Chapter 3
After meditating with Master Kenobi, I went back to the apartment where I lived, with Anakin and the twins.
I opened the front door, and saw the apartment being very dark, as I knew that it was bedtime for everyone. I quietly stepped through the living area, and I made my way to my room.
I slid the door closed behind me, and I plopped down onto my bed. I turned on the lamp that was beside me, and I stared at the back of my room.
There was a big window, with red shaded drapes hanging along the side of the window. The city was glowing, showing off all of its beautiful colors. I sighed, getting up; changing into my bedtime clothes.
After changing, I hopped into my bed, and turned my lamp off, going to sleep.
It was the next morning, and I woke up to children vastly walking around the apartment, getting ready for training.
I stumbled out of bed, and stretched. I looked around my room, and grabbed my little house robe, wrapping it around me. Next, I went to the door, and opened it using the Force.
I was greeted by smiling faces and... eggs plastered on the wall?! I searched around the room, to find the source of the trouble. I ran to the kitchen, and found the twins teaming up against Anakin, throwing food at each other. I ran along side Anakin's side, and ducked under the table.
"What are you doing?!" I asked, ducking under throwing eggs.
"Its war," he laughed, being super childlike.
I rolled my eyes. "Master, we're going to be late for training..."
He shook his head out of his little imagination land, and stood up. "Sorry kiddos, but we have to go to the Temple."
Leia and Luke stopped firing and stood up and walked over to Anakin and I.
"Can we at least eat?" Luke pleaded, looking at me.
I scrunched up my nose. "So you've been wasting eggs, but you haven't eaten?" I glared up at my Master, who was attempting to look innocent.
"We were just-"
"I don't want to hear it," I started, walking towards the kitchen. "I want to see all of you dressed in ten minutes, which is how long I will be cooking. Anakin, you'll be dressing the kids this time," I told them, preparing to cook.
He groaned. "Fine..."
I smirked, and turned the stove on, and started to cook.
Finally, Anakin had changed the twins, including himself, and they plopped themselves down at the table.
I was done cooking, and grabbed the pan full of eggs (which we seemed to have a lot of) and started to serve the Trio as I went around the table.
"Thank you, (Y/N)," said Anakin, as he stared up at me.
I nodded, and served Luke and Leia.
Anakin looked at his children, and said, "What do you say?"
Like and Leia looked up at me, and smiled. "Thank you! "
I laughed, and nodded my head. "You're all very welcome. "
I sat the pan down in the sink, and walked back to my room to get dressed. However, Anakin spoke up, and stopped me. "Where are you going? "
I turned towards him. "Back to my room... To get dressed... "
He shook his head. "Eh, you can get dressed later. Come eat. "
"But -" I protested, but he interrupted me.
"Hey, " he said, with a bunch of eggs in his mouth. "I'm your Master, and you do as I say. "
I groaned, and reluctantly walked over to the table. I sat down, and started to eat on my plate of scrambled eggs. While I was eating, I looked at the twins, and saw them poking to the eggs with their forks, as they tried to figure out how to use them.
I forgot they were only three.
Sighing, I sat down my fork, and started to feed the twins at the same time.
Quickly, I heard a buzz come from Anakin's comlink, which made him lay down his fork. He wiped his mouth, and pressed the button.
"Skywalker here, " he burped into the comlink. The twins started to giggle, as they watched his father's face turn red.
Someone on the other end sighed, and spoke, "Skywalker, you're needed in the Council chambers. Report imeaditaly," Ordered Master Plo-Koon.
Anakin nodded. "Of course, Master." he ended the call, and gathered up his mess, and tossed his plate into the sink.
"Alright, I'm off," he said, giving the twins kisses on their cheeks.
He went over to me, and awkwardly gave me a kiss as well. I looked up at him, and raised an eyebrow.
His cheeks turned red, as he just realized what he did. "Oh, sorry. Keep thinking you're Padmè. "
I blushed, and tugged a bang behind my ear. "Its okay. Its not like this has happened before."
He chuckled, and ruffled my already messed up hair. "I know what you mean. Alright, I gotta go. Bye." And with that, he left the apartment, while I was left with the twins.
When I was finished eating, I got up to go get dressed. I closed my door, and slipped into my clothes, which were normal Jedi robes, unlike the clothes I wore before the twins were born. I tied my hair up in a high ponytail, and slipped my boots on.
Afterwards, I went back to the living room, and found the twins sitting on the couch quietly. I grabbed the keycard and went to the kids on the couch.
"Lets go guys. You have training to do," I said, grabbing the kids hands. I led them out and we were off to the Temple.
*Anakin's POV*
"Sorry I'm late," I apologized, bowing to the other Council me members.
Mace Windu showed a face of disappointment, but I ignored it.
"Glad you're here," said Master Plo-Koon. "You were just about to miss the briefing."
I raised an eyebrow. "Briefing? What do you mean?"
Mace Windu looked at the other Council members, and nodded towards Plo-Koon.
"We are at war."
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