Chapter 3
(Still Sophia's POV)
Once I was in the trainers room I broke down and started to cry. Jey did his best to comfort me but it was no use and he knew it. I watch him make two phone calls and speak for a few minutes. Once he hangs up he sits on the floor with me and pulls me into his arms. My vision was so blurry that I didn't notice two people enter the room. I managed to calm down enough to see that Naomi and Jimmy were sitting with us.
After a few more minutes of crying I was finally able to stop. I closed my eyes and leaded against Jey as he held me. I was finally calm when I heard a knock on the door. Getting up I went and opened it. I couldn't help but smile as my cousin Dominik stood in front of me.
"Hey Dom" I said
"Hey Soph are you okay? I heard what happened."
"Not really but I will be it just still hurts to see him and he's with that bimbo."
I heard chuckling behind and Dom was also laughing.
I shrugged and open the door more so he could come in .
"Hey Soph we gotta go get ready for the show but Naomi will be here and if u need us just call ok. Everything is gonna be ok." Jey said
They left to get ready. I was sitting on the couch with Naomi and Dom. I didn't wanna talk so I just stayed to myself. I closed up eyes and sighed.
Naomi looked at me then at Dom. Pulling out her phone she turned some music on and got up. Setting her phone on my desk she started dancing around the room. A smile broke out on my face as I watched her.
As Naomi continued to dance around I got up and went to organize and clean my desk. Going trough my work bag i pulled out my lap top and some other things that I brought from home. Once I got all of that done I started going threw some paper work for tonight's matches.
Shortly after I got that done there was another knock on the door. Dom went and opened it. It was my uncle Rey him and Dom had to also get ready for the show. They both gave me and Naomi a hug and left.
Naomi said she was hungry and asked if I wanted to go to catering. I said no but she knew me to well she said she bring me something back and I better eat it I giggled at her and she left.
Since i was finished with my work for the time being I turned the tv on in my office so I could watch the start of the show. I surprised to hear Edge's music fill my office. Sitting at my desk I watched Edge cut his promo. He said he was going to take the title away from Joe.
After a while I turned the volume down on the tv and went to see what was going on in the main trainers room. Walking across the hall I was greeted by Dr Amann. He informed me that I would be handling all the medical stuff backstage while him and some of the senior trainers were ringside. I smiled and thanked him before heading back to my office.
Jey's POV
As Jimmy and I walked back into the locker room I wanted to puke .
Roman was sucking face with gold digging hoe. I looked over at my brother as he did the same we both can't stand her she is just using him but his ass is too stubborn to see it but now that Sophia is here I wonder what's gonna happen.
Sophia doesn't deserve this shit. She's hurting and it's all cuz's fault. But this is bloodline business now she needs to go.
"Yo uce we need get to work." Jimmy said
The annoying bitch giggled and I rolled my eyes.
"So Jey who was the ugly ring rat that was in here earlier? Yall look close. You fucking her I thought you had a girl at home." Mandy said while still sitting on Joe's lap.
My blood boiled and Before I could say anything Jimmy did.
"Don't you ever and mean ever call her that or else. The only ugly I see here is you."
I smirked and said
"And why are you still in here Leave now bloodline buisness has nothing to do with you. Get out"
"You can't talk to me that way baby tell them."
We looked at uce he rolled his eyes .
"We call it how we see it."
"Come on guys don't talk to her that way calm down. Baby why don't go find Dana and I'll find you later."
She huffed , kissed him and as she walked out of the room bumped my shoulder. When she opened the door Paul was getting ready to walk in. She gave him a dirty look and walked past him.
Paul looked at us
"I don't like that girl. Tell me Joe why are you with her? The way she runs her mouth she must be good at uses it other ways is that why."
Jimmy and I busted out laughing
Joes eyes got wide shaking his head. Paul didn't give a shit.
After we got done goin over the plan for tonight. Joe waited for Paul to leave. Then looked at us and asked.
"Who was that girl y'all were with earlier, she looks fimiliar."
I gave him a look then looked at my brother
"You don't know who that is really?? Are u joking?" I asked
Jimmy was smirking
"You should know who it is." He says
"No guys I don't so just tell me. I'm not in the mood for your guessing games."
"It's the girl you should be with STILL." jimmy says
"It's Soph I know you remember her." I said
The look on his face was priceless.
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