When I gaze at my ringing phone to find Jin's name on the screen, I huff before accepting the call.
Of course he would want to know how it went after hearing that we made it back here from the driver, this impatient fairy...
'So? Did she see it? Did she like it? Did I do well? Am I not the bestest of all fairies?' the fairy asks right away, and I sigh as I bring my gaze up to the second floor from where I am, her door right in my line of sight behind the see-through railing.
"She has yet to get out of her bedroom so I don't know. I left the room as I didn't want my presence to keep her from expressing herself as needed, but she looked very touched by the efforts you put in for everything else, she said it's perfect" I answer him, hear his relieved exhale from the other side of the line.
'Thank goodness. We went to the best fairy carpenter for the surprise, Namjoon and I worked on the plans together until we figured it was perfect and it took all night to build, we came to install it early in the morning. We were pretty proud by the final result so we're confident that she'll love it'.
I hum, they really put their all into this, didn't they? "I'm sure she will. Thank you, Jin. It means a lot that you went that far for her".
The fairy coos and I purse my lips tightly, heart already building up defenses to better tolerate the nonsense about to leave his daring mouth.
'The ice king, the cold and expressionless tyrant, the dangerous, poisonous and heartless don, currently thanking his handsome, wonderful and delightful fairy friend for making his sweet mate feel at home is truly something I would have never thought would happen one day. Are you going to kiss my cheeks next? Will I finally get a hug after all these years? Has your ice melted that much already?'.
"Say anymore than that and I will change my mind about your reward" I grumble under my breath, and Jin laughs in response before humming softly, pleased with himself, these threats never doing enough to scare him.
'Okay, okay, I'll stop. But really, Taehyung, it was a pleasure. She deserves to be made to feel at home with the past that she has, just like you did for me' he says with a smaller voice, and that reminder has a fire reigniting in the depths of my personal hell, one that constantly simmers deep within my soul, ready to swallow up every last bits of my artificial light to use as fuel when needed.
"About that. We'll be paying the Auction a little visit soon, Jin, and I don't intend to make it a pleasant one for them" I utter darkly, words that have the fairy frowning on the other side of the line, his body tensing from his cuddling session with Namjoon.
'What? The Auction? As in... with a capital A? THE Auction? Why?'.
I need to close my eyes for a moment, just to avoid grabbing the lamp next to me to throw against the wall, I don't feel like cleaning that up and I don't want my precious fairy to be scared when this is supposed to be her new safe space, a space where she shouldn't ever have to be nervous.
"Because they didn't randomly find her somewhere to sell at an auction house like they do for most fairies, like they did for you. She didn't flee from a random facility ran by lower organizations that have partnerships with the Auction. She was already in their hands, Jin. From her birth until the day of her auction. She was about to be sold to a fucking diamond brothel when she made a run for it".
Jin might remain silent at the revelation, but I know that his heart is currently breaking into thousands of pieces at the moment, pieces that will very much act like bombs when the fairy is done tempering with them, and I also get to hear one of Namjoon's rare curses, which lets me know that he could hear everything from the beginning.
'Those sons of bitches... so you want armed men, right? We'll take care of that for you, they really have played with a dangerous fire this time'.
"Armed to the teeth, Namjoon, I want them to shit themselves so much that they'll be bedridden for years to come with their fucking ass on fire. I want this to be a warning for them, that they should never approach her behind my back ever again, because from the moment I hear that one of them has touched her with their disgusting hands, I'm destroying their whole family line until they become extinct. I'm not playing a stupid game with them, they listen to my warning or they discover what it's like to feel their skin melt off their bones with a very conscious mind until they're nothing left but a screaming skeleton".
And from the bottom of my malfunctioning heart, even that would not be enough, because raised for the auction?
Not quite.
Unlike what Y/N seems to believe, what she was made to believe, she wasn't born and raised to end up in a rich guy's living room as a stupid pet, a decoration, no.
She was raised for one specific purpose - to work at a diamond brothel, a high-end whore house where she would be cared for and adored by everyone every single day of her life, for a time anyway.
She would be conditioned to function on their praise, so dependent on their fucking praise that one day, when they'd suddenly rip that luxury away from her, her only way to gain it back would be to obey their every wishes.
She would lose her autonomy, her sense of self-worth, she would willingly give her body to anyone knocking on her door, and for what? For a stupid word of praise, for acknowledgment, to keep her comfortable life.
