Chapter XXV
Saying who's gonna fuck you like me?
I don't want hurt you, but you live for the pain.
I'm not tryna say it, but it's what you became.
THE NEXT MORNING, Daniel had had to leave the dinghy motel room a total of two times. The first time had been to buy some basic necessities, such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, body wash and whatever else we needed. The motel didn't provide anything and we had been in such a haste to go, we didn't pack anything either.
I had some clothes now because some of the guards had brought some from the house before they met us at Daniel's safe house. I didn't want to think about who had been the one to go through my underwear drawer, so I let myself believe that it had been the maid for my own peace of mind.
Daniel had showered first, and while he was showering, I brushed my teeth. It wasn't difficult for us to become comfortable with each other again even after the two year separation; it just went to show how close we had been before the split.
While I showered, Daniel had gotten dressed and left the motel room for the second time. This time, it had been to get us breakfast. I knew he wasn't going to be back soon, so I decided to take my time, massaging my aching muscles and happily daydreaming about what had gone on last night.
It didn't really feel like anything had changed in that moment. Even before I let him finger me in a dinghy motel room, we had always acted close and the way we were that morning was no different. Neither of us mentioned what had happened last night. Neither of us acknowledged it.
I wasn't sure whether I liked it or not, but in that moment, standing under the warm running water of the shower, I didn't really mind it. Nothing had to be labelled and packaged between us. Not yet.
My body had quickly assimilated to the shower temperature and instead of turning it higher, I decided to shut it off all together and step out. I wasn't sure how long Daniel had been gone for, but I knew I had spent a lot of time under the water just by the sight of my pruned fingers.
I hurriedly dried myself off and slipped into the underwear I had and one of my yellow sundresses they had brought from my home. Because the dress was strapless, I decided not to wear a bra since it really wasn't going to serve a purpose. Plus, we would be in the car the whole day so who was going to check me.
I picked up the large golden hoop earrings that I had been wearing on the day of my accident, deciding to put them on again because they made me feel pretty and that was about the only reason.
As I slipped one into my right earlobe, a knock came from the front door, making me raise a suspicious eyebrow at it. I knew for sure it wasn't Daniel because he would just let himself in. He was fully entitled to it.
The person on the other side of the door though, wasn't willing to take liberties and that meant it could've been anyone. Even a kidnapper, although I doubted anyone with the intention to kidnap or kill me would knock politely on the door.
The knock sounded again and I found myself taking out the handgun in my handbag and placing it on the side table, so if it wasn't someone I trusted, a suitable defense weapon wasn't too far from me.
"Who is it?" I finally called out.
"It's me," the man said. I could tell from the voice that he was male. In fact, he turned out being a very familiar man I knew. "Jorge. Boss told me to check on you."
I smiled at the familiar name, my guard finally crumbling. "Come in."
Not missing a beat, the door creaked open, revealing exactly who I thought it would be. Knowing that there was no danger, I returned to fixing my earring in my ear. The left one seemed particularly stubborn because no matter how hard I bent and twisted it, it wouldn't click into place.
"Boss said I should come in and check on you," he said as he watched me struggle with the earring. "He called you but it was going straight to your voicemail."
I glanced at my phone which lay dead on the side table. "My bad." Forgetting to charge my phone seemed to be a habit I couldn't break out of. It just always seemed like I had so much to do, I couldn't have time to use it even though I knew it was important for my work.
"You're fine though, so I'll just let him know that." He made a move to go back out the door and leave me alone again, but before he could, I called out to him.
"Just a minute," I said as he stopped in his tracks. He let his eyes run over me curiously as I made my way over towards, his eyes lingering on my hands and what I was holding in them. "Could you help me put on my earring?" I asked, extending the golden loop to him which he took carefully. "I don't know what's wrong with this one, but it won't clip."
Jorge didn't say yes or no. Instead, he stepped closer to me and leaned down, carefully tilting my head to the side so he had better access to my ear. His hands fiddled with the earring, trying to clip it after he had slid it into the piercing while my hand laid awkwardly by my side.
For some reason, I seemed to get more and more anxious as time passed. I knew he was doing his best and I had asked for his help, but I wished he would hurry up and get it done because for some reason, being alone in a room with the door closed and him this close to me felt completely wrong. If Daniel came back right now, this would be so hard to explain.
After some time, I decided to tell him that it was okay and let him go.
Just when I opened my mouth to dismiss him, that was when the sound of a door slamming shut had filed the once quiet atmosphere. I leaped away from Jorge as if he had burnt me, causing the earring to tug at my ear before falling onto the carpeted floor.
