Aileen- Exploring
His Mark
[Knowledge is Power]
3rd September 2016
I woke up to loud purring, and fluffy white fur tickling the side of my face.
'Seriously Momo, if you don't move I'll mess up your fur.'
I threaten my oh so adorable feline
companion through the mind link that we share.
I actually managed to get someone to transfigure Momo into a cat in Nocturn Alley.
I couldn't have brought him to Hogwarts otherwise, seeing as snakes aren't on their list of permitted pets.
Speaking of Nocturn Alley, I still can't get the way that that Malfoy fellow- as he had later introduced himself, backed away from me as we bumped into each other on our way out of was as if the contact with my chain had burned him....he actually waited until I came back from my mother's vault to talk to me, and offered to help me, an offer that I gladly accepted.
If I recall correctly Malfoy was a Death Eater...well this Scorpius Malfoys grandfather was a Death Eater.
Mother had described him as someone who didn't bother her-contrary to the other Death Eaters...
And since I didn't have access to the Gaunts family vault just yet, I found out that my dear father had made arrangements to have my mother's family vault merge with his before he-passed...
The whole thing is about two times the size of the Great Hall, filled to the top with a variety of coins, treasure chests, dark objects and a three foot long boa constrictor.
According to the Goblin that brought me to the vault, the snake had tried to eat some of the workers when they tried to move the contents of the vault two floors up to my mother's family vault.
I should probably check on my vault again on the next Hogsmeade weekend...
That reminds me that I need someone to sign my permission slip... I should probably find out if my dear mother has any living relatives, seeing as the person who signs it is supposed to be blood related to me... if there are still any living members of the Hayes family that would also mean that I won't have to go back to the Orphanage.
''I still can't believe, that the Headmaster believed, the lie I told him about the orphanage. I'll still have to check what the nurse's problem is, she was incredibly rude towards me...''
I murmured to myself as I got out of bed and nonchalantly pushed the purring ball of fur off of it.
'You won't be a Riddle anymore by least not by name, your blood is a whole different matter...but I do understand why you'd rather be a Gaunt. Bedsides, there would be no way to connect that you could be Tom Riddle's son given that he died in the 90's and you were supposedly born in 2004.' Momo's hissing voice suddenly invades my thoughts as he follows me to the bathroom.
'I can't thank dear mother enough for having used that time stopper spell on me. She practically gave me a free pass to be whoever I want to be.'
'I really just want to know what-' Momo's thoughts suddenly broke off as I took of my shirt.
'What we're trying to accomplish by waking up at 3 in the morning on a Saturday...'
'We, my little furry friend, are going exploring.'
'And get caught by the janitor in the process.' He said with a slight yawn.
'Oh, but there are ways around that,'
I shared through the mind link whilst fiddling with the shower head.
'Ways...?' Momo questioned slightly surprised.
'Yes...Nothing can go wrong with a little help of Prongs, Moony, Padfoot and Wormtail.'
I said with a mischievous grin, as I finally managed to turn on the shower head.
Twenty minutes later, I sat showered and dressed in a seemingly deserted corridor staring at the map.
'Aren't you supposed to say something to activate it?' I heard Momo's voice as he placed his furry paws on my arm.
'Don't you think I've tried that already? It won't show me anything!' I sighed in frustration.
What was I supposed to say again?
''Mischief managed?'' I mumbled more to myself than to the map.
No reaction.
'We don't have all night! Someone might walk past at any minute...'
Said Momo whilst walking up and down the corridor, looking for anything suspicious.
'Do you think that I should write something on it?' I asked Momo, whilst twirling the quill I had just taken out of my cloak pocket between my fingers in frustration.
'Yes, do that.' He hissed back.
'Maybe it will answer you.'
''Maybe it really will...'' I mumbled to myself, and scribbled a quick: 'What are you?' On the map.
To my utmost surprise the map started absorbing the ink and made a soft hissing sound.
'I don't think that-' I started to think to Momo but got cut of by the noise of approaching footsteps.
'It's some old man and a cat!'
Momo said from the far left side of the corridor.
'Distrackt them, I can't get caught out here!'
I thought back at him as I quickly picked up my belongings and walked in the opposite direction of the janitor.
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