Chapter 36
It was the next morning, and Anakin decided to wake me up, bright and early. The sky was still dark enough to be lit up with the lights of Coruscant, the speeders flying around the night sky.
"You ready to leave? " he asks me. I hear him zipping up something.
"Yeah, " I say. I turn around to face him. "You sure you wanna do this? "
Anakin stands up from sitting on the bed, his back muscles tense, and his shoulders brood. His gaze slowly turns to meet mine. "Yes, of course. We've been tracking this woman for months now. We cannot miss this opportunity. " He quickly snaps back to what he was originally doing.
I just nod, using the Force to pull my lightsaber to me, then clipping it on to my belt. "Obi-Wan is taking care of the kids. By the way, no Jedi council member knows we're doing this. "
"Good, " he says profoundly. "The Jedi Masters would never agree to this. They would think it's some sort of... Revenge mission or something else ridiculous. She probably has slaves captured there too. I'm gonna free them. That's what I'm gonna do." he finishes his sentence strong, with a pinch of hate and disgust in his voice. That was the problem, this is a revenge mission. When I swore to be a Jedi Knight, I swore to never seek revenge. Yet, that's what we're doing. Sure we'll free some slaves, but Anakin knows what he's really doing.
"Here's the plan." Anakin grabs my shoulder with his metal arm, spinning me around so I can face him. "I have a speeder waiting for us outside. We're going to be taken to the Jedi Temple to get our ships. I already payed a guy in advance just in case someone asks where our ships are, he's going to tell them we're going to visit my mother's grave on Tatooine. And I know what you're thinking, it's not going to work cause they're Jedi and they can read minds and blah blah blah, but it's the best we've got right now okay? We're going to sneak on to our ships, and then we're going to fly out of Coruscant, okay? Then we're going to find her coordinates, track her down, and bring her back here, if she's still alive. Got it? "
"Yeah. Got it."
Anakin nods in affirmation. "Good. Let's hit the road. "
I swallow hard. I've never really seen him like this. It worries me. Nevertheless, I just grab my bag and I head out the door. I follow closely behind Anakin, and he just struts down the hallway. I grow wary of someone who might be wondering where we're off to. We make our way to the elevator door, then stepping inside of the elevator. Inside, we see two people kissing, but they pulled apart as soon as they saw us step in. I just rolled my eyes. I looked up at Anakin to see his expression, but his face was emotionless.
After flying in the speeder, we finally arrived in the Jedi Hangar, where all of the ships were along with the landing port. The place was empty, no body was really here except cleaning droids and pilots, along with some clones.
"Alright, I'll take my ship, you take yours, " Anakin whispered to me, as we walked to our ships.
"Wouldn't you think it would be better if we took a ship together? Like a shuttle or something? It would be less suspicious. No body would see our ships gone, and they would still think we're here, " I whispered back, clenching on to my lightsaber.
Anakin nodded. "You're right. I'm flying though, " he says firmly. I nod, and we both crouch down and head to a shuttle. Anakin uses the Force to open the doors to the shuttle and we both head inside.
"By the way, I brought Arsix with me. I figured we could use an astro droid with us," I say, as I plop my bag down into a room.
"Good idea, " he says. "Artoo is better, but he'll work, " he chuckled.
Well he seems like he wants to talk to me again. Is he okay?
I just nod and shake it off. I clear my head, and head to the co-pilots seat.
"Ready for take off, " he says. "Arsix, plot a course for Batuu. We believe whatever her face is, is hiding there. Oh and also, prep for light speed. "
Arsix beeped happily and went to go do so. Anakin lifted the controls and the ship went up, and out of the hangar.
"Ready for light speed Anakin, " I confirm, keeping my eyes at the scene ahead of me.
"Going for light speed! "
We soon arrive at the beautiful planet of Batuu. It's covered in waterfalls, beautiful cities, and much wildlife.
"Wow, " Anakin muttered. "Why would someone so evil want to go here? "
"Maybe she's doing something for someone. Or she has family here," I say back. "Let's get moving, shall we?"
Anakin nods, standing up. He throws me a Jedi robe, while he puts one on. I catch it, and I slip mine on. "Arsix, I'm gonna need you to stay here with the ship," I command my droid. He beeps, and you can hear him whirring back to his station.
The doors open to the shuttle, along with the plank going down for us, so we could walk.