Daniel had come into sight, but while I was frozen in shock staring at him, Jorge had his gaze set on the earring in disappointment.
"Just when I got it in," he muttered as he bent down to pick up the golden loop. Once he was back up to his full height with my earring in his hand, he handed back to me and gave me a small, friendly smile which I didn't really appreciate in a situation like this.
Confidently and without a care in the world, he gave Daniel a nod of acknowledgement before he began to make his way towards the door. Before he could step out, Daniel slammed the door shut and focused his cold, dark eyes on him. Even though I wasn't the target of his cold stare, a shiver still travelled down my spine at the sight of it.
Jorge didn't seem to share the same fear I did and for a second, I wondered why. He wasn't actively challenging Daniel which was good, but he didn't seem to be in any way remorseful or repentant for what he had done wrong.
That was when I realised that he hadn't done anything wrong. He had helped me with my earring because I had asked. As his boss, he might have felt obligated to do as I said and then on top of that, he didn't even know what kind of relationship Daniel and I had and I couldn't blame him because I didn't know either.
Jorge was completely innocent in this situation, yet he could be the one to end up the worst out of the three of us if he didn't take care.
"I asked you to do something," Daniel said, his voice cold and hard as he stared Jorge down. I could see every little action he made; the way his jaw clenched and his eyes narrowed at Jorge's nonchalance. My heart only skipped a beat when his hands twitched towards the waistband of his sweatpants.
I knew exactly what he kept there and exactly what he was going to do with it.
"You told me to check on her," Jorge said, "as you can see, she's fine."
The snark in his tone must have been the last straw because right before my eyes, Daniel reached for his gun. I sprung into action, forgetting about my single earring which I had let fall onto the floor again.
"Daniel, don't," I said, warning him as both their eyes turned to me. I walked up to him and grabbed the gun out of his pants before he could and then turned to Jorge. "You need to leave."
He looked reluctant and it was in that moment that I knew what ever he said next was only going to make the situation worse. He let his eyes run between me and Daniel before focusing on me again.
"I want to make sure you'll be safe with him."
Daniel let out an indistinguishable sound, but made no move to try and get his gun from me. Despite that, I knew he was beyond pissed and Jorge was going to end up being in the aftermath if he wasn't careful.
"I'm fine, just go."
He still didn't leave. Instead, he watched Daniel as he made his way over to me, his eyes no doubt sizing him up in case he tried to hurt me. I knew that the situation could quickly end up sticky because right now, Jorge had a gun and Daniel didn't and Jorge's first responde was to protect me, so even though Daniel was his boss, if he were to try and harm me, Jorge might shoot. Then everything would be on me because would I shoot Jorge for shooting Daniel or would I leave him for protecting me?
Maybe I was reading too far into it.
By now Daniel was directly behind me and even though I had no idea what he was going to do, I made sure not to show any fear because he was like a tiger stalking his prey. He fed off my fear.
He wrapped his hand around my neck from behind me and pulled me into his chest, making my heart lurch because now he had all the control. He could do anything with my body; do anything with my hands which had the gun he wanted.
"She's not stupid," he said, his voice low. It caused my stomach to stir even despite the dangerous situation we were in. I couldn't help my attraction to it; to him. "If she tells you to do something," he continued as his hand trailed down my arm. I knew exactly what he was about to do and every logical cell in my body was telling me to throw the gun away so he couldn't get to it, but I was frozen in fear because this was really happening. "The fucking do it."
He grabbed my wrist and aimed the gun square at Jorge's chest, making my eyes widen.
The click of the gun cocking had been the thing to snap me out of my daze and just when he had positioned both our fingers around the trigger, I yelled, "Get out! Go!"
Jorge didn't waste a beat in stepping out of the room just as Daniel pressed down on the trigger aimed at where he was standing only a second ago. The door slammed shut and the bullet wedged a hole in the wall of the motel room but I was too relieved to think about how the owner was probably going to feel about it.
We stood there for a beat longer, the silence in the room defeaning. It was only the two of us now and I knew that he could do anything to me, yet I wasn't scared of him.
"Lucky," he muttered as he let go of my neck and ripped his gun out of my hands.
I didn't have the ability to look at him even as he walked away from me to sit in the only armchair in the room. I could feel his gaze on me as he sat down. I could feel all the anger he felt in the situation and I couldn't blame him because God knows I would have acted the same.
