Chapter Nine: Take A Right
Nobody's Pov
As everyone settled down the next episode began to play.
The screen turned on and the camera pans to Miyagi Dojo where we see Daniel fixing up a plant while Sam, Stiles, Robby and Demetri were trying to lift up a boulder.
Stiles had come over to Miyagi-Do dojo only to find the place trashed.
He learned from his cousin and friends that Cobra Kai had broken in and trashed the place in the middle of the night.
Not only that but they had stolen Mr. Miyagi's medal of honor.
The Beacon Hills gang, along with the ones that hadn't known about the dojo being trashed, frowned.
"Woah, woah, what do you mean the dojo was trashed?" Liam asked.
"Exactly as you heard it, idiot" Anthony rolled his eyes.
Liam glared at him which made Anthony glare back at him.
Before either of them could say anything they were slapped upside their heads, hard.
They looked up only to flinch when they saw Stiles giving them his famous fatherly glare.
"Behave, you two" Stiles scolded.
Liam and Anthony gulped before nodding their heads.
"But to answer your question, kid, those Cobra Kai jerks trashed my dojo that belonged to Mr. Miyagi" Daniel explained.
The Miyagi-Do students nodded before glaring over at the Cobra Kai students who shifted in their seats.
Daniel glared over at Johnny and Kreese while Amanda rubbed his shoulder to calm him down.
"Did you guys find out who trashed it?" Parrish asked, curious.
Almost instantly all eyes turned to Hawk who shifted in his seat and avoided their eyes.
Moon frowned at her ex-boyfriend, wondering what has happened to him and why he would do something like that.
Stiles and Miguel simply shook their heads at Hawk, one feeling angry and the other feeling disappointed.
Stiles decided to help clean the place before marching over to Cobra Kai to demand who trashed the dojo.
Right now he, Sam, Robby and Demetri were struggling to lift up the boulder.
Robby looked over at Sam and hesitated before opening his mouth to speak.
"Listen, about the other night-" Robby started but Sam cut him off.
"Nothing happened. So, there's no reason to feel uncomfortable, right?" Sam asked.
"Right. Exactly" Robby nodded.
Stiles glanced over at them with a raised eyebrow.
"Oh, trouble in paradise?" Lydia asked, intrigued.
Sam and Robby blushed which made Stiles chuckle as he looked at Lydia.
"Put it short this happened before they got together. They were going to kiss but Robby stopped it" Stiles explained.
Lydia hummed and nodded.
"Are you guys lifting? Because I feel like I'm doing nothing here" Demetri asked.
"Forget it, all right. It's too heavy. We're gonna need a forklift" Robby told him.
"How did they even knock it over?" Sam asked, confused.
"It's a lot easier to knock something down than it is to lift it up" Stiles told her.
"He's right. But don't worry. We'll get it up again" Daniel told the teens.
Stiles sighed and started walking away to head into the dojo to get something from his bag.
Only to stop when he saw Chris and a few other members of Cobra Kai walking in.
Everyone raised their eyebrows at the Cobra Kai students being in Miyagi-Do dojo.
"What are you guys doing there?" Malia asked.
"To put it short, we left Cobra Kai after Sensei Larusso barged in and demanded to know who trashed his dojo" Chris explained.
"Yeah, we didn't want to be apart of Cobra Kai because of how they acted. We didn't want to be like that" Nate added.
The former Cobra Kai students that left with them nodded their heads in agreement.
Malia hummed and nodded as did everyone else.
Johnny sighed, feeling upset, while Kreese just rolled his eyes.
"Uh...excuse me?" Chris asked.
All eyes turned to him and Stiles saw how shocked his cousin and friends look.
"Is this Miyagi-Do?" Chris asked.
Sam and Robby glanced at each other while Daniel smiled as he stood up from the ground.
"Yeah" Daniel nodded, walking over to the teens.
Stiles looked over at the others only to see his best friend marching over to Chris and the other teens with a glare on his face.
"Come back for another being?" Robby asked, scowling.
"I'm pretty sure they didn't" Scott rolled his eyes.
"I'm pretty sure I didn't ask for you input" Robby rolled his eyes.
Stiles snorted at that while Scott glared over at the boy that took his best friend from him.
"Robby" Stiles warned.
Robby ignored him and continued marching over to Chris and the other teens.
