Chapter 8
Yoongi's POV
Surprisingly... I enjoyed my time shopping with Namjoon.
We didn't talk much besides the necessary stuff, but I felt safe by his side despite the sea of strangers surrounding us, and to me, that was already a lot.
It's a strange thing to say, but I think not having Y/N by our side helped us to get a feel of each other without any jealousy getting in the way.
As a matter of fact, Namjoon made sure to keep me close at all time and even got in the way of those about to walk into me like I didn't exist multiple times, which I was incredibly thankful for.
When he saw that I was beginning to get overwhelmed by the noise, movements and smells, he offered me something to drink in a calm corner, where very few people sat and talked.
He wasn't faring any better either by then, so that break was much needed for the both of us. I'd never have thought I'd share social anxiety with a human like him, but while it wasn't a fun experience, it made us both feel better to be together, I could see it on his face.
He didn't have to feel ashamed of reaching a limit because I'd reached it too, and we found comfort in that, I think.
After our short break, we'd finished up with getting me a tag just like Y/N's, a credit card for my personal expenses - I doubt I'll ever use it but it was really nice of him - and then we were on our way back home, myself in a new outfit that feels much better than the shelter's clothes.
Nothing against Jin, he followed rules that himself can't go against, and it was fair for everyone there. But I won't miss those damned clothes.
During the first half of the ride, I just look outside of my window, wondering what kind of place it is that I'm to live in very soon. I feel like his home would be pretty big, but if he doesn't have a guest room for me, then it can't be that big.
Knowing that Y/N slept in his bed from the very beginning doesn't really bother me, though I feel slightly jealous either way. She wasn't allowed to sleep in my bed back at the shelter, another set of rules that I used to hate at first.
"We'll stop somewhere on the way to get dinner, can you get my phone and write a message to Y/N? Tell her to not make anything for tonight, that I'll take care of it" Namjoon eventually asks as he stops at a red light, and I nod before accepting his fancy device, one that I also own now.
I unlock the screen after entering his security code - I can't believe he gave it to me so easily, and I know for a fact that I will never remember it - but before opening the messenger app, I take a moment to look at his background picture.
Y/N's dancing on the grass outside in the forest, a bright smile on her face as she looks at the camera. Such a beautiful sight that makes me feel instantly at peace, soul and heart softening for all that she is.
I could not have hoped for a better environment for her who likes to run outside whenever she can. Her skirt sways around her knees as she turns, loose blouse raising to her belly button with the wind against her skin, and her red hair hugs around her form like a blanket of fire.
The pure joy on her face makes my heart flutter, and I find myself longing to hold her to me again.
I missed her so much, and now I'm on my way to a new life with her and Namjoon. With them, instead of on the sideline at the shelter, unsure of what future would await me.
Feeling his gaze on me, I remember what he'd asked of me and apologize before opening the right app to see that the only contact he's ever sent a message to is Y/N. There's no one else in there, and it has my stomach sinking a little for him.
Without our little pup by his side, he'd have no one.
Seeing how he usually writes with the messages above, I try to write with a similar vibe to let her know that Namjoon - not we, since she doesn't know that I am on the way yet - will come with dinner, to take it easy until he's home soon, and when she replies with a smiling emoji, I turn off the screen before giving the phone back to him.
"Did she reply?" he asks after seeing the look on my face, to which I hum softly.
"Yeah... but she used the boring smile emoji instead of the blushing one that she seems to always use with you".
He sighs lightly, lips pursing into a concerned line. "I'm sure she'll feel better once she sees you. She hasn't been feeling too well since we ended our conversation on the bond between the two of you yesterday. She's scared that she would lose or hurt you".
I clench my fingers at that, brows furrowing as I glance back to the blurry outside, are we getting any closer now? I want to let her know that she hasn't a need to be afraid of anything, that I'm perfectly fine, and then I want to cherish her like I always wished I could.
Seeming to sense my growing impatience, Namjoon hesitates briefly before patting my head gently, careful of my ears as he ruffles my hair comfortingly.
"We'll be there in twenty minutes. Once we have the food, we'll be minutes away from home, it won't take long. I promise".
Feeling bashful under his care, I nod my head with warm cheeks, and he smiles before focusing on the road again. His coffee is bitter, stating that he's nervous too, but I'm thankful that he tried to soothe me anyway.
He's a good human, a good man, and I never thought I'd say that before, but I'm glad that someone like him is my mate's suitor, and our owner.
If she's loved by him one day, if they ever become mates too, I know that she'll be in good hands.
Your POV
My ears twitch at the sound of Namjoon's car coming into the driveway after having gone through the long pathway of trees that connects the house to the town.
After getting his message, I had to put away what I was already trying to do in the kitchen, feeling a little disappointed that he'd taken from me an occasion to take care of him, but also to distract myself.
After Namjoon left this morning, I shifted into my human form and decided to clean the entire house, hoping that he'd at least be proud of me upon coming back, as having him praise me for doing a good job would surely make me feel better.