What Jorge and I were doing was innocent, but at the angle he walked in at and then Jorge's attitude, it looked like it was a lot more than it actually was. By now, he had probably pieced the puzzle together and realised that we weren't kissing even though it looked like it, but it didn't seem to make him any less pissed. It wouldn't make me any less pissed either.
"What are you standing over there for?" he asked, cocking his head to the side as he watched me. "Come here." There was a small sadistic smile on his face, letting me know that I wasn't off the hook yet. "Bring your earring," he added as an afterthought, making me crouch down to pick up the golden hoop before making my way over to him.
I couldnt help but wonder what he was going to do. I mean, if he wanted to kill me, he had every opportunity to point the gun at my head after Jorge had left and shoot me dead. But then again, Daniel wasn't that simple.
He was the type that liked to play with his victims. Make them run around and think they were free before he ended their lives in the most brutal way he could think of. He wasn't going to kill me, that I knew, but I wasn't getting off freely either.
Once I was right in front of him, he opened up his palm, wordlessly asking for the earring. Without much of a fight, I gave it to him and watched him as he inspected it curiously.
"All of that," he said quietly and met my eyes. "For an earring." I didn't know what to say or what to tell him because he was right. What just happened now really wasn't worth the earring in question. Especially when it wasn't even real gold to begin with. "Sit down," he patted his thigh, "let me put it in for you."
I wasn't the biggest fan of the idea, but the last thing I wanted to do was go against him when he was in this kind of mood. As toxic as I knew it was, I loved when I got him like this because all he ever wanted to do was hurt me and break me and make me scream for mercy and all I ever wanted to do was accept all the torture he had planned for me.
I gently sat on his lap, my side to his chest so he had better access to my left ear. He placed his gun on my thighs, making me jump at the feeling of the cold material on my bare skin, but he only ignored it. Delicately, as if he wasn't seething right now, he hooped the earring through my piercing, bent it back into its correct angle and then clipped it, taking seconds to do what felt like it had taken hours.
The silence between us was deafening and only made my heart beat faster the longer it went on. Daniel right now was unpredictable. He was extremely angry with a man who he deemed replaceable and he had access to a weapon that could do a lot of damage.
I was sure of my safety in the situation, but I still didn't care as long as Jorge didn't get harmed in the aftermath of all this. My extreme want to protect him may have seemed deeply personal, but I just couldn't bare the idea of someone dying because of me.
I picked up the gun, just to make sure he didn't have access to it as if that was actually going to do anything to stop him. It was clear that he could easily overpower me if he so wanted to, but the least I could do was try. He may have seemed calm right now, but Jorge's life was still in danger.
I removed the magazine from the barrel and popped the single cartridge out of the chamber before placing the completely unloaded gun on the floor.
Daniel let out a small chuckle that in no way sounded like he had found anything funny and took the loaded magazine out if my hands.
"You think this will stop me?" he asked as he pressed his fingers into my waist, making me squirm against his hold. Skillfully, he popped out each bullet from the magazine, one by one until they were all collected between my thighs. "If it wasn't for you, all these rounds would've been emptied in his body. Every single one of them."
"He didn't do anything wrong though," I complained.
He grabbed a hold of my thigh, digging his fingers into my flesh as I let out a small whimper. Not because of the pain, but rather because of my pussy creaming at his touch. I needed him to touch me somewhere else.
"You don't know what's wasbgoing through my head when I walked in, Araceli," he said, bringing my body closer to his and burying his head in the crook of my neck. He placed small kisses against my skin which gradually got hotter and wetter as he kneaded my thighs harder. "I didn't even consider that it could've been you," he said between kisses, uncaring of how my heart rate was speeding up and my breath was becoming more laboured. "It was all him. You could do no wrong." He bit down gently on my skin, making me let out an audible gasp as I soaked my underwear.
He spread my legs, making the bullets I was gathering between them scatter onto the floor as he trailed his hand further up the hem of my dress. I bit down on my bottom lip, squirming in his hold as his other hand reached into my dress and massaged my right breast.
"I wanted to kill him." In response to his words, I had let out a loud moan because that was when he finally let his hand touch me where I needed to be touched the most. "I wanted to skin him alive. Have him beg me for his life." He rubbed me as he spoke, sending shockwaves of pleasure through my body as if the conversation we were having wasn't about murdering someone. "And then I saw the guilty look on your face and realised that there was a possibility that you let him..." he trailed off for a second, his actions getting my aggressive as he remembered exactly how he felt the moment he stepped in. "And I still only wanted to kill him because I could never hurt you."
