Cordelia- Attack on the Dormitory
His Mark
[Knowledge is Power]
8th September 2016
A figure sat on the ledge, her side leaning on the glass window, which instead of revealing the brown and gold of autumn, showed only green tinted water and the gloom of the deep sea. The Slytherin dorms were under the Black Lake, giving the students an aquarium-like feel as they slept-which could both be exciting or creepy. With the comforting green glow and the occasional sighting of the dwelling creatures, the sight of the mysterious lake was something that most Slytherins were proud of owning.
Cordelia was no different to her fellow Slytherins, agreeing that it was a perk of being a Slytherin.
For her, being under the lake was like hiding away from the world and its troubles.
But no deep a lake could ever hide her away from Aileen.
Her brow creased as she brought up again the revealment of Aileen's past. Ever since that day, she had felt increasingly guilty for her brother's invasion of Aileen's mind and for slapping him, guilty for slapping an already abused child. And yet her guilt and pity conflicted with the fear of Aileen's identity and powers.
"What should I do?" She murmured, the lake and its inhabitants the only beings to hear her plea.
She was thankful that the only interaction between her and Aileen was a competitive glare at DADA.
It gave her more time to sort out her position with Aileen.
Actually, she didn't know why she had the urge to place her hand up to answer every single question that was asked-normally she didn't want to draw attention to herself.
She certainly didn't understand the sudden rush of triumph, not for beating Aileen or winning twenty house points, but for the sudden acknowledgment from Aileen-even though it spelt out annoyance from taking his glory at the one or two times Crudwell called on her.
Catching Aileen's attention was totally against everything that was being pointed out to her, from her brother's warnings to her own logical side screaming that it's common sense to avoid Aileen Gaunt.
I told him to move on, so I should move on too. He's dangerous. He's Slytherin's Heir for God's sake!
But the thought of removing Aileen from her life sent a jolt of sadness through her.
Looking back,even though her memories were marked with embarrassment and uncertainty, there was also the thrill of excitement and danger when being with Aileen.
And there was the vulnerability in his eyes as he thanked her for doing what no one had ever done for him- looking after him. It was a small thing, and a deed that she was forced to do, and yet it was something new and alien to Aileen. In that moment she had felt a fierce sort of protectiveness that made her want to befriend him just so he could never feel that sort of pain again.
But fear and uncertainty held her back. Her brother's words echoed in her mind at regular intervals, reminding her that Aileen was more powerful than a normal eleven year old wizard, and such power at a young age was dangerous.
Cordelia shook her head in an attempt to clear her conflicting thoughts and started to focus on her Potions essay,only ever looking up to find a book for reference.
"All the teachers worship him! I mean,the way they talk about Aileen, it's like everyone else is as stupid as a concussed troll!" The outraged voice was coming from the entrance, cutting through the peace of the dormitory. Cordelia placed the name as Juliet Jackson, the outspoken girl who verbally mowed over Professor Tamney.
"He's such a suck up" muttered her companion sullenly.
"I know right! Then again, he's a Ravenclaw...stuck up nerds."
Cordelia found herself agreeing with them, despite her confusion over Aileen. If there was one thing she was clear with Aileen, it was the fact that his preppy academic attitude was a little over the top and was beginning to become annoying.
The girls came in and spotted Cordelia dutifully writing her essay, a stack of parchment on the floor beside her.
"By Merlin's pants, is this your Transfiguration essay?" Juliet demanded as she picked up a seven page essay stapled together.
"Yes...," Cordelia cautiously replied.
"Oh my god, can I just borrow this for one second?" Juliet asked, while her companion, a Mediterranean looking girl peered at the essay,scanning for anything that was amiss in hers. Cordelia nodded.
"Oh, and this is Rosaline Pucey" Juliet carelessly said, plopping onto Cordelia's bed and pulling out her own homework.
"Hi" Rosaline and Cordelia sitimusly said, Rosaline adding a little more after an awkward pause.
"You can call me Rose"
"I'm Cordelia" The raven haired girl politely smiled and finished her conclusion, stapling the pages together with a contented flourish.
"You do know that you're actually really smart?" Rosaline suddenly blurted out after a few moments.
"Oh...thanks" Cordelia said, not really knowing what to say.
"You never answer the teacher's questions in class. Why not?"
"I did in Defense."
"Yeah, but that was the only time! And the Professor basically only called on Aileena-nerd."
"Aileena-what?" Cordelia didn't know whether to laugh or feel sorry for Aileen.
"Aileen is a nerd. We shorten it." Juliet gave a mischievous smile.
"But... If you say I'm smart, does that make me a nerd?" Cordelia asked nervously,not wanting people to call her names behind her back.
"But you don't show off, do you?
We're just tired of him showing off and sucking up to the teachers." Juliet crossed her legs as she watched Cordelia.
"Can you please not make things difficult for Aileen? He...didn't have the best of a childhood." Cordelia bit her lip, hoping that they wouldn't ask her for more details.
Juliet raised an eyebrow.
"You liiiike him" she said in a sing song voice, smirking to herself.
"Do you really?" Rosaline asked in an incredulous tone.
"No! I really, absolutely,most certainly do not like Aileen Gaunt!" Cordelia cried out frantically.
