left her feeling forlorn.
Emma's trail of thoughts was disrupted by the sudden insistent knocks against the door.
She turned her weary glance towards Maya.
There was only one person who would do that and no sooner had it registered to her, that Brandon's agitated voice cut through the calm silence-
"Maya? Are you ready? Shall we enter?"
Maya shook her head, smiling fondly at the predictable mannerisms of her brother.
He had been on an edge ever since yesterday, constantly reminding her that he would always stand by her side and if she had even a miniscule of doubt regarding this marriage, she could refuse without thinking twice; he would handle the rest.
Like she ever needed to be reminded of that!
She heard the irritated sigh that escaped Emma's lips and turned an apologetic smile towards her. She had been meaning to be alone with her friend this morning but this intrusion could not be helped.
"Yes, Bran. I am ready. You can enter."
Brandon did not need another assurance and threw open the door even before the words were completely out of his sister's mouth.
His other brothers entered along with him.
They had been waiting to speak alone with their sister but the unpleasant shadow of Emma Mortimer had been following her since morning.
Well, if she wasn't going to leave her alone, then they would snatch their chance.
However, he was forced to halt in his steps as he looked at his sister- her delicate, angelic face sending a pang of longing in his heart.
A lump lodged in his throat as the realisation that she might be married in the near future dawned upon him.
The words that he had been waiting to speak since that morning, eluded him.
Maya's eyes lit up on seeing all her brothers entering her chambers.
Little Philip was the first one to run to her and throw his arms around her.
She did not wait another moment to enclose him in a warm embrace.
"What is wrong? Why are you all here?"
Maya cast an inquiring glance at her brothers, keeping her arms intact around Philip and trying her best not to let her nervousness and apprehensions show.
Brandon's agonised gaze did not go unnoticed by her.
"We are here to remind you that you do not need to feel pressured to do anything against your will.
We all are going to protect you, Maya.
If you do not like that man, you could refuse without any worries."
Robert's eyes were full of conviction as he looked at his sister.
Maya chuckled at his words. Robert was the quiet one of them all.
He seldom spoke without being spoken to first.
Hearing him say these words, with that serious expression on his face, lightened her heavy heart.
Oh, how precious was their love for her!
"I know that, Rob."
Maya smiled softly as she spoke.
Averey came to sit beside her before taking her hands in his and spoke earnestly,
"How are you, Maya?"
Maya squeezed his hands as she answered,
"I am just fine, Averey. Really, why are you all worrying so much?"
She turned her gaze to all her brothers.
Brandon was still standing at the same spot as before and was looking at her with an even more intense expression.
"Are you going to marry the Prince, Maya?"
It was Edmund who put forth the question with probing eyes.
Emma huffed irritably.
She was fond of all of the Hayworth brothers. Well...all except the one with the foulest mouth, but they were getting on her nerves at that moment.
She had tried to stand quietly in a corner and let them spend some time with their sister but at this rate, they would soon be successful in making Maya even more nervous than she already was.
She was quick to interrupt Maya before she started to reply to Edmund's question with that never-ending patience of hers-
"Well Lord Edmund, she would not be marrying anyone- let alone the Prince- if you all continued with this behaviour.
Can you all please give her a moment of peace and quiet before she makes the most important decision of her life and try not to smother her with your endless worries for just one day?"
Edmund's face scrunched up as he looked at her with displeasure.
Maya began to assure her friend that it was alright but Brandon beat her to it as he spoke in a tight voice-
"She is our sister.
We do not need your permission to look after her, Lady Mortimer."
Emma pinned him with a fierce look that she seemed to have reserved specifically for him.
"Yes, she is. But she does not need your constant looking-after, Lord Brandon.
She is more than capable of making one decision of her life without your constant perusal."
Maya knew that she had to act quickly to stop their altercation. She did not want everyone's mood to turn sour.
"Emma, please be reasonable. They are simply worried."
Emma forced herself to calm down as Maya's insistent voice reached her.
She knew she was being unnecessarily rude but this morning had greeted her with an edge of anxiety that she was unable to shake off and that was just being fuelled by their words.
She sighed and fixed Brandon with a more levelled gaze.
His jaw was ticking and she knew she had riled him up for real this time.
"I am sorry.
I know you are worried but she needs to remain calm at the moment.
You all are just succeeding in making her more uneasy."
Her voice was calmer as she addressed them all this time, opting to look at the more level-headed Averey than Brandon.
