Local authorities were called to the campus to investigate the mysterious deaths of students and a couple staff members. Authorities had said that there were two bite marks found on each victim's neck and all their blood had been drained by something.
At first they couldn't make sense of the lack of other wounds on each victim. Though they came to the conclusion that the attacker struck from behind. So then why the single bite mark to the neck? No stab wounds or anything to that nature.
"Whatever this thing is it isn't human. My guess is it's a vampire bat or some animal that drinks blood. But that doesn't explain why the bite mark is the only wound on each victim. If it were an animal there would be scratch marks or something. What is this thing?" One investigator said to another.
During the night Josef had gone out after promising to be careful. At the time they had no idea they were dealing with a vampire.
Medic's POV
I snuck around as quiet as I could. I soon found a lone person sitting in the grass. I smirked as I carefully snuck up behind him. Luckily he had no clue that I was directly behind him. I smirked as I struck and bit his neck.
He yelped and tried to fight me off him. I kept drinking his blood until he was too weak and fell. I smirked as he fell to the ground. I knew he was still alive but he was simply too weak to keep fighting.
I struck another spot on his neck and soon finished drinking his blood. I smirked as I set off to hunt for another victim. I watched as an officer went to check out my latest victim.
"The bite marks are still a bit bloody but the victim is dead. The creature couldn't have gotten too far." He said. I chuckled lightly which made him turn around. "Did you see what happened here?" He asked. I smirked a little "I saw vat happened." I replied.
"What happened here?" He asked. I grinned to reveal my bloodied fangs. He backed away from me slowly as I advanced towards him. "What are you? Stay back! I mean it! I'll shoot! Stay away from me!" He yelled in terror.
I laughed "Haff you not had to deal vith a vampir? Vell now you are." I said with a smirk. I struck the side of his neck and kept him pinned to the ground. I then started to drink his blood but he wasn't going down without a fight.
He managed to pry me off him and ran as fast as he could while holding his bloody neck. I followed by walking. He eventually found another officer who asked him what happened.
"I know what the thing is! It attacked me and bit my neck! It drank a little of my blood! We're dealing with a vampire!" He exclaimed. "But vampires don't exist. Vampires are fictional creatures meant to scare people." The other said.
I stood directly behind the second one which made my only living victim turn pale as he pointed at me. "B- b- b- behind y- y- y- you." He stuttered in fear. The second turned around to see me.
"Greetings gentlemen." I said with a smirk. "Is this your vampire?" The second asked. The first nodded fearfully "S- s- stay a- a- away from m- m- me." He stuttered scared out of his mind. I grinned to show my fangs as I struck the second one.
I grabbed the wrist of the first one and kept him near me. The second fought and screamed as I drank his blood. He eventually stopped struggling as I finished drinking the last of his blood. I got up as I pinned the other to the ground. He gulped and closed his eyes as he begged me to not drink his blood.
I chuckled and hissed softly which made him struggle even more. I then struck the side of his neck and kept him still as I drank his blood. His radio was turned on so everyone else could hear his screams of fear and pain.
As I finished his blood the entire force showed up. I smirked as they readied their weapons. "Hands up!" One called. I obeyed and one came forward slowly. "Turn around and lay on the ground. On your stomach." He commanded. I obeyed again before awaiting the perfect moment to strike.
I smirked as he moved to cuff me. I lashed out and dragged him off and drank his blood quickly. I picked each off one by one until there was only one. I stood behind him where he looked around fearfully searching for me.
"Looking for someone?" I asked. He turned around and raised his hand gun at me. I smirked as I ran behind him and struck the side of his neck. I held him down as I drained him of blood. I then walked back to (Y/N)'s dorm where I found her fast asleep on the couch.
I smiled to myself as I picked her up bridal style and carried her to our room.
The next morning
It was a Saturday so (Y/N) didn't have to go to school and I was happy about that. We spent the whole day together, just getting to know each other, cuddling, watching TV or movies. That night I had gone out hunting.
I stayed out hunting for about a half hour or so, I then made my way back to (Y/N)'s dorm. I expected her to be fast asleep, however, when I walked into our room she wasn't there.
I noticed a splatter of blood on the wall, I tasted it to find it wasn't hers. I looked around while calling her to reassure her that I was there to protect her. All I found was a note with a small blood stain on it.
It read "If you want your precious girlfriend back you have to give us a million dollars cash. If you fail to get the money in three days time she dies in front of you. No possible way of saving her or turning her into an undead like you. Time starts now Josef."
I death glared the message. How DARE they take MY (Y/N)?! How DARE they hold her hostage?! How DARE they threaten her life?! They were in for a rude awakening if they thought I wasn't going to attack them.
The safety of (Y/N) is more important to me than my own life. NO ONE hurts her or threatens to hurt her and survives to tell about it. "I'm coming love. Please still be alive." I said as I made my way out.
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