A world of abuse hiding under sparkling necklaces and bubble baths, a mental control that the fairies are completely oblivious to because they were raised to be more obedient, more malleable, they were raised so that the diamond brothels could shape them more easily upon receiving them.
Exotic fairy auction? That only means that she would've been sent to one of the few brothels that have different values from the classic ones found across Korea.
'Of course, that'll be done, Taehyung. Give me a few days to prepare and I'll keep you updated on the progress' my skilled advisor confirms firmly for my peace of mind, and I nod once before forcing myself to relax on the couch, because I don't want Y/N to find me like this when she leaves her bedroom with a blinding smile on her face.
The image of her wilting smile as she finds me seething with rage in the living room isn't exactly the vibe I'm going for here, I meant to look inviting and cozy so that she would come snuggle with me, hence the fuzzy hoodie I am currently wearing.
Don't ruin your own plan, Taehyung, you've a goal to attain, cuddles to get.
"Anyway, you're still on your day off so keep that for tomorrow, she's not leaving my sight for now so there's no need to hurry. But I want that done before she requests to go outside on her own and- fucking hell, that simple thought nearly brought me into insanity just now. Tell Yoongi that I want him to find bodyguards for Y/N, the best ones he can find. I want to meet them myself before we make the final decision".
I hear the two fairies snicker at my out of character request, but they thankfully know to not push their luck, because teasing me once goes, but twice? They better pray to their god before they make that attempt because I am in a difficult mood.
Until I get my cuddles anyway.
I hope Y/N will be willing to do that with me, I really want to see how she reacts to my attempt at a comfortable appearance. Would it be satisfactory to her instincts? Would she see me as a good mate? I really want to make her happy that the bond fell on me.
'I think we lost him, Joonie, the mate brain must be kicking in with all gears right now. I bet he just got changed into softer clothes to cuddle with her' Jin muses from his side of the phone and my heart trembles with embarrassment, how the fuck does he know that?
"I'm ending the call. Will update you on the surprise through texts later, don't call again" I grunt with annoyance before doing exactly that, and I make it a point to put my phone on extra silent, because ain't no way I'm letting any of them bother me again today.
Mate brain? Is that what they call these goddamn romantic thoughts that keep swarming my mind whenever it comes to her? Does that mean I'll end up all butter soft on her like Namjoon and Jin were for each other when they first met?
I better not see a single smirk in my line of sight when I can't resist cooing at her outside of home because I will burst like a volcano right in their face, I can feel it.
With my tongue poking into my cheek, I glance at her door again with a rising impatience that I struggle swallowing down when her name crawls towards the tip of my tongue to be freed out into the silence.
She's not going to stay in there for hours, will she? I don't want to feel stupid for having changed into these clothes for nothing, it's unnatural enough as it is coming from me, when have I ever done such a thing in the past?
Never, that's the only answer, I've never done that before and now I have to wait until-
I groan and shake my head before releasing a strong puff of air.
Damn it, you're a weak bastard, Taehyung, you can do better than that.
I sit up straight on the couch to fix my posture, I smooth down my clothes properly to hide the fact that I've been nervously moving around since earlier, a leg crossed over the other, and then I grab the book on the console table from behind the couch before adjusting a prescription-less pair of glasses on my nose, and I am now the epitome of elegance.
I can wait, I have my entire life in front of me to work towards winning her heart.
Your POV
With a hesitant hand, I softly push the door of the fairy house open and immediately find myself facing a beautiful space that offers a living room, a kitchen and a dining room, and while my first reflex would be to believe these appliances useless considering that this house should be no more than a toy, I know, with just a glance, that it is no mere toys.
I close the door behind me and step further inside to realize that the floor is heated just enough to make my toes warm, and it is with a very, very heavy lump in my throat that I graze a hand over the back of the velvety couch on my way to the kitchen where I find everything to be functioning just like any kitchen would, the counter at the perfect height for me to use despite my shorter nature.
The decorations adorning the surfaces are fairy sized too and it's honestly my first time seeing such pretty ones in person, they really do look just like they would in the human size and it shows that the world is adapting around fairies, even if the way they are treated has yet to really show progress.
Cupboards reveal sets of dishes and utensils ready to be used and when I open the fridge to have a look inside, it's to find it filled with food that I can use to cook as I want, and it doesn't take more than that to have me wipe my face with a sleeve to get rid of my tears, because there's no way this is for me, this can't be real.
I know this house is not meant to replace Taehyung's, this kitchen is not here to keep me from using the bigger one, I am not meant to have every meals on my own in here, but to have this private and functioning space at my disposal, a restful environment where I can hide when I need alone time, it's priceless.
