Chapter 2
I stare at the closed door of the room where Namjoon is currently working, a small breath leaving me when a look at the time shows that he's been in there for hours already.
It's nearly lunch time and I haven't seen him even once since he got in there, a worrying pattern that I have observed many times during these last few days - he truly is a workaholic, though it's my first time meeting one.
I shake my head and take in my surroundings in the lush living room, the few toys Yoongi put in my bag spread across the floor from when I played with them earlier, something that didn't last too long because playing alone is boring.
I wish Namjoon would take some time to play with me, although I understand why he can't since he has to work hard, his job not quite conventional, that much I could tell.
He told me last night while we were cuddled on the couch that he's in the middle of a huge contract that requires a lot of time from him, which explains why he hasn't taken any breaks to see me during the day, and through his many yawns, he apologized saying that he didn't want to make me lonely for too long and that he would do his best to finish his work quickly so that he could keep me company without stressing about it, so really, I'm not in a position to complain.
He's doing his best in his own way, and so locking himself in his work office for hours at a time is against all odds his way of thinking about me.
I rest my head on my arms and sigh, one of my long ears sliding forward to cover a part of my snout, the few knots already appearing in my fur the last of my concerns as I stare at the door in the hopes of seeing it open soon, a futile wish because he'll probably only come out of there in the evening.
I sincerely wish Namjoon would take better care of himself, something that he doesn't even seem to know how to do, it makes me feel restless even though I haven't been here for too long, a week at most.
From the day of his adopting me, from the moment we stepped foot inside his home, the gentle human has been nothing but sweet with me.
He showed me around the house as if he was talking to a fellow human - which I enjoyed - and I have to say, it's a very beautiful property that looks a lot like him - peaceful and calming. It's situated at the edge of the town's forest, one that grants us peace and quiet, which I find perfect.
But that's not what left the most vivid impact on me that day. No.
When the tour was done, I was somehow made witness of a scene of crime as he proceeded on making himself a... butchered meal while giving me some tasty dog food, my current taste buds allowing me to enjoy what other dogs would, thank goodness for that.
One thing I have come to understand during the little time I've had to spend with him is that...
Namjoon doesn't know I am a hybrid.
In his mind, he has adopted a dog. A dog who will always remain only a dog, and so that's why I feel very uncomfortable about shifting to my human form right now, though I feel like that would be for the best, because I can think of many things already that I could do for him that would be done better than what I saw from him.
The meals he makes himself all look... gross, and he doesn't look like he's enjoying any of them either when he eats. It feels more as though he eats only because he knows he has too if he wants to continue working like someone who has no life.
With the skills I was allowed to gain thanks to Jin and Yoongi's teaching, I know very well that I could make him something tasty instead of the bowls of mud he makes himself, but that brings me back to square one, which is that Namjoon doesn't know about my real identity, my hybrid blood making me a little bit harder to take care of than a simple dog.
I don't know why Jin didn't tell him properly about me, it was obvious that he had no idea he'd just entered a hybrid shelter. Jin looked proud of himself when we left after the adoption papers were signed but I'm not sure if that was such a good idea.
Maybe I should make this easier for the both of us. I should let him know about my reality before we get too attached to each other, else it's really going to sting when he does bring me back to the shelter after realizing that he wasn't told the whole truth before adopting me.
He wanted a dog, not someone like me.
I really wish Jin would've told him the truth right from the beginning.
I stare at the door once more, wondering if he's at least going to take a lunch break today considering that he didn't have breakfast this morning, but from the lack of noise reaching me from his side, I know that he's fully engrossed in his work just like always.
If only I could push that door open without needing to shift, maybe I could distract him for a little bit, but alas, that is not possible, he was very clear on that this morning when I tried to follow him while he wasn't looking.
As soon as the sun began to rise, he woke up, greeted me, he gave me food and water and then locked himself in that weird room filled with computers and screens, one that he said I'm not allowed to enter because I could chew on the cables and that would bring him a lot of trouble.
