Chapter 9
Namjoon's POV
"I'm done fitting my clothes in the closet. Thank you for making me some space, Namjoon, that was very kind of you".
I look up to find Yoongi leaning against the wall from the other side of the room, his tail calmly waving left and right behind him as he observes the way Y/N has fallen asleep in my arms while we cuddled on the couch.
Taking care of organizing his clothes and new belongings in the bedroom was his way of leaving me some time with her, in what I assume was his method of reassuring me that I still could get her attention despite him being here, and I really appreciate that.
Y/N made me choose something on the tv, then tucked herself into my arms on the couch like she always does at the end of the day, or whenever she wants cuddles, really. More than watching the movie, I enjoyed running a hand through her hair a lot more, and feeling her slowly fall asleep in my embrace warmed my heart just like I needed.
She's so pretty, even when she's sleeping. My sweetest pup.
"She looks happy when she's with you. You make her feel safe" Yoongi comments while walking closer so he can sit on the floor in front of us, his feline eyes taking her in once more before falling on me.
"Thank you, Namjoon. For taking such good care of her, and for allowing me here. I haven't been allowed to feel so rested outside of the shelter in forever, and it's nice to have a place where I can finally feel at home".
I make a small humming noise before looking down when Y/N tries to push herself closer into my chest, brows furrowing in dislike until I tighten my hold around her. Then she relaxes again, a puff of air out of her lips as she falls back into one of her many dreams. Good ones, I hope.
"Honestly... before her, I can't say that I really liked this place. It felt cold, empty and terribly silent, and while my younger self used to thrive on those things in the past, suddenly I just couldn't see myself living this way any longer. So I got a dog, and that dog ended up being a hybrid, who then became Y/N, the light in my darkness. If this place feels like home, Yoongi, thank Y/N, not me".
We remain silent at that, both of our gazes on her. I doubt Yoongi can see much of her face like this, but he looks satisfied anyway.
"A home. It's not about where, but with whom it is made. With the right person, home becomes wherever they are" he speaks as if reading a poem, but there's a sensitive glint in his eyes that tells me he not only read, but felt those words.
"What would you have done if I had taken Y/N too far away for you to meet again?" I blurt out without thinking. I regret it as soon as I say it, but instead of looking mad, he simply stares at her again with a softness that almost hurts.
"I would have made sure I'd never stop loving her, so she would never have to suffer because of me. I would've been fine with dying if that meant freeing her, but I could never have been the one to cause her death. Maybe I would've remained with Jin at the shelter until the end, or he would've adopted me. I don't know. He promised he wouldn't leave me with a bad owner like I once had, and I trusted him. It seems he put a lot of faith in you, because he didn't hesitate, both for her, and for me".
I don't know how to react to his observation, but it makes me feel a bit emotional, for some reason.
Being trusted to keep others safe, or offer them a home like this wasn't something I thought I'd ever be good enough for. In my mind, I was only good at causing ruin, only good to destroy lives, albeit bad ones. But with Y/N, and now Yoongi, I feel like I can do more than what I was taught.
"You're a good guy, Yoongi" I let out despite the lump of emotions in my throat, and he smiles lightly, like he can read me with his eyes shut.
"It's been a long day, how about we call it a night? I can take the couch while you get to bed with her, Namjoon, I don't mind".
I sit up slowly with Y/N cradled in my arms, careful as I move so I can pick her up without a risk of waking her. "She wouldn't like to know that you slept on the couch instead of the bed, so come with us. I'll get another pillow for you, and a blanket since I tend to pull a lot".
Now standing, I make my way to the bedroom where I tip-toe without the light on, and I put one knee on the bed before lowering her on the fluffy mattress where she sinks soundlessly, blanket drawn over her to keep her warm before I reach the space where I keep the spare bed stuff.
"Want a light or a heavy blanket?" I ask him once he joins my side, and he test touches both before choosing the heavy one, liking that it's soft and warm. A real cat, I think to myself, I bet he'll struggle leaving the bed once he wakes up in that heated cocoon.
I stopped using it because I'd wake up in sweat before I got the lighter one I now use with Y/N. Then again, she says that I'm like a furnace, so I guess that didn't help. At least I get to keep her warm that way.