On that thought, he forced two fingers into me, making my eyes shut tight as an unexplainable amount of pleasure coursed through my body. "I could catch you, with another man, in your bed, red-handed and I wouldn't even think about hurting you because you're too fucking precious to me," he growled as he violently pushed his fingers in and out of me.
"I wouldn't..." I tried to force out, but my breathing was failing me as moans escaped my lips instead.
Daniel chuckled against my skin, his soft lips brushing against me as he rolled his thumb over my nipple before squeezing my whole tit. "I know you wouldn't, but you could and that's what's pissing me of." He let his thumb run circles over my clit, making it impossible for me to resist the orgasm that was approaching. "If I ever see him pulling shit like that, hell even just looking at you the wrong way, I'll kill him in the most brutal way you'll ever see a man go out. I don't make empty threats."
I wrapped my hands around his wrist, trying to pry his fingers out of me as the pleasure became unbearable, but Daniel was unrelenting. I felt him smirk against the skin of my neck as he continued his constant torture.
"Why do you always run when I give you exactly what you crave?" he asked, adding a third finger into the mix which had been the thing to send me over the edge. "This is what you need, no?"
I let out a loud cry as I rode out the waves of my orgasm, my pussy contracting and creaming around his fingers as he pushed them into me through it all.
"Not even my dick or my mouth and you're already screaming like a fucking whore," he chuckled, shaking his head as he watched me squirm around his fingers. "Which other man is going to give it to you like I do? Hmm?"
"N-No one," I forced myself to answer, making him chuckle again.
"Nobody, Araceli," he repeated, my name rolling of his tongue in the typical sexy way he always said it. "No one owns your body like I do. No one will ever make you cum like I do. No one knows you like I do. I'm the only one." He grabbed my face and tilted it so I was looking at him. "Okay, princess?"
"Good." There was no girl at the end, a clear indication that he was still very much pissed. At least not pissed at me. He gently slipped his fingers out of me, revealing how they were completely coated in my essence, but I couldn't find it in me to feel an ounce of shame as I slumped against his chest. He rubbed his fingers against my inner thigh as if I was a washcloth but I couldn't find it in me to care. "I shouldn't have let you cum," he said as an afterthought as he positioned me to straddle him this time. "I'm spoiling you," he chuckled.
"I'm so sorry," I muttered, upset that I had made him feel that way. Even though he and I both knew it was a lot more innocent than it seemed, I still couldn't help the pain my chest at the thought of how he must've have felt. Those couple minutes where he must've genuinely believed that I was cheating on him. I wasn't sure just how much he cared for me, but even if it was as much as he claimed to, it must've been the worst kind of pain. "I would never cheat on you."
I plastered small kisses along his neck, my hands fisting the black hoodie he had on despite the heat. He just didn't have time to take it off.
As if I was one with him, all knowing of his emotions and every feeling, I grabbed the hem of his hoodie and started tugging it off becauseI believedhe was hot, so clearly he was hot. He seemed surprised but didn't make any move to try and stop me and even complied by raising his arms up and letting me pull it off him completely. I tossed it to the side, ignoring it as soon as it was out of my sight and instead focused my gaze on his rippling chest with all his tattoos. I trailed my hand down from my necklace around his neck, over his broad chest and past his abs before meeting the tent in his jeans.
He opened his mouth to say something, most likely something to discourage me but I had placed my lips over his before he could get any words out. He melted into the chair, one arm on my waist while the other softly caressed my cheek as I stroked him.
"I would never cheat on you," I repeated, breaking the kiss for a split second before returning to press my lips back on his. He was growing bigger and harder in my hand and the longer I kept it going, the harder he gripped my waist, surely leaving a bruise.
He broke the kiss this time to let a simple, common curse word slip past his lips as he threw his head back in ecstacy. I looked down at where my hand was, watching with interest as I reached into his pants and pulled his still hardening length out of it.
It was bare skin to skin now, my soft hands against his angry red tip and every bulging vein that ran the length of him. Daniel let out a low hiss and looked at me again, the emotions in his eyes unreadable as I continued to stroke him.
By now, my mouth was salivating and my head filled itself with fantasies of once again being filled with him. His chest rose and fell with every delicate stroke of my hand, my fingers gliding off his head and gathering all his precum before gliding down his entire length, adding slight pressure as I did so.
I was slightly awestruck at what was happening. He really didn't know how long I had been fantasising about this very moment, did he?
"Fuck, Araceli," he groaned, filling my ears with the most beautiful sound I had ever heard. He seemed like he was going to say something else, but it was instead obstructed by a small moan which only motivated me to stroke him harder.