As if I'd ever do that.
I lick my lips before huffing softly, tail twitching against the cushion crushed underneath my weight.
Okay, maybe I would have done that but in my defense, the chewy texture and the thrill of mischief is incredibly hard to resist, and that would have gained me some attention even if it had to be from an angry Namjoon, the risk was worth it.
The clock ticks into the silence a few more times and I aggressively roll off the cushion before shaking my head to get my ears' long strands out of my face.
You know what? I'm tired of doing nothing, I can't take this anymore. I can't even turn on the tv with my stupid paws, much less so change the channel to something interesting! How can he expect me to just... sleep all day like this?
I stretch my limbs and back to get the blood circulating again before jumping off the couch and then run off towards his bedroom, a room in which I have slept every nights since being here, right on the bed by his side, something that's probably going to change once he learns the truth.
But one thing at a time.
Once sure that he won't be walking out of his work office without warning, I quickly shift to my human form before closing the door as silently as I can and when that done, I turn on the light before entering his walk-in closet to grab an oversized shirt and a pair of boxers, the latter fitted with a knot at the side to make sure it doesn't go sliding down my legs because of our size difference.
Namjoon sure is a giant. I hope he won't get mad at me for using his clothes without his permission.
I take one look at my reflection in the mirror, my long and curly red hair combed with my fingers while being careful of my ears before I exit his bedroom to enter the kitchen, my only goal at the moment to make him something to eat, which is unsurprisingly the first thing at the top of my list.
After that... we'll see whether I give him the food myself or if I leave it on the floor by the office before scratching on the door in my dog form to avoid shocking him too much. That'll depend on my bravery, because the idea of scaring him so much he refuses to see me is not amongst the things I'm ready to endure.
I might have been here only one week, but it's a week I cherish for the moments it gave me with him. Namjoon is very kind and if he could allow it, I would love to stay with him forever.
With that in mind, I begin searching around the kitchen to figure out a simple but nourishing meal, the fact that he has ingredients but simply doesn't know how to cook them making it easier for me to come up with something, it'll already be tastier than the horrors I have seen birthed from his hands so far.
With my tail waving contentedly behind me from underneath the shirt, a quiet tune murmured low in my chest as I chop and grill to make him a nice sandwich, I don't notice right away that danger lurks near until I hear a toilet flush, sink water running before a door opens.
"I'm finally done with work, Y/N! I'm sorry I left you alone these last... couple days" his last words grow immensely quiet when he stops by the kitchen island to find me at the stove, his eyes round on my frozen form.
Oh shit.
This wasn't part of the plan, he- he wasn't supposed to see me like this, I didn't even figure out how I wanted to reveal myself yet!
In the thick silence that now looms over our head, I switch off the heat on the stove and transfer the grilled sandwich onto a plate before hesitantly sliding it his way, and when he's yet to say anything, a lump forms in my throat.
This is it, right? Today's the day I get abandoned?
"I... I wanted to make you something to eat because you've been working hard, y-you don't have to eat it if you don't want to... I'll... I'll be going now" I mumble softly before making a run for it to the front door, which I open and close before shifting back into my dog form, his clothes now a lump on the ground before I decide to sit a bit further away under a tree, he won't feel threatened by me if I keep my distance, right?
I lie down on the fresh grass and then hide my face under my paws with a whimper. That was ridiculous, I can't believe I was caught before I could even make up my mind about what to do.
How did he feel upon seeing a complete stranger in his home without any kind of warning beforehand? He wouldn't be happy about it, right?
What then? Will he bring me back to Seokjin? Will he lock the door to keep me from entering his home again? What happens to me now that it was revealed that I'm not a simple dog like he wanted? He would've gotten a hybrid if that's what he wanted, but he didn't want one.
He said that the shelter is near... maybe I can find my way back there on my own? Could I make it there before someone finds and takes me to another random shelter?
I should've planned more in case of such a situation before using his kitchen, I was so dumb, so stupid.