I leave the kitchen to continue my visit and head towards the first closed door I see to find inside a very pretty, small bathroom in which there is a shower that's ready to be used with shampoo and conditioner, body soap and soft towels folded on the wooden shelf besides the glass, and the sink is equipped with skincare products that I can tell will suit my skin well.
The amount of work that went into building this house blows my mind, and when curiosity over what could be in the next room takes over, I quickly exit the bathroom to open the second closed door where I find a room of the same width and depth, nothing inside if not for a cozy nest, a bed filled with cushions, blankets and plushies to keep me company when I get overwhelmed by the grand life.
The walls are decorated by little yellow fairy lights and as a whole, it gives off an ambiance that I would've loved to have years ago, when life was at its worst and I had on my mind only one wish - to run far, far away.
With burning tears flowing down my cheeks, I tentatively sit on the bed to test how comfortable it is, and when I sink in, a sensation underneath my body that oddly resembles water, my eyes widen, body freezing before my muscles relax when the gentle waves lull my mind into a state of relaxation.
This is... weird, but also very nice, I could stay here for hours without getting tired of this floating sensation, who would've known that such mattresses existed?
I stare at the ceiling until the wiggling ceases and then let out a sigh as all of this registers in my heart, in my soul, that I truly was given a fairy house.
Fairy houses are very rare and unique magical constructions meant to be used by fairies to offer them a living space that suits their size and needs while also offering some autonomy, a concept frowned upon greatly by many because fairies aren't normally allowed this much freedom.
As things are right now, there must not be many of them spread throughout the world, and to know that one of them is in my bedroom, available for my personal use, it makes me feel proud, like I am someone who matters to someone else, a fairy cared for by a good human.
Taehyung was not lying when he said that I would be not a decoration, but someone with worth. He's already done so much for me, him, Jin and Namjoon too, the other fairy who I have never met yet.
Without even being that close to me, this is what they gave me to welcome me into their life.
With a push of my elbows, I try to exit the grip that this bed has on me with grunts and groans, the wiggliness turning intense until it hits me that I can simply use my wings, and when I finally make it to my feet, I run across the house until I step out of it, and then I'm on a race to get to Taehyung.
Door opened easily thanks to the fairy-friendly doorknob, I easily find the man sat in the living room, his expression serious as he's entirely focused on the book in his hold, and though a part of me would love nothing more than to rest by his side to observe his gorgeous profile, the other has no time for such a thing when there's gratitude to be given.
I free-fall down to the main floor at high speed and then make a beeline for the expense of his chest currently covered by a fluffy fabric that will make for a nice unprepared landing.
Taehyung gets no warning at all.
A whistling noise and then a fairy crashes right in between his arms, which causes such an impact that the book flies from his hold when he startles, eyes falling on me with shock before I climb up his solid chest to reach his shoulder where I hug the surface with all the strength I can manage.
"Thank you, Taehyung, thank you so much. It's absolutely perfect, thank you" I let out softly, and Taehyung relaxes before allowing his body to slump comfortably on the couch, lips pursed when a victorious smile tries to make an appearance.
Jin and Namjoon did all that but... he doesn't mind being the one to receive such a cute display of gratitude.
As long as he's the only one.
"You like it?" he asks in a deep, calm tone and I nod quickly, the warmth of his soft hoodie, one that comes from his body heat, slowly but surely sliding locks over my limbs to keep me snuggled near, not quite a prison but not that far either.
Being cold with Taehyung... that sounds impossible. He has a warmth to him that I crave, and I want more of it.
"It's beautiful, the kitchen counters are perfect for my height and the nest is very comfortable too, there's water in the mattress, did you know that? Water! It's just a little sad that you can't fit inside, I would've loved to show you, even the floor took the cold away from my feet, I love it" I muse with excitement seeping off of every words, and Taehyung feels his heart soar to the stars.
Should he double the triple double offer? More than that and Jin will be able to buy a country.
"I'm glad, Y/N. It's your house so do whatever you want with it, and I'm sure they already put food in the kitchen but let me know when you need anything and we'll buy you more, okay? That goes for anything else you might need, don't shy away from asking me, you're under my care after all" he lets me know and I double my efforts into hugging him, which doesn't really work as I want but it's the thought that counts.
"Thank you. I never thought I would ever be given so much when I accepted to come with you, I was always taught to never expect to receive anything from an owner so it feels surreal" I admit, words that make Taehyung frown instantly.
