Chapter 3-Celia
I could feel the flush rise up my face. My heart pounded against my ribs and my soul became weak. My entire world was crashing. Everything, was going. Nothing was good enough. I was falling.
Life? Life was for the weak, the lonely. The helpless. I was immortal. I was flying. A tear slid down my face as I felt my power leave my body. My soul was being called. My heart fluttered. I could feel the air leaving my body, and he was there. He lifted me up by the waist and then set me down gently.
I 'fainted' into his arms. He wrapped his body around me, holding me. He looked down into my lifeless eyes and smiled. I fought to smile. All joy was gone. There was nothing left. I couldn't feel. Couldn't love. I could hardly keep alive. But he would never know. He could never know.
I watched him with saddened eyes. His body language screamed at me to trust him. To let him hold me. All would be fine. All would be right. He was there. He would hold me. He would touch me. He would love me for me.
My feet left the ground as he hoisted me up. I leaned back and he steadied the lift. I could feel my energy draining. Each second, each and every minute. I was weak. He was strong. I was lonely. He was not. I was his sister's friend. I was his sister's friend...
"Celia?" A hand flew in front of my face. I snapped out of my daze and looked at Jordan. He was holding my hand trying to keep me balanced. I watched him as he gently helped me to the floor. "Are you alright?"
"Yea-ah." I let out a shaking breath. "I am sorry." I looked down.
"You were beautiful." He smiled and tipped my head. "You were lovely."
I smiled up at him. He rose to his full height and extended his hand for me. I took it gratefully and stood. "Thank you."
He smiled again. "Can I use this?" He nodded down to his camera. I leaned in closely as saw a picture of me in the shadows with my hair loose and flowing. Head thrown back and face hidden by the harsh lighting.
"Sure." I shrugged. "I guess."
"Okay, thanks." He smiled. "My dear."
"Oh hush." I swatted him playfully. I blushed and walked out of the room. I bounded up the stairs and ran into the dance hall.
"Celia!" A female voice rang from behind me.
I turned to see Emerald. "Hey." I smiled and waved.
"Hey, you still wanna do a sleep over this Friday?" She asked while I looked behind her to see Jordan coming up the stairs.
"Sure." I replied shakily.
"Okay great." She smiled and walked away. I looked at Jordan and smiled and then turned away to follow her.
I ran to catch my friends. They were all smiling and twittering with excitement.
"Hey!" I sat down next to the group.
"Hello." They all looked at me.
"What?" I rose a brow. "Is there something wrong?"
"Nope." Emerald smiled and sat with me. "We are all just excited to see your parts."
"Oh, I'm excited too." I pulled on my leg warmers. "You guys ready to head in?"
"Yeah." The group stood and walked into the ballet room. I sighed and trailed behind. I caught Jordan watching me out of the corner of my eye and I smirked. This was going to be pure torture.
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