Stiles turned to the other teens while quickly extending an arm out to stop Robby from approaching them any further.
"Is picking fights all you're good at?" Scott asked, scoffing.
"Can you shut the hell up or is running your mouth all you're good at?" Robby shot back.
Stiles snorted loudly at that while others laughed loudly in amusement.
Scott glared at everyone that was laughing at him while shooting Stiles a shocked look.
"Robby, hey, what are you doing?" Daniel asked, confused.
"This is one of the guys who was beating on Demetri. Probably helped trash the dojo" Robby told him.
Daniel frowned at that and looked at Chris who had a guilty look on his face.
"We didn't have anything to do with that" Chris said, referring to the dojo.
He looks over at Demetri and says, "but I am sorry about what happened at the mall".
Demetri doesn't say anything and just shakes his head.
"We just wanna learn Miyagi-Do karate" Chris said, looking back at Daniel.
"I'd be careful about this, Mr. L, letting the Cobra Kais into Miyagi-Do. It's like letting the wildlings behind the Wall" Demetri said.
Daniel looked at Demetri with a raised eyebrow as did Stiles.
"Didn't the wildlings help Jon Snow win the Battle of the Bastards?" Daniel asked.
Stiles nodded in agreement which made Demetri frown in realization.
"Should've picked a different analogy" Demetri huffed.
"You really should've" Kira giggled while shaking her head in amusement.
Demetri huffed but said nothing as a small blush of embarrassment appeared on his cheeks.
Yasmine spared the nerd boy a glance and had to admit he looked cute when he was like that.
Daniel looked back at the teens and smiled warmly at them.
"We're happy to have you. Nice to meet you" Daniel greeted.
Chris let a smile appear on his face as Daniel shook his hand before greeting the other teens.
Stiles stepped forward and offered Chris a smile while extending his hand out.
"I knew you weren't like the others. It's nice to meet you" Stiles said.
Chris sighed in relief and smiled at Stiles while shaking his hand.
"Nice to meet you too, man" Chris nodded.
They pulled their hands away before going to greet the other teens but Robby stopped him.
"Stiles, what are you doing? Are you really going to just accept them that easily?" Robby asked.
"Yeah. I mean, they seem nice and I know that while Chris was involved in the mall fight I could tell he genuinely didn't want to hurt Demetri" Stiles said.
"He could've walked away from it but he still decided to be apart of it" Robby argued.
"Because he was being pressured by his so called friends. It can happen to anyone" Stiles argued back.
Mitch and Hawk grimaced slightly at that and glanced at each other before glancing over at Chris.
They would never admit this out loud but they had to admit that they did act like assholes towards Chris.
And they did pressure him into doing things that he didn't want to do.
If they were being honest, they're glad that Chris ultimately didn't join them when they trashed Miyagi-Do.
And maybe he was better off in Miyagi-Do.
"Stiles-" Robby started but was cut off.
"Rob, I'm not asking you to be his friend. I'm just asking you to give him and the others a chance. Please" Stiles said.
Robby stared at his best friend for a bit before reluctantly nodding his head.
"Fine" Robby sighed.
"Thank you" Stiles smiled.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever" Robby muttered.
Stiles rolled his eyes and playfully punched his shoulder causing Robby to playfully glare at him before returning the gesture.
The best friend duo laughed and shook their heads.
Everyone couldn't stop the smiles from seeing the interaction between Stiles and Robby.
Stiles and Robby looked at each other with smiles before side hugging each other.
Johnny and Shannon looked at the two boys with smiles, they were happy that their son had someone like Stiles in his life.
They were happy that their son had a real friend in his life.
Daniel and Amanda were happy that their nephew made friends when he arrived in Los Angeles.
More specifically, a best friend that would actually be there for him no matter what.
Miguel, although a little jealous of how close Stiles and Robby are, had to admit that their friendship was cute.
And he has to remind himself that that's all they are, best friends.
Scott, on the other hand, had a scowl plastered on his face as he glared at the two boys.
That used to be him and Stiles but now it wasn't.
Now it was Robby and Stiles and he hated it.
The scene changes to Reseda where we see Stiles inside the mini market looking for some snacks to buy for himself.
He left the others at the dojo after he helped clean up a bit before deciding to leave.
Which probably wasn't a good idea because his cousin and two friends hate the new members and the new members seem to hate them too.
