Aileen- Knowledge and guilt
His Mark
[Knowledge is Power]
6th September 2016
On Tuesday after breakfast, I entered a wide and bright room.
The Charms classroom.
I sat on the first row and placed my materials on the table.
The students became dead quiet as soon as Professor Dreely entered the classroom.
I looked up and my friendly smile disappeared, facing the well-known professor, seriously.
I didn't like Professor Dreely.
I didn't like him one bit.
He was the only one who had seen the authoritative, boastful and arrogant me, when he had given me my acceptance letter months ago in the Orphanage.
None of that of which I showed in school, here I was polite shy, and eager to learn- which wasn't exactly a lie...but not entirely my true self either.
I had shown the Professor too much, opened too big a gap and I wasn't willing to let it happen again.
''Good afternoon.'' Professor Dreely smiled looking at his class, his eyes lingering on me for a few seconds longer than necessary.
''I am Professor Luke Dreely.'' He smiled and some students followed suit.
''I hope you're enjoying your first week!''
The students agreed happily, some nodding or just smiling at the Professor .
''That's good! And I hope you're dedicating yourselves enough to your studies, even if it's only the start of the school year. We should not leave everything to the last minute! After all, empty minds rot the soul!''
The students looked at each other trying to suppress their laughter and I sighed wearily.
''Today we will be practicing the levitation spell! Grab your wands so that we can start.'' Professor Dreely said happily and everybody grabbed their wands and the lesson began.
''Well done everyone! But I do suggest that you all keep practising that spell, well except for Mr. Gaunt who did a marvelous job at levitating his feather, everyone else's barely even moved. Five points to Ravenclaw.'' Professor Dreely announced at the end of the lesson.
I waited for the other students to leave before walking up to the Professor.
''Professor Dreely? Could you please give me some more information on the levitation spell?''
I asked without looking the Professor in the eyes.
"Of course Aileen, how has your week been so far?''
''Great,'' I answered with my quill and parchment in hand, just waiting to write down some notes.
''Why is it that you don't look at me Aileen?'' The Professor asked looking at me intently.
''Because you always seem to want to read my thoughts Professor, and I hate it when you do that.''
They remained silent for a while after that, until Dreely broke said silence with his friendly voice.
''What do you want to know?''
I made my questions which were answered, and filed nearly two scrolls, front and back until I was finally satisfied, and walked off happily to my next classes.
It wasn't until that afternoon when I was heading to class that I saw Cordelia again.
She wore her black robes with a tie and other details with the colors of her house, and was sitting a few seats away from her fellow Slytherins.
I looked over at Cordelia, holding my books pressed closely to my chest and my school bag slung over my right shoulder.
I should apologise to her...I just wanted her to stop crying and to scare her brother off..., I thought whilst walking over to the front of the classroom, then proceeded to sit down in the front row and waited anxiously for the teacher to arrive.
A middle-aged witch entered the classroom, closing the door behind her.
''Good morning, students. I'm Professor Eleanor Crudwell and will be teaching you Defense Against the Dark Arts.'' She said whilst writing on the board.
Professor Crudwell stopped and watched the students anxious faces that looked back at her for a moment and smiled.
''I know you must be nervous about your second, or in some people's case first day of classes but don't worry. I guarantee you will get along and become great witches and wizards.'' Said the Professor, her eyes lingering on me for a little too long.
''Please turn to page 10. '' She said to the class.
I quickly did what I was told and absorbed every word with tremendous attention, I was so focused that I almost didn't notice Cordelia staring at me from two rows away, almost.
I wrote everything down that was said and now and then, when the teacher asked the class something, I pulled by memory and remembered what I had read in books.
At the end of class the Ravenclaw boys no longer looked at me weirdly, because thanks to me, Ravenclaw had gained 50 points.
"Good job Gaunt." one of them said as he walked out and left me behind.
I noticed that a certain Slytherin girl had stayed behind, trying to pack her things away as slowly as possible, but I ignored her- or rather tried too, it was really easier said than done, especially with her glancing at me every two seconds, I picked up my quill and parchment and walked over to Professor Crudwell just like I had done with the other Professors.
"Professor...?" I said with a fake shy voice.
''Yes?'' Professor Crudwell turned around and the first thing she noticed was a beautiful pair of mismatched eyes and a beautiful shy smile stamped on the boy's face.
''Oh! My dear boy!'' She smiled.
''What do you need, Mr. Gaunt?''
''Oh...I would just like some more information on what we have learned today...''
''Well, aren't you a bright young boy! I sure hope that you'll continue like this until your seventh year.'' She smiled happily.
''Thank you Professor. Now... if you could please give me some more information, before I have to go to my next class?''
"The gytrash is a spectral beast that usually takes the form of a black dog, though sometimes a horse." A wavery voice rang through the classroom,though the steel in her voice was audible.
Cordelia glared at me challengingly before continuing.
"It is nocturnal and preys on travellers in packs of five to six in dark forests at night, which I believe gave rise to the common curse and legend of the Grim. They would fade into the night before starting their attack, in which they would allow themselves to be visible before biting their prey once, then they would retreat and bite again until the victim is dead. It only takes two or three bites to kill an eleven year old." She paused, tearing her glare away from me to look at Professor Crudwell.
"Shall I continue, Professor?"
Was that supposed to be an indirect threat?, I thought whilst looking at the overconfident looking Cordelia.
At least she's not avoiding me anymore...but she seems to have completely ignored what I said to her before I left..., I thought whilst scribbling down the information she had just shared, which judging by the delighted expression on the Professor's face was spot on.
"Because it is a nocturnal spectral being, a simple wand lighting charm or lantern can repel,or even make the Gytrash disappear." Cordelia finally ran out of steam and started fall back into her meek self.
"Did- did I miss anything?"
''That was brilliant Ms. Yaxley!'' The teacher exclaimed excitedly.
''Did you write all of it down Mr. Gaunt?''
She asked turning her attention back to me.
I spent a few more seconds writing down everything that was said and looked at the Professor with my signature shy smile.
''Thank you Professor,'' I answered the woman and then turned to face Cordelia who immediately averted her eyes.
''Cordelia's explanation was perfect.'' I said using her first name for the first time- well second time if you count the time I used Legilimency on her.
"Thank you Professor, I've done the homework."
She marched up to the teacher's desk with four pages of parchment, a small satisfied smile playing at her lips.
''Ah yes, thank you Ms. Yaxley, I'll correct your work together with Mr. Gaunt's.'' The Professor said happily walking over to her desk and organising some papers.
I watched with amusement as Cordelia gapped at my seven page essay with barely concealed outrage, then gave a gracious smile to the Professor before storming off.
Throughout the day, it had been the same with the other teachers.
The theme that the Professors were whispering about, was that one new student.
A bright young boy, friendly, shy and oh so dedicated to his studies.
Those who had not yet had a chance to meet him, were eager for classes the next day.
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