Chapter 5
*Anakin's POV*
Blue and red lasers were passing through Space, shooting at ships, and vulture droids. My Padawan and I, we're flying through the middle of battle, trying to find the droid control ship.
"(Y/N)! Can you pinpoint the location of the control ship?! " I asked, shouting through the radio.
She groaned. "Can't right now Master! I have a vulture droid on my tail!"
I rolled my eyes. "I have to do everything myself... "
Before I could do anything, and vulture droid came right in front of me, and started firing. I did a barrel roll, and backed up my ship. I quickly got the droid in front of me, and fired.
"Alright! " I shouted, having victory.
Suddenly, a smooth static came through the radio. "Master, I think I found the command ship!"
I smirked, knowing she had my back. Force, sometimes I love that girl, I thought.
"Alright! Heard that squadron? Follow (Y/N), while I hold off these other vulture droids! " I said.
I got a couple other replies, agreeing with me.
"You sure, Master? " she asked, uneasily.
I nodded. "Of course! I trust you. Now go. "
I flew around some droids, firing at them. I did some more barrel rolls, shooting down some more.
*Your POV*
"Alright squadron! Follow my lead! " I said, punching in some buttons.
"Yes ma'am! " they all replied.
I smiled, and looked at the command center in front of me. "Arsix, can you get the missiles? "
It beeped, and set up the missiles. "Thanks buddy," I thanked him, setting my finger on the release button. "Everyone, get your missiles ready! Fire on three! "
"Yes Commander! " they replied.
I set my finger in the button, about to release. "One... Two... Three! "
I pushed the button, and it released two missiles, into the command ship. There was a small explosion, soon adding on, with the clones hitting the ship as well.
In the distance, I saw my Master being chased by four vulture droids. He wasn't going to make it.
"Be right back guys. Keep firing missiles! " I shouted. I steered my ship back, and started to follow behind the vulture droids that were chasing my Master.
"Master, I'm coming! " I said, firing at the droids.
He laughed. "About time you showed up! "
I rolled my eyes. "Well you're the reason I get into these messes! "
He chuckled. "Oh be quiet. You know you like my messes. "
I laughed. "Whatever. Everyone has to clean up after you anyways," I shouted. I shot one vulture droid down. Three more to go.
Quickly, Anakin changed his cannons to behind him, and started to fire. He fired, and shot a droid down. Two more.
"Alright Arsix, can you shoot that droid down? " I asked, punching in some more buttons.
However, before the droid could respond, the vulture droids switched positions, and got behind me.
"Master...?! Can you give me a hand here? They're on my tail! " I shouted through the radio.
Suddenly, Arsix whirred, and beeped.
"Yes I know, Arsix. I know they're behind me... " I replied, about to turn my ship around.
"Alright, I'm coming," he said. He turned his ship around, and blasted the two droids.
"Hey Spark! Did you get the command ship?!" I asked the clone.
There was a slight fuzz coming through the radio. "We did Commander! We got 'em."
On the other end, I could see Anakin grinning wickedly. "Good job guys. Looks like our work here is done."
We arrived back at the Jedi Temple, giving our report to Master Yoda.
"Master Yoda, we have destroyed the command ship," Anakin announced, bowing his head.
The Grand Master nodded his head in approval. "Very well. Contact the Senate about this, I will. Dismissed, you are."
We both bowed, and we left the Council Chambers.
"I don't really see how that was war. It was just one small attack. They might never attack again," I put in.
He shrugged. "Sometimes the Jedi Council overreacts about certain things. Who knows? This could only be the beginning."
I sighed, hoping there would be no war. I had too many things on my mind. We travelled down the halls of the Temple in silence, not wanting to talk to one another. We quickly arrived at the hangar, where different speeders and jets were waiting. We got to an air speeder, and hopped inside, going to the apartment.
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