All Hallow's Eve l
His Mark
[Knowledge is Power]
31st October 2016
I was painfully aware of the four sets of eyes blatantly staring down at me even before attempting to open my eyes, but nothing could have prepared me for what I was about to see when I mustered up the strength to do so.
I found myself laying on a bed in the far corner of the Hospital Wing, staring up at a blond- red eyed Vampire clothed in wine red silk robes, blood dripping from the corners of his crooked smile, as some sort of undead demon Ninja with long black braided hair, ominous black eyes wearing a bloody midnight blue kimono looked town at me with worried eyes.
"A- are those stab wounds on your chest Daniel?" I managed to croak out whilst desperately trying to hide my obvious bewilderment as I sat up on the bed.
"Told you that it would scare him!" Aberforth whispered excitedly and sat down at the end of the bed.
"Seems more confused than scared to me..." Daniel muttered, as he watched me get out of bed.
How did I even get here?
The last thing I remember before blacking out is Salazar Slytherin's voice from the back of the dark room.
"Is it Halloween already, or do the two of you have something to tell me?"
I asked the two, as I tied my shoes and searched for any signs of the nurse or Momo.
"James found you laying unconscious in the middle of a corridor on the sixth floor."
"I never thought that I would ever say this, but thank Merlin for James."
I said with a light smile, as the three of us left the Hospital Wing.
"Aah! Ngh-ha,ha-ah!"
"Stay still!"
"Aah! It hurts,stop it- ngh!"
"Just hold up ok?"
I was slumped on my bed, my midriff tight as a board, Juliet's foot on the small of my back holding the laces to the corset of my dress.
"I...can't....breath..." I gasped as Juliet firmly tied the laces.
"Quit your whining, it's suppose to be this tight," Juliet replied brightly as she straightened up.
"It's not like you're going to be dancing anyways."
You could've-
"How am I supposed to chase prats away from Rose if I can't even breath?" I demanded,pushing away the tempting thought to You-Know-Who.
"You have a sword, C."
The sword was part of the pirate cosplay Juliet rigged for me, though I couldn't see why any self respecting pirate would wear this-a tight bodice, long flowing skirts that could ensnare the quickest feet and puffy sleeves that could catch on a candle. Under careful instructions I had painted my face white and let my long, dark hair loose so I resembled a pirate ghost.
That probably died of lack of oxygen.
"You look great, Juliet," a quiet voice said.
"Aiyeee!! What in the name of-" shrieked Juliet.
I snapped my head forward, and my mouth fell open.
Standing in the green tinted light stood a painfully thin, pale figure,dressed in a white Japanese kimono, partially stained with-what I hope- is fake blood. Her long bangs concealed most of her face, but a thin stream of red could be seen dripping from her mouth. To complete the look she held a blood stained katana in her hand.
"Rose? Is that you?" I breathed, hoping that it was and not a Japanese phantom.
"Ah, is my costume that realistic?" The thin mouth curved into a smile that could send demons running back to hell.
"Cut it out, you're scaring the crap outta me! What the hell, are you trying to get During to crap his pants in front of everyone?" Juliet demanded and directed her gaze to me, to which I shrugged helplessly.
"All Hallows' Eve, where the gates of Hell open to Earth, and prey on the inhabitants blood! Where mortals can only pray for salvation for Hell's wrath." Rosaline declared in sinister tone, looking very much as though the occasion brought great joy to her.
I heaved a sigh at her theatrics.
"Whatever, you've been reading too much of those horror stories, let's go." I dragged the affronted girl with me and opened the door.
Two minutes in and I'm already out of my depth.
Even in the midst of vampires and werewolves and sexualised pink bunny rabbits, Rosaline managed to freak out every single one who laid eyes on her. Juliet and I directed her to Aileen-ah During's group near the refreshments, knowing that confirmation was needed for During that she was not a blood thirsty Japanese monster.
"During." Rosaline said, tapping at During's back.