Averey nodded in understanding and stood up from his place.
"I understand.
We will be waiting for you in the hall, Maya.
Come down as soon as you are ready, alright?"
Maya smiled thankfully at him before nodding her head.
Averey gave a last glance at her before ushering Philip away from his sister's arms.
He went to where Brandon stood and nudged him to leave.
"Let her be alone for some time, brother."
Brandon looked at Maya for assurance once and seemingly satisfied, turned to leave the chambers with the others but not before throwing a censorious look at an apologetic Emma.
Edward breathed in a lungful of the fragrant air that seemed to have surrounded him as soon as he entered the gates of the Hayworth Estate.
The manor was majestic.
It was apparent that Lord Zachary Hayworth had no shortage of wealth and prosperity.
A guard let his retinue towards the main courtyard where he found the members of the household waiting for his arrival.
Edward dismounted his steed and handed the reins to his squire before making his way towards the group of people awaiting to greet him.
He unconsciously rubbed his palms against his cote.
He would be lying if he said he was free of any uneasiness.
His talk with Lord Berkeley the other day had left him with an alarming curiosity regarding the girl whom he was to meet soon. The anticipation of meeting her clouded his thoughts and filled him with an uneasiness.
How could a girl he had never even met, influence him so much?
Maya Hayworth had in such a short span of time, managed to intrigue him as no women had before.
Hence, even as Prince Edward walked towards the people standing in front of him with a confident stride and composed smile, all becoming of Royalty, he had to use utmost patience to prevent his gaze from wandering towards the vision in white, partly obscured by the figure of a young boy with a fierce stance.
"Prince Edward, it is an honour to have you as our guest."
Lord Zachary Hayworth came forward and held his hand firmly in his own.
Edward could see why he was said to be one of the finest Knights they used to have.
The title that was now Lord Berkeley's used to belong to this man years ago.
It had been a great disappointment for the King when he had given up his Knighthood.
In the recesses of his mind, Edward could remember this man as a young warrior.
He had seen him in the Palace on more than one or two occasions when he was still a young boy and could recall his friendship with his father.
As much as Lord Hayworth's absence from the court affairs perplexed him, Edward did not have the luxury to inquire about that now.
As his eyes scanned the faint wrinkles in the corners of his eyes and the lines creasing his forehead, Edward wondered what plagued this man, who had once been a celebrated Knight, to have the haunted look in his eyes.
But even then, he had to note the gallant features and dignified bearing of the man- all reminiscent of glory that was long lost but still not forgotten. He must have been a handsome man in his youth.
"The honour is all mine, Lord Hayworth. My Father sends his regards."
Edward answered with a short shake of his hands.
"Do let me make the introductions first."
Lord Hayworth gestured towards his family, standing behind him in a neat row as he spoke.
Edward couldn't have been more eager for anything else.
He gave a short nod of his head and tried to keep his gaze fixed to where it was required.
He went through the greetings mechanically.
He registered the wise eyes of Lady Margaret Hayworth, the poise of Lady Scarlet Hayworth and the slightly unnerving, watchful gazes of all her brothers.
He was most impressed by the bold, almost audacious gaze of Brandon Hayworth and knew exactly what Lord Berkeley meant when he talked about him.
He was indeed a fine young man.
Finally, he was led to the end of the row and towards the two young women who stood together.
He acknowledged the curtsy of the one wearing a soft blue dress.
She was a pretty lady and Lord Hayworth introduced her as Lady Emma Mortimer, but by that time he had lost Edward's attention for it had been gripped by the most mesmerizing site of the Lady for whom he had undertaken this journey.
Edward did not need an introduction.
He knew in an instant that this was Lady Maya Hayworth. And he could finally understand her brother's action of shielding her from his view earlier.
She was indeed a vision to behold.
Her black tresses cascaded down her back, the sunlight enveloping them gave her a celestial look.
Her demure gaze met his, hooded by the thick curtain of her lashes.
"Your Highness."
The musical voice resonated in the recesses of his minds as she performed a graceful curtsy.
Edward had to snap himself out of his thoughts as he returned her greeting,
"My Lady. It is a pleasure to finally meet you."
He hoped his voice sounded as calm as he willed it to be.
In another instance, her gaze fell back at him and he was rewarded with an angelic smile and the track of his thought changed abruptly.
