New Environment.
I stand in Jake's doorway with a sense of dread consuming me. I try to imagine living somewhere else beside the place I've called home for the past seventeen years. Change is difficult and scary to adjust to. I don't do well with change, despite how desperately I need it. The last major change in my life was my father's death, and it opened up a whole new level of pain for me. Jake walks into his house before dropping my bag to the floor. He turns to look at me with curiosity in his expression. "Are you okay?" Jake asks me. I glance around his grand house before mustering a weak smile.
"I don't know if this is a good idea. I can't move in with you, Jake. It's too much of a big ask," I say, feeling slightly embarrassed at my situation. I place my hands inside my jacket pocket before chewing on my bottom lip. Maybe I can find a shelter to go to instead? Or I could call my Grandpa? I figure Trevor would find me and drag me home if I went to stay with Pops. There has to be options for me other than burdening Jake and his family. Jake walks toward me before taking hold of my hand. He gently pulls me inside his house before closing the door behind us. The cold air is shut outside and I'm greeted with the warmth radiating from his home.
"I won't take no for an answer. I want you here so you're staying." His words cause flutters to fill my stomach. It's strange hearing words I've longed to hear come from somebody who was a stranger mere weeks ago. I can't believe how much he's done for me in such a short space of time. He restored my faith in humanity and gave me a reason to keep waking up in the morning. I surprise him by wrapping my arms around his neck in a tight embrace. His body is rigid before it softens and he returns my hug.
"Thank you, for everything. I don't know how I'll ever repay you," I whisper before pulling away. His blue eyes linger on mine before he pulls them off me. "It's what friends are for, Wentworth." Jake tells me. My heart sinks with disappointment, but I keep a smile plastered on my face. Friends. Is that all he wants to be? Does he not realise my heart forgets how to beat whenever he's around? There's a shift in the atmosphere between us and I notice his shoulders grow tense. He clears his throat before grabbing hold of my bag and heading for the stairs. "I'll show you to your room. Keep up, Muffin." Jake says in a teasing tone. I roll my eyes before following behind him – "Don't call me that," I scold him.
"We've been through this. I call you adorable pet names, and you find me incredibly annoying because of it. It's why we're friends," Jake grins at me. I fall in line beside him as we walk through the hallway. "Right, friends." I respond in false enthusiasm. I feel his eyes lingering on me and I wonder whether he can hear through the facade in my voice. If he does, he doesn't question it. He heads toward a bedroom at the end of the hallway before turning the handle. He swings the door open to reveal one of the tidiest bedrooms I've ever seen.
"This is my room," Jake tells me before walking inside. His room is decorated in a navy and white colour scheme. It consists of a double bed, a large wardrobe and a make-shift gym in the corner of it. A punching bag hangs from the ceiling, along with a shelf proudly displaying a set of boxing awards. I walk inside before inspecting his room. Who knew Jake Melvin is a neat freak? "You must be the cleanest eighteen year old boy I've ever met," I tell him, feeling impressed at his cleanliness. It isn't often you find someone who takes pride in their appearance and surroundings. Jake grins at me before leaning against his wall. "I'm eighteen which makes me a man. I'm not a boy." He corrects me. I grin back at him before doing a slow walk around his room.
"Where are the dangerous weapons? The knives? The guns? Your room is pretty relaxed for a gang member," I tease him. He lifts a brow at me, and his lips twitch up in amusement. "Rumours are called rumours for a reason, Wentworth. You shouldn't listen to them."
There's a knowing tone to his voice that makes me believe he isn't being entirely truthful with me, but I don't press the subject. I'm reading through his boxing sport awards when Jake makes a comment that causes my cheeks to flame with heat. "You're welcome to spend as much time here as you want," Jake tells me with a flirtatious tone to his voice. My head snaps over in his direction. He's watching me with a deep rooted sparkle in his eyes. Why does he flirt with me like that if he labels us as friends? Does he realise he's playing loose and fast with my heart? "That's not funny," I tell him with a stern look. He gestures at my cheeks with a knowing look in his eyes. "Is that why you're blushing?"
"I'm blushing because it's warm. Don't flatter yourself," I hit back at him before pressing my palms against my cheeks. He isn't wrong. My face is burning red, and I silently wish I didn't have to react to him so obviously. Jake laughs lightly before exiting his room. "Come on. I'll show you to your room," he tells me. I expect him to give me the small spare bedroom from the party, but he swings open the door next to his to reveal a fairly large bedroom. There's a four-post bed situated in the middle, and an antique wardrobe next to a large window that overlooks the garden. The room feels light, airy and a breath of fresh air. It's exactly what I need.
