Chapter 35
*Anakin's POV*
"A true magician never reveals her secrets."
I groaned." Whatever. Now that we have her coordinates we can go find Raven!" I exclaimed, getting a duffel bag, shuffling all my supplies needed to catch this fiend.
Suddenly, I felt her gaze turn to the floor. A gloomy air radiated off of her.
"What is it? Aren't you glad? We can go end this. Stop her from harming people!" I implied, a bright smile on my face.
She slowly nodded, tracing her arm.
Then I knew what could be the situation. "Oh. Do you not want to go? If you don't, I can just get Obi-Wan or some body else... Is it the Twins?"
"It's not that... well, it is the Twins... you'll miss their birthday if you leave today. And... I thought you wouldn't be so obsessed with finding her as I thought. But as it turns out, you are."
I huffed, looking down at the ground, placing my hands on my hips and rolling my tongue around in my mouth, thinking. She was right. I would miss the Twin's birthday.
"Alright, I'll stay," I confirmed, "But-"
"But what?"
"But you have to come with me to search for Raven. No excuses. You cannot back out. Deal?" I offered. I hoped she would take it. It was a fair deal. I stayed for my children's birthday, and she can go with me to seek Raven. I wanted to stay for their birthday anyway.
She held out her hand to shake mine, but was hesitant. Finally, her hand closed with mine, in a shake that held her promise.
I smiled, and continued to pack to find Raven. I packed all my notes, weapons that I might need, and a comb and clothes. Because you never know.
"Wait," she articulated. "I thought-"
I sighed, "I'm just packing for after the Twins birthday. Okay? I promise I'm not leaving." I grabbed my bag of stuff and zipped it up, putting it under my bed next to my black box. I turned back around, placing my hands on her shoulders. "No need to worry. I'm not leaving just yet."
She smiled and nodded. "Thanks for staying. It means a whole lot to all of us."
It was the next day, on the Twins' birthday. Anakin decided to go out and say hi to all of his old Jedi friends, and catch up with everyone, as well as dropping the Twins' off to practice with Yoda. I decided to stay home and plan the Twins' birthday party.
The Twins mentioned they wanted a big lightsaber on their birthday cake. Leia wanted a new dress, and Luke wanted a fake blaster. Which I had already gotten them, plus a few more gifts.
I looked around at Padme's old cook books to see if she had any recipes for cakes.
I pulled out books, after books, taking me hours to flip through. Finally, I came upon one. I cleared my throat and looked at the back wall and pretended I have my own cooking show.
"Good morning everyone! I am (Y/N) and I will be showing you how to make a..." I said in a very lifted, over excited voice, reading the thing I was making off of the cook book. "A basic white vanilla cake. "
I cleared my throat, smiling at myself. This was the most fun I've had in ages.
"First," I giggled at myself, lifting my posture and lifting the flour sifter very delicately. "You must take a one half cup of sifted cake flour." I got the flour, put the sifter over a bowl, and started pouring and sifting the flour. I hummed a tune while sifting, waiting for the flour to finish. Finally, after what seemed like forever, I finished with the flour.
I smiled, and looked back at the wall. "Next, we're going to-"
Before I could finish saying anything to my audience, the metallic door slid open, revealing Anakin.
"Who are you talking to?" He chuckled, leaning against the door frame, as well as stuffing his hands inside his pockets.
Immediately, my face turned a bright red, heat flushing to my cheeks.
"My uh...uh... no one," I stammered. I dusted off my apron, pretending I wasn't doing anything silly. I knew he knew I was lying, but I still wanted to attempt that there was nothing wrong.
Anakin got up from the door frame and walked over to the kitchen, where I was. Behind him the door slid closed shut. He grew closer to me, until he was just centimeters away from my face.
"You were pretending you had your own cooking show, didn't you?"
My face heated up more. "Uh. Yes."
He chuckled adorably, his hand caressed my cheek, as he hid his other hand away from my vision. He then leaned in, his lips touching mine. But as soon as I felt that, I knew something we up with him. Thanks to my quick instincts, I pulled away, ducking from the flour he mauled at me, getting away from being splashed with the white powder.
"Dang it!" He chuckled, scooping up some more flour to chuck at me.
I screeched, moving to the side before I got splattered. "No!" I laughed, getting revenge by opening a half and half milk carton and throwing it at him.
Anakin didn't move before I threw it at him, and he got splashed with some half and half.