I'd thought he'd be back by lunch time, but when waiting for an hour revealed not a soul, not a sound, I'd sighed as I'd eaten something simple on my own, and then took a shower before rolling around in the living room until now.
The show on the television has been ignored all day, serving only as background noise while I remained lying down on the rug in boredom.
When the front door finally opens with what sounds like a couple of bags in his hands, part of me demands that I go join him to help, but then my aching body complains and I end up staying exactly where I am while I hear him set everything on the dining table.
He'll have to forgive me on this one, I overdid it when cleaning the floor and the kitchen. Now I can't move anymore.
"Sweetie, are you okay?" I hear him ask as his eyes fall on my form from the entryway, and I grunt before rolling to my side, and then to my stomach so I can burrow my face into the pillow I brought from the bed.
I don't hear what he murmurs, but I hear his sigh as he removes his shoes to come over, and my tail begins to wag as he joins my side and kneels besides me to rub my sore back with a warm and gentle hand.
"I saw that you cleaned the house, sweet pup. Thank you, that must have been tiring, right?".
I nod my head into the pillow, happy to finally have his attention after such a long day spent alone, tail alone enough to let him know that my mood is getting better now that he's here.
"Do you want to have a look outside? I brought a surprise for you".
That gains my attention, and I raise my head to glance at him in curiosity, only to freeze mid-movement when my deep inhale allows coffee and peppermint to fill my lungs. The familiar mint is fresh, too recent.
This... no. Did he? Namjoon grins when he sees on my face that I'm connecting the dots, and I gasp in shock before jumping to my feet.
I'm out of the building within five seconds, shoes ignored for the sake of reaching the car faster because standing right next to it, next to the open trunk, stands Yoongi.
"Yoongi!" I exclaim before throwing myself into his arms without giving him time to drop the bags that he picked up in both hands, my arms wrapped around his neck until he lets go of the bags in favour of hugging me instead.
He tucks his face in my neck, and he turns us in circle while holding me tightly to him, with all of his strength. His scent has mixed with Namjoon's here too, strong and soothing, and now he wants to bathe in the scent of my vanilla.
"I missed you so much, Yoongi, so so much" I say without letting go of him, and he kisses the nook between my shoulder and neck, again and again, until the act starts to feel like tickles and pulls giggles from me.
"I missed you too, angel, you have no idea" he muses back before carefully lowering me onto my feet to pull back and cup my cheeks between his pretty hands, and his eyes crease the way I adore when he bends his knees to reach my height.
"Namjoon told me that you haven't been yourself since yesterday?" he mentions with a light head tilt that makes his black ears catch the sun's shine on his fur, and I bite on my lips before pushing myself back in his embrace, head tucked under his chin with a teary pout that I don't want him to see.
"Is that why you're here? To make me feel better?".
I want to be thankful if that's true, Namjoon really is doing his best, I can tell. I just don't know if I could live with sending Yoongi back later, did he get a special permission from Jin to come here for the day?
"Hmm... I guess that's one way of seeing things, but do you think we got all of those shopping bags for something as short as a home visit?".
I allow myself a look around us to see the bags on the ground and those left in the trunk. Aren't those shops for hybrids? Clothes, shoes too, and even shampoo and body soap? I recognize that one too... it's where Namjoon got me my phone.
With a little sniffle, I look up at the tall cat with uncertainty all over my face, while he gazes down at me with all the tenderness only him can show me, and only I can receive from him.
"Namjoon adopted me, sweet angel, that's why I'm here".
I don't realize that my tears started flowing until I feel him catch them with his thumbs, and his tail wraps around me like he always used to as he nuzzles my nose with his own, eyes closing to better enjoy this moment.
"He called the shelter this morning to talk to me. It took me aback at first, especially when he asked if I was your mate, but I told him the truth, and he offered to adopt me so I could stay with you. I said yes".
A sob pushes out of me and Yoongi hugs me closer as I begin crying without holding anything back. I was so anxious with the what if's that had swarmed my mind, so many questions.
Was he my mate in the end, or was he not? And if he was, what then? What would happen to us? How would we both survive without being together? I worried so much.
"I didn't know, you knew but I didn't" I cry into the collar of his soft shirt, there's regret in my tears, but also shame. I didn't know and left him behind to be on his own while I lived happily with Namjoon. What kind of mate does that?
He quickly shakes his head, a kiss pressed onto my forehead before pulling me into his chest again.
"It's not your fault. I should've told you sooner, I could tell that you hadn't noticed the bond taking place that day, but I took too long and missed the right timing. I'm sorry, it's okay now" he murmurs while rubbing my back slowly, his cheek over my head and his eyes on Namjoon who stands in the entrance's doorway to gaze at us in silence.
"Everything will be fine, we'll be together from now on" he adds with a kiss to the base of one of my ears, causing shivers to course all the way down my spine at the sensation, and butterflies to spread in my tummy, all the way up to my brain.
He continues to hold me until I calm down, skin rubbing onto mine so our scents can merge, and when I hear Namjoon's steps join our sides until I feel his hand over my lower back, I further relax under his touch, feeling better with the both of them with me.