To hell with it! He would gladly act the part of a smitten fool if it meant to be able to see her smile at him like that again.
Prince Edward knew at that very moment that he would remember the way she looked at him then- in the courtyard of her home as they met for the very first time- for as long as he was alive.
The manor was bustling with activity.
The Prince was here to seek the hand of their Lady.
It was an important occasion. The table was set with a feast fit for the King.
The Prince's entourage was treated in the common hall.
There were conversations filled with smiles and dignified nods.
The Hayworth family sat in the main hall with the Prince.
Not once during the lunch was the proposal mentioned.
No one wanted to make their guest uncomfortable.
Edward stole glances at Lady Maya between the sips of fine red wine.
She only glanced at him once, smiling that angelic smile of hers again.
The rest of the time, she was busy conversing with her friend and brothers.
Edward could feel the unabashedly scrutinising gaze of Brandon Hayworth now and then.
Although it did not intimidate him, he was impressed by his concern for his sister.
He would expect nothing else from him.
He himself had a sister after all. Although Elizabeth was now a married woman with a son of her own, she would always be his little sister, one he had vowed to shield from all the pain in the world.
And he continued to ignore the challenging gazes of her brother eagerly waiting for the lunch to be over so he could be alone with her.
Maya wrung her hands as she walked beside Prince Edward in the gardens, traversing the same paths that she had taken hundreds of times before but that somehow failed to fill her with their usual assurance.
She had avoided Prince Edward's gaze at the table, trying her hardest to mask the blush that threatened to rise up to her face as Emma kept whispering how handsome the Prince was and how he seemed to be unable to keep his eyes off of her.
She had just wished that her brothers were unaware of that fact. Their behaviour was raising her anxiety.
Since the moment she had seen him descend that horse, she had been struck by the serenity and security that his eyes encompassed.
She had felt drawn to him in an inexplicable way and wondered if her mother had felt the same when she first met her father.
Had she seen in him, the promise of a future together? Had his single glance been able to make her feel the way Prince Edward's had made her feel?
That thought acted like a bucket of cold water for Maya.
Her mother had placed her trust in her father.
She must not have known of the sadness that she would have to face afterwards.
Could she herself trust this man to provide her with the future that she could so easily envision for them?
"You seem distressed, My Lady." Edward was quick notice the frown that marred her beautiful face.
She was so young... he had failed to notice that before.
She was no more than sixteen- the same age as her brother.
He had been told that they were twins and also that their mother, a woman whom his own mother had considered her friend, had died giving birth to them.
He had heard all about the infamous affair of Lord Hayworth to Lady Scarlet. Edward's heart ached for her loss.
Maya acknowledged his concern with a soft smile.
"No, Your Highness. I am alright."
Edward sighed inwardly before he spoke,
"My Lady, we are to be wedded."
Upon seeing her hesitant look, he added in a hurry,
"That is only if you agree to this union..."
His own words sounded unsure. Edward suddenly feared for his sanity.
What would he do if she refused to marry him?
Was such an unpleasant thought even a possibility?
He prayed not.
"What I wanted to say was that you do not need to address me with my title."
He added a with an unsure smile.
Maya gazed at this man- the Prince of their Kingdom and a man who was nearly a decade older- looking at her with so much hope and expectation.
It was then that she decided to speak her heart out.
It would not do them any good if she kept her doubts to herself.
Edward saw her take a deep breath in before turning in his direction.
A part of him feared that she was going to refuse this proposal.
Life was funny!
If someone would have told him two days ago that he would be dreading this girl's rejection, he would have laughed at their faces.
But now, only a few hours in her company had invoked in him such a strong desire to cherish her that he did not know how he would be able to go back to before this noon- before he had met her.
"I would be obliged to be your wife, Your Highness.
But I do have a condition...I hope you would be patient and listen to them.
And if you would be kind enough to acknowledge them, only then would I be able to agree to this union and address you with your name.
Till then, I am afraid, I do not have the liberty of doing so."
Edward was perplexed by the sudden change in her demeanour.
She had a strange conviction in her eyes.
"Of course, My Lady.
Please be free to say whatever you need."
He knew it was in vain.
He would never be able to refuse her for anything.
Maya hesitated for a moment before continuing with a newfound fervour;
"Your Highness, I know you must see me as a naïve, young girl.
I know I am not wise enough or old enough to demand things. What I am about to ask of you may simply sound like the fanciful hopes of an ignorant girl.
