Night time adventures
His Mark
[Knowledge is Power]
3rd September 2016
My eyes opened on their own account, revealing the dim and slightly green light of my dormitory. I firmly shut my eyes, trying to go back to my comforting dream of violin music.
I drifted through levels of unconsciousness before it slapped me like a brick to my face.
Doxy crap, I've left my violin in the Great Hall!
I stuck my hand out of the covers, only to withdraw it with a hiss as icy pangs attacked me with vengeance. I huddled back into the blankets, determined never again to face the cold.
Maybe I'll fetch it tomorrow.
I attempted to close my mind to sleep but my conscious refused, setting up horrifying scenarios that sent me worrying.
What if Peeves finds it and smashes it? What if Hagrid's monsters eats it and pukes it back up?
What if....
Over and over my brain became more creative, arguing with my inner sloth until I couldn't bear the pressure any more.
"Urgh!" I threw myself in a upright position, suddenly feeling wide awake.
I blinked and rubbed my eyes, adjusting to the cold and the dim green light cast from the lake. Wincing at the cold, I pulled my cloak over my shirt and loose pants I use as pyjamas and slipped my feet in my slipper, careful not to wake my dorm mates. This I did with the air of a Imperiused cursed victim with not a single thought in my mind.
I retained my peace of mind as I stole through the empty common room, trusting that the teachers and prefects were asleep and were not likely to patrol the empty corridors.
I murmur the password to the entrance of the common room (Serpentsortia), feeling very much like I was going to cross into No man's land.
It's ok.
They can't legally kill you, and it's not like they've set a giant beast roaming the castle, right?
Needless to say, my conscience was not the best of comforters.
I couldn't have told you if I ran or walked to the Great Hall. The most dominant thought in my mind was:
Please, please don't kill me, whoever you are.
The moonlight casted shadows that suspiciously looked like silhouettes of teachers, making my heart beat twice as fast the normal human pulse.
Every sound that I heard seemed to amplify a hundred times, like someone broke a Caterwauling Curfew Charm.
At times I swore that I heard a whisper of footsteps which sent me running to the nearest column, sending me in cold sweat.
As soon as I reached my forbidden destination, I scanned the dim Hall for my case and scanned it again.
And again.
I walked around the Hall, combing the area like a Niffler looking for gold.
Oh Merlin, where is it?
It was there!
I felt tears of frustration prickling at my eyes.
Oh god... Mother is going to kill me...
My worry and frustration was quickly turned to cold fear and panic when I heard the shuffling of old feet and the daunting meow of an equally as old cat.
Doxy crap!
It's Miss Norris and Filch!
I started to tip toe to the nearest exit, praying that Filch and his demon cat wouldn't turn into the Great Hall.
God must be deaf because the footsteps were getting hauntingly closer.
Throwing caution to the wind, I ran like a maniac being chased by a banshee, heading to the nearest exit.
I kept throwing my head back to look for my potential pursuer, waiting for the moment where Filch's wheezing voice would make the call to my doom.
I looked back for the twenty something time and suddenly ran into a flat, vertical surface that was warm and squishy and very much alive.
"Eeep!" I managed to contain my scream into a strangled yelp while my obstruction let out a curse word. As I gripped the obstruction by his clothes to righten myself up, a wheezy, terrible voice called out, sending chills through my rushing blood.
"Students out of bed! Come on, Miss Norris, leave that filthy creature alone!"
"Who-" the obstruction tried to speak but was cut off by my frantic hand.
My eyes darted around, scanning my surroundings, lighting up when they landed on a broom cupboard.
My hands were gripping one of his hands from behind and I dragged him to the broom cupboard with a strength I didn't know my scrawny arms possessed.
I slammed the door shut, leaving us in total darkness and at the mercy of Filch.
I felt my hand been wrenched off his mouth and an angry hiss.
"What are you-"
"Shhh-hh!" I hissed harshly, slapping my hand over his mouth again.
I glanced uneasily at the door before whispering slow and clear, trying to catch my racing breath.
"Listen, Filch will have no problem whipping us bloody when he catches up. So I would suggest, for the sake of both of our well being, that you would shut up right now." I hissed into his ear, well upwards from his shoulder, the guy was really tall.
