Aileen- Owls and Letters
His Mark
[Knowledge is Power]
13th October 2016
"Care to enlighten me on why the bloody hell you don't own an owl?"
Aberforth asked for- what felt like, the two-hundred time.
The- slightly too pertinent for my taste, blond haired Ravenclaw, and myself were currently sitting in front of a large window on the ground floor, waiting for Daniel, who was helping Simon, James and Gregory with the correct way to cast a transfiguration spell.
Simon had decided that his time was better spent with twiddle dee and tweedle dum, seeing as we- in his mind, had become something like The Three Musketeers, and he felt as if he was D'Artagnan the fourth musketeer, who only mattered when anything interesting, or important happened.
Transfiguration with Hufflepuff had been rather uneventful- if one ignored that one of our transfiguration subjects ate another one.
Our task had been to transform various animals into shoe's, which I managed on my second try- however, when I transfigured it back into a Campbell hamster, the little- formerly hazelnut brown furry creature turned a dark blue color, and developed a strong liking for birds, which prompted it to make a wild dash towards one of the birds in the back of the class- that resulted in it being eaten by said bird, and made one of the girls burst out into tears.
It was exactly five o'clock, and the three of us- Aberforth, Daniel and myself, were currently walking up the stairs to the Owlery.
"We were only allowed one pet, and I wasn't about to leave Momo behind...," I muttered absent minded, in response to the blond Ravenclaws continuous complaints regarding my current owl situation.
After yet another series of annoyed head shaking- and mumbling about dragging me to buy an owl during Christmas holidays, Aberforth went in search for his white feathered, blue eyed snow owl- that he lovingly named, Screecher.
Now, Screecher was an odd one to say the least. Aberforth is convicted that he must have fallen out of the nest after hatching, because the blasted thing made it its mission to land exactly on top- or inside, of its masters breakfast every time that he delivered a letter.
I was shaken out of my thoughts, by a hand being waved in front of my face followed by- a completely out of place, sentence.
"Earth to Lee, please resume communication with the rest of the crew." Daniel continued his unusual wakeup call, whilst Aberforth stood a few feet away and tried to tie my- trough much pleading, and begging on his part, written letter.
"I told you to stop calling me that..." I muttered absent minded, my thoughts wandering off towards Cordelia, and how she had desperately tried to hide from me this morning.
My attention was once again brought back to the present, as Aberforth lightly slapped me on the back, motioning for me to follow them.
It was eleven forty-five when Daniel finally came back from the shower, he was wearing a green and white striped pajama.
"I feel like a peppermint stick!" He said looking down at himself.
"And I look like a three!" Simon retorted, gesturing to his grass-green pajamas.
"Well guys, Aileen and I put you all to shame." Aberforth announced proudly, gesturing at the green snake that was imprinted on his silver pajamas, which obvious suited his taste.
"Seriously Gregory, why did you even waste your toothpaste?" Simon asked Gregory, who was already filling himself up with chocolate again.
"But I'm hungry!" Gregory complained and continued to eat his chocolate.
I was yet again shaken out of my thoughts by my roommates banter, just to realise that I had been sitting on my bed- Ollivander's letter lying open on my lap.
That only made me remember that I still hadn't spoken with Cordelia since last week's happenings.
"I'm so not looking forward to tomorrow's Potion lesson." I muttered as I let myself fall into the pillows.
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