However, it is a matter of great importance for me.
I wish only for one thing in a husband and that is loyalty.
I have been taught, similar to the countless other women in our Kingdom, to be a devoted wife to my Lord Husband, whoever that might be.
Do correct me if I am wrong in asking for that devotion to be reciprocated.
You are a Prince.
You must have had mistresses. You may even have one now. That is a truth that I am willing to face.
What I ask of you, however, is that you have no other woman after we are married.
I cannot share my husband with another woman, Your Highness and neither can I be as benevolent as the many women out there who remain married to men who shamelessly parade their mistresses around. If you are willing to accept this condition of mine, accepting this marriage proposal would make me the happiest woman in the entire Kingdom."
Edward listened to Maya's words with a rising sense of triumph in his heart.
This was her condition?
She wanted his devotion?
He almost laughed out loud.
She had no idea how lucky he felt in that moment.
For what she had asked of him would have been the easiest thing he had to offer her.
He shared her thoughts on marriage.
When a man and a woman take their vows in front of the Lord, they are equally responsible for upholding them.
No one side had the sole responsibility in a marriage.
Yes, he did have a mistress.
It was a custom in the Palace.
He had had one since he reached adulthood but he had always made it clear that it was a temporary arrangement.
He would never be so cruel as to continue having a mistress after marriage.
When he married someone, he would be devoted to that woman from his heart and soul.
And if that woman was as ethereal as Maya, he would willingly offer his deference and faithfulness to her on a platter.
Maya kept a firm exterior as she met his eyes, while her heart beat more loudly by every second.
She feared that by offending him, she had made a mistake that would cost dearly to her entire family.
Edward's soft chuckle surprised Maya to no extent.
She frowned as she looked at his relaxed expression, waiting for him to snap but nothing happened.
"Is that all, My Lady? Because if it is, then I would be glad to inform you that being unfaithful to my wife after marriage is an unfathomable thought for me.
I would much rather spend my time in the company of my wife than any other woman.
I vow to you that if you agree to be my wife, I would be loyal to you for as long as I live.
Would I be wrong to assume that this has eased your doubts?"
Maya's heart weighed lighter than a feather as his words registered in her mind.
He was not like her other men- not like her own father.
He had given her his word.
She let a thankful smile light up her face as well as her eyes.
He had no inkling of how with a few words, he had been able to expel her darkest fears.
"Now, My Lady, please allow me the pleasure of hearing my name in your sweet voice.
Tell me you would marry me."
Edward's voice was much softer as he took her hands lightly in his.
His hands enveloped hers in a warm encase.
She looked in his eyes and saw in them the promise of a lifetime.
She did not hesitate this time.
"I would be delighted to accept your proposal...Edward."
Edward's face broke into a grin and he brought her hands near his lips, placing a soft kiss on them, marvelling at the sight of the blush rising on her face.
"Oh Maya..."
Brandon stood in the tower of the manor, watching the scene enfold in the garden through the window.
"He is kissing her hand!" Edmund screeched as he peeked from behind him.
"I guess, we should be celebrating soon..."
It was Averey who spoke from beside him in a mirthless voice,
not taking his eyes off the pair in the garden, who now seemed to be painfully shy, avoiding each other's gaze as the familiar figure of Emma Mortimer made its way towards them.
It was the first time her appearance had pleased Brandon.
The man no longer held his sister's hands.
"Has she agreed?"
Robert spoke in an anxious tone from behind them.
He had failed to get a good view from the window that could fit only two people at a time.
"It doesn't seem to be otherwise."
Averey sighed as he spoke again.
"Maybe we should stop giving him such a hard time now.
He seems to have won our sister's heart."
Brandon clenched his jaw as he saw the retreating figure of Prince Edward.
"Maya is young. He is a man with smooth words."
"Come on now, Bran. Do not be so harsh. Maybe he really is a good man."
Robert spoke again, keeping his tone persuasive.
"I hope for his own sake that he is, brother..."
Author's Note-
How did you all like my surprise?
Phew! The chapters are really long.
Please don't let these updates fool you though. These are tough times and I'm really trying to fit on a lot.
I'll try to update as much as possible but it would be erratic.
So, what were your thoughts about this chapter?
How different Maya is from her mother?
Also, what did you think of Edward's character?
Thank you all so much for your constant, never-ending support for this book!
I'm really grateful ❤️
Till the next time 👋
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