"You can take that side, if that's alright with you. I like to be closer to the door, I usually wake up early so I want to be able to leave without making too much noise" I explain as I glance at him, but he doesn't seem bothered by anything because he just shrugs before taking the side of the bed I never use, blanket settled neatly before he climbs underneath it.
"That's fine with me. I don't wake up easily, so don't worry too much about making noise".
Good, I think to myself, because I snore. Y/N doesn't mind, and I can only hope that Yoongi will be fine too. It's not like I can wish the snores away, and I'll most likely add to the noise pollution until the day I die.
I make my way to the other side of the bed where I get under the blanket with Y/N, and it's instinctive that I pull her closer with a deep hum of contentment, liking how she always fits perfectly into my arms.
But then I remember how Yoongi allowed me time to cuddle with her earlier, and I bite on the inside of my cheek before gently pushing her closer to him. It feels wrong, like I'm giving up a piece of my heart, but it's not only mine anymore, is it? I've got to learn to share my treasure with Yoongi.
"Sorry, I'm going to have to break this habit of mine since you're here too, you can hold her for the night".
"Oh. Please don't, I'll be fine. I can cuddle with her in the morning".
"I'll be uncomfortable if I'm the only one hugging her all the time, Yoongi, I already got cuddles earlier thanks to you".
"Then we can hug her together. Er. Or maybe not. Okay, I'll keep her close for tonight, but please don't deny yourself everything just because of me, I can wait for my own time with her, I won't get mad. Her comfort is all that matters to me".
"Yeah, okay. Thanks".
"Sure. So... good night?".
"Good night, Yoongi".
I listen as he raises his blanket to welcome Y/N into his cocoon, I hear the relief in his next breath as he finally gets to feel her warmth again, this time not outside but in the comfort of a home, and while my side feels colder without her in my arms, hearing their sleepy breathing helps to lull me into sleep.
If everyday ended like this... I could certainly get used to a life with Yoongi.
Your POV
Waking up in bed, drowned in Yoongi's scent and warmth, his arms glued around my back as if to keep me from leaving his side, my favourite type of cuddles, has got to be the best thing that has happened to me in the last week.
Learning that Namjoon adopted him was at the top, but this, the aftermath of his adoption, now gets first place.
The heavy blanket moulds our intertwined shapes and keeps us in place, and cuddling like this with my face under his chin and against his chest, it's like his body was made for me. Just like Namjoon's was made for me too. Oh, how greedy I've gotten.
"Good morning, sleepy angel" Yoongi's raspy voice speaks softly, his breath against my ears making them twitch like they were tickled. Instead of looking at him, I snuggle deeper into him with a happy hum, and he rubs his cheek against my head.
"Good morning, Yoongi" I answer sweetly, "it feels amazing to not wake up in bed alone, I could get used to this".
"Then get used to it, because I'll never leave bed before you. I'm going to get my morning cuddles with you anytime you'll let me" he muses, his next inhale filling his entire being with the scents that perfume the bedroom's air. It's making him crave for a hot coffee.
"The morning cuddles will become afternoon cuddles, because I'll never be able to leave bed if I always wake up like this. I always wondered what it would be like to wake up in your arms like this after a full night of rest, and now that I found out, I never want it to stop".
Yoongi chuckles, eye creases deepening despite his eyes already being closed.
"I didn't know that you'd thought about this before, I thought I was the only one".
I shake my head before pulling back just enough to look at him, and he glances at me with a pleased glow on his golden skin.
"I thought about this often, but I didn't try to understand why. I felt good by your side, like I belonged there, and I wanted to remain there always. But it never crossed my mind that anything could result out of what we had, I was happy just loving you" I tell him honestly, after which he leans close to kiss me gently on the nose.
"You were ready to do the same with Namjoon too. To love him, without ever expecting to be loved back" he says it like he's chiding me, but without the mad part. Still, I pout a little, tail drooping from its happy wag.
"Hybrids should never expect to be loved back. They can love, but cannot be loved the same way".
That's what I was taught from birth, that's what my mommy taught me as soon as I could understand her words clearly. She wanted to protect me from a broken heart, and teaching me to love without ever expecting my feelings to be reciprocated was the only way she could think of.
Yoongi's face turns serious, jaw muscles clenching slightly before he sighs, fingers digging into my skin from holding me tighter. "Maybe that was true before, back in Jeju, but not here. Not with me, and not with Namjoon".