"It's perfect," I breathe out in awe. I walk inside before running my hands along the crisp white bedding. Jake walks inside with a content smile on his face. "Our Mom's are away on business right now, so you don't have to worry about them interrupting you. I'll speak to them when they get back about you staying long term with us." Jake tells me. I clasp my hands behind my back before nodding in agreement.
"Okay, cool. I'll find a weekend job straight away so I can help out with the bills," I tell him. Jake tilts his head at me before walking toward me in slow strides. His movements resemble a predator circling its prey, and it causes me to ignite with a flutter of nervous energy. He stops when he's inches away from my body. "You're not paying to stay here. This bedroom was empty and now it's yours. I want you here, Emily. You're my guest," Jake tells me. His words do little to ease the anxiety building inside me. I shake my head in protest. "I would really like to pay my own way. It's the least I can do."
"I won't take your money," Jake hits back at me instantly. I exhale a slow breath before continuing to argue my case. "So I'll give it to your Mom. I need to do this for myself, Jake."
"Buy me dinner once in a while, and we're even," Jake tells me with a boyish grin. "Like a date?" I ask him in a playful tone. He laughs gently. "It can be whatever you want it to be, Wentworth." There's a knock on my bedroom door and it causes Jake to step away from me. I turn to find Ivory standing in the doorway. She's holding a bag filled with toiletries and there's a nervous smile playing on her lips. "Hey, Emily. I want you to know I'm so stoked to have you living with us. I bought you a spare of everything I own," Ivory tells me before walking into the room. I glance down at the bag with shock.
"Y-you really didn't have to do that, Ivory. Thank you," I whisper before giving her a smile of gratitude. Ivory drops the bag before pulling me in for a tight hug. She holds me until she feels me returning her embrace with the same amount of fierceness. I release a trembling breath while fighting back tears. It's hard to stay composed when my whole life is being uprooted. Ivory pulls back before taking hold of my hands. She stares into my eyes and her pretty green ones flash with sympathy.
"Jake didn't tell me much about your situation. He just told me you needed a place to stay," Ivory tells me. My shoulders sink in relief and I turn to give Jake a small smile of gratitude. He's casually leaning against the wall while observing the interaction between me and Ivory. He gives me a small nod of understanding and I feel my heart flutter with ease. I should have known my secret would always be safe with him. "I want you to know I'm here for you. I've never lived with a girl before and I would love for us to be close just like sisters," Ivory grins. Jake laughs before pushing himself off the wall. "Back away, Ivory. Give the girl a chance to breathe," he tells off his cousin. Her shoulders deflate with disappointment and I shake my head to correct him.
"Don't listen to him, I love the idea of that." I reassure her. Ivory's smile broadens from ear to ear and she releases a small squeal of excitement. "We're going to have so much fun!"
"Do you want to hang out when I've finished unpacking?" I ask her. Her green eyes sparkle with joy and she nods her head with eagerness. "I'd love that," she says before heading for the door to give me privacy. Before she leaves, she turns to look at Jake with a narrowed expression. "Is it a coincidence you gave Emily the bedroom right next to yours? We have plenty of other spare rooms." Her question causes me to hold my breath in anticipation. I pretend to be busy unpacking, but I'm waiting for Jake's response.
"No, it's not a coincidence," Jake grins back at her. My eyes snap up to meet his face. Jake turns to look at me with what I can only describe as hunger in his eyes. My mouth is stripped of all moisture and I release a staggered breath. It's a look that makes me wish we were alone right now. "I'm welcome in your room anytime. Right, Wentworth?" What am I supposed to say to him? My mouth opens to respond to him, but I'm left speechless. Ivory groans at her cousin before heading for the door.
"That is so gross. I'm grateful my room is on the other side of the house so I don't have to overhear you making out with each other." Ivory giggles. Jake throws a stern glare at her and my face turns beetroot red. I cover my face in my hands to hide my embarrassment. "You have till the count of three to run before I chase you and drop you head first out of the window." Jake warns her. Ivory laughs before falling silent with caution. "You wouldn't do that," she says to him with an uncertain voice. Jake taps his watch with a serious look on his face.
"You know I would. You have two seconds left," Jake tells her. Ivory turns on her heels before bolting down the hallway. I laugh when I hear her rapid footsteps retreating away from the room. Jake shoots an incredibly handsome smile at me before running after her. The house is quickly filled with laughter when Jake catches up with Ivory. It's weird to hear laughter inside a house when I've spent so long living in eerie silence or violent chaos. I glance around my room before exhaling a deep breath... My new environment is definitely going to take some getting used to.
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