Chapter 4
*Anakin's POV*
"War?! " I shouted, balling up my fists. So much pressure was under my skin.
Windu raised an eyebrow. "Yes Skywalker... Another war. "
What did Viceroy want?! Someone had to deal with him, and that person had to be me. He had to be dealt with... Permanently.
"So what's the deal? " I asked, crossing my arms.
Plo-Koon stood up, and pressed a button on the hologram. "Apparently, Viceroy Gunray, and the other separatist leaders teamed up with some super rich guy who's name is Max Vodus. His home world is Coruscant, but I know you will not find him here. "
I nodded. "What's our plan? "
Windu stepped in. "Apparently, the Trade Federation has a blockade on Coruscant, and they will not remove it, until the Chancellor signs their treaty of some sort. Max is planning on attacking Coruscant, but we have to stop it. Their command ship is in the Coruscant space system, and we had to send troops out there. However, the troops failed, and now we have to send Jedi."
I nodded. "Okay... So where do I play in this? "
"You and Padawan (L/N) will fly out there and destroy the command ship. By then, everything should be back in control," Windu replied.
I raised an eyebrow. "Anything else?"
Plo-Koon nodded. "You will not be able to do this alone. You will take Squadron 44 out there as well. You will meet them in the hangar. "
I bowed my head. "Yes Master. "
Windu raised an eyebrow. "I hope you trained your Padawan for this. "
I nodded. "I have, Master. She's ready. "
He nodded. "Okay then. "
With that, Windu closed the hologram, and dismissed me. I went out of the Council Chambers, and started searching the Temple for my Padawan.
Later, I found her sitting in the Temple archives, reading a book, with her feet propped up on another chair. She was always fascinated with the books here.
"Padawan? " I asked, looking at the book she held in her hands.
She closed the book, and spun around in her chair, facing me. "Yes Master? "
"Get up. We have to go to the hangar," I told her, starting to walk.
She got up from her chair, and walked up to me. "What's wrong? "
I sighed. "We're kind of in war. "
She rolled her eyes. "I thought we were peace keepers, not soldiers," she muttered, crossing her arms.
"I know. That's what I thought as well. Apparently we're more soldiers than we are keepers of the peace," I replied.
There was a short silence, as we walked down the halls.
"So, who declared war on who?" she asked.
I shrugged. "Dunno. Heck, I don't even know who the new Chancellor is. He could be some wacko for all we know. "
She laughed. "Well, what's the plan? "
I explained the plan to her, as we walked, soon arriving in the hangar.
The hangar was filled with clone ships, and Jedi Fighters. The Republic had outdone themselves again.
I scanned the room for any familiar faces, and saw a familiar captain: Captain Rex.
I smiled, and quickly ran over to Rex. "Rex! Hey!"
Rex turned from the trooper he was talking to, and spotted me. He saluted, and stood up straight. "Good morning General!"
I nodded. "Good morning Captain. Nice to see you again. "
He chuckled." It's good to be working for you again sir. "
He looked beyond me, and found (Y/N). "Is Commander (L/N) coming along? "
I nodded. "She is. Right (Y/N)?"
She looked up from her feet, and stared back at me. "Yep. "
Thinking of the plan, I remembered the briefing. "You hears of the briefing of the plan, right Rex? "
He nodded. "Yes sir. Now if you excuse me, I need to go check on the pilots."
I nodded, and he left. With that, I turned to my Padawan, who kept her eyes fixed on the troops marching past us.
"What are you looking at? " I asked, even though I knew. I stood beside her, and looked as well.
She shook her head, and continued to look. "I don't know. I guess I was so used to peace and prosperity, that I just feel weird around so many troops. I just don't know anymore. "
I patted her back. "You'll get used to it, kid. "
She shyly smiled, and looked up at me. "So, where to now? "
"Well, " I started, searching for my Jedi Fighter. "We have to go find that command ship. "
She raised an eyebrow. "With what ship? "
I smirked. "Follow me. "
I led her to the back of the hangar, where our ships awaited. I went to my yellow ship, where Artoo was waiting.
She spotted hers, her eyes widened. It was grey, with navy blue stripes, just like the blue on Rex's uniform. "Wow, I don't know what to say. "
I smiled. "No problem. You can thank Obi-Wan. "
She chuckled, and started to run her fingers along the wing of the ship. She looked down into the wing, and spotted her astro mech waiting for her. "What's it's unit?"
I shrugged. "All I know is that it's a R unit. "
She smiled, and crouched down, looking at the droid. It looked just like Artoo, except it was purple, instead of blue. "What's your unit address, little guy? "
It beeped and whirred, saying, "R6-C4."
She chuckled, and said," Well, Arsix, pop that cockpit, because we have to get out of here. "
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