Chapter 4
You woke up with a start, your eyes shot wide open. You looked around the room and remembered what happened yesterday.
You remembered getting a new master, Anakin, to be exact, and all of the new training techniques he showed you.
Over the past several days, you had been mourning your master, only in secret to yourself though. The other Jedi would shame that.
You shook your head, trying to wake yourself up from your thoughts.
"Hey, you're awake!"
You flip your head to the side, wondering who in the world would be up at this hour. Yet you found your master on the floor, packing away. He looked like he was in a hurry, and he was even fully dressed, except for his cloak, which was sitting on the bed next to him.
"Master? Why..." You yawned, still trying to process waking up. "Why are you packing?"
"Well, I don't know about you, but I'm going on a mission, " he replied, zipping up the duffle bag that he packed. He stood up and slung it over his shoulder and turned to look at me.
"Am I coming as well?" You inquired, now slipping out of the bed.
He shrugged. "If you want to. Have you ever been on a mission before?"
"Yes, " you replied confidently. In fact, you had your own squadron. Well, you were a commander of one anyway. In fact, you were very tactful and strategic, and most of your squad was very supportive of you and respected you fully.
Anakin beamed. "Well good! I'm glad to hear that. What legion did you help command?"
"The four-hundred twenty-second legion. Which includes the Ace squadron, " you stated proudly, throwing on pieces of your Jedi outfit, getting dressed.
"Wow, nice. I heard that the group was doing very well."
You nodded. "Yeah, we were, until my master died. But it's okay, I'm sure they're in better hands now." You finished getting dressed, putting on your supply belt, then called your lightsaber to you, clipping it on to your belt.
Anakin nodded, and stood up, throwing the duffle bag over his shoulder. "I'll meet you in the briefing room."
You walked into the briefing room, which was small and dimly lit, and held a holo-table in the center of it. Around the table, stood Master Plo-Koon, Master Windu, and Master Secura.
"Anakin, we've decided to send you and your padawan on a different mission," stated master Windu, who stood pensively while crossing his arms.
Anakin crossed his arms, clearly not very fond of this sudden change. "Okay, well, then who's going to take care of my mission to Onderon?"
"Kenobi. He just got back from a mission on Carida. He doesn't mind doing it," huffed Windu, who didn't look too amused with Anakin right now.
Amidst all of the Jedi talking, you stayed quiet, letting them talk. Your mind wandered to Anakin, putting up your mental shields so nobody could read your mind. There was something weird about him, you just couldn't put your finger on it.
"(Y/N) are you listening?" Snapped master Windu, which immediately pulled you out of your state. You seemed to not be doing that a whole lot lately.
"Yes sir, sorry," you mumbled, letting your posture fall.
"Good. Anyway, we've sent two Jedi scouts to Moraband recently, and they haven't come back," said Plo-Koon, pushing a button on the holo-table which revealed the Sith planet, Korriban.
Your eyes widened immediately, knowing instantly that this mission wouldn't go well. "So we're being sent on a rescue mission?" You asked, looking up at the Jedi masters.
Plo-Koon nodded. "We've lost contact with them recently, so we suspect that they've gone missing, or, they're dead. But we've placed a tracking device with them just in case they got lost, and you'd think if they died their tracking device would stop working but look," he pushed another button and two moving red dots showed up on the screen. "They keep moving."
"So what do you want us to do? Find them, and when we find them, if they're not the scouts, what do you want us to do?" Asked Anakin, staring at the red dots in thought.
"Bring them here, alive would be preferable," Windu told you both, eyeing you and Anakin.
"One more thing," Aayla Secura commented, pressing another button on the table, revealing some sort of three-dimensional triangle--a small pyramid colored red.
"A Sith holocron," Anakin mumbled, his eyes wide with surprise. "You want us to recover a Sith holocron?"
She nodded. "Yes. Bring it here safely to the Jedi Temple. But in order to recover it, you'll need to go through a Sith Temple." She pushed a button and a huge, dark temple covered in red glowing patterns popped up on the screen. "This is the one you're looking for, and the scouts are most likely in here. I will send you the map and the coordinates." The map went away. "Good luck, and may the Force be with you."
The blue hologram disappeared off the table, and you all bowed your heads before leaving the briefing room.
"I wonder why they made us do this together. Obi-Wan is perfectly capable of doing this himself," Anakin said, keeping his voice low as you made your way to the hangar.
You raised your eyebrow, having an idea. "Probably a test for us to see how well we work together or something. I'm sure we'll be fine though." Although you weren't so sure of that, as you knew this trip to Moraband would be dangerous, especially as your first mission, it would be hard to work with one another.
Anakin laughed. "Wow, you sound more confident than I am, and you're the padawan."
You chuckled. "I'm not sure if it's a good thing for the padawan to be more confident about this mission than the master."
He shrugged, playfully punching your shoulder. "We'll be alright. Let's just make it to the hangar first and then we'll worry about everything else, okay?"
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