Him and me? That's like expecting a Pygmy Puff to mate with a Blast-ended skrewt. Impossible.
"Come on! You stare at him in class, and I heard that you dragged his unconscious lump from the train to the castle!" Juliet's face was a full imitation of the Chesire Cat.
"Did you really? Wow...That's so romantic and badass- the princess saving the knight in shining armor!" Rosaline clapped her hands and smiled in bliss.
Cordelia refrained herself from smashing her head in.
"I really don't like him! I dragged him from the train because everyone was leaving and he was unconscious! Not because of any romantic interest!" Cordelia started to falter at the smug disbelief on their faces.
"I swear. I. Don't. Like. Aileen. Gaunt! I can even make an Unbreakable Vow that I absolutely have no interest in him!"
She declared rashly.
"Not even one tinsy winsy drop?"
"Not even one little molecule." Cordelia reassured them.
"That's a shame. You two would be such a cute couple!" Juliet's eyes started to light up in amusement.
"The ship name could be-"
"No, Aidelia!"
"There won't be a ship name because I will never go out with Aileen!" Cordelia was positively crimson now.
"Mmhmm. Then why are you looking at engagement rings?" Rosaline demanded, eying the magazines on Cordelia's lap.
"Are you going to make subtle suggestions to Aileen?" Juliet added, a smirk starting to play at her lips.
"No! I'm choosing the rings for my brother, he's going to propose to his girlfriend. Please don't tell anyone" Cordelia finished pleadingly.
"Of course we won't!" Juliet looked affronted at the thought of doing such deed.
"Pass it over, let's look at the options"
The three girls found themselves lying on the carpeted floor, scribbling notes from books and notes-mostly Cordelia's. The only source of light was the green lamps overhead,signalling the late evening. Cordelia,having done all of her homework, was playing a quiet tune on her violin while occasionally answering questions from the two.
Suddenly Rosaline gave a scream, heralded by a shriek from two sources- from Cordelia's abrupt grind on the violin strings and the ghastly figure at the window.
"Aaarghhh!" The girls dove behind their beds,hiding from the crazed figure that was banging at their window with a shark tooth. From its scaly face, webbed feet and tail, Cordelia recognised it as a merperson. It's reptilian eyes were wide and crazed as it banged at the window,screaming at them at an impossibly high pitch while flashing its razor sharp fangs at the terrified girls.
"Why is it screaming at us?" Screamed Juliet,her hands over her ears.
"I dunno, we should run before the damn thing breaks the window" Rosaline shrieked back, already preparing herself to run to the door.
Abruptly the merfolk cut of his banging and screaming, and began attacking another merfolk who seems to be restraining the crazy merfolk using lengths of seaweed and a trident.
"Oh my god, it's a fight!" Juliet came out, her initial fright quickly changing into interest.
Cordelia gulped and peeked from under her bed just in time to see the attacking merperson smashing the butt of his trident on his victim's cranium. Cordelia gave a whimper of pity when she saw the whites of its eyes and the black stream of blood as it slumped in it's attackers arms.
The three girls watched wordlessly as the attacker gave what seemed to be an apologetic salute and swam off,leaving behind a deafening silence.
"That must have been a sick merfolk. The one that attack us," Cordelia said numbly as she crawled out from under her bed.
Juliet and Rosaline didn't get a chance to reply as the door was slammed open,revealing a very peeved off senior.
"What is up with you first years! Can't you spare a thought on those who have bloody exams?" She looked half crazed herself, with dark under eyes and clutching a cup of coffee.Cordelia could almost see the resemblance between her and the crazy merfolk.
"We just got attacked by a merfolk! It was banging on our goddamn window!" Juliet exclaimed indignantly.
"Don't be stupid,why would they randomly bang on a window?Didn't your mother tell you not to tell lies? Now listen you immature twits-"
"Regan,what the hell are you doing?" A male voice yelled from afar.
Regan twisted her face in a sickly smile and called back in an equally sickly sweet voice.
"Nothing!I'm coming back down right this minute!" She sent the silent girls a warning glare and slammed their door.
Silence echoed through the room as the three girls glanced at each other.
"Well,who peed in her coffee today?" Juliet's voice broke through the silence,followed by peals of laughter.
"Her face!" Rosaline hooted,clutching her side.
"Now listen you stupid twits!" Juliet had mussed her hair to a poofy ball while imitating a poor version of the senior,her face twisted in a comical version of a bull.
Cordelia gave a loud snort then quickly covered her mouth in embarrassment,sending them all in another fit of laughter.
"What was that, Cordelia?" Juliet snorted in a pale imitation of Cordelia, sending an embarrassed grin on her face.
"Watch out little piggy, Regan's going to chop you up and eat you for breakfast!" Rosaline screamed as a flurry of pillows landed on her, sent by a wave of Cordelia's wand.
"Ha!" Cordelia exclaimed in triumph before screaming in the same fashion as Rosaline as Juliet tackled her on to the bed and started to rain blows on her with her pillow.
Nevertheless to say, Regan came up again to scream some more, and this time the girls were forced into bed,though their smiles were not tarnished by the crazy senior.
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