Chapter 18
As soon as that round was over, I snatched the assassin's arm off of my shoulder, and flipped her over onto the ground. I was so mad at these rounds, and so tired of them making it so dang real! It really messed up my mind. I hated to see the sight of Anakin being killed.
Thankfully, the old rubble and fire soon disappeared, going back to its original grid colors.
I looked down at the assassin, who groaned, and coughed, sitting up.
"These rounds are starting to irritate me, " I mumbled.
Before I could walk away, I heard someone approaching me, and placing a hand onto me shoulder.
"You'll get used to it, " Said my Master, Anakin.
I rolled my eyes. "Sure," I replied sarcastically.
Anakin patted my shoulder, then chuckled at the assassin on the floor, helping her up. While he was doing that, I looked at his stomach area for blood, but I didn't see anything. These rounds were all too real.
"(Y/N), next time don't flip the assassin over," chuckled Anakin, examining the assassin who was now leaning up against the wall.
"But she tried to kill you! Or she did. Never mind. This is too confusing. "
Anakin just shook his head, smiling then handed the assassin a few credits. "Thanks for playing your part Miss Plutano. You are able to leave."
The assassin nodded, taking the money, jogging out, as I raised an eyebrow at her, my eyes following her as she left.
"You hired her? "
"No. Obi-Wan did. "
"Sure, blame it on him. "
"He did!"
"I'll go with that. "
Anakin rolled his eyes, and put his hands on his hips and turned to face the observatory room. "What now?"
"Anakin, I suggest you leave for the ceremony," Obi-Wan said over the loud speaker.
Anakin simply nodded, not hesitant or reluctant at all. "Yes Master. " with that, he jogged off somewhere.
So, he's not going to watch my final round? I thought, being a bit upset. And what ceremony?
At this point I was curious. What ceremony? To ask God for more lightsabers? Ask for more shampoo? What else does the man need?
Sadly, as much as I wanted to keep letting my curiosity run wild, my thoughts were interrupted by Master Yoda speaking over the loudspeaker.
"(Y/N)? Hear me, can you?"
I shook my head, coming back to reality. "Uh, sorry Master. I was thinking. But yes, I can here you."
"Good, good," he paused, taking a drink of water. "Going deaf, I am glad you are not. Now, (Y/N). Ready are you, for the last test?"
I nodded. "Yes Master Yoda. "
"Then begin, you shall. "
The black and yellow grid slowly changed into a beautiful garden area, a beautiful glistening lake, along side with a beautiful view of a waterfall, and beautiful rolling hills. It was magnificent.
I was in awe. I could've stared at it all day, until someone tapped me on my shoulder.
"Excuse me?" Said the stranger's voice.
I spun around and looked at the apparent stranger.
She wasn't a stranger.
It was Padmè Amidala.
I almost fell over my own feet, and would've crashed down into the lake if it wasn't for the bars in the way.
"I thought... I thought you were... I-I...." I should my head. This must be taking place back in time. "Hi. I'm (Y/N)." I stuck out my hand for her to shake.
She smiled, chuckling, her brown curly hair waving in the wind. "Hi, (Y/N). We've already met before," she laughed.
Well this is awkward, I thought.
"Oh right! Sorry. Short term memory loss, " I made up, trying to think of an excuse since I didn't know what I was doing.
Padmè's eyes widened. "(Y/N) you look great. "
Suddenly, I felt this intense amount of weight being added onto my body, and something along on my ears and on my head.
"I do?" I looked down, and realized I was wearing a blue sparkly ballgown, with silver sparkles on the top, shaded with some blue, and my hair was put up into a cute bun, and diamond earrings and a tiara.
I wanted to scream. I didn't want to wear this! I was supposed to protect for this round, not act all... "Princessy." I would much rather wear my Jedi clothes than this.
"Why do I have to wear this?" I nervously laughed, trying to see what shoes I was wearing.
"You're my Jedi protector of the Senate ball, remember? Well, one of them anyway. This would be for a perfect opportunity for some Seperatists to attack or something, " she chuckled.
"Can I change back into my Jedi clothes?" I asked, awkwardly laughing, finally looking at my shoes, which were silver heels. Heels. I couldn't walk in these! Last time I tried I almost fell.
"No you can't. You're in disguise, remember?"
I groaned. "Right, sorry. "
"Make up?"
My eyes widened. "No. "
"Nope. "
"At least put some mascara on?"
"Fine... "
She smiled, and handed me the make up, which I put on, and handed it to her.
"Thank you. "
"Welcome, " I mumbled, looking around for anyone I knew. Suddenly I wondered if Anakin was going to be here.
"Is... Anakin going to be here?" I asked cautiously, so I wouldn't make it sound like I liked the dude.
"Oh yeah. That guy, " she giggled. "He's going to be here. He's your Master remember?"
Fudging popsicles, I thought. I didn't want him to see me like this! I was going to be humiliated. And embarrassed.
Padmè sighed contently, putting on a coat of lipgloss. "Why do you ask?"
"I was hoping he wouldn't see me like this... "
"Don't be ashamed darling! You look amazing. "
"Er... Thanks. I guess. "
"You're welcome. Now the Jedi are supposed to already be out there, so go ahead. I'll catch up with you later, " she said, looking in her closet for a dress.
