Chapter 38
We made our way to the ballroom, where everybody was. Everyone was dressed in really fancy outfits, drinking their rich people's problems away. It actually disgusted me.
"Keep an eye out, " I whispered, "We don't need to be drunk on sparkling champagne and wine when we're trying to catch her. "
Anakin nodded, looking around. "Where do you think she could be?"
"Well, I honestly have no clue. But when she does arrive, I think guards would be swarmed around her, " I say, grabbing a glass of champagne as a waiter goes by with a tray of glasses.
He nods, sending to admiring my idea. I scanned the ballroom for maybe any suspects, maybe people with dark cloaks, or red gloves. Or maybe a huge swarm of people, or a woman who had that raven dark hair.
"(Y/N)," I hear Anakin chuckle.
"Yes?" I respond, clueless to why he seemed so shocked. Then I realized, I was gulping down this champagne so fast, I don't know why, usually I'm not this nervous.
"You're stressed, calm down. We'll find her. In the mean time, let's enjoy ourselves. We can sway to the music or just talk, " he suggests, curling a piece of hair behind my ear, smiling at me.
He seemed to take notice that that was the wrong move when I glare at him. "Anakin I'm afraid we've already enjoyed ourselves too much before we came here. Now is the time to be professional. "
He rolls his eyes, knowing that I was right. I smirked, feeling great pride in myself. Usually Anakin would just dissmiss it, and say, 'Whatever, ' and do it anyway. I'm glad that he actually listened this time.
"Maybe we should split up, " I suddenly suggest. Wow this alcohol is making me come up with great ideas.
However, Anakin shook his head. "Mmm, bad idea. I don't want you to get drunk, you've already gulped down two glasses. "
I nod, shrugging. "Fair enough." Now he was right on that. I was already feeling a bit tipsy, I guess when you're a Jedi and never drink, you are a light drinker.
Suddenly, I see Anakin's eyes flick to another side of the room, his face turning from relaxed, to unsure and unsteady. Out of nowhere, he grabs my arm, leading me somewhere.
"What? What did you see?" I ask, my voice trembling from being so nervous. Why was I nervous? Was it the alcohol? It couldn't have been fear... Maybe it was jealousy.
"I think I see her, " Anakin whispers, walking up to the woman.
"Anakin!" Instinctively I pull him aside, whispering through my teeth. "You can't just walk up to a dangerous woman like that, what are you, nuts?! We have to be discreet. Besides, I don't think that's her, look. "
He turns his head back around to see her, and instead of finding a tall, intimidating woman, she was very short, and not to mention very tan. It was definitely not her. This day kept getting better and better as I got more right.
"You're right, " he groans, crossing his arms. "When will this woman show up? We could be waiting here for hours, and she may not even show up!" he grumbles, looking at the crowd of people chatting and standing around, waiting for the music to start playing.
"It's okay, " I reassure him. "Be patient. If you're really willing to find her, you will be patient. "
"You're starting to sound like Obi-Wan," he remarks, smirking, then looking down at me with his mischievous blue eyes.
I chuckle, licking away the rest of my drink that remained on my lips. "Well at least I don't sound like you, " I mutter, touching the rim of the glass.
"Wow, I see how it is. You go under my training, and you don't like it?" he asks, dumbfounded, while placing his hands on his hips. I really did seem to be getting on his nerves.
"I never said that! I just think Obi-Wan is more wise and-"
Suddenly cutting me off mid-sentence, there was a loud drum noise, and which scared me half to death. Then followed by that, there was a calm wave of string instruments being played throughout the air. The music was starting.
Anakin turned to me, smiling, showing his charming pearly whites. "Shall we?" he asked, holding out his arm for me.
"Anakin I don't dance, " I mumble, placing an empty glass down on a tray as another waiter walks by.
"Well you do now, " he laughs, grabbing my hand and then pulling me to the dance floor. I could tell this was going to be a mistake by the pure confusion on his face, as he stared at other couples around the room. What was he doing?
Unexpectedly, he grabbed my right arm, placing it around his waist, and his left arm grabbed my waist, and his right hand grabbed my left hand, and he started leading into the music. Did he really know how to dance?
In utter confusion, I ask, "How are you so good at this already? I can't keep up, " I say under my breath, looking at my feet to concentrate. I tried counting in my head, but lost track.