"I didn't tell you where I was going this morning because I knew I wouldn't have been able to keep quiet. I thought if I came back with Yoongi, you'd forgive me for keeping you from seeing him again when jealousy got the best of me" his deep voice speaks from over my shoulder with culpability, one that I hate hearing on him.
I shake my head while wiping my face clean, and without leaving Yoongi's warmth, turn around so I can face Namjoon instead. My kitty's arms slide over my front while I reach up to bring my human's face down to my height. They're both so tall.
I kiss his nose first, and he closes his eyes at the feeling, scent pulsing under my love that never ceases to make him feel warm and at peace from within. It's like all his worries and fears disappear when he feels me like this.
"You adopted Yoongi for me" I remind him softly, that alone is enough to forgive him for anything he might have done, even if there's no need to forgive him for anything. He's done for me something that very few owners would've done for their hybrid.
"I did tell him that it was only under the condition that you and I could be together" he mumbles, as if that would be a bad thing. I find myself smiling at his adorable admission, hearing that he set his boundaries over me with Yoongi making me feel better about everything.
"And I said that I didn't care, as long as I can be with you. One more man loving you won't keep me from calling you mine, even if he uses the same words for you" Yoongi chimes in with a grin in his voice as he keeps clinging onto me in a way that I'd missed terribly.
Namjoon huffs softly at that, but there's a fond smile on his face now. "That sounds terribly like an ours, if you say it like that".
Yoongi chuckles. "If that's what you want, I don't mind. She can be ours".
Their back and forth eases any remnant of tension I had in my body, and I close my eyes in contentment as I let myself bask in their warmth, scents and voices. So they both are okay with this?
They're okay with me loving Yoongi, with me loving Namjoon? They're okay with Yoongi loving me, with Namjoon loving me? They're ready to go as far as to call me theirs? What could go wrong, then, if everyone was given the choice?
"I want to be yours, that's what I've wanted ever since we came back from the shelter on that day, when I found out that our three scents as one is my favourite smell ever" I admit to both men, and Yoongi begins to purr behind me while Namjoon's cheeks flush a little, he likes hearing me say that a lot.
"Our merged scents do smell very good together" Yoongi adds, and Namjoon cannot resist the pout that makes him frown as he cannot take part in that conversation the way that he wants to. How unfair.
"I wish I could smell that too... I have no idea what that must be like" he complains, right before getting embarrassed that he's complaining over something like this, but he's the only human against two hybrids with advanced senses, how can he not?
He'd probably get drunk on my scent whenever we'd cuddle, there would be no letting go of me anymore. So in that sense, maybe it's good that he doesn't get to smell like us.
"Maybe we could try making you a coffee with the three ingredients" I exclaim as soon as the idea crosses my mind, and Namjoon quirks an eyebrow at me in interest.
"It wouldn't... the taste is not what matters there, but if we mix them together... maybe we'd get the same smell" I continue, thinking that Yoongi might agree with me, but his light grimace has me drooping in his arms.
"The idea's good, angel, but I don't think the result would be what you're hoping for. Coffee has a strong smell, and Namjoon's a special kind, I don't think there's a drink that exists that would be similar. My peppermint and your vanilla would be overpowered, even if we put in a lot".
He's right... oh, I'm so disappointed. I really wish Namjoon could know what we smell like too. I don't want him to feel like an outsider just because he doesn't have the nose of an hybrid.
"So I smell like coffee, then? Y/N like vanilla, and Yoongi like peppermint".
I look back up to find him looking pensive as he tries to imagine what that would be like, but no amount of imagination could ever replicate the joy that this scent brings to my soul. It's simply impossible.
"They suit us, surprisingly".
Yoongi makes an approving sound. "They do. Y/N's vanilla isn't like those you find in a shop though. It's stronger than that, but also softer. It's hard to explain. Scents are like a hybrid's identity so no two similar ones will ever smell the same".
"Mm. So like a fingerprint, then".
"That's interesting, but how about we bring in the other bags for now, then set the table for dinner? We got your favourite, sweetie".
I gasp for the second time today, then quickly release myself from the both of them to grab a couple of bags from the trunk before I'm running back inside the house, fast like the light.
Or okay, fast like an arrow. An arrow is pretty fast, I saw that in a show a few days ago. It was a bit scary, but Namjoon kept me safe with his hugs, so I could enjoy the show more. Maybe Yoongi would like to watch it with us.
"Well, there she goes. Need some help with that, Yoongi? I can get half".
"Oh... thanks, that'd be nice".
By the time they make it inside, I'm already setting the table, mouth drooling as I eye the food on the kitchen counter, I could never get enough of it. Namjoon chose well.
"Okay, let's take care of the rest later. She's going to drool all over the place if we take any longer. Sit down, sweet pup, I'll make the plates".
"Oh, Yoongi, please do it instead of Namjoon? He always breaks something and it hasn't happened yet this week, it's bound to happen sometime soon and it can't be tonight. I cleaned the house today".
"On it. Namjoon? Out".
"Already kicking me out? Geez. You two are the same".
"Because we do it better".
"Damn it, not that again".
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