Aileen- Priorities
His Mark
[Knowledge is Power]
15th October 2016
Those were the first things that I felt upon regaining consciousness.
I opened my eyes, only to be met with the blindingly bright sunlight flooding the the hospital wing with a variation of yellow and orange tones.
It had been a good call to come here when I did, seeing as I fainted almost as soon as I pushed the heavy wooden door open.
I was met by the worried expression of Professor Neville Longbottom, and the nurse - who in turn assured him that I'd be fine, as if my fainting was an everyday occurrence, just mere seconds before I collapsed at their feet.
"I should probably sleep mo-" I started, just to be cut of by Professor Longbottom, as he pushed one of the curtains around the bed that I was laying in to the side
"That would be a wise choice." He said in a friendly voice- a hint of wory in his eyes, as he scanned my face.
"Professor, if I had known that you were there-"
I started to speak, but was instantly hushed by Professor Longbottom's slight smile.
"Don't worry about it," he started, as I got out of bed, and slipped into my shoes.
"How about the two of us go grab something to eat?"
"After you've showered, and taken your pepperup potion of course." Professor Longbottom added quickly, as he gestured towards the vial sitting on the bedside table.
"Sure, that would be nice..." I trailed off, downed the potion in one go and -the two of us, made our way out of the Hospital Wing.
Twenty minutes later, I found myself having breakfast with Professor Longbottom- or 'just Neville' as he insisted that I call him, in his office.
The two of us sat there, each eating our respective brunch, mine consisting of strawberry filled scones and pumpkin juice, and his of coffee and croissants.
Why did he invite me to eat with him? Could it be that he knows something?
"You're surely asking yourself why I invited you to have brunch with me."
Professor Longbottom broke the- slightly, awkward silence after taking a big gulp from his coffee.
"Does it have anything to do with the plants obvious dislike of my person, and anything that belongs to me?" I asked without looking him in the eyes.
The atmosphere in the- until seconds ago, cozy office had changed into a sombre mood.
I don't like where this is going-I don't like where this is going at all...
And then he started to speak...
I ran.
I ran through Hogwarts corridors as if Morgana herself was out to get me.
Nothing mattered right now, not even the fact that Cordelia had sent Rosaline to return the vial which held mother's hair, no not even that could bring me down from this high of emotions that raged inside me.
I vaguely noticed as I rushed past perfects, teachers, students - and at one point even a fuming Julius, with whom I almost collided with, on my way up to The Room Of Requirement.
I paid no mind when someone called out my name- urging me to come back.
Professor Longbottom, or as he told me; my Godfather Neville had promised that I wouldn't have to attend most classes today- except Astronomy at 9pm, he promised that right after giving me something of mother's.
I held the silver Time-Turner tightly in my left hand, as I pushed the door to The Room Of Requirements open and let Momo enter before me, then soon as the door closed and vanished behind me I sank to the floor, the loud thumping of my heart threatening to defeen me at any moment.
What's with these feelings?
I was overwhelmed by a mixture of sadness, happiness, excitement, longing and fear, as I looked down at the silver Time-Turner that was now resting on my lap.
I finally had something of mother, something that I could potentially use to reach my goals.
This is supposed to be a happy moment, I could meet mother with this, heck I could even meet father if I felt like it.
But in the back of my mind I felt a sense of danger as I traced the fine lines of the Time-Turner with my finger, a voice screamed at me, ordered me to hide mother's last possession as far away from here as possible.
And as I sat there, staring at my only chance to ever meet my parents a voice suddenly manifested from the other side of the dark room and said;
"Why are you so scared child?"
And then there was only darkness.
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