Aileen- Little Munchkin
His Mark
[Knowledge is Power]
15th September 2016
"To my understanding, most of the female student body would disagree with you," I muttered to myself as Cordelia tried to catch up to me.
"Yeah? Well they're blind...and annoying as hell." I heard her mutter angrily under her breath.
"I've been meaning to ask you something," I started and looked over at her slightly flushed face.
"What's with all this commotion around the Halloween feast? Gregory and James, my roommates won't shut up about it." I asked Cordelia, in hopes that she could shed some light, into the whole food and costume discussion that the two oafs kept having lately.
"Oh that. It's this new thing that the Headmaster introduced- a Halloween themed party. I dunno if I want to go." Cordelia looked down on the floor.
"My roommates mentioned that it's obligatory... Apparently it's going to be somewhat Muggle style, with costumes and all that..." I trailed off as we stopped a few feet next to the stairs that lead down to the dungeons.
"I dunno...Juliet and Rosaline will probably make me go...but I'll probably just go as the music," Cordelia gave me a sheepish smile.
"I hate dancing...and loud, obnoxious music...which I hope I don't have to play...and crowds. Especially crowds," she added thoughtfully.
"The school orchestra doesn't normally play during All Hallows Eve, I heard that one of the former Headmasters- Dumbledore was his name, used to have a skeleton band play on that day," I said and stepped aside for some sixth years Slytherins to pass by.
"Eergh. I hate parties." She reiterated.
"I really don't want to go."
"Neither do I, but it's compulsory..." I sighed in annoyance.
A Halloween party really wasn't in my plans, I had wanted to go back to the room of requirements....
"I mean, why do they make it mandatory for students to go? It's not benefitting anyone,or their education or anything! No and they complain about kids being wild and nuts when they are encouraging it! The logic of some people astounds me" she raved while waving her hands energetically.
"Well according to the Headmaster they're trying to strengthen inter-house relationships....Apparently." I continued boredly as yet another group of Slytherins passed by us, eyeing us suspiciously.
"That doesn't mean I have to like it" she replied sullenly. We've reached the entrance of her common room when she spoke again.
"Meet me at the entrance of the Great Hall tomorrow after class, I'll introduce you to the student leader,and then you can audition. Oh! Do you want me to show you a room where you can practise?"
"That would be great..." I trailed of and smiled at her.
"Great. I wanna hear you play," she turned away and started to head to the staircase.
Why did we just walk all the way down here if she wanted to hear me play?
I thought to myself and rolled my eyes in annoyance as I followed her up the stairs.
I followed her into a storage room that I had never really noticed until, now and closed the door behind us.
Inside where a dozen different instruments, most of them I had never even know existed, and in the middle of it stood A 9ft grand piano.
I turned to Cordelia.
Her posture changed to a more relaxed state and she had a slow contented smile on her face as she gently touched the piano like greeting an old friend after a long day.
She did a little twirl and smiled gently.
"This is my favourite place in Hogwarts."
"I can see why..." I smiled gently at her and slowly made my way towards the grand piano, slowly running my fingers on the mahogany.
"Its beautiful," I murmured to myself, hoping that she didn't hear me.
"My thoughts exactly. It's got a beautiful sound too, better than any muggle made piano.
Why don't you try it?" Cordelia pulled a chair over and watched me expectantly.
Darn it, she heard me... I thought, as I propped the lid open, sat down on the piano stool and opened the Fall board.
I placed a finger on the starting key, stroking it slightly. The note sung pure and true as I played Pachelbel's Canon in D, a song I could easily remember.
A few bars in, I heard the clear sound of the strings of a violin harmonising perfectly with the notes I was playing. From the corner of my eye I saw Cordelia had stood up and balancing a violin on her shoulder, her arms rubbing the bow slowly and her other hand vibrating slightly as she pressed on the strings. Her eyes were half closed as her violin sung out its melody while my hands flew over the keys.
As I played the closing note, a feeling of deep melancholy washed over me.
This must be how my mother felt on the day she was forced to place that spell on me..., I thought, clenching my hands into tight fists, making the piano let out a deafening sound.
"Hey" A light hand touched my back hesitantly.
"You ok?"
"Fine..." I managed to say through clenched teeth, and closed the Fall board.
"Can we go now, or was there something else that you needed from me?" I asked without looking her in the eyes.
What was that feeling? I thought as I patiently waited for Cordelia's response.
This is exactly why I don't get too close to people...why am I even here in the first place?
"Yeah. Look...if things are hard...oh god" she took a deep breath in and reopened her eyes.
"If things are hard at mother has a few contacts,well, er if you need any sort of assistance so to speak...I'm sure I can persuade my mother..."
"Home..." I laughed dryly and glanced at her, with what I presume must have been an icy glare judging by how she quickly avoided my eyes.
"Don't worry, if I ever have problems at home, I can always get in contact with the remaining family that I have..." I trailed off, the feeling of regret trying to sneak in.
The only reason I'm here is to gain knowledge, knowledge and power!.., I chanted over and over in my head, trying to forget the look of pity and pain in Cordelia's eyes.
"And also, I wanna say...Imreallyreallysorryforslappingyouwhileyouwereunconsciousand-" she started to ramble, growing a brighter shade of red with every indistinguishable word.
"First of all I didn't understand a single word you just said," I said, my eyes still focused on the door that would lead me to freedom.
"And secondly," I continued, this time turning to face her again.
"You're face is bright red..." I trailed off pulling both her cheeks as she tried to pry my hands off her face whilst making indistinguishable sounds.
"Do you think I don't know that! Do you have to point that out every time I blush! And get off!" She managed to slap my hands off, rubbing her scarlet cheeks mutinously.
"I just said that I was sorry for slapping you while you were unconscious the other day, it wasn't necessary, and it was a mean excuse to-"
"I know what you said," I cut her little speech off and grabbed my school bag up from the floor.
"That was payback." I continued with a smile and poked her still red cheek before making my way to the door.
I was interrupted by a firm poke in the head by a pair of floating drumsticks.
"Consider that returned" Cordelia retorted with a small smirk playing at her lips,her wand outstretched.
"You don't want to mess with me little munchkin, I know what colour your bras are!" I called over my shoulder before closing the door on a deeply mortified Cordelia.
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