Chapter 5
With the smooth landing of your aircraft, you finally landed on Moraband.
You looked up from the controls on the dashboard and peered through the glass.
Ahead of you, sat an endless view of a barren wasteland, a desolate desert. Everything was the color of red clay, red canyons spread across the world, with fallen stone buildings scattered about. It was as if this planet has been overrun and destroyed. It looked like there used to be a thriving city here ages ago, but now, there was only red desert and destroyed temples.
"What happened here?" You asked solemnly, your eyes still scanning the fallen city.
"War. Hundreds of years of war, " Anakin muttered while flipping a few switches off on the dashboard. You could hear the engine whirring down.
"With what?" You knew this was a Sith planet, but that was about it. Nobody really had talked about the dark side or the Sith planet. They just told you that the Sith were bad, and to stay away from the dark side, and that was it. The Jedi had always kept stuff like that from you, and you were sure other kids as well.
He finished setting the ship's engine off, before turning around to R2-D2. "R2," he said, which made the blue and white droid beep. "Stay here with the ship. I want you to stay here so that way if we need a quick escape I can count on you to have the ship up and running, okay?"
It beeped happily in response before he turned around to face you. "The Jedi and the Sith were once at war with one another, back in the days of the Old Republic, and when the Sith had their empire. It was hundreds of years of war, and several Jedi were killed off. There used to be thousands of us spread throughout the galaxy, until the Sith Purge. Several lives were lost on both sides... But the Jedi eventually came out victorious. However, thanks to that Sith Purge, the rule of two had come around, in order to keep the Sith Empire from falling."
"Wow, " you breathed, hardly unable to comprehend the details that were given to you about this planet. "So a whole people were wiped out?"
Anakin nodded. "Yes. Except for two. Which I believe are still out there. Dooku surely has to be one of them."
You nodded, standing up. "Surely. " You scan the barren wasteland once again, and you pull out your holoprojector to bring up the map that was given to you. You see the red dots had come to a standstill.
"Master the dots are at a standstill, " you say concerningly, looking up at him as he throws his cloak on.
"Then we must hurry. Get the speeder bikes from the shuttle. This might take a while."
You stood in front of the Sith temple, clutching on to your lightsaber, fearing the darkness that lied ahead.
All of your life you were pushed to never step foot into the dark side, and now, you were being sent on a mission to rescue two Jedi (possibly) from the Sith temple, as well as a Sith holocron.
"I can sense your fear, " Anakin says blankly while looking up at the dark and mysterious temple in front of him. "Clear your mind. The Sith use fear to bring their enemies to the dark side. Don't give in."
You breathe deeply, nodding, removing your hand from your lightsaber. It was hard to keep your mind clear, especially after losing your master so recently. You were sure if there was a dark side force present that they would use that against you. You had to keep your mental shields up.
"How do we get inside?" You asked, scanning the entrance, as you saw no doors or windows to enter this god-forsaken place.
"Well, " Anakin sighed, stepping back. "The Sith used the rule of two, so the Temple will require a master and an apprentice to open the doors. The doors are here somewhere. We'll have to let the Force guide us. "
You nod, not really knowing what he meant for you to do, but nevertheless, you closed your eyes and let your mind clear, just as your previous training had taught you. You reached out with your hand, letting the Force guide you to where you needed to go.
You felt the Force pulling you to open the doors, but at that second you felt a burst of cold air rush over you, enveloping you until it felt like you were drowning.
Immediately you woke out of your state, as the sudden burst had sent you on to the ground, along with your heart wanting to burst out of your chest, and a cold sweat and rapid breathing had started.
"W-what was that?" You gasped, placing your hand over your chest to make sure you were still alive after that frightening experience.
Anakin awoke calmly out of his state to turn to you. You expected him to do the same thing, but then again, you were also sure that he was more experienced than you in this matter, so he could've gained more control over that. "That? That was the dark side. "
"If that was the dark side, then why was the Force guiding me to it?" You asked, standing up from your state of shock.
"The Sith used the dark side to open these doors. " He breathed deeply, closing his eyes again, to go into another state. "It looks like we're going to have to do the same. Give in, but only to do what you must. Do not give in to that full feeling of the dark side."
I thought the whole point of being a Jedi was not to do that, you thought, but still resumed with your master's advice.
You once again sighed and breathed deep. You lifted your hand out to the doors and followed the cold air that the Force was guiding you to.
You let that mysterious cold air envelope you once again. Fear clouded your thoughts, as you felt afraid to accept that darkness, but even so, you still gave in.
At that second, you could feel your body getting used to the chilliness. You felt goosebumps form on your arms, and a shiver had been sent down your spine. You searched for the Temple through the Force, trying to connect to its life form.
Where was it?
They're here.
You turned your head to the side and opened your eyes to see who could've said that. Anakin looked silent, he wouldn't have said anything. Then who?
They're going to find out.
You turned your head around frantically to identify the voices, but it seemed apparent that no one was there.
"Master, I'm hearing voices, " you say unsurely, pursing your lips together.
"I am too. Don't respond back to them, just focus, (Y/N)."
You pursue through the voices, each one getting louder and raspier than the next.
They're Jedi!
You're going to lose him.
Stop fighting it!
Join the Sith! Join the dark side!
Help us! Please!
Some of them were in agony. Some of them were in pain. Some of them were lustful.
Divine power!
Taste the bittersweet power of the dark side.
You'll never get your master back!
You felt a pang surge through your heart as you heard that bitter truth. Those foul words sunk to the bottom of your heart, as you knew it was true.
With a painful turn of your hand, you felt a tear slide down your cheek, and you heard gears and metal scraping sounds coming from the Temple itself.
"It's working, " Anakin muttered as he turned his hand as well.
You wondered what he was imagining.
You opened your eyes to behold the wonder that was in front of you: two large hidden doors spread open slowly, revealing an ancient power hidden within the Temple.
You felt the doors come to a halt, followed by an extremely loud clanging sound, with it doing justice as it was a very large Temple.
Anakin turns to you and nods his head towards the ancient Temple. "Let's go."
You both step up the stone steps and walk into the large, ominous Temple. Inside there lied a huge open foyer which had two separate corridors on the left and right of it, with what seemed like large statues of Sith Lords made out of stone, aligned against the stone wall. The whole Temple seemed to be made out of stone from what you could see. Along the wall were red seams of light that flashed on and off slowly. This place looked like it came out of a nightmarish fairy-tale.
Anakin pulled up his holo-projector and looked at the two red dots. They were stationary.
"They aren't moving." He points to the two dots. "It seems as if they're on another floor. I'm not sure how we're going to get to them, but we're going to have to find a way, soon, before they start moving again."
"Wait, " I stopped him before he could make any further suggestions. "What if we scrambled our stations and tried to see if we could reach them via comlink?"
Anakin shrugged. "Master Windu said earlier that he couldn't communicate with them, but we can try."
You both got to work and started punching in different codes on your comlink, and listened for any sort of signal that you could reach.
"I've got something, " Anakin said, surprised. "But it's not clear. "
"Well, let's hear it, " you urged him. He nodded and turned the sound up, but he was right. It wasn't clear at all. It just sounded like random warbling.
"I guess Master Windu was right. They must be in some kind of trouble, " you sighed, accepting the truth.
"Hold on a minute, " he turned a few knobs on his comlink and a clearer message came out, except that they weren't saying anything at all, but the sound of clashing lightsabers came through the link.
"Well that settles it, " Anakin says blatantly. "We know they're in trouble. We just gotta find our way around."
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