Without even looking, I could sense Anakin was smiling, teasing me. "Well I can pick up a few things here and there, I'm a very fast learner. Also, Padmé did help teach me a while back, so that helped. It just had to come back to me, " he whispers back. Slowly, I feel his hand come up to my chin, lifting it up, making me stare back into his beautiful blue eyes. "Feel, don't think. You'll get the hang of it. "
I nod, looking up from my feet, then looking back at Anakin. His hand eventually made its way back to my waist, letting it rest there.
For awhile, it was silent. I kept my eyes on his, sometimes searching the ballroom for any signs of the woman, but never really finding anything. Anakin never did either.
"Hey so, what happened to those little love bites I gave you?" he asked out of nowhere, looking at my neck.
I scoffed, rolling my eyes. Really? I thought. "You know, you're so ridiculous."
"I know, just answer the question. "
"I covered them up using makeup..."
"Oh. " I could feel the disappointment in his voice.
"Why?" I ask, chuckling.
"Nothing, I was just curious. I know you can't heal that fast, " he mumbles, shrugging. "Be prepared," he suddenly says, looking around the room.
I then know what he's saying, as the music suddenly changes tempo, and people start switching partners.
"See ya, " he laughs, leaving me.
*Anakin's POV*
"You, " I hiss, realizing who my partner was.
She smirked. " 'Tis I, " she chuckles mischievously. I could feel her grip tighten in my hand, as we continued to waltz. Soon it would be time to change partners again, so I had to be quick.
It was the woman with the raven black hair, and her voice dripped like honey. The woman who tortured all of the Jedi, and still managed to escape our clutches.
"I thought Jedi do not seek revenge, " she mused, taking a step to the left.
"I'm not taking revenge, I'm seeking justice," I say, looking into her cold eyes.
"Same difference, is it not?" She looks at me, her right eyebrow raised, and a smirk forming on her lips. "Say... Is that girl with you?"
Out of instinct, I flick my eyes to (Y/N). Big mistake. I couldn't lie about it now, but I tried anyway. "What girl?"
"Y'know, the one who you tried protecting last time, " she said, her voice like a bitter-sweet melody. She leaned in closer, her lips almost resting on my ear. "The one you keep staring at. "
"She's a friend, and I just wanted to protect her like all of my Jedi colleagues, " I confidently reply, nodding to her, as I twirled her. Out of the corner of my eye I could see (Y/N) staring at her. Was that jealousy?
"No...?" she questions, then bringing her hand up to my collar. "Keep your neck still, " she commands, her words working like a charm on me. Again, I fall under her spell, my neck being completely and totally still. "Then what's this?" She asks, running her fingers over a bruise.
"I got punched there, " I lie.
"Honey, you're an awful liar. These are clearly teeth marks," suddenly she snaps, and my neck falls back to being normal.
I clear my throat, now sitting in an awkward position. "You're not the only one who's been exposed, Raven."
"How did you learn that name?" she whispers, taking a dip from me.
"Jedi Archives have everything sweetheart, " I remark, using the Force to pull out my lightsaber, and bringing it to my hand, then holding it to her throat, igniting it, bringing her up slowly. Suddenly I saw (Y/N) do the same with her lightsaber, holding hers up for combat, which in turn made the music stop, and we earned a gasp from the crowd.
"You'll regret this, " she hisses, bringing her hand up to command me to do something, but (Y/N) inches closer.
"Try that and you'll be off with your head, " (Y/N) spat, looking at Raven. I looked at her, and her body language screamed jealousy. I knew it.
"Ooh, look at you two Jedi, " she laughed eerily. "So in love, I can practically feel the heat and passion between you two. Especially for something that just happened recently. And look at you!" she turned her head towards (Y/N). "You're in a jealous fit! Don't get your panties into a wad, I'm done with him. Unless he's up for another round two... "
In anger, I raised my lightsaber up to her neck even more. "You know, I should kill you right on the spot, but that wouldn't look very good for me. So I suggest you shut your mouth, before I raise this lightsaber up to your neck completely, and actually kill you," I threaten, so angry with her. She hurt me, she hurt (Y/N), she hurt many others, and now she thinks she has the right to blab her mouth in front if everyone.
"Your lust for revenge, love, passion- they cloud your thoughts, Jedi. You cannot kill me, it's against your code to kill an unarmed person," she laughs, exchanging looks between (Y/N) and I. She was right. But I knew that wouldn't stop me, maybe (Y/N), but not me.