Seemingly fed up with having my hand covering his mouth, the boy proceeded to lick the inside of my hand which in turn made me shudder in disgust and immediately let go of him.
He had me pinned up against the wall, his hand covering my mouth in mere seconds.
"It seems that you haven't realized who you've dragged along with you,'' He whispered in my ear with a rather annoyed tone.
I winced at the brooms digging into my back and copied the boy's previous action by poking at his hand with my tongue. He let go, but rather on his own accord then disgust.
"You ungrateful little..... I saved your butt from Filch and... Oh my god, I had to drag you! I had to break into the toilet to save your ungrateful, annoying little....," In the midst of my sentence my mind suddenly matched his cool, smooth voice with a memory from the train.
Aileen Geraint Gaunt.
My mind also brought up the scene in the hospital wing, the green serpent and skull flashing on his face...
His strange connection to the Dark Lord...
What in Merlin's name is he doing in this ungodly hour?
''This and that are two completely different matters,'' He whispered back annoyed.
''First of all, I wanted t-thank you for not leaving me on that train...'' The last part of his sentence was almost inaudible.
''Secondly,'' He said showing something into my arms which made me huddle back against the wall even more.
Aileen sighed in annoyance and pulled me slightly forward again.
''I think this belongs to you,'' he hissed placing my hand around something that felt suspiciously like my violin.
How did he-
''Your name tag is on the back, Miss Cordelia Yaxley,'' He whispered, this time way too close for comfort.
''Oh, and next time that you whisper into someone's ear,'' he said whilst leaning in even closer.
''Don't breath in their ear, it's rather uncomfortable.'' He said in a low threatening tone, and proceeded to blow into my ear.
"I did not do that! And move- you're squishing me!" I tried to move away from him as much as the narrow cupboard allowed me while containing the shudders that ran through me from his intimacy.
''Are you shaking?'' He asked in his usual annoyed tone, this time however I could have sworn that I heard a hint of concern.
I was about to reply but immediately closed my mouth when I heard a wheezy voice that might as well be the doorman of hell.
"Sniff, my sweet! Perhaps the little tykes are hiding somewhere" he gave a sadistic little laugh that made me clench Aileen's hands tightly.
Since when was I holding hands with him?
''Muffliato,'' he mumbled.
''You can let go now...'' Aileen said in his usual annoyed tone of voice.
"Shh! Are you suicidal or what?"
The volume of his tone was a complete contrast to the hush tones we've been using up until now.
I released Aileen's hand, wincing at the stiff motions as he unclench and clenched his hand to bring back the circulation.
''Filch can't hear us anymore,'' he said matter of factly.
''I just cast a Muffliato...aren't you supposed to at least know what that spell does?'' He asked sighing, in what I could only assume was annoyance.
''You have a very strong grip for a girl of your size...'' He murmured to himself.
"Be grateful. I could barely carry you on the train. And how am I supposed to know what the spells for?"
I muttered back, placing my ear carefully on the door.
''You have an older brother, I'm sure he must of used this spell at least once...'
''How do you know I have a brother?" I suddenly felt very nervous.
Is he trying to recruit my brother for his new Death Eater rally, if he's a Death Eater himself?
''I heard you two talking in the train before I fell back asleep...'' He mumbled seemingly unhappy with my tone of voice.
"I see. Well, it doesn't seem to be an orthodox spell that's taught at school..." My voice was abruptly cut off by a cat's yowl, followed by a series of angry hissing and another series of wheezy curse words.
"You stupid creature!" Roared the caretaker, who was answered by Miss Norris meowing in fright and another cat hissing menacing after her.
"There seems to be another cat there chasing Miss Norris. Filch's gone after her! That cat is our saviour..."
I sighed in relief, glad to be out of the stuffy cupboard with a potential junior Death Eater.
Seconds, later we heard the pitter patter of soft feline paws and something white and fluffy jumped at Aileen who catched it in his arms and proceeded to smile in delight as the kitten rubbed its face against his.
I was struck at how different he looked, how his smile lit up his eyes, both brown and blue.
He looked so much younger and more like a normal eleven year old, not a scowling, impatient boy who talked with enough annoyance in his voice to flood the Sahara.