"Alright... " I said, walking out of the door.
As I was walking out, there was a crowd of familiar faces gathering at some garden plaza, where the ball was probably going to be held. I saw guys dressed up in nice suits, and girls wearing very nice ball gowns. I slowly made my way into the crowd, spotting Anakin on the other side chatting with Obi-Wan.
Please don't notice me, please don't notice me, I thought, crossing my fingers and turning my back to them.
Just to my luck, I heard both of them make their way to me, as they must of saw me out of the corner of their eyes.
"Good evening, Miss (Y/N)," said Obi-Wan, chuckling. "I'm going to have to get used to talking like this."
I turned around to face them, crossing my arms very shyly. "Uh, yeah. You too. "
"What? No lady manners?" he laughed, nudging Anakin with his elbow. "Hey, love bird, wake up. "
Anakin shook his head out of his gaze. "Oh. Sorry. I was staring into... Space. Yeah that thing. "
"This is going to be a long day, I can assure you," chuckled Obi-Wan, shifting around.
Anakin nodded. "I agree Master. Especially with politicians around. "
"Oh yes. I agree on that, " Obi-Wan responded.
I just stood there quietly as they talked, until the Chancellor arrived, tapping the microphone, as the crowd went silent.
"Ladies, and gentlemen. I want to thank you all for coming. This means so much to me. I'm so glad we all attended this little fun thing, to get our minds off the war. Enjoy fellow Senators!"
And with that, he stepped off the stage, and disappeared back into the crowd.
Anakin turned to me. "You look nice. For once."
"Don't make me punch those perfect teeth out. "
"I just complimented you! Ish. "
"Exactly. Now if you could please get away from me I'd be better. "
"Oh hush you two, and just enjoy yourselves, and keep an eye out," put in Obi-Wan.
"Fine, " we both said in unison.
Obi-Wan nodded in approval, and seemed to have gotten bored. "I'm going to talk to Master Windu. Now just... Do something. "
No, don't leave me with this idiot, I thought.
With that, he disappeared into the crowd.
"That was rude," said Anakin.
"What was?"
"I read your thoughts, idiot."
I wanted to slap him so bad. "If people weren't around, I would slap your face. "
"Is that a way to treat your Master?"
"No. But I would like to."
"Shut up. "
"No you shut up. "
"Fine, I'll shut up. "
There was silence for the shortest while.
"You look really, really nice. "
"Stop complementing me."
"Fine. Good grief. "
There was another short silence.
The ball music had finally come on.
"Where's your girlfriend?" I asked Anakin, not bothering to look at him.
"You know, Padmè," I said.
"Oh... I have no idea. She must be talking to some Senators or something."
"Why don't you go ask to dance with her?"
"Why don't you?"
"I'm not married to her, ya ding dong. And besides, it would be weird. "
"But she's doing her political business and crap," he whined.
I rolled my eyes. "Whatever floats your boat, Master."
There was another short silence.
"Would you like to dance?" he asked me, looking down at me.
I looked up, surprised. "Uh... Why?"
He shrugged. "Just wondering," he muttered, fixing his tie.
"I guess.... " I mumbled, looking up at him.
Anakin held his hand out, which I took, and he led us to an empty space for us to dance. Let's just say, I am feeling super awkward. We started swaying to the music, my right hand on his shoulder, and my left clutching my gown. Hid right hand was on my waist, which felt super duper awkward, and his left was on my shoulder. He twirled me around, the gown spinning, along with my hair, which I'd blown out of my face. He gracefully twirled me, his blue eyes sparkling.
Everything was going so smoothly, and nice, until there was an explosion taking place nearby. The whole ground shook, causing some people to fall over the side bars, and into the lake.
"Get the Senators inside!" shouted Master Windu, who kept rushing in the Senators.
I nodded, and looked over the bars, at the Senators who couldn't swim. "What about them?!" I yelled, panicking.
Anakin rushed over to where I was, and looked over. "I got them. You go help the others," he instructed, taking off his tie, then his jacket along with his shirt, and his socks and shoes.
To be honest, I had to admit, he was rather attractive. "Alright," I awkwardly responded, going to the Senators.
I watched him jump into the lake, then out of the corner of my eye, I saw someone running on the roof of the building where the Senators were being held.
I knew that it had to be some assassin or Bounty Hunter, so I looked around for a weapon, and all I saw were punch ladles, and forks. So I picked up my gown, running into the building, searching for a weapon. I searched in wardropes, chests, tables, until I finally came upon a weapon rack, the obvious place to look, when I found a very old piece of equipment but it should work. A bow and arrow.
I slung the arrows onto my back, picking up my dress and running back outside with my bow in hand. I got out an arrow, and attached it to the bow, pulling it back as far as it would go, and aiming for the roof hopper. I let go, then wham! The roof hopper fell over the tall building, and onto the ground. No one could've survived that fall.
I put another arrow on the bow, looking for more of them, until a shirtless Anakin approached me, crossing his arms.
"(Y/N). Congratulations. You've made it to the Jedi Knight Rank."
The outfits:
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