Trouble is bound to happen.
"Did it?" Malia asked, turning to the Miyagi-Do students.
The Miyagi-Do students looked at each other and looked at Malia while nodding their heads.
"Things were fine mainly because Stiles was there and was keeping us in line so we didn't start fighting each other" Chris said.
"But after he left things grew tense between all of us" Nate added.
"And lets just say that if Stiles had been there, the trouble wouldn't have happened" Demetri finished.
"But at least my dad was there so it wasn't too bad" Sam piped in.
Daniel smiled at his daughter and wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close.
Sam smiled at her dad and hugged him back.
Stiles was looking through all the chips that was on the shelf to see which ones he wanted.
"Stiles" he heard someone say.
Stiles turned around to see Miguel, who was in his karate uniform, standing behind him with a smile on his face.
Miguel beamed and sat up straighter in his seat with a smile on his face.
Stiles noticed and chuckled in amusement before scooting closer to him.
Miguel didn't hesitate to wrap his arm around his shoulders and pull him closer to his side.
Stiles smiled and didn't hesitate to lean closer to his side.
Sam and Amanda smiled along with Melissa, Carmen and Rosa.
While a certain Hale man was glaring at the two boys, jealousy coursing through his body.
"Oh, hey, Miguel" Stiles greeted.
"Hey, what are you doing here?" Miguel asked as he walked closer.
"Just came to get some snacks. What about you?" Stiles asked.
"I was training with the others at the dojo with Sensei Kreese teaching us" Miguel told him.
"I thought your Sensei was Johnny" Stiles frowned, confused.
"He is but he had to leave. Apparently, one of his old friends is in the hospital and he went to go see him" Miguel said.
Johnny sighed, feeling a few eyes on him, and looked down at his hands.
God, he missed Tommy more than anything.
Tommy was one of his best friends, along with the rest of his buddies, and he will always hold a special place in his heart.
He's just glad that he and the others got to spend an entire day with him.
So that at least his last day on this earth didn't go to waste.
That doesn't mean he's not going to miss him.
He's always going to miss him and wish that something could've been done to prevent his death.
Carmen looked over at Johnny and frowned, sensing how upset he was over his friend.
She scooted closer to the man and wrapped an arm around his shoulders.
Johnny looked up and was met with Carmen's soft face and that beautiful smile of hers.
"I'm really sorry about your friend. But, if it helps, at least he's no longer suffering and is in a better place" Carmen whispered.
Johnny took her words into consideration and slowly nodded his head.
"Yeah, I know" Johnny nodded, a small smile appearing on his face.
Carmen returned the gesture before turning her attention back to the screen.
She didn't pull away from Johnny and continued holding him.
Johnny didn't mind, not one bit.
"Oh, that's sad" Stiles frowned.
"Yeah, it is. But hopefully his friend will get better" Miguel shrugged.
"Yeah, hopefully" Stiles muttered.
"So, uh, how are things going with Miyagi-Do?" Miguel asked.
"You mean before or after someone from your dojo trashed it?" Stiles asked, raising an eyebrow at him.
Miguel nervously chuckled while rubbing the back of his neck.
"Alright, let me start off by saying that I didn't have anything to do with that. I didn't even know anyone from Cobra Kai had done that" Miguel said.
"I know you didn't have anything to do with it. But someone from Cobra Kai did. And I'm betting it was Hawk and his little followers" Stiles said.
"Well, he wasn't wrong" Aisha sighed.
"Stiles is never wrong, sweetheart" Lydia smirk, winking at her.
Aisha blushed at the nickname which made Lydia giggled before wrapping an arm around her.
Aisha doesn't know why but she found herself slowly leaning into her side, the girls touch made her feel warm and safe.
Malia and Kira glanced at those two before looking at each other with knowing grins.
Tory glanced between her friend and the redhead chick and smirked.
Looks like the redhead really likes her friend and Aisha seems to feel the same.
She's happy for her friend and she'll do whatever she can to get those two together.
"Stiles, you can't just make accusations like that without any proof" Miguel reminded him.
"I don't need proof to know that it was Hawk. Other than your Sensei, he's the only one that hates Miyagi-Do. Especially now that Demetri has joined" Stiles said.
Miguel opened his mouth to say something but no words came out of his mouth.
It took him a second to realize that Stiles was right.
"I thought you'd know by now that I'm always right" Stiles grinned.