Suddenly a set of blue and brown mismatched eyes, this time from the feline species, appeared from the white ball of fur and stared at me with suspicion and disdain.
''Have a good evening Miss Yaxley,''
I heard the muffled voice of Aileen from behind the little puff ball's fur as he proceeded to turn around and started walking off.
"Please don't call me that" I said quietly, staring at his retreating back.
I walked in the same direction as Aileen, only to realise after another turn into an unfamiliar corridor that this wasn't the way to my common room. I turned back to my original position.
Crud,crud,crud!! I'm lost...
All the corridors looked the same, dark, scary and forbidding.
The imaginary monsters came creeping back, taking advantage of my loneliness.
I suddenly wanted Aileen back- sure he was prickly to be with, but Knarls stick together and bear with each others pricks to survive the winter.
Or was it porcupines?
Unable to bear the isolation, I found myself running towards where Aileen was last headed, praying desperately that I could find him and not lose myself in the castle.
He couldn't have gone far...
From the corner of my eye, I saw a bushy, white tail sticking out from behind a wall. I slowed down to a jog, suddenly feeling the aftermath of my intense running.
"Wait....wait up," I gasped, bending over to catch my breath.
I could practically feel his annoyance radiating out like a peeved off heater.
''Shouldn't you be asleep like a good little girl?'' He asked whilst looking down at me with crossed arms.
"Shouldn' well?" I retorted, my burning lungs preventing my tone from being as scathing as I wanted it to.
''I left something in the library,'' Aileen answered whilst looking at me, his face void of any emotion.
''You however have already found what you were searching for,'' He stated, his eyes wandering from my face to the violin strapped to my back.
''So why...are you following me?'' He asked through clenched teeth.
"That. Umm...," I shifted my gaze somewhere else, frantically trying to find an excuse.
"I...need to go to the library too! Yeah, I...needed...some books...for my Potions homework," I winced at the sheer lameness of the sentence.
''Is that so?'' Aileen asked- or rather stated, it sounded like a question but his expressionless face made it seem more like a statement.
"Absolutely." I tried not to melt into a pathetic puddle at his disapproval vibes that he was giving out. I shifted nervously before gesturing onwards.
"Shall we go?"
Aileen however continued to stare me down, his eyes fixed on mine, as if he could see right through me.
''Are you sure that you aren't just utterly lost?'' He asked, a ghost of a smile playing at his lips.
"Lost? Absolutely not! I just love walking in the dark where you could get caught! It adds to the fun of...walking in the dark."Again I finished on a weak and lame note.
''You ramble even more than usual when you're lying,'' He stated seemingly amused at my feeble attempts of getting myself out of this situation.
''If you stopped lying, and admitted that you're lost like a good little girl, I could take you to your common room when I'm done.'' He said whilst looking over for something at the end of the corridor.
''Or how exactly were you planning on getting there by yourself?'' He asked looking at me with a raised eyebrow and that stupid half smile plastered on his face.
My pride swelled at his tone.
There is no way in heaven or hell that I'm going to admit to his stupid, gloating, arrogant face that I was lost!
"I'm not lost. I need to go to the library because I have a potions essay due tomorrow and I haven't done it. So let's go, or do I need to drag you like I did a few minutes ago?" I spoke in a cool, controlled tone, mustering up any authority I had in me.
I tilted my chin up a little higher- that made me feel more in control.
''Then you wouldn't mind leading the way...would you?'' He asked looking down at me seemingly unimpressed, obviously aware of my bluff.
Yes! I would mind! You cheating, blackmailing little...snake!
I plastered a fake smile on, masking the new feeling of murder.
"Ok then"
Ok, so we are on the ground floor, and the library is on... On the third or fourth floor?
''The library is on the third floor...'' Said Aileen suddenly as if he could read my thoughts.
Third floor.
So find two sets of staircases and wander around until you find a big room with books! Easy as planting a Diggle bulb...
"I knew that. Let's go" I attempted to put some confidence in my footsteps, scanning for the life saving staircases. I heard Aileen padding behind, and I had an obnoxious feeling that he was smirking behind my back.
Thank Merlin that Momo went off to distract that blasted Squib and his demon cat, I thought to myself whilst following Cordelia to wherever she was leading us.
