Author's Note
This book, along with His Undesirable Wife, has been the part of a memorable journey.
The chapters of this book have been written in one of the most bizarre year of my (and I would assume most of yours') life.
There had been moments of sadness, helplessness and frustration; but also, those of hope, compassion and unity.
My books have often been deemed as too depressing, or tragic.
Some (including my own sister!) have termed me as a weird and crazy person for killing off my characters; and torturing those who are fortunately alive.
What can I say to those accusations?
Only this- I have always felt like pain is the purest, most unadulterated emotion that we feel.
Rest everything, is a bit subjective. But pain? That is something we all feel universally.
Everybody has been hurt- one way or another. We endure through those times, by sheer determination and will.
I believe that pain makes one stronger.
As stated in the wonderful words of Kahlil Gibran,
“Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.”
I know that most of us read fiction to escape the harsh realities of the world around us. I do too.
But since there are so many amazing, feel-good novels out there, we need something to also remind us that life is not always kind.
It is important, lest we become ignorant to the truth.
It was for that simple reason, that I wrote these books.
Of course, they are not the best books out there.
But some of my favourite books that I have read, have been tragedies. I feel like they leave a more lasting impact on you. You remember the characters and their sufferings. They make you think, and ponder upon life.
The best form of appreciation that a writer can get, is when their book is able to impact the readers on deeper level.
You all have been one of the best reader-base ever!❤️❤️❤️
The fervour of discussions in the comment section was absolutely mind-blowing. You guys almost adopted the characters.️😁
Each of you had your own insight to the chapters.
Every time I posted a new chapter, I got to know of the different aspects of the story- how it might be perceived by different people.
When we write something, we have a specific idea in our mind. We know why the characters are doing, what they are doing.
It often gives the writers a sort of tunnel-vision.
Because we write the story with a certain thought-process, it is a delight when we are exposed to the other different thought processes.
This was what you guys gave to me- a new insight.
Majority of the comments were so elucidated, that it seemed like they understood the characters and the story on a personal level.
I was often struck by the wisdom of it.
Many raised valid arguments and discussions. (We had some very good writers amongst us too!)
It was really heartening to know that this story had impacted people and made them think about life.
Even when you did not like what was happening, you were polite and mature with your comments, and continued supporting the book.
I think I have made some really great and kind friends!😊❣️
Again, I just want to express my sincerest thankfulness to each and every one of you, who were a part of this journey.
I hope to see you guys again, with my other works. ❣️
(I am going to edit, and complete the rest of my books. But first of all, I am going to start Destined To Be Yours.)
P.S. For the additional/alternate ending many of you keep asking me- I think an additional/alternate ending for this book will be really tricky, since it follows different characters and each of you favour a different one.
So, no matter what I write, it is going to leave someone disappointed (And I don’t want that)
So, instead, I have decided to have you all write the additional ending that YOU want.
Mostly since many of you are just amazing writers too!
(Of course I will present MY own version of a short alternate ending, but YOUR opinion also matters a LOT!)
It can be crazy or completely bonkers! (Like Saya coming back as a cowgirl and shooting off Zachary!)
Or it can be soft and fluffy (Like Saya and her children meeting in afterlife)
Comment your personal additional ending that you are going to imagine for this book, and I will be uploading the screenshots of those comments in a different chapter titled, ‘ADDITIONAL/ALTERNATE ENDING(S)’
Others, who decide not to write, can still read those, and chose their own favourite ones!
In this way, everybody’s opinions can be presented, and every character can be represented.
I look forward to see those!
Love you all.💖 Stay safe and healthy.
Till the next time!👋
(Sorry, I couldn't help myself 😂
Old habits die hard!)
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