The same door I used a minute ago closes and I shut my eyes tightly when I hear the grass rustle under Namjoon's feet as he comes over slowly, my soul begging me to avoid seeing the expression on his face, I don't think I could handle it if his eyes have already lost their warmth when he stares at me.
Namjoon sighs deeply at the pitiful sight that I make before sitting down in front of me, and after a moment of complete stillness in which only the wind and the leaves can be heard, I feel a weight settle over my head, the scent that his skin always carries nearing my nose as he ruffles my fur gently.
"Why... why didn't you let me know sooner about you being a hybrid, Y/N? I gave you dog food for days now, I feel awful. That must have tasted so bad and you just went along with it anyway".
I move one paw off my face and slowly open my eyes to stare up at him and... he doesn't look mad? He's instead getting upset over the fact that he gave dog food to a hybrid?
He offers me a pinched smiled and scratches the top of my head before exhaling loudly, body then propped on his arms as he leans slightly back to stare at the roof of leaves over our head, the tree's branches a beautiful display of art that only nature can make into a reality.
"I was surprised when I saw your human form in the kitchen. I think I was unconsciously expecting that as a possibility but... you know, I thought it was just me having silly thoughts, I'd simply ended up with an incredibly smart dog because... adopting a hybrid couldn't possibly have been that easy, that's something that usually requires many steps and documents so... I really thought you were a dog. Nothing more, nothing less".
I make a soft noise and he brings his gaze back to me, a soft smile forming on his plush lips before he caresses the side of my face, his changing reality apparently not a bother to him, it eases a fear off of my heart, does he not mind at all that he was lied to? That he was tricked into adopting a hybrid?
"You must have been scared of telling me the truth, yet you still worried about me enough to take a risk just to make me food. Thank you, Y/N, you're very kind".
I close my eyes and lean my head into his warm palm. He's not mad at me, he's not angry.
He brings his gaze back to the sky and sighs for many long seconds, like he's still processing it all, but his coffee scent is soft to the nose, caramel creaminess bringing comfort despite the uncertainty still surrounding me.
"I'm sorry that you felt like you had to leave because of my silence earlier, I was just shocked. There was a stranger wearing my shirt in my kitchen, your ears and tail were just like the dog I had adopted, your hair of the same color and you were making a sandwich on the stove when what I was expecting to find was you sleeping on the couch, I had a bit of a shock but..." he shrugs a little before meeting my guilty gaze with his gentle, dark orbs.
"I don't mind if you're a hybrid, Y/N. I just... hybrids usually need to consent before being adopted, right? Verbal consent, I mean. You didn't have that option, you were just... given to me like a normal dog would, I feel a bit unsettled about that".
Oh Namjoon... that's what he's worried about?
My heart and soul melt for his heartwarming honesty and I can't resist licking his arm to reassure him of my current stance, I believe I made myself pretty obvious with the way I clung to him on that day, I'm not going to change my mind just because I can now talk to him.
It's nonetheless nice of him to worry about that, because most hybrid owners don't give a single shit about our consent so I sure wouldn't have resented him for being the same, though I'm also aware that Seokjin wouldn't have handed me so easily to a newcomer if he didn't believe him perfect for me, so in a way, I guess the human knew exactly what he was doing when he let me leave with Namjoon.
The gentle human's eyes crease at my display of affection and he hums, another scratch to my head before he stretches his back before standing up to his feet.
"Why don't we start over again, on a good note this time, by eating that sandwich you made? I'll cut it in half and we can eat together, you didn't make anything for yourself" he muses lightly and my eyes widen, I can't possibly eat the food I made for him!
He bends down to pick me up in his arms before I can find a way to deny his offer and immediately, my mind blanks as I instead melt in his hold, I could stay here forever if he were willing to hold me for that long.
"I won't take on any more jobs for a while, that way we can get to know each other properly, what do you think? I neglected you a lot during a time when I should have made you a priority, I'm sorry, Y/N, I'll do better from now on" he continues while walking back towards his house, his voice happy despite the circumstances, it's almost as if... me being a hybrid is exciting for him.