''Maybe I should push her in the right direction,'' I mumbled to myself as I fetched her worried expression.
"I'm totally not lost! I know exactly where we're going!" Cordelia called out at periodic times, though it sound like she was trying to reassure herself rather than me.
''Filch could get here at any minute...'' I whispered in her ear, watching in delight as she tried to stifle a scream and shuddered at our closeness.
This is ten times better than pestering the matron in the Orphanage.
"I know. Duh, why do you think I'm taking such a weird route? It's to avoid Filch and the creepy-" She abruptly cut her sentence off, blushing a vivid red so visible it was like a candle in the dark.
'How long do I have to keep these two creatures away from you? I'm getting ti-' Momo's voice suddenly cut through my thoughts.
'According to the glimpse I had into this girls thoughts, she has no idea where she's taking me... so I'd say maybe forever?' I thought back at him, tuning out the rest of his sentence.
''Cordelia..where are we?'' I asked with played uncertainty in my voice, as I watched her standing glued to the spot.
"The-the second floor...East?" She replied weakly, her eyes shinier than usual.
''Second floor?'' I asked peering into her face.
'Momo...I think that I've overdone it...' I shared through our mind link whilst looking worriedly at Cordelia.
She's about to cry...what do I do?!
I can't deal with this! I know how to make girls cry, not how to make them stop crying, I thought to myself whilst looking around frantically.
"Yeah... We...just took that staircase....remember?" She hurriedly turned away, but not before I caught her wiping her eyes with her sleeve. She took a shaky breath in before striding off, her footsteps less sure than before.
''You know...'' I said as I hurried after her.
''I can get my book tomorrow...I'll accompany you to your common room if you want?''
I rambled slightly as I got a hold of her hand.
I'm really not in the mood for this right now, she's ruining my plans!. I was just going to give her the violin tomorrow after classes, but she just had to show up!
"N-no, I still need my potion books, I'm definitely not lost, I know my way, ok? Let go!"
She yanked her hand away from mine and determinedly stormed off, constantly raising a hand to wipe her eyes.
I've really overdone it...if I could just get her to look into my eyes I could probably compel her to let me take her to the Slytherin common room...
It should work, she's tired after all, I thought to myself whilst walking behind her.
I have only used this on animals before...let's just hope that it works...
''Cordelia?'' I called out, just two steps behind her.
She ignored me, striding even faster while clenching her fists tightly.
You stubborn little..., I thought to myself whilst catching up with her.
Once I was right behind her, I grabbed her by the shoulders and made her face me.
''I know where I'm-'' She started to protest as she looked up at me, tears cascading from her eyes.
Here goes nothing, I thought and sighed deeply.
''Cordelia,'' I said, our eyes still locked onto each other.
''Cordelia, it's Saturday, we don't have homework due,'' I whispered to her, reaching into her thoughts.
''You're feeling very tired, all you want to do now is let me escort you to your common room.'' I said in a calm voice, wiping away the tears from her eyes with my dumb.
I looked at her expectantly, watching for any signs that it didn't work.
"But, I know the way...." She protested pathetically, but I could see her walls were crumbling.
She just needed one tiny push...
''I know that, but you're tired...we're both tired...''
''I'm not-'' She tried to protest once more but I cut her off.
''Let's try it this way,'' I sighed deeply, reaching further into her mind.
'' me...'' I said through clenched teeth.
''You like me, and you trust me. You are going to let me escort you to the Slytherin common room!''
She looked up into my eyes.
The hard stubbornness was gone, replaced by a soft look rather like a doe.
"Do you-do you know the way?" She whispered softly.
''I know the way,'' I answered, slowly letting go of her shoulders.
Cordelia nodded slowly and allowed me to pull her away without a fight.
I can't believe it- it worked almost perfectly, I thought whilst pulling her along in the direction of the stairs, down to where the entrance to Slytherin common room should be.
I looked back at her glassy eyed self, just to make sure that she was still compelled.
As she noticed me looking at her, she smiled happily up at me and proceeded to hold tightly onto my arm.
Great...I compelled her into girlfriend mode, I sighed deeply, running my hand through my hair.
