Chapter 9
"Welcome to the second round; Isolation," Master Plo-Koon said.
Instantly, our world changed. It changed from a humid jungle, to a dry desert world. It was very hot, and there was no water for miles.
Suddenly, Anakin butted in. "Welcome Padawans, to Tatooine. This is where I grew up for nine years. There is no water for miles, just plain desert. Unless you can find a solution, then you can find water. However, you will have a jug of water with you. Use it wisely. May the Force be with you all."
And with that, there was silence. You couldn't hear anything, or see anything for miles. Just sand blowing in the distance, and more sand dunes covering the entire planet. Except for their capitals, Mos Eiseley, and Mos Espa.
I sat down, and decided to do nothing. I decided to focus on the Force, and maybe find hope. Closing my eyes, I relaxed, and reached out to the other Padawans. They were all in the same room with me, but... converted into a different dimension in the computer. Maybe I could see them through the Force.
Hello? Anyone out there? I asked anyone who was using the Force.
Yeah, Thorn here, he responded. Who are you?
I sighed. It's me, (Y/N). What did you decide to do?
I don't think I'm allowed to tell you that. I mean, it's called isolation for a reason right? He responded.
Well, he was no help. I disconnected from the Force call, and stood up. I guess there was no point in waiting for someone else to answer.
I started to walk north, and then suddenly feeling something in my waist. I looked down, and saw the water jug. I sighed, knowing that I had water.
I took the jug, and screwed the top off, and took a small sip. Refreshing. I put the top back on, and let the jug fall down to my waist once again.
I continued to search this desert, for any signs of life, or anything for that matter.
Hours seemed to slowly fall by, as I walked up and down the dunes of sand that were being collected on this planet full of sand.
Heat waves seemed to pass on as if they were nothing. I slipped my Jedi Cloak off, and let it fall onto the sand, not bothering to pick it up. However, I paced back, and picked it up, knowing I could use it during sand storms to protect my eyes.
I threw the cloak over my head, and used it as a shield to cover my eyes from the burning twin suns. I tore my Jedi robe sleeves off, and threw them into the sand.
Instantly, I caught a smell coming from the distance. It smelled of oil, droid oil. I squinted my eyes for a good look to see anything, and I quickly saw Sand Crawlers, rides that Jawas owned to carry around droids, and droid parts. I smiled, and started to run towards it.
I gathered up my energy, and sprinted to the Sand Crawler. I heeded to a stop, and almost fell onto the sand, if it wasn't for my reflexes. I looked at the giant ride, wondering how many Jawas were in here. I Force jumped, and hopped onto the top of the brown vehicle.
Now I was getting somewhere. The Jawas always had droid stuff to sell, and they had always headed to town. I let my legs dangle over the side, enjoying the slow breeze as the Sand Crawler went by.
Soon enough, the suns looked like they were settling down, and so was I. I was about to go to sleep on this thing, until the Sand Crawler stopped. I looked around to see where we were, but it looked like we were no where near town. I groaned, and hopped off this piece of junk, finding the Jawas at the bottom of the Crawler, collecting droid parts.
There were four of them, and one of them shrieked when they saw me jump down. They all started to stare at me with their yellow eyes, under their brown cloaks.
I bent down to help them pick up their droid parts faster, but one of them reached their arms out, and slapped it out of my hand.
"Togo togu!" One of them shouted.
I shot my arm back, and replied, "Okay, I'll keep my hands off."
It looked up at me, and said, "Mombay m'bwa. "
I nodded, translating it inside my head. "I noticed," I said, crossing my arms.
How am I supposed to get these Jawas on the move? I thought.
Quickly, a smirk slowly formed, as I thought of the plan.
I waved my hand in front of the Jawa, using the Force. "You will bring me to Mos Espa."
It looked at its other friends, and looked back at me. "Utinni!"
I smiled, and saw the Jawas get inside the trailer, and I Force jumped on top of the Sand Crawler.
I screwed the top off of my water jug, drank some water, and screwed the top back on. I strapped it to my waist, and looked beyond the Sand Crawler. There was a sudden rush in the wind, sand blowing up, and getting caught into the stream.
Sand storm, I thought, grabbing my Jedi cloak, and wrapping it around my head. I shielded my eyes from the storm, so I could see further.
Suddenly, the Crawler halted to a stop, and the whole vehicle shook. I stood up, being unbalanced, and fell off of the Sand Crawler, landing into a heaping pile of sand. I groaned, and rolled over in the sand.
I was barely able to stand up in the sand, thanks to the blowing sand storm, going over seventy miles and hour. I shielded my eyes once again, my legs fumbling to the ground, the wind knocking me over. I looked beyond the sand storm, and used the Force to the the Sand Crawler, if it was still there. I squinted my eyes, and looked, and saw nothing, but a raging storm of sand.
I stood up on my knees, and trudged onward, barely able to walk, hoping to find civilization. The heat was unbearable, so I stopped, and collapsed on top of the sand.
"I found her lying on the sand," someone whispered.
My eyes shot open, revealing people in black hoods standing around me in a circle, all hovering over me.
I sat up, and looked around the room. "Am I in Mos Espa?"
One guy nodded. "Looking for something?"
I nodded. "Water. I need water. Once I find that, I go to the next round."
They looked at me like I was crazy. "Next round? What do you mean?"
I grabbed one of them by the collar, and pulled them close to me. "Get me water now."
He stood up, and nodded his head towards me. "Get the woman water."
The other one nodded, and brought me a jar of cold water. "Here."
I snatched the water from the person, and gulped several servings down, until the jar was empty. I looked through the glass, searching for any signs of going on to the next round. I got off of the floor, and threw the glass down, shattering to pieces. "Alright Council! Where is the next round?!"
The few people in black hoods stood back, and hid into the corners, thinking I was crazy.
Then there was a blue hologram that appeared of my Master, Anakin. "(Y/N). Calm down. You made it to the next round. You're going to be fine."
I balled up my fists, and hissed, "Well then get me off this hell of a planet!"
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