He picks up the clothes I was wearing earlier with a small huff when we reach the door and I hide my face in his armpit, that's so embarrassing. He must have felt the knot I made in his underwear from over the shirt.
"I guess we'll have to buy you clothes of your size too, hm?".
My tail begins wagging without my permission at what this implies - more time with him - and he chuckles, cheek rubbing on my head before he pushes the door open to enter inside the warmer air of his home.
"Hybrid or not, you'll always be my pretty little pup, Y/N, that's not changing. I'll still take care of you the way I should. Now let's find you something comfortable to wear before we eat, this is too..." he clears his throat before throwing the clothes I was wearing in the hamper once in his bedroom, a blush crawling up his cheeks as he sets me on his bed, I tilt my head in confusion when he doesn't finish his sentence.
"A-anyway, jogger pants and a hoodie should be good enough for now, tomorrow we'll go shopping and maybe we can visit the shelter after that, you haven't seen Yoongi in a while".
I bark lightly to share my approval, I do miss Yoongi so it would be great to see him and he hums, happy to have a nice schedule taking place so easily.
"Alright, wear that first and then join me in the kitchen, I'll make you a plate in the meantime, take your time" he muses before exiting the room after one last pat to my head and I hurry to do as told, body shifting in seconds with a wide smile on my face as I get dressed because I can't believe how well this is going!
I was expecting... struggles, hard decisions to be made but Namjoon took it all so well that it makes me feel like I was worrying over nothing.
I'm just about done fitting the pants around my waist when I hear the sound of something breaking followed by Namjoon cursing and I hurriedly tie a knot with the waist's laces before running out of his room to see what happened.
"Namjoon? What was that? Are you okay- whoa!" I get cut off with a surprised gasp when I'm picked up like a potato bag by one arm when I almost step over glass shards, my legs and arms dangling beneath me while the giant human takes me away from the mess where it's safer for my naked feet.
"Sorry about that, I'm fine. I just dropped a glass on the floor, stay here while I clean this up, I don't want shards to pierce your skin" is his answer before he's walking back to the kitchen to get the bigger pieces off the floor and in the trash before sweeping with a broom, all the while I stand still like a useless person.
"Can I help?" I ask after a minute of restless jumping from one foot to the other, but Namjoon simply smiles before shaking his head, his eyes creasing briefly when he glances at me. "Nope, I'm almost done, sweet pup".
I pout and sit on the floor by one of my multiple toys, a plushie I have thrown all over the place with my teeth this morning staring back at me with a wounded face, there's some filling peeking out of its eyes already, I might have been a bit too rough with it.
I look back to the kitchen where Namjoon is going over the floor one last time with a wet towel to make sure he got everything and I sigh.
"What about now? Can I help now?" I ask again, slightly more impatient because... that should be me doing that cleaning right now, but he makes a sound before grunting as he stands back up to rinse the towel in the sink, eyes taking me in again to find me pouting at him.
"I'm already done, Y/N. If you really want to help, why don't you take the plates to the table? I'll get us something to drink. Is milk fine? I don't have much in the fridge, I can give you water if you prefer" he offers as he grabs one new glass to settle next to the first, and though not what I wanted to help with, I still jump to my feet to do what was asked of me as it's better than nothing.
"Milk! I love milk" I chirp with a jump as I set the plates carefully on the table, Namjoon's at his usual seat at one end while I take the seat next to his, this is going to be the first time we eat side by side!
"Milk it is" he echoes while filling one glass, then the next before putting it back in the fridge, and before he can grab the two glasses, I get a hold of them to avoid a second mess, something telling me that this is going to be a recurrent thing with him.
He releases a sigh and shakes his head, he can somehow tell what's going through my mind and he's not sure if he likes that.
"I promise I'm not always clumsy like this, it happens... once a week at most, today was the chosen day, that's all" he mumbles bashfully as he walks around the kitchen island to reach the table while I wait by my chair, round amused eyes taking him in as he takes a seat, after which I sit down as well.
