Chapter 21
*Anakin's POV*
As soon as I saw (Y/N) lean in, I knew immediatly that she felt it too.
Her lips softly pressed against mine, her hands slowly wrapping around my neck. Slowly, I started to kiss back, our lips connecting together like two pieces of a puzzle that have been separated forever, finally reuniting. The kiss was slow, and passionate, and very loving.
She kissed me. I loved it. I must admit, she's a great kisser. I know I've kissed her before... But I've never truly felt anything. Until now. Why now, instead of then? I honestly don't know.
With my arms around her waist, I pulled her closer, wanting every second to last forever. I wanted to get as close as possible to her. She sat in my lap, with her closer to me than ever, my chest against hers. It was a really nice feeling.
However, before anything could go any further, (Y/N) hesitantly pulled away, and looked at me deep into my eyes. "Anakin... We can't do this... I just got my new ranking-"
I put my hand on her cheek, gently caressing it. "(Y/N)... They won't have to know... I've kept my secret with Padmè for so long... I can keep ours. Please. "
She looked down, then back up at me, her hand going on top of mine. "Ani... I don't know... If they do find out... We'll be kicked out of the Order. "
I nodded. "I know, I know. Please? I can't live like this, knowing that you kissed me, and we not being together. It'll hurt. Me thinking about you every single day. It hurts. "
She chuckled. "You do that?"
"Mmm.... Sometimes... "
"I just... Don't know. It'll be weird."
"How so?"
"Well, you were my Master... And I was your Padawan... So.... "
I bit my lip. "That's true. But still."
(Y/N)'s eyes wandered my face looking for a different way to tell me this, but she just sighed.
Then unexpectedly, she nodded. "Alright. We'll try it. "
I smiled so wide, you could've fit your whole hand in my mouth. Without saying anything, I just leaned in and kissed her.
She immediatly kissed back, her hands running through my hair, her fingers lacing with my curly locks. I ran my hands up and down her waist, as she climbed on top of me.
This was perfect. It's honestly the best thing I could have ever asked for. She was the best thing I could ever ask for. I didn't deserve her.
Suddenly, I felt this rush go through me, needing her just a bit more. I heated up the kiss, going a bit more passionatly. Then (Y/N) bit my lip.
She bit my lip.
I pulled away just for a small moment. "(Y/N)?"
"Yes?" She said, leaning in to kiss me again, but I pulled back.
"Did you just bite my lip?"
She ran her fingers through my hair again. "Mmm.... Maybe... "
"You want it rough?"
"Who ever said that?"
"If you want rough, I can get rough. "
"Oh I believe that."
"So you want it rough then?"
She shrugged. "Why not?"
With that, I smirked, pressing her down on the couch, with her giggling. I immediately leaned in and started to kiss her roughly, yet very passionate. She kissed back just the same, her hands trailing down to the hem of my shirt, slipping it off. I smirked again into the kiss, now French kissing her. Her hands roamed my chest, her gentle touch felt nice, a feeling I wouldn't forget. I shut the TV off with the Force, so the noise wouldn't get annoying.
My kisses trailed down her neck, leaving love bites here and there, that might leave bruises in the morning. I earned a soft moan from each one, my smirk only grew.
Does she truly want this? I thought, looking up at her for a moment.
"(Y/N)? You sure about this?" I asked, being worried for her well being.
She thought for a minute, and nodded.
I slowly nodded, and continued to trail down her neck, then back up kissing her once more. I wrapped my arms around her, picking her up and carrying her to the bedroom.
(A/N) you're welcome.
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