Chapter 8
((This chapter is dedicated to TahitiJay who's been patiently waiting for me to post))
~Sophia's POV~
As I sat in the locker room with Joe and the others I could tell that he was still stressed. I turned and looked at Paul who gave me a small smile.
I watched him make his way out of the locker room followed by the twins and Naomi. Getting up from my spot I went and locked the door. I was going to make sure Joe knew I was there for him.
As I went to sit back down Joe pulled me into his lap and started kissing me.
I was shocked at how needy this kiss was. It was very different from the other kisses we shared.
As it got heated and hard to breathe we both pulled away resting our foreheads against each others.
"Not that I'm complaining but what was that for RO? Are you okay?" I asked.
I didn't know what had happened earlier. Jey just came in the trainers room and said Joe needed me. Without question I jumped up and followed to their locker room.
The look in Joe's eyes when I asked him what was wrong was a mix of hurt and anger. Not wanting to make him more mad I decided to stop asking.
As I sat there with Joe I had a feeling I wasn't going to get a lot of work done. Pulling out my phone I sent Dr A a text letting him know I would be with The Bloodline today and that he could call me if he really needed me.
After sending the message I put my phone down and motioned for Joe to lay down and put his head in my lap. He smiled and did as I asked.
Taking his hair out of the bun he had it in I started to run my fingers through his hair and massage his scalp. He let out a little sigh and closed his eyes.
As Paul and the twins opened the show I continued to play with Joe's hair. A few minutes later his small snores filled the room. Leaning forward I kissed the side
of his forehead before closing my own eyes.
-15 minutes later-
I was fast asleep when I felt someone place gentle kisses along my cheek. Opening one eye I saw Joe standing over me with a small smile on his face. "Hey handsome how are you feeling."
"I'm feeling a little bit better after my little nap."
I smile and Joe picked me up and I couldn't help but wrap my legs around his waist as he held me.
"So babe Paul made arrangements for you and I to have the night off so why don't we get our stuff and hit the road."
"Well big guy in order for that to happen you need to put me down so I can go and get my stuff."
"Don't worry about it the car is all ready loaded so we can go head and go."
I smile and gave Joe a kiss before jumping on his back so he could give me a piggy back ride.
As we we were walking out of the dressing room I head someone yell "Hey slut I thought I told you to stay away from Joe."
I was about to jump off Joe's back and get in her face but I was stopped by Joe gripping my thighs tighter.
"Don't even think about it. Ignore the bitch". Joe said.
I giggled and turned my head back to notice Mandy trying to come after us but the twins and Trin blocked her way from getting to us. Joe just kept walking and we heard raised voices.
When we got to the car Joe had to told me we were going out to dinner later and I couldn't say no that it wasn't a question. We were going.
As Joe and I left the area I asked him if we could stop at the mall so I could find something to wear to dinner.
"Of course my love I needed to stop by there any way."
I leaned over and placed a kiss on his cheek so he wouldn't get distracted while driving.
When we stopped at a red light Joe turned and pressed a long and hot kiss to my lips.
I let out a little moan and pulled away just as the light turned green.
We both settled back into our seats and finished the drive to the mall.
As soon as we got to the mall and parked the car Joe was out of the car and went to open the door for me. I got out of the car and thanked him.
He nodded and held my hand as we entered the mall. I was surprised by how many people were here on a Friday afternoon.
"Woah for a Friday it's packed here." I said.
"Yeah no shit, babygirl how about you go get your dress and meet me in the food court?" Joe says.
"And where are you going?" I asked.
"Oh I have just got alittle something to pick up. It's a surprise." He said giving me a quick kiss.
I gave him a look that he just chuckled at.
~Joe's Pov~
As I watched Bella take off towards the dress shop I turned and made my way to Tiffany and Co. As I was waking towards the store I noticed people were starting to point at me. Taking a deep breath I continued towards the store.
Once I got to Tiffany's the manager of the store ushered me inside and locked the door.
A salesperson greeted me and brought out the bracelet I ordered Sophia. It was meant to match the ring I gave her all those years ago.
I thanked the salesgirl as she went to bag the bracelet. I quickly paid for the bracelet and got out of the store.
Not wanting Sophia to see the bag I quickly made my way to the car and hid the bag in the bottom of my gym bag. Locking the car I went back in and headed towards the foot court.
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