"You're clumsy for many things Namjoon, even the way you fold your laundry makes me cringe. How about I do those things from now on? You can just... observe from the side. Where it's safe. I'll do the cooking and the cleaning" I let out with a pleased heart, it feels good to be able to do something for him, finally, but he frowns at my words and purses his lips.
"I didn't adopt you only to have you act like a maid, Y/N, I'm not going to make you take care of everything on your own" he counters firmly and then motions his chin towards my half of the sandwich to have me eat, an attempt at keeping me from retorting.
"But you do things wrong, Namjoon, like really wrong, I can do them better" I retort anyway while taking the food and he huffs, disbelief over his face as he too gets his half. "I'm not that bad".
"Yes you are. Even your food looked horrible, I'm actually glad I got to eat dog food instead of your cooking, I would have gotten tummy aches otherwise".
He opens his mouth to complain but I ignore him at that exact timing to eat the food instead and he gapes at me as if I peed on his couch, Seokjin's calling me spoiled now making sense to him, so this is what he meant.
He lets his gaze fall to his half sandwich, and when he takes a sulky bite, his eyes widen at the delicious taste that fills his mouth, and okay. Maybe his cooking really wasn't so good after all.
"Then you teach me. I don't want you to have to do everything alone. Teach me how to cook so that I can take over sometimes" he says instead, because if he can cook half as good as I do, then he will have succeeded in life.
I eye him while chewing slowly, the ease with which we're talking after our first... human-to-hybrid meeting feeling good, this banter is fun.
"I don't mind but... are you even able to learn? It feels like a lost cause when it comes to domestic tasks, you're... a master of destruction if I'm being honest, Namjoon".
He grumbles under his breath while swallowing his bite, what is this? Why is he being insulted like this? "You've only been here one week, how can you be so sure?".
"One week was enough".
"Am I that hopeless? At least try to teach me, you never know! Maybe I'll become better than you".
I snort out a laugh and Namjoon feels his pride waver, he's really going to have to make up for what he's shown me so far, he can't believe that I have so little faith in his skills after being here only for a few days.
"I'll tell Seokjin that you're bullying me, you're meaner than he said you'd be".
That shuts me up real quick and he quirks an eyebrow at that, oh? "I'll tell him that you're continually insulting my skills despite my trying my best, I wonder if he would be happy to hear that" he continues smugly and my heart drops to my feet, he... he wouldn't do that, would he?
"I-I'll teach you. Please don't tell Jin, I'll help you get better, as hopeless as the outcome may look at the moment. I'll do it so don't tell him" I plead and while Namjoon isn't sure how to take that half-insult, half-promise... yeah, that'll do for now.
He sighs happily, content that his threat worked and then finishes the food in front of him, a noise of delight when the taste melts over his taste buds just right, this food is divine, it's got to be the best sandwich he's ever eaten so far.
"Lovely. How about we go for a walk after we clean this up? I'm sure you've been bored being stuck inside all this time".
The thumping of my tail against the chair echoes loudly behind me as my ears twitch in interest and he grins to himself, a feeling of endearment bubbling within his chest as my cuteness spills from me in constant waves, I look just like my dog half and he finds himself wanting to squish me in his arms just like always.
"That sounds like a yes. Maybe there will be other hybrids at the park but we'll bring a ball in case that we're alone, there are changing rooms there if you ever want to shift" he continues and I clap my hands in excitement, that sounds fun! We can play catch, he can throw the ball and I can run around, yes!
"I'll clean the dishes right now!" I decide all of a sudden before jumping to my feet and Namjoon laughs as I quickly gather the dishes, milk gulped down in one go before I rush to the kitchen to get working at the sink, goodness.
"I'll do the drying then, let's get this done quickly so we can go soon" he muses and I nod my head with blushing cheeks and a dimpled smile that mirrors his own.
Yeah, adopting a dog was the best decision he ever made, he can already tell.
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