By the time we were nearing the common room, my arm had lost its feeling and I was almost dragging her in my eagerness to throw her off into the common room and head back to the Ravenclaw towers. She was still smiling happily, which was starting to get creepy.
Suddenly I heard her give a sharp intake of breath, followed by a sound like she had swallowed back vomit. Her eyes were slightly less glassy than before, bulging from her sockets and full of horror.
Her hands dropped from my arm as she hissed one name.
"Julius?" She whispered incredulously.
I quickly covered her mouth, dragging her- slightly struggling self into the nearest corner, hoping and praying that the hold I had over her mind wasn't completely gone.
I can't have her causing a scene, her brother is a prefect!
Cordelia pulled my hand off her mouth and started to breathe deeply, seemly trying to control her gag reflexes.
"That...was the most disturbing thing I've ever seen" she gasped, wincing at the sight that she saw.
Her entire face was red as baboons backside- which was appropriate- or not, seeing that she almost saw a backside.
''I agree... You can have a go at him for all I care once you're inside... No, have a go at him as soon as we're on our way towards them again, that would be more in character for you, just don't shout at him!'' I said whilst looking into her once again glassy eyes.
I should probably make it so that she can't tell what I was up to, and about the Muffliato spell...permanently, I thought to myself sighing deeply.
''What do you tell your brother if he asks you what we were doing?''
I asked her in hushed whispers.
"We were going for a stroll around the lake?" She tilted her head, asking for approval.
''At 5am?'' I asked, looking at her as if she had grown a second head.
"Well, would you rather have me say we were hanging out in the broom cupboard?"
''No, no!'' I answered quickly.
If I made you say that I'd have two people out to kill I can handle but your brother..., I thought and peered around the corner to the two intertwined figures.
''We met as I was leaving the kitchens... You didn't know where your Violin was and got lost.
Don't mention any unorthodox spells, Mr Filch and his demon cat or anything else that would make your brother want to kill me.'' I said whilst reaching even further into her mind, catching lose glimpses of her memories;
Azkaban, her parents whispering, images of her and her mother in their family garden whilst Julius played wizards chess with some friends.
That should prevent her from screwing up my reputation, I thought whilst exiting her mind.
''You know what to say now, right?''
I looked at her expectantly.
"We met as you were leaving the kitchens, I lost my violin and I didn't know where I was and you brought me back here. Did I miss anything?" She gave a shy smile, playing with a handle of her violin case.
''You just saw your brother making out with what's her name..'' I said whilst looking closely at her.
''Yes..her...You will have a go at them just like you wanted minus the shouting part. Understood?'' I asked in an affirmative tone.
"Clear as crystal " she responded chirpy-like.
''Good, lets go,'' I said pulling her by the hand to the direction of her brother and that Cleo girl.
I cleared my throat just a few steps from the embracing couple and quickly let go of Cordelia's hand.
Cordelia timidly stepped closer to the couple, her small face screwing up in a disgusted look.
In a small voice she called:
Julius jumped a metre in the air before spinning around with uneven breathing as his brunette girlfriend hastily pulled her tank top down.
He licked his lips before speaking.
"Cordelia! What the bloody hell are you doing here!" His eyes swerved to me, narrowing them as his cool blue eyes scanned me.
"Who's this?" His tone was undoubtedly sharper.
"Aileen Gaunt. I lost my violin and we met when he was coming out of the kitchens. I didn't know where I was so he brought me here!" Cordelia finished off with a giggle.
I could almost see Julius connecting the dots, my name, my appearance and Cordelia's almost drunk state connecting to a picture that I wanted to send him.
A message and a warning.
''I wouldn't want to impose my presence in your family matters...,''
I said in a cold tone of voice, my blue and brown mismatched eyes looking directly into Julius' cool blue ones, my face as emotionless as an ancient Roman statue.
"Ah yes. No one wants anyone to impose on each other's family matters. Isn't that right Aileen Gaunt?"
Julius's eyes flashed an icy blue, a shard of ice that could impale anyone at any minute.
''I think I've overstayed my welcome,'' I said now looking at Cordelia who was standing next to me once again.
I bent down to her level and gave her a quick peek on the cheek- much to Julius' horror.
And whispered: ''I knew that you'd be much cuter with your mouth shut.''
And with those parting words I left the three of them standing there.
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