He placed his hand over mine in what I assumed was an attempt to stop me, but he only ended up shadowing my strokes, guiding my hand up and down his shaft as I placed more kisses along his neck. I ran my tongue against his skin, leaving a warm wet trail behind before whispering into his ear, "imagine that on your dick."
His response came in a groan as his hand squeezed mine. He made no effort to protest as I took my hands off him completely and clambered off his body. I was still dizzy from my last orgasm, but it ended up not mattering because within that same second, I positioned myself on my knees on the floor, between Daniel's legs.
His eyes remained focused on me, his jaw clenched and his hands balled into fists as I brought my face closer to his dick. I wrapped my hand around the base and slowly worked it up and down his length while I took my time to admire him.
His tip oozed with precum, driving my urge to just stop with the teasing and put it in my mouth already. Still, it was a process that needed to be trusted.
I looked back up at him, meeting his eyes as I slowly brought my head forward and swiped my tongue against his slit. I could see him just barely holding himself in as the veins in his arms bulged and a greater volume of precum flowed past his tip.
"Look who's excited," I mocked as I swiped it up with my thumb and licked it off, not breaking eye contact with him. Sweet and salty like usual.
"Don't play with me, Ara," he hissed, his iris' becoming darker than they already were as he watched me.
"Impatient," I tutted before taking another quick lick of his slit. I left my lips on him, adding an extra sensation as he threw his head back and grabbed the arms of the armchair.
Slowly, I worked my lips over his head, making sure not to take anymore of him as I swirled my tongue around him.
He let out a low groan, his hand coming to the back of my head to encourage me to take more of him. I let him guide me down his length, taking as much as I could handle and using my hand to stroke the rest of him. I placed my other hand on his abdomen which he delicately took in his own and interwove our fingers together as I took him.
"Fuck," he groaned out once I had stopped the teasing and began blowing him like he deserved. I bobbed my head up and down his length, hollowing out my cheeks and running my tongue along the base of his dick as well, pulling out all the stops to make him cum. "Fuck, Ara, don't stop."
I didn't have any plans to, but having him moan like a bitch for me only made me want to give him even more. I relaxed my throat as much as I could and let myself take in as much of his length as I could without gagging. As if to ask if he had saw that, I let my eyes flicker up, meeting his own as he watched me.
He let another string of curses slip past his mouth as he threw his head back and buried his fingers into my hair. He bucked his hips towards me, ruthlessly fucking my mouth as I squeezed my eyes shut and willed myself to not gag all over him. He wasn't going too deep which relieved me, allowing me to continue stroking him with my hand as he used his mouth for his pleasure.
I kept my eyes on him even when he wasn't looking at me, too awestruck to look away because Daniel was the most beautiful man I had ever seen. Especially when he was so consumed in pleasure, it felt like the most heavenly thing to witness.
His eyes were squeezed shut, his lips parted as moan after moan escaped him . As I kneeled there in front of him, swirling my tongue around his dick and watching him, I couldn't but feel pride swell in my chest because I did that. I got this literal model to this point of pleasure and no other girl. Just me.
"Fuck," he drawled out, pushing my head down to take as much of him as I could as tears trailed down my cheeks. By now my jaw was starting to hurt and saliva was dripping from my mouth onto him, but neither of us cared as he quickly approached his orgasm. "I'm going to cum."
"In my mouth," I tried to say around his dick, but it came out muffled and barely comprehensible. Despite that, Daniel got exactly what I was trying to say and as soon as his climax hit him, he let it flow right into my mouth.
Squirts of his warm salty cum hit the back of my throat, making me moan appreciatively around him asvI locked my lips around his length. His chest heaved with every spurt of cum he gave, which I swallowed dutifully. By now his eyes were on me, lazy but unblinking as he watched me swallow his seed without a single word of complaint.
His eyes were blank, but by the way he followed my ass as I squirmed from side to side, I knew he was seeing me and only me. I couldn't help but wonder what must've been going through his mind. Perhaps it was blank like mine usually went after a good orgasm. He did look tired.
I waited until I had every last drop of his cum and he recoiled at my touch due to how sensitive he was before popping him out of my mouth and placing him back in his sweatpants. Once I had situated myself on him again, he didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around me and pull me tight into his chest, making me smile as I rested my head on his shoulder and drifted off to sleep with him.
The day may have started off rocky, but it had turned out okay in the end.
Accidentally posted this before I wrote the A/N so enjoy the funky background music instead of my immaculate A/N's for this one.
All love ❤
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