"So is this the smuggler you've been hunting down?" It was the king, I could remember that gravelly voice anywhere.
I lowered my lightsaber, still holding Raven in my arms, and turned around to the king, with all of his guards standing behind him. "Yes, she's wanted by the Republic for selling slaves and capturing Jedi. You don't want her here, or anywhere, trust me she's an issue that needs to be dealt with. "
"Ah, I don't think so, Jedi, " he sneers, his guards surrounding us. "She belongs to me, as well as everyone else in this room, they're all bad people. Where do you think you are? This place is full of smugglers, did you not think I am apart of this?" he chuckles, waving at everyone in the room.
"I knew something was up about this place, " (Y/N) mumbles, backing up towards me, with the guards growing closer.
I nodded, holding the lightsaber closer to Raven's neck. "Step any closer and she dies, " I threaten, staring down the guards.
"Alright, since you won't let her go, we'll just have to take her from you, " the king said innocently, while the guards tapped their staffs, electricity sparking at the top of it.
I smirked, looking at (Y/N). She had a plan alright, I didn't know what, but I knew I had to trust her.
Suddenly the guards took their tasers towards me, all of them stabbing my abdomen, which made me drop Raven, and my lightsaber. My knees hit the ground, I started feeling light headed, and then everything turned black.
As soon as Anakin's body hit the floor, I knew my plan would work. He would be captured, I would grab his lightsaber, Raven, and bolt out of the ballroom, then I would later come back to save him, as usual.
"You're coming with me, " I mutter, using the Force to pull Anakin's lightsaber to me, then grabbing Raven, slapping some binders on her. Anakin always thought I was ridiculous for carrying around binders all the time, but they always came in handy. Quickly, I grab her wrist, running away with her.
"Where do you think you're going? After them! Set weapons for stun! I want them both alive!" the king belows, sending his guards after us.
We soon embark on a chase, as we were the chase-ees. Still holding on to Raven's wrist, I run out of the ballroom, pushing my way through the crowd of people, and making my way to the exit.
Quickly I pull out my comlink contacting Artoo. "Artoo!" I say into the comlink, keeping my eyes ahead of me, using the Force to detect my way around the castle. "Bring the ship to the landing pad at the castle, I'll meet you there. And hurry!"
With the guards right behind me, I knew I had to get out of here, but I honestly had no idea how. These castle walls seemed to be getting closer and closer around me, making me feel claustrophobic. Suddenly, I felt the Force reach out to me, telling me to take a left. I took a sharp left, hiding against the wall, holding Raven by a choke hold.
While against the wall, I could hear the guard's armor clank together, getting louder and louder as they came down the hallway. Slowly but surely, they eventually passed us, leaving me relieved.
"Come on, let's go, " I whisper, grabbing Raven by her wrist, pulling her into a room. Suddenly, I could sense her opening her mouth to let out a command, but I unsheathed my lightsaber, holding it up to her neck. "You say anything, and this goes right through you, do you understand me?" I spat, hissing through my teeth. With a smirk on her face, she nods, staring at the blue lightsaber. I sigh, sheathing my lightsaber, keeping it in my hand. I then drag her to a chair, letting her sit down in it. I look around the room for some rope to die her down with, and I see some of the rope that was on the curtains for decoration, slicing it off with my lightsaber, then going back to Raven, tying her down.
"Stay there, " I command, looking around the room.
"Well where else am I supposed to go?" she sasses. I just roll my eyes in response. I pull up my tracker to see where Anakin was, and according to it, he was supposed to be right in this room. I raise my eyebrow, wondering how odd that was. Then, I sigh, placing my hands on my hips, coming to realize that this was Anakin's room, and he wasn't wearing his Jedi suit, he was wearing his tuxedo, and his tracking device was embedded into his Jedi outfit. Of course. He never did carry around an extra one like I did. At least I knew where my room was now.
"Forget something?" Raven snarkily asked.
"Nope, I have everything I need, " I replied, going to Anakin's bedside, to see all of the stuff he packed. He had his Jedi robes on the floor, his boots by the nightstand, his combs on the nearby vanity, and a picture on the floor. Curious, I bend down to pick it up, and flipping it over, I see an image of him, and a beautiful woman, with long brown hair and brown eyes. Her image is very familiar, then I realize, it was Padmé. He still misses her. I sort of smile to myself, remembering her, and how kind she was to me, but then my heart feels heavy, knowing that Anakin still has that missing piece of him. He truly loved her. Slowly, I felt a tear slide down my cheek, knowing I could never fill that space, but it was okay, I had to accept that. Padmé was hard to replace, and I knew I could never.
