I did it 🥺🥺🥺
When Taehyung walks out of the room and back into the kitchen, I observe silently as he walks to the sink to wash the blood from his hands, blood that comes from injured knuckles that have clearly hit surfaces they shouldn't have.
There was a lot of anger seeping out of his heart when he attacked the furniture behind the shut door and the fact that it was all caused by what I said makes me feel guilty for some reason, even more so now that he's hurt.
Why did my answer make him this mad? To the point of hurting himself?
Needing to make myself useful one way or another, I grab the towel on which I was seated and quickly fly over to his side just as he turns off the water so he can dry his hands, something he does without a word, his eyes fixated on what he's doing as he pats them dry silently.
I nervously keep myself still as I remain by his side at a safe distance, the aching red spots of skin on his hands making me worry more than I feel comfortable admitting, that must hurt badly, why did he do that?
Taehyung exhales softly before opening the pantry from where he grabs a container filled with croissants, his eyebrows growing heavier over his eyes when he takes a look at the time, has he really been in there for twenty minutes?
He glances at the glass of water he made me earlier to find that the liquid has lowered a little, and one quick look at me reveals my shirt wet, parts of my hair still trying to dry after an attempt at drinking that definitely did not go well for me.
"Eat this, we'll leave when you're done. There's no point in staying here if there's nothing to accommodate your size" the man says in a mumble as he pulls a croissant into smaller bites that he settles in a small plate with a caring patience that contrasts with his earlier moment of rage.
I make my way to the counter where he's stationed and then land besides the big plate, one of the smallest pieces of croissant taken from it so I can eat a little without having to fight with the size, my hunger not quite as strong as it made itself known earlier with all that happened.
Going to work today when it's already three hours into my shift seems useless, by the time we make it there, I'll have half of the day behind me while the other will be spent trying to apologize to the girls and I'm not really in a mood to go through that, Taehyung's state affecting my own whether I want to or not, the air somber as it closes around us.
So... home then? It's weird, I don't really want to go there today, not when it means parting from the human who has this strange ability to make me feel emotions that seem unexplainable, his presence right now much more comforting that my room has been during the past few months.
Especially since I came back to find it ransacked by a stranger, it hasn't felt safe anymore since then.
Being here with Taehyung and being given the opportunity to rest properly for the first time in a week... it was nice, but it can't last, I know that.
I eat slowly, the whole croissant definitely too big for me in this size, it's impossible for me to eat all of it but with Taehyung staring as I chew on the bread... I try my best to eat as much as I can manage, because making him angrier is not in the plans.
"You don't have to force yourself if it's too much" the man lets me know after a while of observing as the food rolls in my mouth, a swallow that demands way more energy than necessary and I sigh in relief before dropping the piece I was holding back on the plate, thank goodness.
He pushes the dish away before resting both of his hands on the counter, his face deep in thoughts while I wipe my hands on my outfit to get them clean as best as possible, and then I startle when Taehyung clears his throat suddenly.
"You're aware of how dangerous it is for you to walk around Seoul without an owner, don't you?".
I pause wiping my hands at his question, bottom lip sucked in between my teeth before I nod my head, of course I know that. A fairy without an owner is like a walking gold nugget waiting to be caught, that wasn't hard to understand when I had my first look at the city and its inhabitants.
"I told you that Jin's a fairy too, but what I didn't say is that he's mine, under my responsibility, or he used to be anyway. In the papers, he's still my fairy but really... he doesn't even live under my roof anymore" Taehyung reveals an information that has my eyes widening, and I look up to meet his gaze that remains gentle over my form.
"You see, Jin has a mate, Namjoon, another fairy who's under my childhood friend's responsibility, so he went to live with them since it didn't make sense to keep them separated, but as you know, that barely changes anything since he's always with me, he doesn't really have much of a choice as my bodyguard".
Bodyguard... yes, that explains quite a bit the dynamic between them. I could somehow sense that Jin was always looking around for something to happen when at the coffee shop, but I always put that on him being simply aware of his surroundings, curious.
Would someone really attempt to attack Taehyung on a coffee break just because he owns a well-known company? Is that a danger that comes with having a lot of money? That sounds scary...
"Since Jin doesn't live with me anymore, I have an unused bedroom at my place".
I nod my head slowly, that's what happens when people move out of one place, rooms free up.
Taehyung and I stare at each other in silence, and I can see as he realizes that he's going to have to explain everything himself, because reading between the lines doesn't appear to be something I'm yet skilled enough to do.
"You could move into his old room, that's what I'm trying to say here, Y/N. If you let me adopt you, that would be safer for you, for a lot of reasons" he finally says and I stare at him in silence for a bit longer before making an o with my lips.
The man who apparently doesn't like strangers is offering me, a stranger, to stay in his home as well as adopting me?