Miguel let out a huff while playfully rolling his eyes at his crush.
Stiles laughed before planting a kiss to Miguel's cheek which made the boy beam at him with a smile appearing on his face.
Sam, Amanda, Melissa and Carmen quietly squealed while Rosa grinned.
Daniel, Robby and Anthony glared at Miguel as their protectiveness for Stiles grew.
Derek simply glared at Miguel with his fists clenched tightly at his side.
Stiles shook his head at Miguel and grabbed the two chips he wanted and walked past him.
Miguel snapped out of it and followed after Stiles as he made his way to the register to pay for his things.
"Alright, you have a point but even if he did trash the dojo there's no way he's going to admit it" Miguel said.
"Well, he better sooner rather than later. Not only that but he better return Mr. Miyagi's medal of honor. That is important to my family, especially my uncle" Stiles told him.
Daniel nodded in agreement.
Mr. Miyagi had always been there for him when he had nobody and he basically saw the man as a father figure.
The medal of honor was something Mr. Miyagi cherished which is something Daniel cherishes too.
So, for Cobra Kai to not only break into his dojo and trash it but to steal Mr. Miyagi's medal was a new low.
Daniel looked over at Hawk and shot him a glare with his fist clenched tightly at his side.
Hawk shifted uncomfortably in his seat while Amanda tried to calm her husband down.
Johnny glanced at Hawk and sighed, wondering why the kid decided to go and trash Miyagi-Do and steal the medal that belonged to the old man.
He's no fan of Larusso, that's for sure, but he would never go that far.
Especially when he knew how much the old man meant to him.
The cashier handed Stiles the bag that had his snacks and Stiles handed him the money.
The cashier tried to give him his change but Stiles told him to keep the change and grabbed his bag.
He walked past Miguel to head to the door and leave but Miguel grabbed his wrist, stopping him.
"Stiles, I'm really sorry about what happened to your uncle's dojo and the medal. If I had known, I would've stepped in and stopped it. I swear" Miguel said.
Robby scoffed, clearly not believing that.
After all, Hawk is one of Miguel's closest friends and he's sure that if he had known he would've just encouraged him rather than stop him.
After all, anyone from Cobra Kai is bad news and can't be trusted.
Especially, Miguel Diaz.
Stiles stared at Miguel for a bit and realized that he was sincere about what he said.
"I know" Stiles nodded.
"Tell me, what can I do to make things right?" Miguel asked.
"You want to make things right? Start by making Hawk confess to what he did. And make him return the medal of honor. Because if he doesn't, I won't hesitate to find him and beat his ass myself" Stiles sternly said.
With that, he pulled his arm out of Miguel's grasp and walked out of the mini market.
"Did you actually end up doing that?" Liam asked, looking at his dad.
"Sadly, no. But, don't worry because I got my revenge later on" Stiles grinned.
Liam grinned back at his dad before leaning into his side as Stiles wrapped an arm around his shoulders.
Anthony, having seen their interaction, glared at the Dunbar boy and crossed his arms over his chest.
Sam looked at her brother with amusement and quietly laughed.
Hawk, having heard their conversation, winced and shifted in his seat once more.
Because Stiles was telling the truth.
Because during the school fight, before he had gone after Demetri, he ran into Stiles and Stiles made sure to give him a good beating for what he had done.
And he would never admit this out loud, but he knew that he deserved it.
Miguel watched him go and let out a sigh as he looked down at the ground.
Only a few seconds passed before he picked his head up with a look of determination on his face.
He was going to do exactly what Stiles wanted him to do so he can make things right.
With that, Miguel left the mini market while forming a plan in his head.
As the screen turned black, indicating that the episode was over, everyone couldn't help but glance at each other.
They had to admit that they were curious as to what's going to happen now that most students from Cobra Kai have left and joined Miyagi-Do.
And with Miguel forming a plan to get Hawk to confess and to get the medal from him.
This made them even more ready for the next episode.
Hey guys, how are you all doing?
I hope you all enjoyed todays chapter.
I want to start by saying I'm sorry that this chapter was a little short but you have to remember that Stiles isn't apart of Miyagi-Do.
Meaning that he won't appear in most scenes with Daniel and the rest of the Miyagi-Do members.
Well, with that being said I'll see you guys in the next chapter.
Have a good day! Bye!
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