Potions and mind reading
His Mark
[Knowledge is Power]
7th September 2016
The day seemed to drag on forever, especially during that tedious History lesson with Professor Tamney.
The Professor's voice had almost sent me back to sleep, and it took all of my willpower to remain awake.
I can't show weakness..., I thought to myself whilst I could practically feel Cordelia drilling holes into the side of my head with her stare.
Thank Merlin that's over now.., I thought to myself as I quickly packed my things and stepped out of the stuffy classroom, and far away from Cordelia's prying eyes.
'I'm guessing that your apology will have to wait?' Momo's voice cut through my thoughts as I made my way down to the Potions classroom, my last class for the day.
'Where are you?' I asked him slightly confused as to why he wasn't with me right now.
The next thing I heard made me stop dead in my tracks.
'By Merlin- Momo are you purring?!' I asked him in utter disbelief.
Momo was purring, snakes don't do that...that spell must have affected his behaviour as well.
'Momo where are you? I really don't have time for this right now!' I thought frantically whilst smiling at some fifth year girls who were walking in my direction.
The brunette Slytherin girl then proceeded to whisper something to her- auburn haired, Ravenclaw friend who shook her head profusely.
''He's not a Weasley,'' she said in hushed tones and gave me a small smile as they passed by me.
That girl just mistook me for a Weasley..., I shook my head at her stupidity.
Not that I have anything against the Weasleys, they're actually a quite entertaining bunch, but we look nothing alike- I mean our hair is a completely different shade of red..., I thought to myself as I entered the Potions classroom.
Momo will have to wait.
A middle aged woman with dark black hair, and tan skin was already sitting at the teacher's desk, looking at the students with a friendly smile as I closed the door behind me.
"I'm terribly sorry for the delay Professor Nova." I said slightly out of breath, and sat down at the front row just like I did in all the other classes.
"Oh, now, now if this isn't Aileen Gaunt who every teacher has been talking about!" Professor Nova laughed getting up from her chair, and walked towards me.
"You were probably asking for more details for Professor Dreelys class, am I correct?"
"Yes, mam." I replied lowering my eyes, pretending to be bashful.
"Oh, now, now. If you continue like this, I wouldn't be surprised if you become one of the brightest wizards of your time!" Professor Nova smiled pleasantly as she saw my cheeks turn a deep shade of red.
But not of shame like the Professor thought, no I was blushing of pleasure and pride of myself.
"Of course... you'll continue like this, right? There are many young witches and wizards who start with a hunger for power and become rather sloppy as the year progresses." Professor Nova made a face as if she had just smelled foul eggs.
"That won't be my case Professor."
I said with a slight smile, and proceeded to unpack the material I would be needing.
"Well, well. Can anyone tell me the name of the rarest ingredients to find in the world?"
I raised my hand, as usual.
"White fur of a baby unicorn, dragon tears and eyes of a basilisk."
"Right, my boy! Exactly! 15 points for Ravenclaw!" Professor Nova spoke excited.
"And why is that the case?"
"Because unicorn babies are born with yellow fur and it's very rare to find a completely white one, their fur is great for oblivion potions. And Dragon tears because they only cry if they repent killing someone."
I smiled to myself as I saw the annoyed face of the Gryffindor boy a few seats to my right.
"Which isn't a very common feeling in Dragons. And the eyes of a Basilisk, because one has to first kill the Basilisk and remove the cornea without causing any damage to it. Also the preparation of the potion that contains Basilisk eyes it is extremely difficult and dangerous to brew because one can not look at the Basilisk's eyes even after they have been removed from the body, or the person might die."
"Brilliant!" Professor Nova seemed genuinely surprised.
"I ask these questions every year to my first years. Without really expecting any answers of course, because you only learn those things in sixth year and onwards! How did you know the answers Mr. Gaunt?"
"Before buying my books in Flourish and Blotts, I stayed a few hours reading other books that weren't on my list. I also go to the library every night before bed, and pick up a few books."
"Excellent! 20, no, 30 points to Ravenclaw!"
"Thank you mam." I lowered my eyes again.
Professor Nova then started the class and I took notes.
When I finished my usual questions after everyone had left, Professor Nova stopped me.
''I have a certain club, in which only the top Potion students participate..." Professor Nova winked at me with a mischievous air.
"We have a meeting in two months and would like you to attend. If you wish, you can take someone as a companion."
"I will think about it, thank you Professor. Now, if you excuse me."
I turned and left smiling.
They were finally recognizing my value.
And this was only the first week.
There was only one thing that kept nagging me, and that something or rather someone went by the name of Cordelia Yaxley.
I just can't ban that blasted little know it all out of my thoughts..., I furrowed my eyebrows in frustration.
Maybe I can get her to listen to me after her last class... If I only knew what her last class was, I thought to myself sighing deeply.
'They're coming your way in three minutes,' Momo's voice suddenly rang through my mind.
'Three minutes?! What am I supposed to do in just three minutes?!' I thought frantically at Momo, who didn't bother to reply.
And then it hit me- I placed my wand in my poked and thought of one of the few spells that I could perform wandless.
Flipendo..., I thought whilst visualising myself, and suddenly my world was turned upside down.
This better be worth it..., I thought just seconds before smaking head first onto the ground, my mind drifting off to Narnia.