"Keep your eyes open (Y/N), we don't know what goes on here. I've hardly ever read about Batuu," he mentions to me.
The city is filled with people. There are marketplaces left to right, many restaurants and cafes, with people eating away. There are many ground speeders everywhere. Quite a busy town. As we were walking along, we got many stares. I raised an eyebrow and looked at Anakin.
"Why do you think they're staring at us? " I asked him.
"I don't know, maybe it's just my good looks, " he jokes. I just roll my eyes playfully. "But seriously, I don't know. Don't stare back, just keep walking normally. "
I nod. I seriously wanted to know what was going on here. Why on earth were these guys staring at us? Did we do something wrong? Maybe it was the Jedi cloaks. They do look seriously suspicious.
"Anakin take your cloak off," I tell him.
"Woah, when where you into stripping? " he laughs.
I sigh. "No, it makes us look suspicious. I think that's what is making them nervous. "
"What about hiding our lightsa-"
I cut him off, "It's fine. Just take your hood off I suppose. "
Anakin sighs, mumbling something sassy under his breath. He takes his hood off, as well as I.
"Hey look, wait a minute, " he says, pointing to a guy. "Those gloves, they're red. "
"Yeah... What about that? " I question, crossing my arms.
He gulps, turning me around and walking the opposite way, acting secretive. "Those guys. With the red gloves, I recognize them, they worked for the woman. All of them had red gloves on. And dark cloaks."
"I see... What if it's a coincidence? " I ask, peering around Anakin's shoulder to take another look at the guy. He surely fit Anakin's description.
Anakin turns around. "Look! He's moving. We should follow him. "
"Good idea, how about um... No? What if we get trapped again? We'll have no way of contacting anyone, no Jedi Council member knows we're doing this, no other Jedi knows we're out, and the Twins think we're on vacation. What if we get killed and suddenly you aren't a father anymore? "
He nods. "You're right. Well, maybe for a little bit? We won't follow him all the way. Just see where he's going at least? "
I bury my face in my hands. "Sometimes I wish you would think more... But fine. Let's go. "
"Thank you. "
I just ignore him and we move steadily. The man ahead of us keeps moving around the market place, buying fruits and vegetables. He doesn't seem like he's needed anywhere else. Suddenly the man turns around, as if he senses us near him. As I see him turn around I pull Anakin to hug me and I kiss him.
I could practically hear the man rolling his eyes. While I keep kissing Anakin, I watch the man escape the market place, as he vanishes into a dark alleyway. Quickly I pull Anakin apart from me, so that way I can keep track of him.
"Woah, what was that for? " he says out of breath.
"Shh, nothing it was just a distraction," I respond, walking slowly up to the alleyway.
"Nothing? Just a distraction? Is that what I am to you now? " he sasses.
"No, if you really wanna talk about it, we'll talk later. I saw him walk into a dark alleyway, "I reply, sneaking up to it, with Anakin following close behind me.
"Well alrighty (Y/N). Nice," he whispers.
"Hey look, " I point to him. "He's talking to someone. "
"I can't hear him, get closer, " He says.
Well Anakin if we get any closer we could be spotted, I think to myself. I look around to see if there's other spots we could hide, but wouldn't be spotted. "Follow me, " I whisper. I look up, and there's a small balcony above them. I throw my hood over my head and Force jump to it, with Anakin behind me.
I squat down to hear them better.
"I think we're being followed, " I hear one of them say.
"Why do you think that? " says the other.
"There's this one girl who was in the market place who kept staring and stealing glances from me. Plus, she seemed to move in the direction I was moving. "
"Don't worry about it, we're fine. As long as we keep her safe, we should be fine. "
I turn to Anakin. "Her? " I whisper. He just gives me a mean look and puts a finger up to his lip indicating for me to shut up. In which I just return my attention to the conversation.
"Remember, we have that thing to go to tonight. She will need extra protection if she's going to go."
"Right. I'll see you then. "
Then they both split up. One goes north, and the other goes inside one of the doors to what seems his apartment, or home. Anakin quickly jumps down and I follow after.
"Thing? What thing? " I ask. "What could they-" suddenly I sense someone coming up behind us. It looked like two royal guards.
Anakin looked up too. "I think we might have trouble. "
Eventually, they approach us. They are dressed in blue attire with gold plated armor and they each carry a metal spear. "You two newcomers, the king requires your presence. "
"Us? Why?" we both say in unison.