There was silence, as he stood there stunned. He licked the white liquid off of his lips, along with shaking it out of his hair. "You're going to pay for that. "
"Jedi do not seek revenge," I chuckled, waiting for him to strike. Even though I took revenge, it still as funny to say that.
"Who said I was getting revenge?" He chuckled, backing away and getting the bowl of flour I just sifted.
I gasped, "No! Not the flour!"
"Oh yes. The flour, " he evily responded.
I grabbed the most nearest weapon: a wooden spoon. I threw the spoon at him hoping to knock the flour out of his hands, but he moved aside.
He got the sifted flour, and three it at me. It landed all over me, in my hair, in my shirt, and on my pants.
"Anakin..." I growled, shaking the flour off. "That took me a while to sift all of that flour."
He shifted his feet, as if he was only getting more comfortable. "Seriously? How big of a cake were you making?"
You groaned, then laughed it off, thinking of your next plot. You grabbed three eggs and threw them at him, not missing.
He gasped dramatically. "How dare!"
I nodded, crossing my arms. "I do dare."
It was on from there. Anakin and I were in battle, throwing and ducking food from one another. This continued about two hours, just minutes before the Twins were supposed to be picked up, to where they would come home to an expected clean house, and a birthday cake and presents. That was going to be very harsh.
"Anakin!" I yelled, finally announcing our finishing, "We need to stop. You need to shower, and pick the kids up. It's only 15 minutes before they need to be picked up. I'll stay here and clean. On the way to be picked up, go buy a cake."
He nodded, understanding, as well as brushing the eggshells off of him. "Fine mom," he sarcastically replied.
I smirked, chuckling. "Alright, hurry up goofball." I kissed his floury cheek, and went off to clean while he showered.
You couldn't imagine the amount of work I had to do. Good thing I could use the Force. I while I vaccumed, I also cleaned the countertops, cleaned the walls, steamed the floors, mopped the floors, cleaned the sink, the fridge, basically every inch and centimeter of this apartment.
About forty minutes later, Anakin returned with the kids. While he went to get them, I hung up banners, and ribbons, and decorated the place with things they liked.
"(Y/N)!" They both giggled in unison, running up to me.
"Luke! Leia! Happy birthday you two!" I smiled, giving each of them a kiss on their forehead. While they were hugging me, I mouthed to Anakin, go get the cake out of the speeder.
He gave me a thumbs up, and rushed out of the apartment silently to retrieve the cake.
"Thanks!" The both thanked me in unison.
"You're very welcome." I stood up, and ruffled Luke's hair, walking them over to the couch. "Stay here," I instructed, getting up from the couch, and walking to my bedroom.
I closed the door behind me, getting the presents out, and taking them to the living room, and setting them on the table.
"Happy birthday. You can only open them after we eat cake though. I suppose Master Yoda has already fed you your dinner?" I asked, separating the gifts for who's was who's.
"Yes he did," Leia replied, trying to peek into her gifts.
"Leia!" I laughed, pulling the gifts away.
"Sorry to interrupt, but I believe cake is waiting?" Anakin brought up, bringing out the cake. It had a big lightsaber on it, just like they requested, with HAPPY BIRTHDAY LUKE AND LEIA! In big letters of icing.
They both hopped onto a stool to see the cake. I put candles on for the twins to blow.
"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday Luke and Leia, happy birthday to you!" Anakin and I sang.
"Make a wish!" Anakin announced, smiling proudly. He must be such a proud father.
The Twins thought about it, and at the same time, they blew their candles out.
"Yay!" We all cheered, giving each other hugs and kisses, and congratulating the Twins.
Anakin then cut everyone cake, as we all went outside to sit on the balcony watching the night sky of the city.
"This is great cake," Luke mentioned, chowing down his cake rather quickly.
I chuckled. "Chew carefully Luke."
That night went by fast, as everyone talked, ate cake, as well as Anakin showing off his lightsaber skills to the Twins. It was really nice to have the family back together again. If only my mom and brother could see me now. Unfortunately, the night had to end, as the Twins unwrapped their gifts, and thanked us, they started to feel tired and sleepy from all the carby cake they ate. We put the Twins to bed, as we put ourselves to bed as well.
That night Anakin turned to me, while laying in bed. "Thank you, for getting me out of bed," he chuckled.
"You're welcome. The Twins were more than thankful, and happy."
He just nodded, and kissed my cheek, wrapping his warm, safe arms around my torso, telling me he was going to sleep.
"Goodnight Anakin."
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