I sighed, removing my feelings from my head, wiping away that tear quickly, hoping to show no signs of weakness. I stuff all of his belongings into a bag, then slinging on to my back, wearing it like a backpack.
"We're going across the hall, " I say, walking over to her, untying her, still keeping the ropes. I grab her by her wrist, using the Force to open the door. We walk up to the door, looking left then right to make sure there was nobody coming. We then sneak across the hall, and into my bedroom, the metallic door opening wide open for us. I then again, find her a chair, sitting her down in it, and tying her down.
"So Anakin, " I hear Raven say. "That's his name?"
"Yes... " I mumble, gathering up my stuff, placing my items into a bag quickly.
"He is so handsome... He has amazing eyes, his hair is so soft, don't even get me started on his body, " she teases. I look up from my bag, and stare at her. She was truly a monster.
"Could you be quiet for a moment while I go change? Your voice is really annoying, " I reply, ignoring her. I grab my Jedi robes, turning my back to her, changing out of the dress quickly, and slipping on my Jedi robes.
"No wonder Anakin likes you, you're very beautiful, " she says, her voice very melodic.
Again, I just ignore her, attaching his lightsaber to my belt along with mine. Then again, I force myself to talk to her. "He doesn't like me, we're just friends. Now would you please shut up so I can focus?" I quickly grab my bag, zipping it up, then walking over to where Raven was, untying her, then grabbing her wrists, walking out of the door and into the hallway to find Anakin.
After hours of searching, and much luck of not getting caught and threatening Raven to shut up, we finally arrived at the prison, where I could see Anakin pacing back and forth in a jail cell.
I turned around to Raven, telling her to follow me quietly. She nodded, which was basically the only cooperative thing she had done all day.
I looked around the room for distractions, to distract the guards while I rescued Anakin. I saw to my right, where there were a few boxes and glass plates, so I just used the Force to move crash them against the floor, like somebody was there.
Like I expected, the guards moved over there to inspect it, while Raven and I snuck over to Anakin's ray shielded cell.
"Finally, " he grumbled, "About time you showed up, I was beginning to think you got caught too."
"Ha ha, you're welcome by the way, " I reply, using the Force to pull a key card out of the guard's pocket unnoticed, then bringing it over to me, and lastly unlocking the door, the ray shield disappearing.
"Thanks, " he says, "I know a shortcut to the landing pad from here, I've seen the guards use it, " he whispers, nodding his head to a metal door hidden in the corner of the room. "Just keep the key card with you. "
I nod, stealthily walking over to the door, with Raven behind me, and Anakin behind her to make she she doesn't go anywhere. Suddenly I hear a metal clang, and I turn around to see Raven purposefully making racket against the metal boxes that were scattered around everywhere.
I look up to see guards running towards us, and all I think of is run. I quickly get up grabbing Raven, pushing the key card into the slot, the door chiming giving us an okay.
"Come on (Y/N) hurry up!" Anakin growls, being very impatient.
"I'm trying!" I say in frustration, pushing the button to open the door but it wouldn't budge. "It's not opening!" I yell back in panic, as the guards grew closer and in more numbers.
"Ugh, I guess I need to do everything myself!" Anakin remarks, using the sheer power of the Force to bring down the big metal heavy door, and throwing at the guards.
For awhile I was just in awe of how awesome his power were, until he grabbed my hand, running with me, and Raven in his other hand.
"Artoo!" I say into the comlink. "Prep the hyperdrives, we're getting out of here!"
Suddenly out of every exit, there are guards chasing us down, all trying to charge at us with their staffs and their stun guns.
Anakin picked up Raven in his arms bridal style, so we could run faster. "(Y/N), run to the ship using Force speed, I'll do the same, I'll just be a bit slower!" he shouts over all of the commotion.
I nod, doing exactly as he says, focusing all of my energy on my speed, eventually reaching Force speed and running on to the ship, with Anakin right behind me.
I hear the metal door closing behind me, with Anakin saying, "Wow that was a rush. "
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