Granted, we have been around each other many times in these last few months, but before today, we never really talked, so why is he offering me such a thing? Is he simply bored now that Jin's not living with him anymore?
Taehyung appears surprised at first when that's all I say, but he recovers quickly and rubs a finger along his jaw line as his eyes flit around to find a way to answer a question that should be simple, but actually isn't.
"How much do you know about mates, Y/N?" he asks back and I frown lightly before lifting off the counter to slide a hand against the surface as I fly along the edge before turning around to do the same with my other hand.
"Not much. I know enough to know that I should never expect to meet mine. That's all" I answer briefly, because that's all I have to say on the matter.
The people who taught us classes made sure to never raise our hopes, because there was no hopes to be had when our reason for living was to be good little puppets for a rich community that had showing off at the top of their priority list.
Taehyung sighs, his patience running thin, is he not allowed an easy fix for once? Is he really just that used to have his three closest people able to read him like an opened book? He's already feeling unstable this morning, and having to explain everything like this... he's only going through the hassle because it's me, otherwise he would be long gone.
"So if I tell you that mates who have met feel strongly for one another, such different people suddenly ending up with their lives intertwined when it doesn't make sense, when there would otherwise be no connections to be made, doesn't that seem familiar to you?".
If that feels familiar to me... I guess there could be a resemblance to what's been going on with Taehyung, but he's human. I might not know a lot, but I know that humans are never part of a mate bond, so what is he trying to say here?
My lack of a response bothers Taehyung, and when he slaps his chest with his palm to prove a point, it's very seriously that he states loudly, "It's us, Y/N, for fuck's sake. I don't give a shit that people believe humans can't be a fairy's mate, I know myself enough to see that there's no other explanation here. Don't you feel different about me than you do about others? Do I not make you feel anything at all?".
I stare at him awkwardly at first, his outburst not one I had seen coming, he didn't have to shout just for that, but when I start thinking about the reasoning of his belief, his question one that takes roots in my mind, I think back to all the previous months in which Taehyung and Jin exist.
I never really paid much attention to it when it was happening because I was entirely focused on surviving but now... I can remember the soft anticipation that would always fill my heart when awaiting their visits because the sight of the handsome and terribly silent man always made me feel shy flutters in my stomach, and it causes me to have doubts about what I was taught.
Jin was always the one talking to me, he was the one I was growing close to, and yet Taehyung was the one to catch my attention, always the one my eyes would glance at when I had a small break. I thought it was only due to his special aura, but maybe it is more than that after all.
And what of earlier? When the thought of going back home made me mentally wilt, because being with him makes me feel more alive than I have ever felt on my own, what does that mean if it doesn't support his belief that our souls are connected?
Taehyung appears to deflate the longer I remain silent, was it only him in the end? Is that not it? Are we not mates? Did he go too far? Is he really just that dumb and stupidly romantic and he didn't know?
"I mean..." I stop when I begin feeling bashful, a heat spreading across my face as I land in front of him on the counter, my gaze locked on my feet with my hands closed into fists, why is this so hard to say?
The human inflates immediately upon seeing the red that slowly coats my cheeks, is there hope in these uncertain times? Can his sudden longing for me be explained rationally so that he doesn't have to admit that even his heart can have stupid crushes on random people?
"I guess us being mates... I can see how it would make sense. And for what you asked... you do make me feel something, something that Jin doesn't make me feel even though we've talked more so... I'm willing to entertain the thought of us being mates even if it sounds impossible" I mumble softly, fingers linking into an embarrassed twist before I purse my lips with a small exhale, why is my heart beating so fast?
A happy stutter attacks Taehyung's heart and he feels relieved, so fucking relieved. All hope is not lost, thank fuck.
"Yeah? That's good... so then, are you willing to let me adopt you? Because I already asked Yoongi to prepare the documents for me yesterday, and Jin furnished the room for you before I even asked him to because he apparently is a 100% sure that you and I are mates".
My brows raise at his words, the fact that Jin, a fairy who also has a mate, believes this with so much certainty an added weight to the balance. I can't ignore that point... he would know more about mates than I do, so if he says that that's what this is, maybe I should just take it as it is.
Taehyung turns his head slightly as he takes in the shift in my stance. "Don't tell me you believe in his opinion more than you believe in mine?".
I shrug lightly, a smile working itself onto my lips as I fly upwards to float in front of his face, his big eyes frowning at me a sight that I find kind of cute right now.
"I trust a fairy for fairy matters the same way you would trust a human for human matters. Am I not allowed to believe his words more easily when he's the one with actual knowledge about this whole mate thing?".
Taehyung opens his mouth before closing it just as fast, and then he tsks his tongue.