"Pucey." Daniel replied with a smile, as he turned to face her- the glamour spell that he used to give the impression of pitch black eyes made shivers run down my spine.
"Let's go, I'm hungry," I whispered to Juliet, though I do wonder if my dress will allow me to eat.
"See you later, Rose, we'll be right at the refreshments if you need us," Juliet told Rose, sending a silent reminder to her.
"It'll be interesting to see how During will handle her, Rose told me that she's going to tell him about her goth stuff in detail." Juliet smirked as we reached the table.
"Oh? Why?" I asked as I thankfully sank into a chair, shuddering at the memory of when I accidentally mistook her book entitled 'Painful Curses and Deaths-Illustrated' for my DADA textbook. I still have nightmares from the pictures.
"She wants to test his balls. If he can stand it, then he's a keeper, otherwise she'll kick him to the curb," Juliet said casually.
"How weird." I muttered.
"Well I never believed in this crap of dressing up in fancy clothes for your first date. A man should accept a woman for her true self instead of a classy front she puts up. So I wonder if During can deal with our Rose."
I glanced over at Rose and Daniel and was pleasantly surprised at the intrigued expression on During's face as she animatedly talked about blood. And...?
"I've always wanted to see a brain dissection! But Hogwarts doesn't have biology or anything like that, did you know that Muggles actually do that in their classes?"
"Wait, you're telling me that Muggles have actual brain dissections in their classes? I mean, I've heard that they dissect frogs and the like...but actual human brains....that would be pretty neat."
"I think it's sheep brains for teenagers but those training for jobs actually get to do it! I've heard that there's a museum for that sort of thing that shows brains with tumors, hemorrhages..."
"I think I'm going to be sick." I muttered as unwanted information about brains floated into my ears.
"A pair matched in heaven," Juliet sighed, though she looked a little queasy.
Suddenly my attention was diverted by a person dressed in black robes, with a mask that resembled a skull. He waved at an unknown person, revealing a crudely drawn Dark Mark.
"How dare he," I snarled and stood up, my stiff midriff forgotten.
"Cordelia, where are you..." Her voice faded away as I pushed past people to reach the offender, steaming from his mockery.
"Excuse me." I coldly said as he reached for a drink.
"Eh?" He said as he turned to me. His figure suggested that he was fifteen at least.
I shuddered as he sized me up, and I did not miss that his eyes lingered at my overly exaggerated hips.
This may have been a terrible idea I thought, realising that with my makeup and high heeled boots, I could pass as older.
"How dare you make a mockery of something that has caused the suffering of hundreds. How dare you make a joke out of someone's pain! Do you know exactly what the Death Eaters have done to the wizarding world you insensitive little prick!" I seethed, though my voice wavered at the end, my whole body trembling.
He stood motionlessly for a while before bursting into guffaws.
"Aww you're like a little kitten all worked up! So cute..." He took a step forwards, causing me to involuntary step back. It was a miracle that I didn't trip over my skirts.
"It is a good costume, don't you think? But I think your's looks you." He took off the mask to flash a sickening smile at me.
I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks as his comment made sense. Embarrassment and anger clouded the quiet warning voice to get away from him right now.
"How dare you!" I hissed venomously and let my hand fly to smack his stupid face.
He grabbed it and pulled me closer to him, causing me to trip over my skirts and land on his chest.
This is not looking good.
"Ng! Let me go you son of a bitch!" I yelled and tried to beat him with my free hand, only to realize with a jolt that it was in his other hand.
"Nuh-uh, kitten, I think you and I should have a little talk alone." He jeered as he pressed his face closer to mine.
I gritted my teeth and raised my knee to hit him where the sun doesn't shine but my knee froze midway when I heard a deep, mellow voice causing both of us to freeze.
"Didn't the lady tell you to let go?" The voice continued with an eerie undertone, prompting both of us to stare at an in Slytherin colours clothed nightmare.
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