Chapter Six
Chapter Six
The house was as barricaded as the group could get it to be. I helped them do it, despite my opinions on how it'd be the death of us all. I didn't exactly like the idea of participating in my own murder.
But they really stood no chance without me either.
I loaded my gun, as Lilly and May did theirs. I took a left window, as they too two others to my right.
Jessie and Jackson were currently on the first floor, at their own windows.
Lainey took the attic window, along with the kids hiding up there with her.
My heart was pounding.
"This will work." Lilly said to me, and I just nodded my head.
I didn't want to say it would, because then that'd make me a liar.
Negan and his men were to come today. We aren't sure when, we aren't sure the exact time. We just know it's today. I found myself praying to God that they wouldn't catch on to our little plan until it's too late for them.
We sat on the floor for what seemed like forever. I few times I got so bored I went downstairs only to have Jessie bitch at me to go back up to my position.
Two hours went by. Lilly, May, and I were all talking back and forth to one another. We spoke about life before the outbreak of the dead, and all we had wished we'd become if not for the end of the world.
Lilly wanted to be a carpenter. May wanted to be a preschool teacher. I nearly laughed at how opposite the both of them were. Yet, they never left each other's side.
I lied to the both of them, told them I was saving to go to college for nursing, but in fact, I was a twenty two year old, living at her mother's house with absolutely no will to make anything of myself.
If I had known the world was going to end, I might as well had went for nursing, it'd be incredibly beneficial for survival. -and I wouldn't have to pay for it.
But how was I to know?
The noise of an engine interrupted our conversation. I crawled back over to my window, and Lilly and May did the same to both their own.
I peeked my head to look out. There were two large trucks, parking by the entrance of the gate. I heard voices behind the gate, and I knew this was it.
This was the end of us.
"Wake up Georgia sunshine!" Bellowed a voice behind the gate.
He spoke in his usual tone, as if he were enjoying this.
Who wouldn't enjoy getting rich with supplies that you didn't have to work for?
I braced myself, finding the perfect shooting position. I took a deep breath to calm my raging nerves.
"Open up, buttercups!" Pause. "Or I'll have the pleasure of doing it for you."
There was a long silence. Nobody set a word. And then he said, "Alright, but don't ya say I didn't warn you."
I stopped breathing, almost as if I've forgotten how to do it. I felt I was losing my vision from fear, and I knew I had to get my ass together or else I would be the first to die.
I will not be the first to die.
My rapid thoughts were interrupted by a loud crash. I looked out the window to see that they had driven one of the trucks right through the fence's doors. They were in.
A bunch of men -way more than expected- crowded inside, and Negan walked in after them. That's when Jessie shouted loud enough for all of us to hear; "Now!"
Like a hurricane, bullets flew from every direction. I managed to shoot three different men, one in the head, another in the heart, and one in the neck (by accident). Whilst everyone was shooting the men, I was frantically searching for Negan. It's like he vanished, one moment I saw him, the next, I didn't know where the hell he was.
He's like the predator, and I'm the prey.
I lost sight of my hunter. That's not good.
"Lilly!" I shouted above the noise of the gunfire. She ducked her head under the window, and looked at me,
"What?" She mouthed.
"Negan!" I said, "Look for Negan!"
She nodded and returned to her position.
I reloaded my gun, and pulled myself back up to the window. My biggest fear was becoming true when I noticed, there were still a lot of guys left, and then were bringing in bigger guns.
"You assholes really got balls." Negan shouted, "This is your last chance, stop now, or I will kill every goddamn one of you."
I hesitated, thinking we could still make it out of this alive if we give up. That was, until there was a loud noise that sounded like a thump, over to my right. I heard a scream, and I glanced over, seeing May, lying on the ground with a bullet in her skull. Lilly was caressing her sister's body, suddenly crying as if it were over for her.
I covered my mouth with my hand, my entire body began to shake. Tears pricked in the corner of my eyes, but I forced myself to keep going.
Sluggishly, I hoisted myself back up to the window, and cocked my gun. Even if we all die, I will make sure I kill as many of these motherfuckers that I can.
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