The other guard speaks up, in a more deep and rash voice. "The king wants to know everyone in this city. He questions every single person who passes through here. So follow us. "
Anakin and I both exchange glances, shrugging.
Eventually we arrive at the palace, which shined in beautiful gold and silver. There were waterfalls on each side, and neatly kept and trimmed bushes everywhere, along with huge jungle bushes.
"Wow, this place is beautiful, " I whisper under my breath in pure awe.
"Indeed, " Anakin agrees.
We are led into the palace, and into the throne room, where the king sat. He was human, and very large. He wore huge blue robes, and carried a gold staff. He had a bright orange beard, along with his hair, which was covered in his crown.
"What are you people doing here? No one hardly ever comes here anymore, except smugglers and slave dealers," he spat, eyeing us.
"Oh, well we're on vacation. We thought this place was insanely beautiful, " Anakin said quickly.
"Even though this is a highly crimed area?" he looks at Anakin eerily.
"Yes... You see, my wife and I had no idea-" Anakin made up. I just wanted to facepalm myself so bad. He's so stupid.
The king busted out in laughter. "Ha ha! You expect me to believe that, Jedi? Jedi are not allowed to love! I can see your lightsaber. Are you that clueless? I was not born yesterday. " the king raises his staff to point at our lightsabers attached to our belts. "So, what are you really doing here? "
I sigh. "Forgive my colleague, sir, he's not the greatest at telling the truth. We're here because we are here to hunt down a smuggler, who has taken something from us. Something that we want back. It is very important to us. So I think it would be best if we just went on our way. "
The king nodded. "Alright. Shall I offer you two a room in the palace to stay? It is a tradition of mine to always let the Jedi stay in my palace. The Jedi have always been great friends of mine, and we plan to continue this friendship if we needed your help. Besides, you do not want to stay among the commoners and the smugglers! You will get robbed. Come, stay. You look tired. "
I looked at Anakin. "Well? "
He shrugged. "Sure I don't sense anything wrong going on here. "
"We'll stay, " I confirm.
"Excellent! I'll send some droids to take care of your things. "
Quickly I hear scurrying coming down the hallway, and we see some service droids coming our way. They wave hello, and they take our bags from our hands.
"They will lead you two to your rooms, " The king says.
"Thank you, once again," Anakin smiles, bowing. I bow also.
The king waves us off, and we start to follow the droids.
"So, what do you think those two people were talking about? Whatever it was, we've got to sneak in, " Anakin whispered, leaning in so I can hear.
I nodded. "What if it's a trap? I didn't like the vibe that king was giving me. This place used to be a very peaceful place, until they developed the hyperdrives. People used to stop here and stay here. Now it's just a passage for smugglers," I remark.
Anakin was about to say something, until the droids came to a sudden stop.
"Here is your room miss, and your room sir is across the hall. Please enjoy your stay. Oh also, the king would like to formally invite you to his evening party tonight. Please wear proper attire. He would like the extra protection, " the droid states, nodding to the both of us, while dropping our bags off in our rooms. After the droid finished, it bowed, and left our presence.
"Well, I guess we didn't have to sneak in after all, " I chuckle.
He nodded. "I guess I'll see you then. "
I smile at him, then I leave to go to my room.
(A/N), an explanation to why I have been gone:
Hey guys, so most of you have been wondering to where I went. Yes, I did go on an extremely long break, and I'm sorry for that, but I have returned. I went away because of several reasons, for example, I entered highschool and I became absolutely super busy. I've done homework from 3:00 pm to even sometimes 3:00 am. I would come home every day extremely tired and exhausted, and I sometimes would nap and forget to do homework. Then, I would get super depressed and I never felt like doing anything. I have been lately just laying in bed, not feeling like doing anything, in the state of sadness, although lately I have been feeling better. I also have been out of the Star Wars fandom lately too. I kinda moved on. Ever since the beginning of 8th grade, I wasn't inspired to write. I just couldn't, and whenever I tried to, it felt like I was being forced. But now, I'm in the 10th grade, and Solo has came out and I have been fully inspired once more. I became nostalgic, and I started to watch the Clone Wars series again, and I fell in love with the Star Wars I knew once again. So thank you for being patient with me. ♡
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