"You know what? That's fair, I'll accept that. So, yes or no? Don't leave me hanging, will you let me adopt you? I told you why I offered you that option so it's your turn to answer me now" he asks again, his eyes intently staring at me as he repeats his very important question once more, will he get his damned answer one day?
I make a light noise, his impatience definitely increasing his charm in my eyes. He might be very silent in public spaces, he frowns and glares a lot at others when he doesn't want to be bothered, but in reality, he's just like everyone else, isn't he?
"I won't be a simple decoration in your home if I accept, right?" I find myself asking softly first, and Taehyung's shoulders fall as he slowly shakes his head. It hurts him that I would feel the need to get a confirmation on this matter, but he can't blame me for that - his kind hasn't been particularly good to me.
"You won't be a decoration - you'll be someone with worth. You won't have to fight for survival anymore, you won't have to work a crappy job just to stay in a building filled with dangerous people anymore, and you especially won't have to risk your safety everyday trying to avoid being found out anymore, I'll make sure of it. The closer you remain by my side, the better I can keep you safe, if you would let me".
There is such a sincere strength in his gaze as he looks at me with unrestrained hope, and with a speech that shows me exactly what kind of heart Taehyung has, I can only nod at him, a thankful smile flashing over my face as his eyes light up.
"That sounds perfect, Taehyung. I would love to be your fairy, if you would have me".
Taehyung's chest pocket is possibly the most comfortable thing to exist and I honestly don't see any reason as to why I should ever leave it when it offers both warmth and a restful space, my soul turning all flowery when his scent gently wraps around me in a safe embrace.
At first, I hid in it only because when we both exited the house earlier, the sight of men wearing black suits with guns at their waist had freaked me out of my mind, my first thought being that Taehyung had been ambushed and that we were going to die.
Thankfully, it didn't even cross his mind to laugh when he found me trembling in his pocket and quickly reassured me that everything was fine before barking out an order for them to get the hell out of sight, something that made them all jump and run without a second late.
Taehyung then called the driver that was apparently waiting for us nearby and when he sat in the car, upon seeing me in the pocket resting at his heart, eyes turning droopy as his heartbeat lulled me to sleep, his comforting reassurance to get me out of it died on the tip of his tongue.
If he had to wear clothes with chest pockets everyday for the rest of his life from now on to allow me this safe cuddle spot that made his heart melt and his soul beam, bright like rays coming right from heaven, as if he'd have any chance of going there one day, then that's exactly what he would do.
Taehyung looks down at me as he enters the pin code to his penthouse and smiles to himself before pushing the door open, his stomach fluttering with a sweetness that he's never had a taste of before, something he blames entirely on me.
"What was the point of furnishing the bedroom? I have a feeling that you're going to live in my pockets more than you'll live in your new home" he muses with a grin when I blink up at him with a shy blush.
"This is my new home, this pocket is all I need" I mumble stubbornly, he will not get me out of here, it's impossible, I am not allowing that.
Taehyung sighs out a small laugh and hums before nodding his head as he closes the door behind him, pleased. "So be it, you little pocket fairy. My pocket fairy".
My heart skips a beat at his words, flowers sprouting all over the meadow of my soul, it wouldn't be exaggerated to say that clouds have cleared up from the sky only to reveal a beautiful milky way of colours unknown to mortal eyes.
His pocket fairy? I love the sound of that.
"As long as I'm the only one" I muse quietly, and Taehyung needs to resist the sudden urge to squeeze me into his heart, his eyes widening slightly at this strange murderous feeling that just swarmed his entire being.
"The one and only" he answers in a murmur while loosening up the tie at his neck, brain in silent panic because is that common coming from people who are in love? They want to squish their second half flat against their heart in random urges?
That chest pocket is beginning to sound dangerous all of a sudden.
I smile to myself at his confirmation and though I need to struggle a little bit due to inexperience, this is my first day being a pocket fairy after all, I eventually manage to stand on my two feet to peek over the fabric that keeps me safe from the outside world.
As soon as I glance at the place that I will now be allowed to call home, I let out a soft sigh upon the realization that I was not wrong in the way I had imagined his home to be like, this really looks a lot more like him than the vacation house we were in earlier.
"Like what you see?" he asks me as he skillfully removes his shoes without bending, something telling him that I would slip right out of my cozy spot if he did, and when I quickly nod my head as I lean to my left and right to try and see more of the interior, he hums before beginning a tour of his place.
While dark coloured because of the brick walls and the black industrial ceiling, the very tall windows that adorn the outside walls allow in just enough light to make the place into a warm nest that offers comfort and rest.
This is nothing like what I grew up into and everything smells of Taehyung, which adds to the level of belonging that already takes place in my chest.
It feels futile to deny a bond between us when this is how I feel in his presence, and it's oddly easy to accept as the time spent with him comes with a stronger sense of rightness with each passing minutes, like here has always been my place.
