Chapter 23
"Please, don't leave me," I begged, putting my hand up to his cheek, softly caressing it. "Or else I'd go hunt you down myself. These twins are yours. Not mine."
He laughed small laugh, placing his hand on mine, kissing it. "Don't worry. I won't. "
Before I could respond, Anakin's comlink beeped. Anakin raised an eyebrow, answering his comlink. "Skywalker here. "
"Report to the Jedi Council immediatly. Bring (Y/N) with you," Said Master Kenobi.
Anakin's expression changed, from happy to a very worried one. "Yes Master. We'll be there right away. "
I looked up at him. "Do you know what's wrong?"
Anakin shrugged. "No idea. Hope they weren't spying on us last night."
I rolled my eyes. "Course they weren't. They were too busy sitting on comfy cushions. "
Anakin grinned, laughing. "This is why I love you. "
I playfully rolled my eyes, walking out to the speeder. I sat down in the drivers seat, expecting Anakin to get super mad at me.
When he approached the speeder and stared, placing his hands on his hips. "You're driving?"
"Yep. Hop in. "
"I am not getting in that speeder, with your terrible driving."
"Oh come on! It's only one time. Besides, yours is freaking suicidal. "
Anakin mumbled something under his breath, which I couldn't make out, but he crossed his arms getting in anyway.
Anakin complained the whole way. But it was worth it.
We both climbed out of the speeder, him following behind me, even more worried than I was about the Council asking us both to come. I've heard strange things that the Council knew everything... But they possibly couldn't know this, of what happened between Anakin and I.
After many series of elevators and stairs, we finally arrived in the Council Chambers.
Anakin and I exchanged worried glances, yet still remained calm and bowed our heads in unison.
Obi-Wan fiddled with his beard, as he began to say something. "(Y/N). Anakin. Thank you for coming. "
We both nodded our heads, as Anakin spoke for the both of us. "You're welcome, Master. "
Mace Windu sat forward, putting his elbows on his knees, looking at the both of us. "Anakin. We're going to be very frank with you," Mace Windu paused for drama. "The Jedi Council, wants to... Remove, you from the head Council. "
Anakin stiffened, shifting his feet angrily. "You... You what?"
Master Windu shot up and sat up straight in his chair. "Don't what me Anakin. Since Chancellor Palpatine is dead, there is no current need for you to be on the Council. We still won't even promote you to Master. "
Anakin crossed his arms very disrespectfully. "Master Windu, I am ready to be a Master. You just won't let me because I almost did join the Dark Side. "
"Anakin, you're ignorant. You disobeyed the Jedi Code by loving someone, your wisdom is blinded by the love you have for others. You take action before you think. You clearly aren't ready. "
"I am ready! You just won't let me become one because I'm better than you," Anakin hissed, sneering at Master Windu.
I bit my lip, knowing all of this was true. His anger issues were the worst as well.
Master Windu shot up out of his seat, staring straight in to Anakin's eyes. "Listen here Skywalker! We're the ones who trained you. We know more than you do. Just because you were the Chosen One, doesn't mean you're better than anyone! Now. If you could leave this room, it would be most appreciated."
Yoda looked at Master Windu, with fierce eyes, telling him to sit down. "Please! Stop arguing. Master Windu, sit down, you need. Anakin Skywalker, Master Windu is correct. Need to learn how to control your feelings, that has to be worked on. Blaming others, that does too. Maybe opening your eyes more, would help you with your anger issues, yes, hmm. "
Anakin's chest was heaving up and down from the anger, his eyes boiling with rage. "Master Yoda, Windu, with all due respect, I believe I should stay on here-"
Obi-Wan butted in. "No Anakin! You are to leave this room at once. I'm terribly sorry, but it is for your own good. "
Anakin calmed down, looking around the room. "Wish I would've joined the Dark Side instead!" He shouted, marching out of the room, with the doors opening for him, and closing behind him.
Obi-Wan got up to chase after him, but Master Windu shook his head. "Obi-Wan no. He'll just create more drama."
Obi-Wan hesitantly sighed, sitting back down, in a very uncomfortable position. You could tell he wanted to get back up on his feet again.
As soon as he sat down, all of the Council members looked at me, and I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks, and in my palms, breaking into a nervous sweat, the giant lump in my throat only growing larger.
Master Yoda raised an eyebrow. "Nervous you are, (Y/N). Tell us. What is the matter?"
Uh oh, I thought. I couldn't tell them the truth. If I did, I'd get kicked out of the Jedi Order. And if I lied to them, they could tell I'm lying. And then they'd make me tell the truth. Then again, I'd still get kicked out of the Order. So, it's a lose-lose situation.
I sighed, taking a deep breath to calm myself, wiping my sweaty palms on my robe. "Masters... I do agree with you about Anakin. He can be a little.... Mad. "
Mace Windu sat up, scoffing. "A little? "
I shot a quick glare at him, as he sat back into his chair. "Sorry."
"As I was saying, " I paused, trying to get my thoughts back onto what I was thinking. "I'm not trying to pick sides here. Master Yoda, with all due respect, if you kick Anakin off of the Council, he'll go nuts. You'll just have an Incredible Hulk running around killing all of the Younglings. However, he could be a great addition to your Council. He's a great Jedi. You just have to give him a chance."
Master Yoda thought for a minute, looking at the other Council Members. "Master Windu, what have you say about this, hmm?"
He looked up at me resting his head on his hand, thinking. "We have given Anakin plenty of chances. He's lost our patience."
Suddenly Master Plo-Koon went into the conversation as well. "Anakin is not allowed any more chances. We understand you trying to stick up for your old Master, but I'm afraid Anakin cannot be in the Council."
I looked around the room, seeing if all of them were serious. I just nodded, and put on a fake smile. "Of course. I understand. Thank you for letting me speak," I half mumbled, bowing, and cooly walking out of the room.
Once I walked out of the room, I saw Anakin banging his head against the wall, punching it with his mechanical hand as well.
I ran up to him, and yanked him off the wall, throwing him onto the floor.
"Anakin stop! You're acting like a two year old in a grocery store when you don't get something you want!" I shouted at him, looking at the full grown adult in front of me. Or, at least what I thought.
He shook his head. "No those people in there just don't like to give me what-"
I interuppted him. "Anakin do you hear yourself?! You sound like a spoiled brat! You're supposed to look after me, as my old Master! I can't look after you. You're acting like a two year old! Now get up off the floor and grow up. "
He stood up, and mumbled something under his breath.
I turned around at him, crossing my arms. "Excuse me? "
He looked up at me, his eyes filled with rage, and a small hint of sadness. "I said, 'Stop being such a bi-"
That's when out of no where, I pulled my hand back, and with full power, I back handed Anakin on his cheek.
"This is why I can't stand you. "
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