I remain quiet at that, knowing deep in my heart that he's right. It's just... it's weird to acknowledge that I can be loved back this time, that I don't have to be the only one with those warm feelings anymore.
I loved the people that raised me and my family, I thought them kind, caring. Whenever they'd pet me on the head, it felt like love to me. Whenever they'd feed my siblings and I, it felt like love. Taking us to the park felt like love. And then one day, they abandoned me, and my heart was broken.
It's when I knew that they never loved me and that my mommy was right. Hybrids can love, but they cannot be loved the same way.
But this... this is different. Yoongi loves me, and Namjoon might use the word 'like' for now, but he loves me too. I can see it in the way that he hugs me, in the way that his scent reacts to me, and in the things that he's done for me, like adopting my mate so we can remain together.
"I know. I can feel that this is different, what we all have. It's new and a little scary, but it's also exciting" I admit with an honest smile, one that he gazes at for a moment before looking me in the eyes again.
"Are you two awake? I tried making pancakes, but they're all burning and- I think I need help?".
That pulls a giggle from me, and the door opens to show a sheepish Namjoon who does smell like burned pancakes. Yoongi turns a bit so he can look at him too, and resisting a grin has never been this hard upon seeing the desperation on his face.
"I'll help you, Namjoon. I'll teach you how to make the perfect pancakes" I muse before allowing myself one last tight, tight, tight hug from my kitty, and then I'm rolling out from between his arms and legs to leave bed quickly.
"Oh, Namjoon, the pan is too hot, you need to lower the heat" I say as he follows behind me into the kitchen, Yoongi not too far behind to have a look at the mess, which lets him know just how bad of a cook our human is.
"Here, let's clean this up first" I chirp before guiding him around with easy tasks that I know he can take care of, though, alas, it doesn't go without a broken plate in the process. His elbow knocks it off the counter and it goes crashing at his feet in a loud noise that startles me and Yoongi.
"There it is, I knew it was bound to happen soon" he mumbles with a sigh, and I'm again not surprised when Namjoon picks me up until I'm out of the kitchen by Yoongi's side, eyes careful as he goes back to his mistake.
"That's what you meant yesterday" he comments as he pulls me further away when his eyes find some sharp shards near us.
"Yes, it happens from time to time. I'll get the broom, Namjoon" I let out before running to the pantry where I stored it yesterday after I was done cleaning.
It's like he doesn't know how big he is when he moves about the house. His brain needs to take the muscles into account soon, else we won't have any dishes left.
When I'm back, Yoongi is helping him clean the floor by pushing everything into a pile, and he takes the broom from me before pushing everything into the dustpan while Namjoon wets a towel to go over the entire area once more.
I stare impatiently, bouncing in place and wanting to help too, but knowing that they're both going to be against it. They're the same when it comes to those things, they won't allow me to risk getting hurt even if I promise that I'll be careful.
"So this happens often?" Yoongi asks Namjoon despite already knowing the answer from me. Making conversation, I realize, in what must be their way of bonding. It's nice to see it happen in person like this.
"Wish I could say no, but yeah. It's my curse".
"Namjoon couldn't be made too perfect, so he was born with a 'break something once a week' curse, that makes sense. What's your curse, Yoongi?" I ask as I lean over the kitchen island to observe them from a new angle, hair getting in my face before I push it to the back with one hand.
The cat seems to think about my question while Namjoon rolls his eyes, both amused and endeared by my comment. Him, perfect? There's only me to think that way, he's sure of it.
"I have these hands that are somehow incredibly good at tickling others until they can't handle it anymore, and I enjoy doing that a lot. Does it count?" Yoongi finally offers as he shows me his pretty hands, which has me recoiling by instinct, he's not going to get started with that again, right?
"That's a curse, it has to be. No, Yoongi. Not this morning, please, I have to help Namjoon with the-" I don't have time to finish talking that I need to run away when he starts to stalk closer with his fingers bent threateningly, and when I start screaming in the living room, cornered with nowhere to flee, Namjoon sighs.
"I'm not getting in the way, I learned my lesson last time".
"Nope, I'm not getting tickled today. No way".
"Yoongi- you traitor! Not the-".
Another scream of mine has Yoongi laughing like the devil that he is and Namjoon eyes the living room before ruffling his hair fiercely. He can't possibly ignore me when he knows how bad the tickles are, can he?
"Ugh... screw this, I'm coming, sweetie!".
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