I was walking from Charms in search of a spare classroom, ready for violin practise when I heard my name being called.
"Cordelia! Cordelia! Cordey!"
Only one person ever calls me Cordey.
"Julius." I spun around to see my brother push past the sea of people, well all he did was announce his presence and the crowd would move for him.
He stood before me, holding what seems like a bunch of pink and white magazines.
"Come on, I've got to tell you something" Julius pulled me towards the staircase, humming a horridly out of tune rendition of 'Here Comes the Bride'.
Since when does he hum?
And out of all the billions of songs, why in the world a wedding march?
"Julius..." I began. I looked up at his face,which was twitching constantly from nervousness or happiness I couldn't tell.
"Are you ok?"
"I'm fine. Ah, who cares,there's barely anyone here,I'll tell you now." Julius dragged me over to a more secluded corner before announcing in a very nervous, strained voice that leaked excitement.
"Cordelia, I'm going to ask Cleo for her hand in marriage"
At first, my brain ignored the word 'marriage' and I had this crazy thought that he meant he was going to ask her if he could chop off her hand and keep it. But then the word echoed in my mind, sending my mind in a explosive frenzy.
"Omigosh, you're going to marry her! Oh my god! Can I be a bridesmaid? Ooo will there be cake? A really really big cake with Honeydukes chocolate on top? Have you told mother? Have you-" I abruptly ended my explosive word vomit when I saw Julius frantically waving his hands and hissing at me.
"Not so loud Cordelia!" He hissed, looking furtively over his shoulder.
"Sorry," I lowered my voice to his tone before speaking again.
"But can I be a bridesmaid? Please?"
"First of all, can I ask you to do a favour for me?"
"Is it to do with the wedding?"
"Ok. What is it?"
He held out the magazines to me.
"Could you look through these and pick the one that you think she likes?"
We picked up our pace as I flipped through magazines, browsing through the various gold bands and rare jewels. I noticed the heavier, flashier rings were circled heavily, followed by a few question marks.
"You want me to pick the engagement ring?"
I asked, a tremor of nerves passing through my voice.
"Yeah, I didn't know which one would suit her, and the guys were hopeless at this sort of stuff"
"So why don't you ask Cleo's friends? They know her better"
We were nearing the potions dungeons now.
"Cleo's friends...are gossipy. They have high speed connections.Through them, the whole school would know about it"
"And through me you know that your secret is safe?"
"Pretty much"
I didn't know whether to be insulted or to feel honoured.
"Holy shit!" My brothers tone made me pause in my steps and glance at the object that had startled him.
Lying face down with one arm outstretched in front of his red curly hair that screamed the identity of the person, I was hit by a sense of déjà vu.
Aileen Geraint Gaunt had fainted once again.
"Wake up!"
"Goddamit, Gaunt, I am not carrying you to the Hospital Wing again!"
"Slap him harder, Cordelia"
"Ow... That's got to hurt. Good job. Now kick him in the nuts!"
I glared at my brother, Aileen's now crimson face cradled awkwardly in my arm.
My brother shrugged while I pulled out a clean handkerchief and started to dab at the cut on his forehead.
Will the healing Dark Mark come again?
I subtlety glanced at his face- not a green light to be seen.
"Let's just leave him there for Miss Norris to find. I hope she pisses on him." My brother was extremely enthusiastic about using violence on Aileen.
I glared at him for his language and his nonchalance at Aileen's state.
"Carry him to the hospital wing, will you?"
Julius gave me a look of mock deliberance.
"What about...no."
"Julius!" I slapped him on the arm.
"Ow! Come on, Cordelia, he used you like a puppet, he used you to threaten me, he's an arrogant bastard, why do we have to be nice to him?" He complained in a agonised tone.
"Let me remind you that you are a school prefect, with an honour bound duty to support the school and it's inhabitants. Besides, if you do this, you could say he owes you." I smiled in triumph, placing my two best cards that I know he can't refuse.
He gave a disgruntled grunt and started to grab at Aileen's feet, scraping his body across the floor in a rather painful matter behind him.
"Julius! I said carry him, not drag him across the floor like a sack of dragon dung!" I called out reproachfully as a jogged up after them.
Why am I caring so much? Probably because of my stupid morales.
"He is a sack of dragon dung!" Julius retorted, putting as much effort as he could to bump Aileen into various objects. I winced as the sound of bone smacking against wood became more audible and numerous.
"Julius, the teachers think he's the next best thing since Harry Potter. What do you think they'll do when they see you smashing up their perfect boy upon the floor?"
After a moment of resigned deliberation, Julius growled and flung Aileen over one shoulder.
I sighed in relief-even though Aileen's face was slapping Julius's butt harder then needed.
We attracted a few curious stares, but they quickly dispelled when Julius growled at them for 'Prying into prefect business that was none of their concern'. I noticed that he had a look of pure concentration on his face, and he kept murmuring 'Legimens'.
"Are you prying into Aileen's mind?"
I hissed,feeling like a mother telling off her son.
"He's a dodgy person, Cordelia, and also I want to check if he matches up with the person that Mother-" he abruptly cut off his sentence.
"What person? What-"
"Cordelia, hush, I'm trying to concentrate!"
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