The man tsks his tongue in displeasure, he won't have to hear that whenever he gives me something, right? A thank you and a hug will be enough, he could do without the constant reminder that the life I was told I would have was completely inhumane.
"Well you'd do well to get used to it because that's only the beginning. We need to get you clothes next since this outfit is only temporary, shoes, accessories and a phone as well but we'll keep that for tomorrow, I don't feel like going outside again today" he barks out unhappily and my eyes widen, head rising from his shoulder to glance at him from where I am, which allows me a zoomed in vision of half of his face.
"I already have clothes, Taehyung, and a phone too, it's probably still at work though- oh right, what will happen with my job? You said I wouldn't have to work anymore, so should I quit?" I ask a series of questions that Taehyung would rather avoid, is the coffee shop burned down already?
He's pretty sure it's into ashes at this very moment, or about to be.
"We'll get you new ones. No offense, but I'm pretty sure what you could afford with that job of yours wasn't of the highest quality and I don't want you to use cheap items when I have enough money to adorn you with the finest emeralds.
You won't be going back to work either, the Auction will be after you until I take care of them so just stay by my side for now, I'll get you bodyguards soon but for now, it's too dangerous, I need to test them first, both skills and loyalty and that takes time".
I purse my lips into a pout but nod my head nonetheless, going against Taehyung... yeah, I'm not risking it.
"You don't have to talk about my lack of money like that though... I worked so hard to buy what I had, it really wasn't easy" I mumble and the human blinks at the floor with silent panic, did he insult me? Did he? Fuck.
"A good salary doesn't always come with hard work, you being poor wasn't because you didn't work well- that's not really the issue here, is it?". He sighs before trying again. "The room you were renting, Y/N... I really would rather have you stay away from it. Forever. It was filled with criminals".
I gape at the man who stares at me with a soft smile that curls downwards, his eyes on my face as I take this time to process that even in the safest place I had managed to get myself, I still wasn't safe.
I was set for danger no matter where I went, it seems.
"I guess I was lucky then. Someone entered my room a week ago when I was at work, I came back to find my things broken and my clothes all over the floor, it was only to steal my money but... I thought it was someone from outside at first but maybe it was one of my neighbours after all".
Taehyung is ready to throw hands by now, what? "And you stayed in that room despite knowing that someone could break in another time? Did you at least change the lock?" he finds himself asking, and he also answers that question himself when he remembers that my money was stolen, fucking hell.
I suck in my bottom lip as I observe him go through every steps to calm his anger, it always seems to surge to the surface so easily with him, does he have anger issues? That sounds tough, I would hate to have that, getting angry at everything all the time... not for me.
"You're bad for my heart, little fairy" I finally hear him grumble, and while my first reaction is to be upset by those words, the gaze he sends me next melts that pain into soft, soft bashfulness when a gentle warmth glows in his dark orbs.
"I guess I'll just have to make sure everyone knows that you're mine and bring you everywhere I go with me from now on. We'll make it known worldwide that you are mine so that when they see you, their knees will meet the ground before they even dare look you in the eyes".
My eyes sparkle at what I hear and I beam at him before sputtering the first thought that fills my mind at this visual. "Just like a Queen from the Joseon Dynasty! The people always end up kneeling at her feet when they've done something bad, they go all out like this: My Queen! We have sinned, we have committed a terrible treason, we should die for what we've done, please spare our life!".
Taehyung stares down at my acting with a poker face and I continue smiling expectantly at him, he knows what I'm talking about, doesn't he? I reenact the bowing to refresh his memory, doesn't it go like this usually? Or is it more like this?
The man doesn't know how to react to my bowing session, this kind of behaviour is nothing new to him, Jin was the same once he finally got out of his timid shell, he just didn't know that he would have to go through that all over again with me too.
Is that a fairy thing? Are all fairies this weird?
And not only that, should he admit to me that my scenario sounds just like what happened to him last week? He shouldn't right?
"Yeah, just like that, Y/N, they'll bow to you exactly like that, you'll be that strong of a queen" he settles with, and when I giggle excitedly at his confirmation, as if the concept of being betrayed sounds like a fun game, he sighs.
"You and Jin truly will get along just fine" he muses with a shake of the head when I decide to make myself comfortable on my back to stare at the complex ceiling's design.
He really had to end up adopting fairies that have a knack for acting and dramas both times, uh?
I hope this was a fun chapter for everyone! Next week, we'll resume the updates with Darling so I hope to see you all there! Have a very lovely weekend with your families!
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