The living area is beautiful, terribly large and furnished to keep someone out of boredom with a magnificent library and a gigantic tv, the kitchen meant to make someone want to cook up a feast even in the little hours of the morning and the bathroom?
The bathroom makes me want to stay in there for hours, body submerged in a deep bath of hot water with bubbles as high as the ceiling, that sounds absolutely divine to my cozy mind right now.
When Taehyung begins walking up the stairs, he quickly shows me his bedroom first, a room very similar to the living room, dark but warm with tall windows that allow a beautiful sight of the outside world - Seoul looks so different from here - and when he makes us reach the last closed door at the end of the hall, I nervously hold onto the pocket with tight fists, lips bitten between my teeth.
"Ready to see your room? I don't know what it looks like either but since Jin was the one doing the shopping with Namjoon, I have high hopes that they did their best for you" he says with a smile, my nerves obvious to his sharp eyes, it makes him want to cradle me in his neck to keep me safe from a danger that isn't even one at the moment.
I nod my head after a moment of hesitation, because honestly, a room that would be to my taste? A room that would scream Y/N? I have no idea what that's supposed to look like and it's making my hands sweat like crazy.
It's almost scary to be about to enter something that will be for me, something that was prepared with me in their mind.
"I'm going to open the door now" Taehyung warns me gently, and when his hand lands on the doorknob, I hold my breath as I watch it slowly open to a bright and large room, and I am actually brought to a state of speechlessness as I take it all in with a thick lump in my throat.
This is... for me? All of this?
When he feels me snuggle deeper into his pocket with glassy looking eyes, my soul unable to process that something like this could be mine, Taehyung needs only one look to know that he will forever do anything to make me happy, by however means possible, because to get such a reaction to something as simple as a well furnished bedroom, Taehyung doesn't find that normal.
He gets having that reaction to an item, or maybe even clothes, jewelry, but something as essential as a safe and clean place to sleep? No, Taehyung needs to change that.
He eventually walks inside to allow me a closer sight of the beautifully furnished room that offers everything a fairy could ever need, from a large and cozy bed to an equipped desk with a comfortable looking chair, and not to forget the dresser that leads to an open room closet that currently remains empty, this is more than anything I could imagine.
The most I managed to have for myself was a bed, and even that was only when I ran away and found the room that I was renting, because the auction house didn't provide any beds so that we would be thankful to our new owner when and if we would get one, which wasn't a certitude as some people liked to treat fairies like dogs.
But this? This is a complete room meant for only me, and though the surfaces are currently bare of decoration, I somehow can tell that this is only momentarily, that I will be able to decorate as I want when the time comes, which I am thankful for, from the bottom of my heart.
"What do you think? Did they do a good job?" the gentle human asks me after a moment of silence to let me process this, and it takes me a few seconds to even think of words strong enough to describe how good of a job Jin and his mate did.
"It's... perfect, absolutely perfect" I murmur, and he releases the breath he didn't know he was holding at these words, relief washing over him like a tidal wave.
Maybe he should give his friend twice the bonus requested after proper... reconsideration.
"I'm glad. They'll be happy to hear that as well".
Taehyung's about to turn around to leave the room when he understands that I still have no intention of actually exiting his pocket - this is my home now so I can always come back here whenever I feel like it - but then stops when something catches his eyes, a corner of the room entirely covered with a black drape that he knows very well wasn't there the last time he walked in here.
Did Jin really go that far? He did, didn't he?
If it was for anyone else, the human would probably roll his eyes and find this stupid, but since it's for me... Taehyung shall triple the double bonus offer.
I look up at the call of my name to find Taehyung staring at one corner of the room, and when I bring my gaze to it as well, when I notice a paper on a black fabric that says Pull me :), I can only tilt my head in curiosity, is this meant for me?
"I'm going to step out for a bit while you have a look, but I won't be far, I'll be in the living room, okay? I think you should take in that discovery on your own" the man finally states softly, and after a little nudge from his hand to make me leave his pocket when I hesitate for too long, he gives me one last comforting gaze before he exits the room, door closing behind him to leave me on my own.
Losing the safety of his pocket feels like a shock to my soul, my environment just went from small and warm to gigantic, overwhelming and huge, but knowing that he's near, that this is home, I force myself to be brave and make my way to the paper that display what must be Jin's handwriting.
Pull me...
I take in a deep breath, I grip onto the drape with both hands, and then I pull with all of my strength until it falls to the ground.
And when I look up to see what was underneath, disbelief melts into hot tears as I bring a hand to my mouth, heart imploding with an overwhelming gratitude that isn't meant to be experienced by fairies like me.
This cannot be real, yet here it is, enchanting and made just for me.
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